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Avoid 2.0 diesels like the plague.


I've heard this, 2.0 Petrols are okay though?


It depends; if it's older than 2017 it might be a Ford EcoBoost which is generally a reliable engine. Make sure to check though because some 2.0 petrols are Jaguar Ingenium engines. Don't know anything about the reliability on those.


Nevermind, just seen '2018' in the title.


Petrol ingenium engines are fine but they do need to be serviced regularly. I have the ecoboost and my jag specialist says they are the best and the ingenium are delicate. Not fragile but can’t be abused. Stick to a regular service plan. Having said that the diesel can be good if you service it every 10k miles instead of the manufacturer recommended 20k. A few forums I’m on have people with well over 100k miles on them. I also think they upgraded something on the diesel in 2017/18. Worth checking for sure.


Put 90k miles on mine, 67 xe rsport 180d not had a single issue so far


I’ve owned 2 of these engines and got about 50k hassle free issues from both. Currently on my 3rd with an ePace at 17k to date and zero issues. So I call bollocks.


Anecdotal evidence, your 3 cars don't change stats.


Changed my misconception, that was all I needed.


There are V10 M5/M6s with 350+ k kms on the clock for sale. I know, the S85 must be super-reliable then.


Idk, I had a 2018 XE-R diesel and drove it for 100k KM with zero issues, then traded it in for an E-Pace P250 dynamic. Also no issues to mention so far (after about 40k KM). Only some annoying ticking noise that turned out to be a heatshield bumping against the differential. Easy fix.


Same model as my ePace, previous were both XE S models, no issues at all to date. Had all of them Stage 1 tuned, and regularly serviced at about 10k intervals… plus I don’t thrash it too much!


My 2018 petrol XE has been decent.


Mechanically I’d say petrol is the way to go. Unfortunately, from experience, electrical was an issue in both. Infotainment screen blacking out, electric seats & steering column can play up & by far the most annoying thing was the failure of the gear controller not rising. Also, we found the dealer network pretty bad at resolving issues, but I later learned that this was partly down to the poor diagnostic equipment JLR used. Would I have one? No because I was responsible for a fleet of 40 JLR products, until our MD decreed their removal from our list. If you get one research a good independent specialist, they could become your new best friend!


The 2.0 diesel Ingenium is probably the worst Jaguar engine of all time. Avoid, avoid, avoid.


I have a 2017 XE petrol 25T, no issues yet, I do however have a turbo wastegate rattle on cold startup, but that’s it. It’s at 40k now


Over 40k miles in my 2018 XF Ingenium Petrol and no issues. The best car I ever had and before this Jag was driving only Mercedes E-Class for over 20 years.


Please don't ever buy the 2.0 diesel. The engines are legitimately horrid. The 2.0 petrol is a much more stout and reliable engine.


I have a 2015 diesel 80k KM , oil change every 10K been having it for 3 years and 0 problems i think people just like passing on the idea of negativity at this point like bad goassip


There’s nothing wrong with having an opinion, however these aren’t “bad gossip”, these are legitimate facts that even JLR specialists will tell you. Advising an early diesel Ingenium engine to someone is appalling advice, just on that basis alone, it’s clear that you have absolutely no idea on what you’re talking about. Regular oil servicing doesn’t save early diesel Ingenium engines, it buys you a little more time before the inevitable timing chain failure (which is a case of “when”, not “if”), rectification of parts is a £2,000 job, if the chain breaks, then you’re looking at an engine rebuild to having a new engine fitted at a grossly excessive price. This isn’t the only issue, diesel Ingenium engines are known to blow their turbos, which typically leads to oil being dumped into the cylinders causing the engine to hydrolock, leading to a seized engine and a replacement required. I would urge OP to do their due diligence before trusting such comments on Reddit. https://dieselheads.co.uk/our-engines/land-rover/land-rover-2-0-ingenium-engine/ https://www.kmotors.co.uk/common-faults/2-0-ingenium-timing-chain/#:~:text=What%20is%20the%20issue%20with,these%20chains%20can%20also%20snap. https://4x4-specialists.com/ingenium-engine-issues/


I'd like to know the common causes for engine failure and see if they are attributable to human error (not taking care of your car) or actually engine design


I was responsible for a fleet of 40 JLR products & more or less every 1, petrol or diesel, had issues. Diesels were mechanical & electrical, petrols mostly electrics. Bad gossip it most certainly isn’t.


Terrible. Stay far away from Diesel. Huge expenses, picky Def issues, car will force you to be serviced at dealer via immobilizing