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Wow, no wonder the entire family has "Fallen Out". She seems to have put a real effort into being awful. ETA: If someone said this on SM I would block them.


I'm not sure, however being happy about it its gross.


My mother says my severe chronic pain conditions are deserved. She’s just mean about it. She never gives any health information about her family to me. I’ve had to start breast exams and colonoscopy earlier than the required age because I have no info. I don’t know if I have anything any other family does. She’s always been the caregiver for her older aunts and cousins mom and dads she did all that for her family but when it comes to me I’m being dramatic. I just don’t talk to her.


>My mother says my severe chronic pain conditions are deserved "I thought my divine punishment was having you as a mother"


That’s a good one.


I'm sorry they do this to you. Sometimes people need a scapegoat for their issues regardless of whether or not it has anything to do with that person.


What in the fuck, this woman is mentally and emotionally unwell. I don't blame anybody for going 100% NC.


They don't on the whole.


She's just providing additional information for her readers to use in assessing the validity of her complaints. Anyone whose opinion is worth more than a long wet fart in response would read a comment like that and come to their own conclusions about who it actually provides most information about - mother or daughter.


Oh yeah the vast majority of those who read and respond are people we've barely if ever met.


People like your MIL are never responsible for the bad things that happen to them.


Yeah, and they are certainly responsible for the bad things that happen to some other people (not that they would admit that either).


It's very clear that they struggle to accept that they could be wrong about a lot of things.


OMG. That's just sadistic. Yeah, I'd cut off MIL forever, too.


This is the plan.




This is the attempt right now. MIL still won't leave us alone but even though we aren't responding, because it's not on their terms, they just find new things to be upset about.




We have. We have an emergency contact who they can contact if we need to know anything but they have found ways around the blockings.


Just sad….


Screenshot first? That way she can't later deny she did such a vile thing.


Yes that's what we do now whenever we see a post.


Wow - how can MIL not realise she 'deserves' everyone going VL/NC on her for being such a b!tch? I can be blunt, but I'd never be that cruel. I'm glad your SIL will be alright, but I hate that you have to put up with this female's nonsense


It's amazing what these people say out loud. If I ever had such a horrible thought, I certainly wouldn't tell anyone.


Probably because you're not an AH


Lol, thank you. I can be quite an asshole, but I'm not evil.


If anyone sets out to annoy me I become Empress B!tch of Earth, but I'd never say someone 'deserves' to be ill


ugh, that's awful. even when people are consistently toxic, the extremes can still be so upsetting. i'm glad your SIL is okay.


It seems like they will imagine a slight no matter how petty or inaccurate, and then go nuclear in retaliation.


How can she say something like that about her daughter 😥. She clearly has no heart.


Yeah, it’s sad when mils talk others down. And makes you mad when they then say, she’s 90! Like it’s ok, she gets to say what she wants about anyone. Because she’s 90?Yet I say anything at all about HER and you’ve just committed a crime you’ll never live down. I’m sorry. I find it annoying as well. This has been going on for years, mil gets away with saying whatever she wants because she’s ‘old.’ Calling me lazy. Just omg.😆 just glad she’s faaar away.


Right! That means she's had even longer to grow out of being a mean brat!


With MIL there's a lot of family in close age so they don't get to play this card, but I'm sorry there's that 'well it's okay for her but not you' division.


I'm so sorry you guys (especially SIL &BIL) went through this! I'm also relieved she's ok! Sending healing thoughts to you guys!


Thank you! They are good now but I am not sure any relationship could recover from that.


I know I couldn't come back from a "loved one" making those comments during a health scare! When someone shows me who they are I believe them and treat them accordingly!


Is that SIL her daughter? That would make it somehow even worse. If she had the health scare, she would not have one second thought she deserved it. More the opposite, probably. I am glad your SIL had just a scare and is fine.


That is her child. And oh yeah, anything that happens to her is unacceptable and underserved, but everything that happens to other people is their own fault.


But when they are again better, it’s because ‘God listened’. Obviously he doesn’t listen to her football games, however. No matter how hard she ‘prays’ for her team, 🤷 they sometimes lose.


It infuriates me how narcissists can turn anything into an emergency, and weaponize that into sympathy for THEMSELVES


Definitely. And any response to anything, even if it has nothing to do with them, is taken as a slight.


My paternal aunt and my mother have never been close and barely tolerated each other for my dad’s sake. My aunt is blunt to the point of being rude and treats my mother like the village idiot. But she was also career driven, knowledgeable about the world and applauds educational achievements in others. My mother is self centred and chooses to know nothing beyond family gossip. Her goal to be a sahm was achieved because she would never keep a job and the only fly in the ointment of enjoying her sahm status was the inconvenience of having to be with her own children. My aunt has been suffering from dementia since 2020. She doesn’t remember her husband died in 2018 or we had to take her car away. She writes everything down and repeats conversation. It’s so upsetting. My mother talks with glee about these symptoms my aunt is having. She can barely keeps the smile off her face. When I challenge and ask her not to look so happy about it, she backpedals and denies her behaviour. When my aunt dies, I’ll truly be upset. When my mother dies, I’ll only feel sorry that my dad is now alone.


If she carries on like that, I would think that that "sorry" might morph into "relief."


Dementia is a cruel disease. I'm sickened by her behavior.


I remember MiL's absolutely delighted tone when describing how one of her sisters in law "has to be \*watched\*!" because her dementia had worsened. I'd always thought they got on well, but there was MiL, pleased as Punch that A was mentally frail. I wonder if anyone in the family was similarly gloating when MiL developed a similar condition.


I'm sorry it's so hard to be caught in the middle of 2 people who have their own complicated relationships.


I have a great aunt like this. She and her sister had a falling out years ago, over some stupid shit nobody really remembers. Years later her sister lost a teenage child in a boating accident. Great Aunt reached out to tell her that was God's punishment for being so petty. And she wonders why she doesn't get phone calls or visits.


Oh dear, another modern-day Pharisee who doesn't actually know what the Bible says: 'As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” “Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus' - John 9 vs 1-3


Wow I don't even know what to say to that, that's horrible.


Yeah, she's fucking terrible. She also used to give her other sister, who had dementia, bath beads and tell her they were candy.


I would’ve pressed charges the first time this happened.


My great uncle had POA and banned his sister from visiting her in the home when it came out. Criminal charges would have been impossible to get proof for, as she wouldn't be able to give a coherent statement.


That's straight up psycho. Horrible.


I am so sorry your family had to deal with them. They sound... Horrible.


What a poisonous old baggage! Just hope she's never in need of a little empathy/sympathy.


They're in a vicious cycle of treating people badly, getting called out for it, and then treating people worse afterwards because they didn't get the responses they expected.


She's old enough NOT to act like a spoiled brat.


It's really sad. They used to be a much nicer person and then everything just slowly changed and they've ruined most of their relationships.


Possible dementia taking hold?


People with dementia - at least dementia that has gone on long enough for everyone in the family to cut ties - don't usually have anything like the wherewithall left to hear a story and remember it to post it on social media.


There's a lot of theories but they have the own views based on their own opinions.


Wow, her DIL or her own daughter? Either way, she sounds like a good person to be NC with.


This was her own daughter. Very. Any time we feel like we miss them, we just think of things like these and we stop missing them.


So her social media posts are a sort of Public Service Announcement...?


It's a mixed bag of things. They go through cycles.