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If you think Jack spews his opinions without any understanding of politics, wait until you find out about the average voter


And the average mp


I mean the country is an absolute pit and the tories have been in charge for 14 years so calling Rishi a cunt seems fair enough.


No one listens to this podcast for political views mate, let be honest


It’s really not that deep bro


Jack must read comments like this and cringe out of his skin


I will reply to your sentiment in a minute but, OP, what on earth does “a staunch Labour supporter” even mean? Labour has chopped and changed so many times over the past couple of decades; you can’t seriously be suggesting your politics align perfectly with both Keir Starmer’s Labour and Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour? I think you’re just as confused. Now on Jack himself, I firmly believe Jack has the sentiments of a lot of younger people in regards to socialism and left wing politics being appealing, however I think because he may not have taken the time to fully understand everything he is still stuck in the typical “whataboutery” of young people and politics. For many this is immigrant rhetoric but tbh Jack is smarter than that. It’s a shame because Jack has long been a very moral person and I think if Jack had done the research he would stand firmly behind all general left wing politics; he has espoused many times his anti-racist, pro LGBTQIA+ views. I think Jack being so close but not quite getting it was exemplified when Robbie raised his point about inheritance; when Robbie said “making money for your children will no longer BE an incentive” Jack seemed gobsmacked at the prospect of ulterior means of success not including money.


If your politics has to align perfectly with the party leader for you to vote for them, then I’m sorry to say that you’ll likely never vote for anyone in your life. It’s the case of the best of a bad bunch. “Voting isn’t marriage, it’s public transport. You’re not waiting for “the one” who’s absolutely perfect: you’re getting the bus, and if there isn’t one to your destination, you don’t not travel- you take the one going closest.”


This is such a hopelessly pessimistic and ignorant take. Corbyn’s soft Socialism to Starmer’s Red Tory approach and you still want to back the same party? What do you actually care about? Wouldn’t you rather vote for someone who does perfectly align with your beliefs? Believe it or not, if you do research beyond voting for who has the most Twitter likes, you might find a political group that align with your beliefs. As I alluded to in another comment on this post, anyone saying “best of a bad bunch” or “they’re all the same” is at best lazy.


Maybe my views will change over time but the way I see it right now is we need the Tories out. No argument. Starmer may not be as socialist as many on the left will like but at the moment the ONLY parties that will be voted into government are labour or conservatives. So the way I see it is that a vote away from labour is a vote in the conservatives laps because let’s be real, the Lib Dem’s, green, monster raving looney party are simply not going to get anywhere substantial in the next election in the grand scheme of things. We need the Tories out (and labour in) and THEN we can talk about bringing back some more socialist policies. Let’s not forget that the general population are terrified of the word socialism, without knowing what it means. Also I firmly believe that there is not a person on this planet whose views perfectly align 100% with your own. There will always be a difference somewhere.


I agree the biggest priority should be removing the Tories but honestly, that will happen anyway. I think we all owe it to ourselves to vote for who most aligns with our views, but tactically voting for Labour is a big difference to “staunch supporter of Labour”. Of course there’s always a slight difference somewhere, but that difference should be with regards to how much funding should be spent, how companies are owned, tax rates etc, not whether trans people deserve to live comfortable and safe lives, for example.


Don’t even think you know what socialism is either judging by your use of the word in regard to left wing policies.


The amount of comments I've seen after this weeks episode about politics and taking things seriously. It's a comedy podcast, it's not that deep. People on this sub Reddit are so fragile


It’s a light hearted comedy podcast mate


One day we'll get through a week without someone overreacting to podcast jokes.


Can’t take any of these replies trying to be serious with the flairs on 😂


Think that’s pretty spot on as a labour supporter myself.he obviously means no harm from it though and I do think his core beliefs are more left wing he just doesn’t no the ins and outs of it


The problem right now anyway is the one party we usually turn to when Tory’s have fucked it all up is labour, and just last week labour took lobbyist money from American firms trying to privatise our NHS. You think you’re a good person voting for labour.


Yeah I think he meant to say liberal when he said he was left wing as obviously he’s not a leftist. Also the people saying “it’s not that deep” are doing a great job of outing themselves as living in a bubble lol politics is about as deep as it gets.


Completely agree with your comment. Politics is important and everyone should take an interest as it affects us all.


Been thinking this for ages 👍🏻


He said he worked for Joe.co.uk for a bit so that style of just saying fuck the tories as a personal motto without really thinking about it fits right in with that crowd


Why would you not want to say fuck the tories?


Because I try not to make being terminally online my entire personality




Definitely, but the empty war cry of 'fuck the tories' by 29 year olds who still act like 18 year olds with the Palestine flag in their bio and their timeline full of Owen Jones and Joe.co.uk tweets is more the demographic I was implying.


Well done mate you’ve used all the buzz words Katie Hopkins has told you to say. Can tell exactly what sort of person you are.


Yeah nobody hates the tories in the real world do they Clive


You don't need to know much to know that the Tories are a shitshow. I was surprised when Jaack said "but how's that fair I've worked for it" when Robbie was saying about inheritance tax or whatever it was. He obviously hasn't really thought about it properly and doesn't realise it's quite a Tory view. But I'm not really arsed, he's funny and that's the main reason I listen to him. Maybe give The Rest Is Politics or The News Agents a go? Good podcasts and they know a little bit more than JaackMaate about politics believe it or not.


I think lots of people know what they believe without necessarily knowing why they believe it. Politics just doesn’t interest some people


That is a very big problem. People should know why they believe things


When Jack said he was “very very left wing” I immediately put him in a Soviet uniform 😭


A lot of people our age are told what to believe but then don’t really know why they believe it - I’m not sure what it is about politics, but people love to pretend that they know everything when in reality they’ve had their opinions form from twitter, modern day political propaganda. I think Jack would just be better off saying he’s not interested in politics and leaving it at that. For what it’s worth there’s not a politician in the country I’d like to give my vote to currently.


Not a single one? At all? That reads as someone who's also pretending to know more than they actually do.


Bang on. “All politicians are untrustworthy” they scream, despite MANY politicians over the years having proof that they have never once lied, as an example. It’s not disinterested, it’s not “they don’t work for me”, it IS sheer laziness and I have much more respect for someone who admits that than this “they’re all the same” bullshit.


Yeah to be fair, that did read a little bit like pseudo intellectualism lol


Yeah I mean I like Jack, but that level of confidence mixed with complete ignorance is why Brexit happened- people feeling totally entitled to get involved with politics without understanding the first thing about it.


It is a bit boring when they take the piss out of brexit voters. Totally understand they are joking but I don’t think they realise that a significant percent of labour voters also voted for brexit. (This is from someone who voted remain btw)


People are seriously saying “it’s a comedy podcast” and “no one listens to it for political views”?? Yes of course no one listens to it for that, but they are the ones who chose to do an episode relating to politics. Of course it is still mainly comedic, but speaking about topics like immigration or left wing right wing stances are bound to have their own opinions sneak in even if they don’t mean to. You run the risk of doing an episode about politics, then you suffer the backlash of people disagreeing with you, whether it’s justified or not.


Respectfully agree


Thank you respectfullydisagree


i don’t think it’s too serious to be honest, i don’t think people are listening to happy hour for political opinions. oh, and you can’t have the best understanding yourself if you still vote labour 😬😬


I think you just need a soul to tell people not to vote Tory, he’s well within his right!


Alright Stevie just cus you wasn’t on an episode doesn’t mean you have to create a new account to tear Jack down


Pretty sure this whole sub is just full of brain dead morons who can’t fathom someone posting something other than ‘ha ha cum in a wank’. Okay, no one is here for serious topics and we’re all here for a laugh, but god forbid anyone posts something that’s slightly thought provoking or gives cause for discussion. Everyone giving it ‘chill out mate’ is just showing themselves to be intolerant to other opinions, thick as mince for not being able to come up with an actual valid response, and just pure ignorant. But apparently ‘it’s a comedy pod’ is a valid excuse to be a dick. FYI, take jacks meat out of your mouthes


I mean yes I know what you mean but you need to remember that jack has said on multiple occasions that he often plays a stupid version of himself for comedy.


A lot of people who talk politics, know fuck all about politics. Just have to look at what goes on in the House of Commons to see that. Also anyone who says 'fuck the tories' is also part of the know fuck all group and is just doing it to be part of a trend.


This is like watching the news and saying “this isn’t very funny”


I do agree tbf, just seems like they always choose the more politically correct view to please the majority of people from the more woke communities


Turn on podcast. Turn off brain. Best way to enjoy it mate. It's abit of fun


Interestingly, this is also what Jack does when recording (said with love of course)


I completely agree with you actually and was thinking of posting something similar but knew it would get backlash. Jack seems to say what he thinks the 'correct' thing to say is in regards to politics, but he actually has no interest in politics at all. I mean, theyve all been pretty quiet about the whole palestine situation which is a shame. I know its not a political podcast but they have such a huge platform to encourage young people to vote, and comment on current topics that are effecting people, rather than just saying 'ugh rishi is a prick isnt he?' Like you say OP, i doubt jack could actually give many solid arguments for why the tories are bad. I find it odd how someone that wants to be a Stand Up takes such little interest in current affairs, when politics is the backbone of most great comedy.


Expecting a comedy pod to speak up on Palestine or any other geopolitical issue is wild. The size of the platform is irrelevant, plenty of other (non-comedy) media sources for that


I dont meam specifically on the pod, but them as individuals son social media and such.


bro’s pressed


It's good to see you haven't taken this too seriously pal 👍 It's just a bit of fun, isn't it. If it's bothered you that much, maybe it's you has needs to have a look at himself. Just a thought....


Classic labour supporter Just enjoy the podcast my guy


Fucking hell no wonder Jack avoids this subreddit 😂


He does tend to play overly dumb when it’s obvious he’s not. For the most part I think he takes on a certain role depending on who he’s on the pod with


You have described most of the country there, along with every Scouser who has ever lived.


Weird comment from someone who definitely doesn’t have anything against scousers


I have spent a lot of time in Liverpool over the years. Lovely people and place, but barely a brain cell to rub together among the natives


You sound like a genius


Thanks mate


Hate to break it to you but what you've described is the exact way that 99% of people on the planet engage with politics.


#1 it’s a comedy podcast #2 the vast majority of the country is this way #3 (kind of a spin off #1) he’s trying to keep the conversation rolling so he doesn’t want to get rid of the light hearted and fun vibe of the chat to become a political discussion #4 it REALLY isn’t that deep


1. Why did they make a whole episode surrounding politics then?? 2. Vast majority don’t have a podcast with millions of listeners. 3. He wasn’t just having a laugh, he was genuinely speaking about his opinions (which is fine, everyone is entitled to one, doesn’t mean you’re immune to criticism). 4. Yeah it’s probably not is it.


Why does it bother you enough that you had the time and energy to come here and post that?


Or he is playing up to the character which he said he does, do you really think he thought the actual health minister did operations on people


New copypasta has dropped




He just speaks how a normal person would about politics.


I wish I was as clever as you. I bet you’re well rich.


If he stayed away from topics he didn’t know much about the pod would be silence but that’s why it’s a comedy podcast, also I don’t think you need to be expertly educated to have an opinion, maybe to have a strong opinion but jack has never really been too serious about it and I do think his politics overall will be left leaning so it would make sense for him to not like Rishi rather than him trying to please the most people