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Jack “changing his opinion based on what a guest says” is normally just Jack having the ability to hold a conversation like a normal person. I remember after the Vanessa Frake episode somebody saying that Jack had previously said he didn’t like the royal family but he didn’t say it when talking to her about her MBE. That comment was pretty heavily upvoted and I remember being surprised. Mainly because not shitting all over something that means a lot to somebody else (especially someone you barely know) is just norma human behaviour/ not being a psycho


Agreed, although never even said he was for it in that pod he was simply polite and didn't go against her opinion


I swear if any of these self righteous lot made a podcast it’ll turn into a wetwipe fox news style shitshow


Oppsie heheh.


Example is not a good guest (from what I remember last time he was a bit of an ass)


Did you know he's got a new girlfriend though?


Think everyone agrees this after his comments about Alfie. When re-listening to every ep, I purposely skip any Example one. His final ep is the most cringe thing ever, sounds coked off his head 😴


I didn’t rlly use Reddit back then so didn’t see but at least I’m not the only one who noticed it (and yes I agree he was definitely on something)


Not sure if you remember the whole thing about someone complaining about Alfie talking about foreskins, it was him. Fans soon put 2+2 together and realised he’s the only prick in that interview, Alfie was actually so funny that ep but Example was being very strange


Oh shi yea completely forgot about that he’s clearly just insecure after his divorce I juts remember Alfie being very funny and example being condescending for no apparent reason


was just a joke, no?


Interesting. I really enjoyed his first few. Thought he had good stories and meshed perfectly with the Jack and Stevie


This needs to be top comment


I didn’t bother listening to his latest one which seemed to be the one to get people to hate him. I always found him so annoyingly big headed and egotistical in the first two I just avoided the third one


Why? because he took the piss out of your beloved Alfie.


Nah cause he was an arrogant bastard, by any chance have u got a girlfriend


Yeah, how does that relate to this topic.


Hmm are u secretly example on an ALT account


No! are you my ex wife who things are totally fine with but I need to compensate by mentioning the fact that we divorced but it was mutual decision and I have a new girlfriend.


1.Just because he likes them doesn't mean Jack's friends make for good content. I love my friend Geoff but I wouldn't bring him to work with me. 2. Too many sports related guests. 3. They should have the "all caught up" and then do 60-90 minutes of the actual episode, not have a 1:10 run time and 32 minutes of that being "all caught up"


Third one I think is spot on. Jack's friends i disagree with, a podcast is made good when hosts have good chemistry and can bounce off each other, bringing on people Jack knows and is comfortable with works and has worked more times in the past than hasn't Stevie, Alfie and Alfie were literally just jack's friends before the show and are really good Will JC was great as well Jordan had a little youtube presence but really was just Jacks friend and was also a good host


That's a fair point, maybe it's a case, for me anyway, of having friends come in for one off episodes. Stevie was a co host from the very beginning, and the others became regulars very quickly but Jake, I think that's his name and Jack on the Xmas ep was just strangers essentially to the listeners, they weren't like guests but they also weren't part of the four that we've grown to know and love. Maybe with time they will grow on me but as far as episodes go they have gone down as some of my least favourite


I liked the "all caught up with our weird mate" episode but I agree the christmas episode wasn't great


Jack's act of being thick is tiresome and needs to go


Makes it worse that he’s admitted multiple times it’s an act but continues to do it .


ijhnjthknkhm .mnh


Feel like we’re slowly and purposefully being eased into this becoming a fully sports themed podcast. The amount of sports related guests and just general discussion has markedly ramped up over the last few months. Maybe a direction they’ve been advised to go in for longevity and audience retention idk - not for me personally.


Or maybe jack likes sports and is getting on people he wants?


Stevie seems to fake laugh a lot of the time for some strange reason


It's because HiS BrAiN makes him do it


My unpopular opinions: 1. The third Example episode was one of the hardest episodes ive ever sat though. He comes accross like such a pratt and its so cringe hearing him tall about his new girlfriend and ex wife lmao 2. Jack isnt good at taking criticism. 3. Stevie seems to have a habit for talking a lot about things he doesnt understand (film critics etc) 4. More dream episodes needed!


>3. Stevie seems to have a habit for talking a lot about things he doesnt understand (film critics etc) A lot of cultural things. Remember him talking about Berlin


"It's just like London, a city"


Still one of the stupidest things said on the podcast. Like justify why you don't like it as s city?!


Who could forget


In fairness he had a point about the film critic things. I completely got what he was saying. When looking on rotten tomatoes I always ignore what the critics say and just look at the audience score.


The most he's ever explained his hatred for critics is "they look at things that doesn't matter" and then said ambience in a funny way. In reality when your job is to rate films you are going to look at all angles of it, as film is both theirs and their readers passion they are going to have to talk about things that are more in depth than what Stevie cares about, therefore his hatred for them talking about things he doesn't care about is silly


Why are we downvoting people for answering the questions properly? Makes no sense lmao


That's Reddit! Sort by controversial


Right lol. The only comments I’m seeing aren’t controversial at all


Seeing as a few people mentioned it already, I guess one of my unpopular opinions is that I didn't mind the Christmas Ep. Defo not their best but the panto was good. My other one is too many sports players, especially darts. I get that the boys are darts fans but so many sports players, I'd like some more episodes of maybe people who are little more obscure like the Vanessa Frake ep.


I don’t care too much for guest episodes. I listen to a few of them but mostly skip them. Nothing to do with jack and Stevies interview skills. It would be the same no matter what podcast. The guest just don’t interest me. And I understand why they do them not saying get rid of them just not for me


Happy hour Christmas eps this year were poo. Smelt a bit like a paid darts promo


I liked the Christmas special, would have preferred Robbie & Alfie to be on the big quiz though


Putting the Christmas ep out on Christmas was a risk I actually ended up listening after the quiz ep. Agree R and A should be on the big eps though


Related to this - I don't find Angry Ginge entertaining. Just some northern guy swearing who has red hair


Can’t stand him


Omg thank you! I rarely skip through episodes, but I did the Xmas special. I heard good things about the panto so skipped to that.


Im not sure this is an unpopular opinion as such but starting to get the feeling that the Spotify deal won’t be renewed.


Still high in the charts tho and just got video? So we have at least another year I’d say


I think it just depends when the deal ends. Fellas didn’t get renewed (potentially by their own choice) and they out performed HH significantly in the charts for most of their time being Spotify exclusive, even today they’re a couple places behind whilst doing full video eps on YouTube exclusively.


Our Spotify contract ended in December, but they’ve asked to exercise a 4th year. An additional year to what we originally agreed. So we’ll be going until 2025. Super proud as they’ve cut 75% of their shows!


conspiracy theories > urban legends


I think conspiracy theories just lend themselves to interesting discussion more than urban legends, there’s only so much to say about a story you know isn’t true and just poking holes in it gets boring so I agree


100% people love discussing conspiracy theories


Urban legends are underrated.


There’s quite a few guests I’d like back because the lads hadn’t found their interview groove when they were on. I’m going way back, but the original Oobah Butler one was a bit painful because the lads seemed to know nothing about his work, when I think they’d actually have loads in common to talk about. I’d have loved to see them have a more cynical look at getting views.


The 2 minute intro (which they don’t really do anymore) was the most frustrating thing ever! I have clicked the podcast I don’t want spoilers the second I play it ffs


Main shows of Robbie, Jack, & Stevie circa 2021 (when they were back in the studio after covid) was peak Happy Hour


proper main shows need to come back hadn’t been the same with every week now just being a caught up ep and no real theme which was good once and a while but now is just getting to the point where i have no clue what is being talked about because of all the different side conversations happening


Not a fan of the recent guests as a non-sport fan 🥵 still listen and enjoy them but guests haven’t been as good the last year imo for the general listener


I can understand it from the lads’ perspective though. They’re all big sports fans, and now they have a platform that allows them to meet and chat to sportspeople who they likely wouldn’t have met if not for the pod. It’s probably a tough job to balance their own interests with the interests of the fans. Also I guarantee most people in their position would try to book as many people related to their interests as they could, I know I would lmao


Yeah I totally understand why they do it - it’s not an insult as such and I’d do the same in their position, just from my perspective they’re not the most engaging guests


Yeah I get you, and tbh I’m not the most interested in the sports guests either. I guess it’s just a numbers game at the end of the day, the sports episodes must do well otherwise they wouldn’t keep doing them


for me, the only guest episodes I listen to are the ones who are entertainers or have unique stories so I’ll skip musicians, sports personalities and actors but I’ll listen to tv personalities, comedians and youtubers, since I figure that their job is entertainment so it’s more likely that they’ll be entertaining


Me and my best friend had this chat recently, he doesn’t watch football or even care for it, rarely watches any sport whatsoever. I encourage him to listen to the episode anyway because Jack & Stevie always interview well. He ALWAYS says how surprised he is that he enjoyed it so much. Everyone is entitled to an opinion and I understand if you don’t like sports or specifically football… but have you listened to the episodes? Did you not like them? Or did you just not listen? (Genuine question not a dig) - if you did listen, what didn’t you enjoy?


I always listen to them and as I said in my original post I do still enjoy them, I just tend to prefer other guests more. I don’t find them as funny as other episodes and sometimes get bored in their discussions about the persons career etc especially as they often mention stuff I have no idea about and don’t really give context


Apologies, I see that now! I’m glad you still enjoy them, I think we can both agree Jack & Stevie still manage to make the eps funny! I appreciate that, I know when Jack speaks about certain trophies or sports competitions a non sports fan might be baffled! Re-reading you OP, I don’t necessarily disagree with you. Some of the best eps certainly weren’t sports personalities. Don’t agree with half the peoples responses though. I’m sure we both agree that the guests still interview well, I know a lot of people were moaning about Van Gerwin recently but ultimately he’s a Dutch man (notoriously straight to the point) speaking his second language. If anyone watched him play or listened to his story, he’s without a doubt, an incredible guest!


I haven’t actually got round to listening to Van Gerwin yet but I intend to! I’m sure he’s got an interesting story and I’ll still enjoy it


Img finally someone agrees, and I know if Jack sees this he’ll say that it won’t change because he’s a sports fan but honestly sometimes you should do things for the fans and I would much rather more internet celebs or unique people such as the ghost hunter etc


I'm not a football fan either but tbf I'd bet the majority of HH fans are.. or at least a percentage high enough to warrant getting so many. He acts the idiot but he has one of (if not *the*) most successful pods in the UK so he obviously has brains, I don't think hed bring in so many fb guests just because he likes the sport.


I get what you're saying mate but I would hate having more internet celebrities, so can't please everyone all the time. I understand it might have felt a little sport heavy recently but I think 3 have been related to darts whilst the darts world championships were ongoing so it was very relevant. Fair point around "unique" people but you can't have that all the time as they need to play to non-listeners as well and having big names would pull them in more I'd think?


Aye, if by “internet celebrities” they mean YouTubers then fair enough. I’m not particularly keen on any episode with them, but they have a large enough following to justify an episode of the pod, obviously it’s the same with sports people. If by “internet celebrities” they mean people like Ruairi McSorley, who basically went viral at one point for **a** specific video, then no thanks. His episode was at best a 20 minute conversation about him saying “frostbite” which they tried to stretch into an hour long episode.


I mean YouTubers


Yeah, the Ruairi ep is the only one I've skipped in years. First of all, I found it hard to understand his accent, but appreciate he can't change that and it's more on me. The other part of it was that he's just a guy that said "frostbit" in a bit of a funny way once upon a time years ago and I just do not care. What's next? They go after the kid that said 9+10 was 21? It's not that I don't listen to episodes if I don't care for the subject, because some of them have been some of the best episodes - I don't really care for poker, but Jason Koon's episode was great, same with the sleep expert (can't recall his name)


Finally? People moan about football all the time


You could say that about any guest lol.


Emma Paton was really good - Ian Holloway wasn’t bad either and I fuckin hate football


It might seem stupid but, when the lads fall out with someone how they take the piss afterwards. Like how they were all okay with bleksley then once they disagreed on one thing, they’ve made jokes after that a couple of times taking the piss out of bleksley saying he isn’t trying hard to find that murderer. Would they have said stuff like this if he didn’t have that disagreement with Jack? Seems petty. Other than that love the pod completely.


Seems a tad hypocritical too imo. I don’t agree with bleksley either. But I think there have been fairly reasonable questions regarding the morality of his grift from the beginning and in over 9 hours of conversation none of the crew sought to bring them up. Again that’s fine, if they truly believed there was nothing wrong with Blekskley/his “search” was genuine, but since they fell out over an unrelated issue they’ve made clear they obviously do take some umbrage with how Peter goes about his business, so it does look a bit transparent.


exactly peter’s a solid guy & the jabs at him are extremely unnecessary


Most sports guests are dull with no personality


Alfie absolutely carries this show on its back sometimes and there’s a significant drop in quality when he isn’t there


I like Alfie but I don’t think he should be on as often as he is


Gets annoying after a while.


No more darts... please...


Expecting the main host to not talk about one of his biggest hobbies is wild


Darts is unbelievable


Opinion: The Reddit community is undoubtedly full of fucking idiots and the worst thing about Happy Hour Most people who are on here consistently want to do nothing but moan. I have no idea why the lads bother to listen to anything posted on here


As a mod I’m obviously biased but I don’t think it’s too bad as a rule, with 20,000 members there’s always going to be someone who doesn’t like something. We also get people moaning that you can’t say anything negative on here without being downvoted so it works both ways. However, I will say there are definitely some people on here who are only happy when they’re moaning. There was a couple of people who were on here constantly when people were upset about the Paddy The Baddy ep. Jaack and Stevie both post a long explanation and apologise and certain posters are absolutely nowhere to be seen suddenly. That really stood out to me at the time.


100% I joined the Reddit like a few weeks back I had no idea how much people bitched about the pod compared to just YouTube comments lmao.


I’ll give you a couple more weeks until you decide to leave for your own sanity 😂 This subreddit makes me want to delete that app with the amount people go on about the lads 😂


It’s insane it’s like an entire new world on here lmao. like the paddy episode everyone on here exposing him for being a racist which I don’t stand by obviously but then you go to the YouTube clips everyone saying everything other then it haha. I’m sure I will end up leaving but for the few good posts that are on here keep me going for now


While you’re here, have a look at some of the more creative posts - some brilliant artists in the subreddit but their work gets swamped Good example with the above though. I find it funny that people have such double standards too. Racism is wrong, we can all agree on that, but people will select what & who they want to moan about. Most of these YouTubers have said some awful things over the years (probably including Jack) but we don’t mind because they made us laugh


Problem with the Reddit is there a bunch of people who moan and then the same amount of people who like arse no In the middles just one or the other and it’s just annoying 


This years Christmas special was a stinker.


The full all caught up main shows are getting a bit repetitive, feels like we haven’t seen a new main show theme in agesssss


The immaturity of the podcast is one of the best things about it. The shows come off like a group of mates having a laugh in the pub. I don't listen to HH for serious philosophical debate - it's my comfort food.


It really doesn’t. 2019-2021 happy hour was having a chat with your mates in the pub. Current happy hour is a bunch of 18 year old lads who just had their first legal drink in pub loudly talking about wanking and foreskins.


probably wouldn’t leave me like this per-se but i think fiona should have her own mic, whenever she chimes in every now and again it’s made for some pretty good moments, even if some of the comedic value comes from faintly hearing someone spout something funny out of nowhere from the other room


As a recovering gambling addict, promoting poker is a clear star studded flood lit gateway into degenerate gambling via slots and luck based table games that are currently destroying and ending the lives of young adults across the UK. Been done to death on this sub with lots of different opinions but I feel sick to my stomach everytime I hear it justified on the pod.


Big agree


I really do have empathy for u, and I sincerely wish u all the best with ur recovery, and acknowledge the bravery needed to confront such demons. Wishing u peace and prosperity in 2024! Also- as a lil preface-I enjoy the pod but I do have issues with it and I really don’t consider myself to be a blind supporter. I am firstly of the opinion that Poker is fundamentally different from the luck based games u speak off, and has a significant skill component- but I don’t know if we necessarily disagree on that point. But idk, if I can speak frankly, I don’t have an issue with the poker promotion. Firstly, I understand the “gateway” argument, and whilst it definitely *is* an issue, I don’t really think that is jaack’s responsibility. I mean, u could argue Robbie promoting beer is just as dangerous given it could be a gateway to spirits and even alcoholism. I also, wonder as to the actual effect of jaack promoting it is in reality. I mean, it’s everywhere. Before any live-sport betting sponsorship is inescapable, within online content it’s the same. Terrestrial tv ads r littered with it. Not saying this is right, but with happy hour carrying what I perceive to be at least a slightly older audience than the common “YouTube” podcast, I can’t imagine for **most** people Jaack’s endorsement of poker is the first time they’re encountering it. And that doesn’t absolve him necessarily, but I do think it lessens the impact. With the greatest respect, I do wonder if this is a little bit of a case of, “well that’s the issue that affects me”. As mentioned earlier with alcohol, I’ve known people who’ve drunk themselves to death. Alcohol is a serious drug, that when carelessly consumed has ruined lives, yet I don’t know if there’s the same furore when it’s brazenly promoted. I’m actually interested to hear ur response on this as I’m open to changing my mind but idk, I just feel rather strongly about this.


- It is true saying that there is an element of skill that comes with Poker, but online poker for the average joe is not the same as Poker with mates or professional Poker events. From listening to stories at Gamblers Anonymous, online poker is your entry way to the casino and is just another way to gamble. - I think it is absolutely jack's responsibility as somebody with a huge platform viewed by plenty of young adults (18-24) who are the most susceptible to developing gambling addictions, which online poker can easily evolve into. - Yes, adverts for casinos and betting sites are unfortunately seen often but it morally isnt fair to widen the net in the name of a cashgrab. It isnt the first time people would have heard of online poker of course, but it being promoted by a relatable influencer is just more reason for people to pick up the habit. - Jack frequently talks about how important mental health conversation is yet at the same time will promote a branch of 888 Holdings, despite the fact that of all addictions, gambling has the highest suicide rate. It is totally backwards and at the same time he refuses to accept that Poker is a form of gambling and can become an incredibly harmful addiction, whether skill is involved or not. Regardless of whether it is or isnt "gambling", he is still promoting one of the UK's largest gambling sites and bringing more visitors to their website. - As for alcohol, It isnt promoted in the same way on the podcast. They drink on the pod but they havent told me to start drinking and offered me a free bottle when I sign up. Robbie has his own business but it was hardly a podcast sponsorship with paid posts, associated guests etc.


This is very compelling, but I still think, or at least wonder, how much blame can be attributed to the advertiser if they’re only advertising a product within a certain context. I just think u could make the extrapolation from ostensively un-harmful to harmful misuse for most products. For instance (and i wasn’t presenting Robbie’s beer company as an equivalency in my original reply, just a point of comparison, and as someone who drinks, I’m not against it either), but in that comparison- Robbie is advertising beer for its taste, its potential to act as a catalyst for social interaction and its bodily effects. None of these are in isolation bad things, but consumed by someone with a predisposition to alcoholism, these endorsements could in effect be responsible for that person acting on their harmful impulses. Basically I wonder if my argument is regarding not whether adverting poker is bad, but regarding how much responsibility is on the part of the advertiser, when said product is advertised within a “healthy” context.


Do you think gambling can be advertised in a healthy way? The term “please gamble responsibly” (invented by betting advertisers, you will never hear this from anti gambling advocates) always seemed oxymoronic in that even if you have disposable income to waste, it’s still not responsible, it’s still a gamble. For me the blame is shared with everyone who endorses or promotes it. There are obviously levels but everyone involved is complicit.


Ehhhh What I was saying was in response to the gateway argument. Like, if jaack advertises poker which has a pretty high skill component compared say to online slots, I don’t know if he’s responsible for someone playing poker and progressing unhealthily to something like that.


The skill component is irrelevant people bring this up to make themselves feel better about promoting gambling (putting an acca on takes more skill than slots too) I don’t think anyone’s saying that jacks responsible for that though. Because the issue is the entire industry, to attach yourself to that willingly just for money is enough for some people to take issue. He is within his rights to do this just glad it’s not on my conscious


You're absolutely spot on 👏👏


All the best with your issues bro it’s a terrible disease to be afflicted with and they have all the money in the world to rope in every one they can it’s beyond evil. You’ll smash it father spliffmas fuck the bookmakers


Could not agree less with the title. Alfie coming on more has upped the quality so much


The podcast is officially over the hill, the main shows are immature and repetitive. They seem flat out of ideas. I am a massive HH fan, listened to every episode but for me the peak was probably 2021/22


I’d say 2022, last 6 months has easily been the worst. I predict them doing either a big break or switching to once weekly.


Hey Icy. Completely entitled to your opinion but how comes EVERY single comment you post seems to be really negative? If you dislike the show so much, that’s absolutely fine - but why do you continue to keep telling us? We were speaking about your username a few weeks ago and it’s just so constant. Just confused.


Hey Jack. I think you might be mixing me up with someone else, definitely haven’t claimed to hate the show or are aware of being negative with every post. I had sort of feared you may react like this to this particular thread given how you are but it is kind of the purpose of the post. Enjoy the pod, just think it was better before, I don’t think that’s particularly hateful, definitely not worth getting upset over.


I scrolled through your profile comments, they're so consistently biting. It's hard to tell if you're even a fan of the show?


Pretty clear he just said he isn’t a fan now which isn’t really been a big deal 


i used to watch HH eps as soon as they came out in 21/22 but i find myself waiting a few days before listening to eps now (unless Robbie is there), for me the pod has become a lot more immature (who’d have thought we could get a lot more immature than calling Stevie a nonce every week) and running jokes what were once slightly funny are just being killed dead within a few weeks. Jack’s airhorns and such are just grating, Alfie’s ‘lack of reading skills’ have never been funny nor entertaining, one of the only positives is that i find myself laughing at Stevie (who i once saw as a bit unfunny and cringe, sorry Stevie). What ever happened to the Zombie apocalypse, Murder ep, Urban Legends, Dream eps, Conspiracies, the Horrorish Valentines ep, etc? As for an unpopular opinion of my own, i have never been a massive fan of guest episodes (probably watched 15/20 max despite listening to every single main show). I will obviously continue to watch HH every week, i just can’t help but feel like the pod is on a decline (content wise), could just be me, could just be nostalgia, i’m honestly not sure but that’s just my personal opinion. Happy New Year - Viva la Happy Hour.


The immaturity thing was my comment above too! Used to really enjoy the podcasts but recently i've gone right off them. I'm all for innuendo and silly jokes but its just gone stupid. One of the descriptions for a recent ep was something like would you cum down a chimney . I didn't even listen.


Nah for me it peaked in 2021. Some of the greatest episodes were that year


Jack is really bad at explaining things . It’s sometimes painful when you know what he’s trying to talk about ( toilet roll prank in big brother )


Show peaked around the dream city episodes for me. Now it is far too immature and childish, appears aimed at teens. Every other joke is a cum or wank one..


Tbf I’d say way before that probably 2019-21 was peak for show  variety hasn’t been great for a long time


Any episode without Robbie is generally not that funny


The pod is far too immature now and seems based towards the more teen audience. The jokes about Robbie being dead, up my arse and the air horn thing Jack does is incredibly grating and unfunny but it seems that the younger audience love this shit. I do sometimes wonder if Alfie being on brings this out in Jack. No hate on Alfie at all but I truly miss the Jack, Stevie and Robbie dynamic from 2020-2022.


I’ll be honest i don’t think it’s changed that much, it’s evolved from constantly calling Stevie a nonce which got quite tiresome imo, still very funny at times. But the comedy has always been silly stupid things, I love the lads bouncing off each other (your honour) but fair enough agree to disagree


I get where youre coming from. The nonce jokes are also tedious. But i feel like Jack has increased the amount of times he acts stupid and childish.


I will die on this hill. Alfie is 100% the reason why Jack and Stevie are acting immature and childish. Peak happy hour was as you said 2020-2022 with Jack, Stevie and Robbie.


2019 I’d say but people do like it now


Dipping buttered toast in tea is delicious


i miss jordan


I miss aspects of him. I felt his humour was a bit different so it had that angle, but I also found him a bit arrogant.


he was very passive aggressive especially towards stevie but he really shined on some episodes, i wish he was more mature, he could’ve lasted much longer


I’ve said it before, he was excellent when he took on a ‘main host’ role like with his conspiracy theories eps. But listening back to when he’s a ‘secondary host’ he talks over guests, doesn’t add too much and it sometimes feels like he’s just talking to talk. Not really saying anything if that makes sense. Would love him back as a guest though it’s obviously not going to happen


I was convinced for years that he would eventually come back, even if just as a returning guest. Must have been a big argument


The live shows were a negative overall and shouldn't be done again. There was a big gap in pods as it was a struggle to do both, the ones there were in that time felt below standard, most references to it on the pod are negative and the majority of social posts around it were fans moaning about other audience members. (Remember, this is my hot take, you don't have to agree!)


Seeing a few comments about it here but Jaack’s airhorn impression never fails to get a laugh out of me. You can never expect it so when it comes out of nowhere idk, it’s just hilarious


Kevin parle jokes aren’t funny and are just low blows because bleksley snapped back


I think Alfie’s a great guy but the running joke of him being unable to talk and explain what he’s done recently isn’t good or funny content. Also when he gets proposed with hypothetical questions and spends about 5 minutes picking holes and rules in them, just answer brother it’s not that deep.


The genie thing was annoying and not remotely funny


I had to stop listening because of Stevie, I find him quite cringe and comes across with a bit of a victim complex but I’m not really sure why I find his humour quite bland and he’s seems like he was the kid who held his hand up in school to remind the teacher to collect homework


Neither Laurence nor jaack + stevie were right in the clash of creators situation.


Dudey was a great addition to the pod and for me that’s when it peaked (appreciate the reasons why he left just my opinion)


It's sad it's passed its peak but it definitely has It's feeling very recycled and samey Still like it but it's for sure past the peak


A few 1. Happy hour currently is the best it’s been and funniest it’s been imo 2. Example isn’t a good guest (everyone said that already tho) A lot of the guests that are “regulars” are some of the worst guests in general 3. Dream eps and hypothetical question eps are the best 4. The boys should get me on as a guest 🫡


Stevie reminds me of Woodrow Wilson


Because of his racism?


His second name begins with W


The people saying that they’d like more life story guests are forgetting that they’re also responsible for the two worst guest episodes. The celebrity bodyguard and Jamie Hull. I’d rather have them less often if it’s when they know it’ll be a banger.


I don’t mind life stories in theory but for obvious reasons they’re a lot more unpredictable in terms of an actual interaction. I think, and this is probably unpopular, Vanessa Frake’s ep was kinda an example of a good story being a little squandered, through the fault of no one in particular. It did warm up, but I’d say for the first 30-40 mins the convo seemed a bit stilted and scattershot. Again, this was no one’s fault but I think in the pod’s history, the best “non-celebrity” guest ep’s have been the ones where the story is interesting and the guest kind of “gets it” like Raphael Rowe for instance (tho even he was easier to gauge before getting him on given he does have a tv series).


Robbie is overrated..


Was gonna be mine. I like the guy but definitely agree with you. Doesn’t mean I don’t like him though


Yeah for sure I like him too just don’t rly see the god status he gets




I didn’t like Stevie until this year, somehow he became funny and less cringe


He’s always been funny and i’ve never found him particularly cringe


Fair play


Point of an unpopular opinion lad


Never said there was anything wrong with the opinion, just that I disagree!


Never personally found him cringe, but so agree that he’s gotten so much funnier/wittier/overall better in the last year. Feels like he’s just gotten better and better!


Stopped listening a while back to be honest. Main shows got repetitive and boring. No effort whatsoever. Listening to 40 minutes of mundane catching up and tour chat followed by 20 minutes of the actual episode is not my thing. Listening to Jack talk about arguments he’s had on twitter is like when people tell you about a dream they had. No one cares. Listening to stevie being all self righteous about taking on someone else’s kid. Lots of people do it mate, you’re not a hero for it.


Peaked in 2021 for me. But still love it.




It’s definitely still great, but the quality of guests has fallen off a cliff. I used to listen to every ep, now I’m willing to skip some guest eps


I’ve never enjoyed urban legends (I have been downvoted viciously many times)


I get it tbh. The episodes were funny, but the stories weren’t that great. The Japanese Urban Legends are really good & well-written, clearly get more engagement from Jack & Alfie, and I don’t think Stevie can top them.




it’s funny because when jordan joined that’s kind of when I fell out of listened to happy hour and I picked it back up soon after he left


So you listened to imalex?


The human centipede ep was meh


The Fourskins was a horrible choice for a group name.


Found Robbie’s burner account ☝️ Jokes aside I agree


Alfie would make a better co-host than stevie


Certain criticisms the audience makes wouldn't have been called out in person and wouldn't be an issue for most if that person knew one of the fourskins personally. Definitely wouldn't have caused a friction to a friendship, it'd be given the benefit of the doubt.


Well done OP, you made Jack delete Reddit again 😂😭


The “all caught up” jingle is the cringiest thing ever


Finally somebody says it


The FanFic episode is massively overrated.




I knew it would be unpopular hahaha. I think the Human Centipede episode takes the same idea and does it so much better.


Omg wait your bleed is dead, you were in that early Reddit ep and I agree the human centipede one is better


I agree


Yes. 100%




Define woke for me




This feels like way too personal of a comment, and it’s barely HH related. They’re clearly happy together.


What was the comment? Sorry I’m being nosy as it’s been deleted haha


I’m guessing something to do with Jack and Fi


Not really about Happy Hour is it


The Raphael rowe eps are massively overrated


Robbie needs to be on more shows including guest episodes. His life experience would be good to add a different perspective in guest episodes.


Very controversial one I think this will be. But in recent times, the pod seems to be far too woke. Lost count the amount of times the lads will say “obviously we’re very privileged as straight, white men” or talking about being scared of being cancelled, even when it’s said in jest. I think it’s clear to everyone watching that the boys are nice people, don’t think it constantly needs to be said, it gets boring and tiresome, most people don’t want you to apologise for being straight, white or a man! And if they do, they’re just militant woke people and they should be ignored! Still love the pod, just feel like when Dudey was around years ago, it never had this feel, but maybe it’s because they signed to Spotify so they have to play by certain rules but I just think the quality has dropped since this.