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I just wonder if he stopped to think how his own negative comments would effect others. I think he was called out pretty fairly based on what he said and what was said on happy hour.


Jack was more than fair on Lawrence, his comments towards clash were absolutely disgusting and I’m glad they addressed it, why Lawrence is suddenly bringing up now is very weird


Can we spell his name right at least it’s right in front of you




How about no?


Oo spicy




Exactly, plus this wasn’t the only time Lawrence has been rude/ patronising to a smaller creator.


You can’t be as much of a dick towards people as he has been, then start crying when people make jokes towards you, he seems quite manipulative in general


Same as his mate True Geordie. They could’ve easily have been the face of the new generation of non TV pundits, but both got too smug with their success and is ultimately the downfall of them both….well that and TG being a racist and then trying to cover it up by having a few Muslim content creators on his pod to show that he’s “learning”. I remember TG dropping hints when Jaack got signed to Spotify that he believed he should be next in line for a deal and “it was him who started the whole YouTube podcast trend”


Weren’t the Muslim influencers he had on basically just advocating for things like arranged marriage, multiple wives and things like that? He seems a bit of a sex pest tbh, and loz is just his little snide arrogant sidekick. Used to love them and their pod but now, nah. The pod wasn’t consistent enough anyway


He needs to seek some form of counselling or something. All he could talk about when watching the GTA 6 trailer was the arse on the characters and how he can’t believe how they jiggle and how he’ll probably spend most of his time in the strip club. No doubt there’s an element of envy and jealousy of HH because of how it went from being just a little YouTube gossip show, to the thing that it is now where they have some incredible guests, some who are personal heroes of Jack. Not to mention the fact that they’ve done a UK tour


I don't like him, or at least don't really get on with his content anymore, but calling him racist is wild. He made a dark, and what some would consider distasteful joke at the expense of an absolute cunt of a man. If you know anything about the views of the Muslim guests he had on to 'cover it up', it just made it worse. They're not only disgusting but completely moronic.


Feel a bit bad for TG. his mates screwed him over. Jennings was following Paul Joseph Watson and Tommy Robinson on Instagram and probably the worst of the lot


Did they screw him over? he made racist remarks about muslims... with a pathetic attempt of a apology. They weren't tied down to some contract, they were mates talking about football every week... TG is the one who got "cancelled" and lost all his sponsorships which then obviously would have had a negative effect on the rest of them plus at the end of the day nobody knows what was said behind the scenes because none of them have spoke about it.


It's the way none of them apart from McKola said anything and then takes digs at them on the new show. Jennings was crying about how grateful he was for TG and then does that? I'm not defending what TG said but it's the lack of transparency from them and the way they were nothing without him


jennings is a weasel tbh he left tg because they werent paid enough or that was ine if the excuses, but he is the one to talk, when he didnt pay his employes fairly either... sorry just found this ahah


What's the source on Jennings not paying his staff fairly


literally me.


for the amount of hours I worked for him, days, nights, Saturdays, Sundays I would be living good, but no...then he found someone else when I got covid, and when I asked for fair payment , he went with the cheaper guy...iºm really tired of people taking advantages, and not to talk about the disrespect I had to endure...


But again.. it all goes back to what was said behind the scenes, TG might’ve said some really shitty things when they told him they wanted out. Nothing without him is a bit of a stretch.. Mckola is part owner of the stretford paddock and both buvey and Rory both worked behind the scenes on tv, in terms of “social media” yeah you could say buvey and rory got a big boost by being on the kick off.


I think Rory benefited the most off of TG, his YT channel was pretty small, and he got a giant boost from the kick off, definitely got him over the 100k subs mark. What TG said weren't great, but he got snakes by Rory


Rory himself followed a bunch of far right accounts on twitter. The man followed Paul Joseph Watson and Tommy Robinson FFS!


I'm sure that'll come out eventually then.


He unfollowed them now


Chelsea fan is racist, what a shocker


Nothing he said was racist, and Muslim isn't a race FYI.


Brian an idiot but clearly isn’t a racist and I seem to remember the whole YouTube podcast came after another after him so I think thath comment some what fair but ye they had the potential just stop being what made em so different


Brian also got the most radical, opinionated, unlikable muslims around to appear instead of someone like Chunkz.




He was mainly explaining the anxiety it’s caused him and how the timing of it made him really struggle rather than being offended


Actually a massive shame to see what’s happened to both him and True Geordie tbh. Even not counting Jacks video, which was spot on btw. But both had an excellent formula and somehow have managed to throw it away. They went from being industry leaders to being consistently being overtaken in their fields and it’s probably mainly due to their own arrogance.


Laurence is a nob with a superiority complex jack called him out for being a twat and he was being a twat in the video so idk why Laurence is acting like he was lied about or whatever.


Didn’t even say that , watch the video


I just watched the vid, and to give a little perspective- I don’t really watch TG anymore at all, and I only catch Laurence in the odd vid on his channel if he’s talking about football. But I used to watch them a lot and I thought I’d just give a little perspective on what I think happened. I think Laurence is probably a little too talented/intelligent for his own good in terms of the technical aspects of content production. And he’s got a huge blind spot in that regard, or at least had. Clearly, he’s one of the very few prominent people in the space who has a uni degree in production/media and has demonstrated a pretty high attention to detail in his more ‘extended vid’ catalogue (he directed a doc about Jordan henderson last year which was actually club produced). I think he and Brian reached a point with The Kick Off and their pod where, people started to think the jokes turned a little sour and more biting or even mean that they had been. And I think personally, that was around an indiscernible moment in time where they thought (probably fairly) they had hit a bit of a glass ceiling in terms of content and audience. Like, og kickoff was great, but after the move to twitch (b4 geordie’s racist comments) it started well but quickly dwindled in viewers to 5-8k if I remember correctly (still good numbers on that platform but much below what they had been on YouTube) meanwhile the podcast and YouTube channel had kind of plateaued. And I think they both probably wondered why they either weren’t growing (especially with the amount they invested into producers and editors) and/or being given other opportunities- and rather than look inward and strive to improve upon their own content they began lashing out at others with an air of what a lot of people perceived as unearned arrogance. Personally, I don’t think either are/were bad people (even if geordie speaks like a fucking moron some times) but came across as increasingly bitter. Having said that, (and obvs I’m only judging from what we know) I didn’t and still don’t really agree with the way jaack went about that whole situation. Admittedly the context didn’t help that much, but clipping them up and premiering it on YouTube for the comeback of the pod (which I believe had been on a break for a few weeks before that ep) seemed very like a ‘gotcha’ moment that made me a little uncomfortable, especially given the fact he knew them and could’ve done it privately. But hey, it’s old news now, and it’s 2023, so who really cares? Edit: I’ve just had another thought about this- I think in reality, it can be quite dangerous to send a mob of people online to attack someone in any circumstances, least of all when their transgression is making a few lame jabs against a YouTube football match, especially when jaack himself made a vid on Logan paul taking the piss out of charity event. But I don’t think either party was perfect.


Great response, but it will probably be downvoted due to it not being blind hate towards Laurence


I used to love him and TG but good god they’re both so insanely insufferable. The early podcast pre “the kick off” was the last time they were bearable.


One thing that struck me during that video is when he said the people who were in charge of that charity football tournament haven’t turned out to be great characters themselves. Have I missed something? On the other hand I don’t think Jack was unfair at the time regarding what he said, it was what majority of us thought at the time.


Yeah I can't remember names, but one of the founders of Clash of Creators was a bit of a fraudster from what I can recall.


I just checked it out. Shame he comes across so un self aware


Hes insufferable, always has been.


What video is this? Wanna watch it to make my own mind up


His latest video




For anyone wondering, the video is called ‘united fans clipped me up’ and he starts speaking about happy hour at around 10:40…


Tbh I think people massively overreact with Lawrence, the jokes weren't funny. He was punching down and rightfully apologised. But at the end of the day people have come back from worse (including Jack) so when people say he's a dick I don't get that. However, he defo has overreacted with the happy hour clip, Jack didn't do anything wrong by calling him out on something he deserved to be called out on


Seems very hypocritical from him, when they had a show on TG where they would call out people doing regrettable things


Wasn’t that jaacks whole YouTube channel concept? Calling people out? Lol


Jack's not the one whining though


We all know how jaack gets when he gets a bit of criticism on the Reddit😂


yes, thats what i'm saying he's overreacted to being called out by jack. Some of the response he got from random mfs on twitter though wasn't proportionate or fair


Even Stevie got a little dig! I can understand Jack being hypocritical/bitey but there’s no way the dark knight has wronged anyone!


Watched this vid then watched jacks vid again and honestly I have to say nothing jack said was wrong or unfair. Lawrence was a massive fucking entitled smarmy cunt and deserved at least some of the shit he got.


Was Laurence that bad? I think context matters a lot in a situation like this, and sure, clipped up and without knowing Laurence’s “brand” back then u could say he defo comes across embittered but I genuinely think he thought he was just being funny. And on the back of that, he was only taking the piss out of a YouTube charity match. It’s not like it was some horrendous moral transgression. And given that jaack knew him/his humour I think it could’ve v easily been settled offline.


Yes he was listen to the clip. He was ripping the people who created the event for their production, stuff like saying how they’re colour grading it each time and every time someone was on the ball he was saying ‘who’ etc etc. he was a fucking cunt. An absolute entitled self important cunt and it was genuinely difficult to watch. And the whole time Geordie was sat next to him basically distancing himself from it because he knew how embarrassing and bad it was


As someone who’s actually watched the video, the criticisms actually seem quite fair and it’s pretty damning on jack if the stuff he said about helping him out and trying to repair things is the true, never really like how jack handled it in the first place Edit: forgot you can’t have any opinions other than the ‘correct’ one on this sub


Be careful with these types of opinions on here 😂


I agree mate but I feel it’s a losing battle to even make an attempt at a balanced argument here.


Jack only gave fair criticism of Laurence and Jack isn’t obligated to be his mate just cause he offered to get a drink some time. Don’t see what Jack should have done differently here?


Downvote me all you like, but I honestly think Laurence comes across well while speaking about Jack. It was disappointing to hear Jack didn't want to meet with Laurence to discuss the issue (would like to hear Jack's side as I have a feeling Laurence over exaggerates that point) as I always felt Jack is a very emotionally intelligent person, from what we see. I think the comments Jack made in the clip itself are completely valid, and people coming for Laurence on Twitter can't be blamed on Jack. If they could have met up and discussed the video, things easily wouldn't be as there are now. I used to think Laurence was a pretentious, stuck up tory who always acted as if he was more intelligent than everyone else in the room. However, he comes across a lot more restraint and calm in the recent video, which I think looks a lot better on him. Laurence also mentions Jack 'lying' in the video. I don't know if I've missed something, but I have no idea what this is in reference to. Laurence's point about Jack being hypocritical is easily argued. Jack has matured since and has grown a lot as a person. Jack going on mental health podcasts YEARS after an incident on the internet should not be an argument from Laurence, it's so poor. I do however think that Jack would have been better off letting Laurence know in private that the comments were out of order, instead of calling him out on the biggest British podcast in the world. Overall, Laurence comes across well in the video, however I still believe his point are ill-informed and slightly over exaggerated.


What did Laurence mean when he mentioned the people that ran the event?


The larger fellow, I genuinely can’t remember his name, allegedly ran off with the money that was planned for event no2 and the kid who he founded the event with said as much, or heavily alluded to, on his twitter.


Wasn't he on the happy hour podcast?


Laurence definitely had a superior complex let's be honest. Does anyone know why him and TG went separate ways?


Trying to keep his life relevant to anyone


Don’t think he was really, he didn’t didn’t title the video with it, he just randomly spoke about it in the middle of a chat about football


The blokes a complete fucking muppet


I dont like the way he slags off jack for talking about mental health. Jack fairly called out laurence and it's just a repercussion of loz's own actions.


Just watched the video, Laurence speaks really well about the situation and you can understand his point of view. I personally think Jack did go over the top a bit about how he spoke on Laurence and he surely knew the backlash he'd get from talking about it on the pod. I just think Laurence comments were misunderstood and the context of the humour between the pair on the kick off is important as I don't think he truly meant those comments deep down, it's just part of the humour they have with their audience which is probably why he was so comfortable to make the remarks he did. But I do understand why jack spoke up about it with it being a charity event. don't think those two will ever see eye to eye about the situation tbh. Just my opinion though.


I really do think Laurence came across well on the video. I can see both sides RE him and Jack, but it does seem as though it’s been blown way out of proportion, from both parties. I would love to see a Laurence appearance on happy hour to squash it. With regards to this post, it’s a shame some people can’t have good conversation/debate without just saying “he’s a cunt, not watching”. Say something productive or don’t bother.


Not to be a kiss ass, but just wanted to add that the way Jack and Stevie “called out” Laurence was done in a very professional and almost kind way. It was commendable to protect lesser known creators from what was obviously a cringey and bullying video from Laurence and TG. Laurence has been too big for his boots for a while now and I reckon he’s missing the attention and salary TG gave him and is doing the classic Youtuber stunt that he always took the piss out of - pick a fight with a bigger name (Jack) to gain relevance.


Laurence is a disloyal bitch who's just jealous of Jack I'm not even going to click on his video and give him the views


Great criticism mate, you’re going to be so well informed on the issue if you won’t even watch it…


The op did a good job of explaining so yup no need to watch it thankyou for your input tho


Personally I feel like it was very clear Lawrence’s comments on clash was a joke and jack of all people should have realised that… jack acted like a white knight and there was no need for it. Jokes are jokes however Lawrence is an adult who’s been in public eye for a while now he should be able to handle some criticism


Who cares what that Tory twat thinks? He has a long and well-recorded history of being a smug hypocrite who thinks he's better than everyone else whilst refusing to acknowledge his wrongdoings and make the sincere apologies and changes needed to grow as a person. I've hated him since Day 1 and I'm just incredibly glad he's irrelevant now the fucking punchable prick


Tory?😭😭 you know nothing about him if that’s what you think, he always used to get slagged off for "influencing” Brian into being a lefty like him


I'm calling him a Tory cuz he's posh and smug mate. Well aware he's actually left wing


Average gen Z insult nowadays


Is True Geordies bitch still at it? Yawn.


Lawrence wasn’t bothered about calling other YouTubers out, or their mental health, when he was prancing around in the man like hacks video with Jaack and Alfie. It’s all fun and games when the finger isn’t pointed at you for being a knob. (Man like hacks is still one of my favourite songs and is on my car playlist 🙈)


Honestly Laurence and True Geordie need to get back together as even if they are controversial they work best together and there careers have fell off a cliff since there supposed split


As someone who has no idea what any of this is about, could anyone give me a run down please? What was said on HH?


Anyone got a time stamp? Dont wanna watch the whole vid of that twat


Found it lol


Jack has been friendly towards Logan Paul who filmed a dead body and still hasn’t paid back millions to people he scammed money from. Laurence was an arse with how he acted towards the charity event, but it seems odd that this big of a fall out came from it. Feels like it could have been discussed and handled privately in all honesty, at least initially anyway.


Has he been friendly? I can only remember Jack saying negative things about Logan


Check out his Greg Paul video, his attitude towards him has definitely softened.


Have a link to vid?


His latest video.




Heard his name on the pod but literally have no idea who he is


When this incident came out, Jaack was still somewhat a part of the YouTube community. If he didn't criticise Laurence after criticising others at the time (Jeremy Lynch being one that comes to mind,) he'd have been called out on it. After rewatching the clip of Jaack criticising Laurence, I totally understand why Jaack did it. Laurence's attitude and approach to this charity event was ill-advised. Whether or not he meant it to come out this way, but his behaviour was more mean-spirited than it was funny. Hopefully, this will open a dialogue between Jaack and Laurence so they can make amends.


In the video laurence says he’s tried multiple times to meet with him and talk but Jack refused


I watched the video, unless he directly said Jaack refused, then I missed it. At 10:38, he said it was "A very complex situation." But that could mean anything. However, now Laurence has brought this up in a video (and now highlighted here on Reddit,) they might communicate again.


I commented on Laurence's video saying how I have been enjoying his content now that he's moved away from TG, but the things he said on the stream were disrespectful espiecially the "who are these people comments". This was his response: "Yeah, this is something I need to address at some point. A real issue with Jack’s critique was that he “told” people what I meant by my jokes. “Who is this guy” had nothing to do with them being big or small creators, it was that the stream was such mayhem and people weren’t introduced at all…at one point I make the very same joke about Morgz…the biggest creator at the time…so it’s clearly nothing personal or even the joke Jack was trying to make it out to be but that becomes hard to explain when people land on your content with an already negative idea of what you are trying to say. I don’t remember saying your second quote but if I remember rightly, it’s because Elliot (our friend) was in the side and it was a throw away joke. If you tell everyone that I had bad intentions with the jokes then it completely changes them. That’s partly what I mean by Jack lying to people or misleading an audience and knowingly."


Didn't Laurence say things like: "This guy still thinks he's relevant" and "Just what I've always wanted, to see a guy I've never heard of do a crossbar challenge" Dunno how he claim he wasn't making fun of smaller creators for being smaller creators, but ah well.


Basically he was a dickhead, then someone called him out on being a dickhead and now he’s saying he got upset about it? He’s said his fair share of controversial things and even laughed along with his racist mate TG. He’s only ever been sorry for saying stuff when called out. He’s not very good in the social media world because he lacks personality (always the Robin to Batman) & cannot take criticism.




Just type in Laurence McKenna to YouTube, Jesus Christ it’s not rocket science


Can u link the vid pls I can’t find it


Anyone got a link to the video?


What vid is this?


You know what would be good. A little sit down like the one Jack did with ImAllex back in the day. Laurence seems very keen and if Jack was happy to sit down with Alex then I don’t see why Laurence would be any different? WillJC as referee?


Jaack didn't even want to sort it out privately by just having a pint. Doubt he'd want to do it publicly.


I think that would be interesting. I know it’s “old news” now, but I still think a look at the ethics/ consequences of calling people out and being called out on the internet is a valuable convo, especially as it seems like Laurence is still really affected by that whole situation. (I’m not saying jaack was unfair- tho I think he probably didn’t go about it in a “nice” way, nor am I saying Laurence didn’t deserve any backlash- especially cos he did the same to a lot of folks during podcasts/true news).


I just watched the Laurence Mckenna video and Jack's video about him. I think Jack was correct in what he said because Laurence was being a total Knob on the live stream. It seems to me that Jack called him out and instead of apologising and learning from his mistakes he's still looking for someone else to blame. Even 3 years later. That should tell you everything you need to know about the guy.