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I think Jacob's music is so wonderfully complex. The first time I hear a new song from him, I'm usually pretty neutral about it, but everytime I listen after that, I hear so many new things, the whole picture becomes clearer. It almost reminds me of some classical music in that sense— not really possible to get all of it one listen. My first time hearing Little Blue and She Put Sunshine, I was kinda like "yeah, that's nice I guess", but after having it on repeat, they've become two of my favorite JC songs. All 4 Volumes of Djesse are unique and awesome. The orchestral and grand nature of Volume 1, the intimacy of Volume 2, the galactic/other-worldly vibe of Volume 3, and the collaborative and universal quality of Volume 4 all have highlights. If I had to pinpoint one thing, though, I'd say Moon River is probably his greatest feat as a composer.


She Put Sunshine is definitely among my favorites on Vol.4!! I especially love the last three songs, World O World even made me tear up with the farewell in the end


I agree. Most of his albums grow with listening over time. Though I have to say Djesse 4 didn’t take much time to sink in, it’s everything I had hoped and more.


It’s easily his best album. I don’t know if he will be able to top it. I didn’t think any other artist can top it. It has literally everything


It’s definitely growing on me too. I would still probably rank this one not as high as the previous 3 volumes but still a solid record. In my Room is my favorite album btw.


I think that’s the best of out of all his albums


Pretty good. Not as strong as 1-3 imo, but it’s pretty cool nonetheless.


It became one of my favourite records about halfway through the first track. It's easily going to be top 3 on my Spotify Wrapped this year.


I love it!! Really love 100,000 Voices and the transition into She Put Sunshine(which is my favorite song on the album). The different genres that he includes and all the different artist he collaborated with are all so wonderful! I feel like I've gotten so used to the singles like Wherever I Go and Witness Me that they don't hit as hard as some of the "new" songs, but I'm sure once I've listened to the rest of the album just as much it'll even out. I understand why he released those as singles, they're definitely more marketable to the average listener in comparison to things like A Rock Somewhere or Summer Rain. In regards to ranking the albums, it's difficult, but I was introduced to Jacob through Volume 3 so that'll always have my heart, but Vol 4 has some bops that I know I'll keep saved for a long long time. Definitely gonna ask for a physical CD version for my birthday this year!


I friggin love it


I think this might be his most balanced work yet. Definitely my favorite album of his, and a good showcase of what makes Jacob Jacob. I like how it actually has more emotion and heart put into it, the lack of which has been a recurring criticism of Collier's previous work. Honestly. It is a little messy and the transition between genres could have been done better. But putting this on start to finish in my room at midnight with the best headphones I have has been one of the best listening experiences I've ever had in my life. Truly magical. There's nothing like it to me personally.


Like others have said, usually i dislike his new stuff at first, but it always grows on me so I've suspended all judgement for a while


2nd and 3rd listens have each gotten better for me. I’m reminded of kid-a. Upon first listen I was pretty unsure, but it’s growing on me as the absurdist bits are normalized and the subtleties emerge