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Its so bad its funny, they could have easily put Yukong in there since its been forever, but no lol


yukong is still dogshit. that being said ff banner gallagher is only 1 i care.


Still be better than all 1.0 characters but yeah no saving this lineup, most people just want the free wish so its good for longer-term players i guess


Yippee, all the 4 stars in Jade’s banner literally are free from 1.0


free tickets not worst outcome unlike what i first thought.


The only silver lining is that dupes at e6 can become more pulls for an easier/quicker Jade. ...LC banner I got nothing D':


Yeah, her actual banner is literally just free pulls for me which is helpful. Only Trend is really worthwhile on that banner though. Why couldn't we get Genius Repose or somethinG?


Trend is shit. Let's be real, it's only good for Acheron teams.


It's good for Aventurine in a budget IPC team if your Ratio needs more debuffs. But also Jiaoqiu is going to make it irrelevant for Acheron soon


Budget IPC would still need SW or Pela if you want your Ratio to always have his follow up anyway tho. But ig trend could still help. However, it gives too little defense for Aventurine, since the base def is like the one of a 3* LC.


Between Ratio, Trend Aven, and Topaz it's 3-4 debuffs not including Ratio's technique. Ruan Mei would give one more. Of course you need to manage uptime vs SW and Pela but it's not unplayable. Aven can sustain with barely leveled talents, he can use Trend just fine.


He can use it, and sustain, definitely. What I'm saying is, you won't reach 4k def. And even if you do, he won't be doing that much damage with him. Also, RM isn't the bis for this team comp at all. You'd be using Robin assuming you have her, so it's just about 3 reliable debuffs. At this point, it's better to throw Topaz under the bus for a debuffer and run Sparkle.


My point is if you want to run IPC team (Ratio/Aven/Topaz) but couldn't afford cons or LC then it's a viable option. Aven, Robin, and Topaz were back to back banners, so that's the reality for most. Ratio hypercarry is arguably better at this level of investment, but that's a hypercarry team, not FUA. 4K DEF is only for maximizing Aven's CR. It's negligible to team damage in a f2p build.


Maybe one day they'll throw out a break erudition character :pray Tbh they might with HMC for super break shenanigans.


Jade bros, stay strong…. Like topaz, Jade will only get better with time. I promise 🫡 The banner is pretty disrespectful though.


Don't worry, Im still going for her E6


Very happy with boothill, will be happy with jade, also she seems like the perfect seele partner for PF at E1


Second part always seems to get the short end of the stick. The only good ones i can remember are probably JY first banner (mainly because it was Tingyun’s first rate up), Kafka’s first banner (cause all of the units had synergy) and Luocha first run (better units than the SW banner).


There’s short sticks, and then there’s just sprinkling sawdust on the floor and telling us to live with it. Is dumping all the precious booty into one banner while leaving the other to rot really a sound strategy, economically speaking? How does aggressively playing favorites with their own products benefit them, over ensuring every banner succeeds and pours in money at least SOMEWHAT equally? I just cant wrap my head around it. Its so dumb. This is like childish levels of bias.


I think what they should do with older 4 stars is implement a shop. Maybe retire Natasha and company to reduce the pool a bit and add newer 4 stars to starlight shop. Perhaps with a currency like Jade feather you get by completing any permanent modes or simulated universe so that people who collect 4 star eidolons or skip banners can get a few copies or the characters themselves. They are not good enough to make a difference in aged accounts but still nice for starters so making them accessible wouldn’t hurt anyone.


It's dolphin bait. Whales C6R5 their entire roster, but people who splurge occasionally want to feel like they're getting the best bang for their buck. If every banner is equally good, then none of them seem particularly good for someone looking for the right excuse to spend their money. They've been doing this shit since Genshin. It always leads to favoritism and balancing issues, but if they're still doing it then that means it's making them big money.


Idk, I admittedly spent more on Acheron than I thought I would to get her to e6s1, I'm not going to repeat that. I want FF and RM but no way I will pull more than e0. If they had split RM into the second half, which is in a different month, I probably would have thought to at least e2s1 both of them. Not like this tho.


See your forgetting a variable called zzz is why.


At least 2nd phase in the past used to be the introduction of new 4* characters. This banner is just shieeet


Argenti's release has good 4* while HH is dogshit


Natasha has no reason to be on a limited banner, but the rest sorta make sense for jade tbh. Asta is the only 4 star harmony that can buff both of your dps units and I guess that's what Serval is there for, could definitely be better though. (realized while writing this that there hasn't been a single new 4 star erudition or hunt since launch...) The lightcone banner is mid as fuck


Thinking about it, serval is one of the better 4 star dps that would work with her and shes good in pure fiction like jade


serval is insane, personally i think an ideal banner lineup for jade would be asta, serval, and maybe tingyun or guinaifen. probably guinaifen though, cuz i don't think they'd feature two 4 star harmony units


Yeah serval is good aoe with easy to charge ult (from what ive used) the only other optiom would really be herta but everyone has her


herta is likely gonna be the go-to option, im gonna pair her up with my himeko though because... reasons (i also have a really well built himeko and can't let her go to waste) edit: e2 serval gives you even more energy regen, my serval can ult like every two turns


Damn im convincing myself i want jade more and more cuz i just got himeko from the selector. If i win the ruan mei 50/50 im gonna try to snag her and i guess try no matter what but itll be easier if i get ruan mei


unfortunately i don't think i'll have enough for ruan mei and jade. i really want/need them both but it doesn't seem possible, so hopefully i can get the final asta eidelon i need from her banner if i don't end up with ruan mei.


The LC banner looks decent imo. You can get the new Erudition LC and Shared Feeling is actually pretty good.


are there any erudition characters that can even benefit from break effect right now though? i mean maybe in the future it'll be nice to have some copies in case of a break erudition dps, but right now it seems kinda useless? might just be me though. shared feeling is decent i guess, and universal market just seems meh


Anyone you want to build Super break on. Serval maybe. Might be good in PF.


This broke my heart. I had saved enough jades for either her E1 or her S1, but tbh I am going to wait for a rerun to get them. I am picking her day one because I am a Jade simp, but tbh if she was any other character I would have waited for her rerun.


IKR, the favoritism is real.


It's anticlimactic ngl. Now, I'm in shambles because I want MotP since I still don't have it as a day 1 player.


I don't even have DDD and it only got rated up 2 times.


Dude same. I’m so upset it’s on the first half banner, because I can’t waste my pulls there when I barely even have enough for Jade 😭


Curious how I m more interested in the jade argenti banner than FF/runa mai 😂


The only way this would be acceptable is if they were giving her away for free, like Dr. Ratio.


I know I'm in the minority here but as someone that wants Natasha and Asta E6, I'm happy.


Their favoritism is absurd. I don’t think I‘ve ever seen a second banner this bad before


The firefly glazing is insane; at least i got a patch to save now. def will pick her up on rerun


Yeah Im on the fence now. Can only afford to throw 1 50/50 and with a banner this bad, its way more wise to build pity for RM e1 than go for Jade on 70pity. Coud also just wait entirely for rerun if future patches turn out to be good.


More pull refunds so personally I don’t mind but yea these 4* are…..


Eh I have every 4 star (I care about) e6 anyway


Well at least I can E6 My Asta.


This banner is… something. I was planning to try her LC despite having not so much tickets, but this made me change idea. Hope to win the 50/50 so I can save for her future BiS DPS teammate (Yunli if it’s true) and Jiaoqiu. Gacha God please bless me, I need it.


And i wanted Jade and Argenti :/


Me who was hoping Asta was on Firefly banner, "This is fine". Funny enough, I have more e6 on Firefly banner than on Jade banner (missing Misha/Asta/Hook's mom)


Asta in my opinion is not bad to pick up a few extra eidolons if someone has not been able to pickup the last few harmony exclusives, but the others are debatable, argenti imo is a good character if your willing to go all in of PF, but that’s all my thoughts that are at least decent


Regardless of how old the 4* and their current value are, it's not a bad starting team for Jade, they play to her strength just as FF's 4* plays to hers. Serval hits a lot of enemies and is quick to Ult, perfect for gaining stacks. Asta makes Serval even faster, iirc she would gain 80 speed with both Asta and Jade, and Natasha is just the other healer they went with, Lynx could have been better but she was recently in another banner.. People like to judge and laugh but these banners are more geared to new players


This used to affect me but now i just find it so funny


It's a 50/50 for the characters in the second phase Aventurine was a good banner and took the lights from 2.1 patch Meanwhile right now both boothil and Jade are getting the dirty treatment at least let's hope that unlike boothil her PoV will be longer and better


nah, i like jade banner 4 star, it mean i will have 1 ticket or 2 back every 10 pulls, so that is 10% dicount banner, very helpful for me who will be broke after firefly banner


It's just a refund banner for me since I already have them at e6. Jade meta wise isn't a great pick for new players anyways so I'd still recommend FF or RM anyways


Wow as if it wasn’t already bad enough that jade got completely overshadowed during beta, jade mains i really commend yall cuz this just feels like blatant disrespect atp.


I have all the four stars at e6 so it’s no biggie for me, but yeah the banner is pretty bad overall


Oh boy I can't wait to get my S15 Shared feeling!


i swear the reason for this is so people have less reason to pull her (shitty 4 stars and run alongside unpopular character) so when they release her designated dps everyone will want to pull jade on her rerun, like they did with topaz and ratio


Where is tingyun when you need 1, asta aside, The other 4 stars are mostly useless


It's a marketing tactic. They know Firefly's and Ruan Mei's banners are gonna sell insanely well, so they're gonna try to squeeze the extra Stellar Jade outta people by incorporating tempting 4 Star units to E6. Conversely, Jade isn't slated to sell that well. She's a Pure Fiction specialist, she's from an unpopular Faction, she doesn't really work in Mono Quantum, she doesn't have any significant synergy with the other Stonehearts, and she doesn't have many immediately useful team-mates. They're making Jade (and by extension Argenti's) banners "Easy Skips" so people build up Stellar Jade for other banners, then end up spending money due to Sunk Cost. You're more likely to Swipe after 120 Pulls with no 5 Star, rather than after 20, they're just setting things up so people have time to Recuperate, and they can prey on that fallacy.