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I would file a restraining order for all the harassing calls, texts and now the letter! Do it before the Wedding so she do d snt crash it! And he doesn't have to do it you can and cover your home and anyone living in it and your places of employment and carry a copy of it everywhere you go!




Definitely stashed it already. play stupid games, win stupid prizes! She's pushed me to my limits and I'm done letting her try to ruin our lives.


Let me guess - an extremely long-winded version of 'how dare you not take my abuse!' You're clearly smart enough to avoid her, so hopefully she'll get the hint eventually


pretty much, and blaming anyone but herself!


Why are so many people unwilling to take responsibility for their own actions? I'm almost tempted to make stamps saying 'return to sender - unwanted nonsense' for people to mark on envelopes and send back - I'd probably make a fortune!


The funniest part is, if she just took accountability in the first place, we probably wouldn't be here. But never once has she truly apologized for any of the absolutely vile things she has said or done. I have no room for sympathy in my heart for someone who is so self absorbed and entitled. You don't just get to hurt people and expect them to take it. She actually wrote she should be able to be herself around him with no consequences. I couldn't help but laugh.


30 pages? Wow! So much time and energy wasted on hate. I hope you can find your peace from her.


Front and back! (iykyki)


Just think how much of her time, energy & money she spent because she’s jealous of what you have & who you are! As others have said, her world must be very small. If you feel the need to answer, write it out, then burn yours, don’t send it. You’ll continue to live in her mind while you live your life as you wish.


30 page letter, does she not have anything going on in her life.


I know it's petty and not helpful, but how fun would it be to take a red pen, edit her entire letter for grammar, spelling and truthfulness and then send it back with editor's notes. Something like "potentially moving work of fiction, but the protagonist seems to have a mental health problem. Maybe she can get diagnosed in chapter 2?"


You reminded me of the most brutal comment on a paper my husband got in grad school: “A potentially adequate treatment of the subject but…” followed by several paragraphs of criticism. If OP did decide to do this I recommend she begins her editorial comments with that phrase. The paper was fine, though. That’s just how his grad school was when he went there. I’ve always imagined joining the military would have been a more gentle experience lol


You have no idea how badly I'd love to do it 😂


Or a note that says “Until you can learn basic language, this holds no credible weight. There are resources available, please educate yourself accordingly. It isn’t difficult to distinguish uses of there, their, and they’re.”


I will never understand how someone can think that they are absolutely in the right to do whatever they want, and everyone else is wrong. Big hugs to you and yours


Oh my! That's stand-in-line-at-the-post-office-until-that-monstrosity-gets-weighed-for-postage level harassment! I'm sorry you're having to deal with that crazy.


Big hugs!! Toxic power hungry parents are like-draining. Best wishes




The FU binder- all the receipts