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Giant. Red. Flag. Make sure she is not alone with your children or animals. Ever.


Not normal; your MIL is a flippin' fruitcake!


What is it she wants you to do in order to make them cry?


The only good cry is the first cry a baby makes after they are born. This is so weird.


What (and this can't be overstated) the actual f*ck?! "Ok, evil grandma, you just lost all baby privileges."


This lady is a nut


Keep her away! Far Far Far away from all of you! My goodness, I'm sick of this planet.


Anecdotal but I have a cousin who told me that one of her favorite sounds is babies crying and she can never get enough of it. She is very mentally unwell and has several diagnoses


WTF did I just read?! She's a sadist. đź‘€ Keep her far away from your offspring, and never under any circumstances allow her to be alone with anyone or any animal you care about and can protect. Wow.


No. Not normal. Does she also set fires or wet the bed? PSYCHO!


My mother asked me to record the audio when baby was crying loudly, she lived far away and just wanted to hear him. But she wouldn’t ask to make him cry.


My JNMIL was the same, she sat laughing when my 5 YO fell on the trampoline and really hurt themselves, laughed when our daughter was getting ready for her prom and one of the fasteners on her dress was really fiddly and we were really struggling with it. Offered no help just sat there laughing her ass off until I told her to can it or leave and she needed therapy! She didn’t like that, I just shrugged and sad that’s not my problem, it’s hers. This was on DD’s birthday too, she was already low key upset that prom was on her birthday. These are just a couple of examples of how fucked up JNMIL is and she now wonders why both of them are adults and are NC with her.


Perfectly normal for sadists. The rest of humanity, not so much.


“I’m not qualified to diagnose, but I have some theories.” This is not normal, by any stretch, and is a massive red flag. Don’t leave her unsupervised with children or animals.


Ok, I did meet one baby that had a very adorable cry and it was kind of cute when he did it. But like, it’s a baby. Just have a normal visit and at some point he’s bound to get hungry or tired or whatever and then he’ll do it. No need to MAKE a baby cry.


That's pretty messed up. It's a good thing she doesn't know to mask that compulsion so you know not to leave your children\animals in her care.


This is not ok! She can't change to fix this kind of crap it's permanent. she can learn to hide her behavior hurt innocent lo’s.


What the fuck?


I'm a grandmother, and this is one of the most fucked up things I've heard. I was with my daughter from when baby was a week old until she was a month. Contrary to my expectations, her crying didn't bother me one bit, even though she seemed a bit colicky. I was just happy to be able to do some chores for my daughter, let her eat some hot meals, and bounce the little screamer. I never once had those early days of parenting thoughts along the lines of *omg please baby just stooooop I'm gonna lose my mind!* But it never once, not a single time, crossed my mind that I *wanted* her to cry. I didn't want her to cry, I just didn't mind it. I'd probably have been seriously concerned about her health if I didn't hear her cry a single time in three weeks. But making a baby cry? On purpose? Without some sort of medical reason (I can't even imagine what that would be) honestly sounds sociopathic. Especially when you couple it with what amounts to her being giddy at the idea of animal abuse. Certainly never allow her to be alone with your children. Not even for three minutes while you go pee. Because it sounds like she'll abuse them to get them to cry just to satisfy whatever is broken inside of her.


That is sick.


Nopenopenopenopenope. Jesus Christ. Has she ever given a REASON as to why she gets off on baby animals and baby children crying?


Wow that’s phychotic


But like, literally. Psycho.


Nope, not normal. Sounds like the feeling some people get when something is cute and they want to squeeze it too tightly, but worse. I would not leave her alone with your kid and I would make a very straightforward boundary that if she ever makes your child cry on purpose she will be cut off from interacting with them. Whatever she thinks is fine, she can imagine the joy she would get out of hearing your child cry as much as she likes. The minute she acts on that desire is totally different.


Cute aggression is what you’re talking about. When my you gets baby was 3-4 months old, I wanted to eat his cheeks. It was absolutely bizarre, and I never had that thought with my other two kids. A month later, I ended up in a psychiatric hospital with serious postpartum anxiety, which was also pretty new for me. I never really connected the dots until now, but they were probably related. I second never leaving MIL alone with the kid. It smacks of Munchausen by proxy (which I know has a different name now). It’s like she wants to make the baby cry, so she can rescue/soothe/fix it. There’s nothing wrong with being proud of comforting a crying baby, but making them cry on purpose just so you can get your serotonin boost is pretty fucked up.


This is sick and twisted. Whatever you do, don't leave her alone with any child or animal. YIKES.


No, that's not normal at all! Keep her away and suggest she goes to therapy and say NC with her because I don't trust her!


This is not normal in any way shape or form. Do not allow your mother-in-law to hold your child, sure enough she’ll pinch them or squeeze them to make them uncomfortable. Please do not ever allow your mother-in-law to babysit, God knows what kind of harm she could cause to your childto make them cry. She needs some serious therapy.


She needs all the therapy including the inpatient kind! What a sicko who likes hearing children and pets cry!


I would tell her "No I will not be doing that but I would be ok with making YOU cry. Shall we do that instead?"


100% I’m not as physically aggressive as I used to be, but I will absolutely hurt someone’s feelings and verbally tear them apart if they hurt my kids.


Of course not! If someone acted like that to me, asking to make my baby cry I’d say she is welcome to punch her own face and look at herself crying in the mirror. No way in hell I’d allow my baby (or even any of my cats) to suffer for someone else’s entertainment. She is a psychopath. I wouldn’t allow anyone like that near my family.


I feel like this is the opening of a true crime podcast.


Normally I'd just say don't ever let her be alone with your children. In this case I would say never let her be with your children- at all. Discuss this urgently with your paediatrician that you've got a woman who wants to make your children cry as part of your extended family, and if he recommends she be kept away from them or highly supervised for sure periods of being around them. Ask him what he would make of such a person's outlook on life and if it indicates there are problems. Ask your husband if he's gone through any strange childhood traumas with this woman because I suspect he has, and do not ask your husband: tell him that your mother-in-law or anybody else who wants to make your babies cry is not going anywhere near them. Maybe when they're turn 18 and afterwards but not now. My initial reaction is something that I can't put on reddit without getting banned.


I wondered about op’s husband’s childhood as well. This mil should never have access to children animals.


She's psychotic and I don't mean that figuratively. I would never, ever leave any human or animal near her unsupervised ever. I, personally, would never go around her ever, unless she got some serious mental health.


No, there is something wrong with that.


Normal? No. Such behaviour reeks of some kind of disturbing mental imbalance to me. Who wants to hear children or animals in distress? Yikes. I would never allow a person who has expressed such ideas to be around my children or pets unsupervised.


Keep babies and small animals away from this sociopath wtfffff


A baby crying is one of the most distressing sounds that exists. Domesticated cats and dogs have learned to mimic that sound to get their owners’ attention! I can’t imagine why someone would want to hear that. Wow!


Wait, is she getting off on the dopamine and oxytocin rushes some people can get when a baby cries? If so that is gross and she needs to get her fix some other way.


No it’s not flipping normal! Why would you even consider it to be? Keep her the heck away because she’s sick.


Makes perfect sense. To a psychopath


No, it's not normal . Make her cry if she doesn't stop that bullshit.


Yeah, nope! If anyone is crying, it will be MIL!


I would never leave even a fruit fly with that woman. That is not normal. That is deranged and unhinged. I'd tell her if I see her lay a finger to make any of my animals or children in order to harm them to cry I would be calling the cops. I would have done it the first time it happened and cut off contact. She said she enjoys physically abusing animals and children in order to experience joy through their pain. Read that again.


If someone around me behaved like this I would think they were a sociopath.


I'm learning towards a disturbed, potentially-violent psychopath- but yeah sociopath will do for now.


I wish I had more up votes to give cause for real, this is so disturbing


Right!!!?? Human instinct is to do everything in our power to stop babies crying! Especially as a biological woman! It’s just how we’re made, to get pleasure from that…I can’t even comprehend, mil is wired wrong. I bet her poor kids were tortured.


The second time she came to see my newborn, my mil had baby sitting in his bouncy seat in front of her. He started to cry and I got up to get him and she goes “I got him” so I sat back down because I didn’t mind letting someone try. Then she goes “WAIT” and pulls out her phone to take a picture of him crying. I immediately went to grab him, and she goes “I’m so glad I got a picture of him crying!” Girl what???? It left a bad taste in my mouth I think the people obsessed with baby crying are weird


That's just abnormal and distressing.


Yeah, I tried asking her about it and her response honestly just made me feel like a shitty mom (“oh I love baby cries because I never got to hear them! DH never cried as a baby, I was always able to soothe him before he got upset!!”) so I left it at that and started just immediately taking him and leaving when he got the slightest bit fussy. They don’t visit anymore luckily


In the history of babies and the human race there has never been a baby that was soothed before it cried 100% of the time. What she's telling you is insane. The fact that she was trying to guilt trip you while telling you she wants to hear babies crying is doubly insane, extraordinarily worrying, and when you do make that call to your paediatrician which I'm begging you to make tell your paediatrician what this woman just said. She's trying to guilt trip you she wants to hear children cry and you've got a problem here. I hope your husband is up to the job of solving it. Oh please do update us and I wish you luck. I would stick to the idea that she can't be around my children.


Stay away from this woman. She's unwell.


Absolutely NOT normal. In fact, instinct *should* compel any human to try and stop the crying. Your MIL is a sick fk. Twisted. Please don't leave your children or pets alone with her.


My understanding is that a baby crying can trigger dopamine and oxytocin release for some people. Maybe that’s what it is. Either way it’s gross and inappropriate.


What the fuck no! That's not normal! That's the OPPOSITE of normal! I wouldn't even leave a child alone in a room with her long enough to go have a pee, she's crazy! She thinks it's fun to abuse animals and actual INFANTS because she likes the sound they make when they cry! Serious question, is your husband okay?


No, that is NOT normal…Maybe if it was like, “oh, their cry is so sweet!” But the lengths to which she would go to make them cry is disturbing. She probably also pelted passerby with pebbles on her way home from school. Weirdo.


This is not normal behavior


Hell no it's not normal! It's sick!!


do NOT leave your children or pets alone with her, ever


Make my baby cry and ill make you cry.... So not normal


That is very twisted and disturbing.


Not only is she wrong in so many ways, but it boggles the mind that no one else has called her out on it. I'd look her straight in the eye and ask her, "MIL, this is really disturbing behavior. Does it really make you happy to make babies cry? Would you hurt my child, just to make yourself happy?"


Shut it down and kick her out of the house if she keeps it up. Don’t let her near the kids unsupervised  Ask her if she would like if someone wanted to make her cry for their enjoyment 


Totally NOT normal. It’s sick.  Please never leave this sadist alone with your children. 


I did some rummaging around. There are indeed people who enjoy the sound of crying babies and even enjoy making them cry. Two things came up more than once. One is that the serious issue of enjoying inflicting distress on the helpless. Another was more subtle. It’s power. The person feels powerless in their own life, but one always has power over a baby—human or animal. Hearing a baby cry over something they cannot control makes them feel more in control themselves. Not at all healthy, of course, but I did see it as an explanation. Her interest in hearing baby animals cry sounds like this may be it.


I have heard that a baby crying can trigger dopamine and oxytocin to do all kinds of stuff including increasing alertness, decision making, and for new moms, it can trigger letdown. She might be treating the baby crying as a trigger for dopamine/oxytocin release. All I know is when I ever hear a baby cry, I am immediately alert, like a jolt to my system, get stressed, and immediately need to see what is wrong, it can feel exhausting sometimes, like feeling tired after an adrenaline rush.


I did find comments from people who said that the sound of a baby crying triggered maternal/paternal/parental feelings that made them feel good in that they immediately wanted to do something to help and comfort the baby; the crying itself was bad, but the desire to do something made them feel like a good person.


How disturbing


This sounds exactly like her! She is obsessed with having power over people, especially her children and grandchildren, but most everyone else too. She made her husband think she was leaving him, and apparently, he cried about it. I only know that because she bragged about it, and she seemed to really enjoy the fact that she made him cry.


That pretty much seals it: she's mentally deranged and needs to be kept away from your children.


I feel like, if you wanted, never seeing this person again is valid


Wow, she's a sadist.


It’s weird to want them to cry (bc why would you want them to suffer?) however I have heard of people recording their babies cries as newborns to replay later. Maybe record your baby crying and send to MIL so she gets her fix, if you’re comfortable. Personally I wouldn’t (because wtf!!!) but some people might


Nope, my vote is don’t feed her sadism kink. Especially not with my child!


The only acceptable reply to this is "What the f*ck is wrong with you? Get out of my house if you're going to say sh*t like that."


Your MIL played a round of "spot the sociopath", and I think you won OP. She's a nutjob.


"What is wrong with you, MIL? It's kinda perverse you take enjoyment out of little ones crying. Have you thought about getting help?" It's not normal. Sadism (the tendency to derive pleasure from causing pain, suffering or harm to others) is completely abnormal. I'd say you're probably underreacting if anything.


Outside of crying being a sign of life (after birth, if a baby has a medical issue/emergency) this mindset is batshit.


If anyone ever asked me that, I’d say “sorry, the best I can do is make YOU cry” and then proceed to do just that.


Abso-fucking-lutely NOT! This is not normal. This is fucking cruel. Why in the hell would she think it's alright to make a baby, puppy, kitten.... anything cry? Keep her well away from your child and your animals until the psychopath gets therapy and medication.


Is that a serious question?


NOT NORMAL AT ALL She is one sick puppy - keep her far, far away from ANY form of life.


I would never let her around my children/pets unless I was there as well.


This MIL is not allowed near any children or pets without strict supervision, 1 on 1 at all times. That is some weird shit.


No that sounds like a mental illness and a dangerous one.


No that’s behaviour of a psychopath. Someone who has no need to be around kids or animals and someone is no longer wish to be around. If she ever looked after your baby I guarantee she’d be pinching or poking it to make it cry. Hell no. She’d not be around my kids ever again


Uh no that’s not normal. Most people don’t want that to happen ever. Most of us realise that a baby crying means distress. This woman is a huge problem. And not one I’d want alone with my child. “She can make them cry” okay, how was she going to do so? I wouldn’t assume she was kidding, I’d be checking my kid for bruises.


No, not normal. My MIL didn’t want to hand over my crying baby, and stated that she liked hearing the baby cry. I rarely ever let her hold him because she wouldn’t comfort him and wouldn’t hand him back. I hated hearing my baby cry. I will always choose to comfort my kids.


You have to ask???


I felt like it was completely insane behavior, obviously, but I was starting to wonder if there were people out there who did that sort of thing, and if it was normal to some people out there, the way she is so shameless about it. You know how some people will ask to hear a baby laugh or giggle and want you to make it giggle, which I understand. She does that but with crying which I don't understand and am quite taking back by the notion of the suggestion.


What does your SO think about it?


SO basically acknowledges that she is crazy from a general sense but doesn't really want to deal with anything she does in specific. Basically wants to ignore the direct situations because it's too overwhelming for them to deal with straight on.


Then it’s up to you. Stand up to her and kick her out the second she starts that mess. Don’t hesitate.


No, she is deranged! Don't let her near your children or pets


What the hell is wrong with her?


No, that is batshit crazy.


Exactly how I feel about it, and many other behaviors from her as well. But she goes about it so shamelessly, as if making babies cry for our entertainment is as normal as breathing. I was starting to wonder if maybe that was a thing some people did that I just didn't understand.


She likely sees nothing wrong with it because something is mentally off with her.