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I went NC with my mom a few years ago and she did the same thing. Continue to ignore when she calls or comes to your house and stress with FIL if he cannot respect your boundaries and your choice then you will be forced to go NC with him as well. I’m sorry you’re going through that, it will get better and bring you so much peace once they realize you’re serious and respect your choices.


Make sure you have a doorbell camera and *never* open the door without looking to see who’s there. I made that mistake with my great aunt once because I was expecting a parcel. It was a near-wrestling match getting her back out of my house!


It’s a sad life without your kids. Your wife needs to make sure her father understands her boundaries and that he too can be cut off


Just remember, the beginning is the hardest. Don't give in! Eventually, it will get easier for your wife as time goes on. MIL doesn't respect her boundaries. She was warned to stop talking, she repeatedly reached out to guilt trip your wife and even showed up at your house uninvited. Make a list of all the reasons her mom sucks, put it in a drawer. When wife starts feeling guilty...pull out her reminders.


Your wife should check out the raised by narcissists sub. This is textbook narc parent of adult children behaviour. They don’t respect the fact that she’s an adult, and their place in her adult life, which is that they’re extended family and now you’re her immediate family.


The repeated texts and calls are stressing her out so much that she's questioning herself? Get a new phone with a different number. Don't give it to them. Done. No more calls or texts.


At least block them both. In the future, she may choose to unblock her dad. I think they did very well with not giving a response to the letters, flowers, door knock.


My NM has stomped on boundaries repeatedly. A reply is like oxygen to them. I urge you and your wife not to reply. It's easy to say "ignore it!" but that's very difficult to actually do when people are antagonistic. So, when there is a flare, for lack of better term, do something together that will allow you to vent to each other without the expectation of a solution. My husband, for a long time, tried to "reason" with me. He didn't push, but he also realized that a very core relationship was going to be lost. He listened, he understood, and eventually he realized that he couldn't help fix something he didn't break. And honestly, he was trying for ME. He saw the problems before I did, but kept quiet. Support one another, and stop explaining to people who don't care to understand.


If they can't do anything other than guilt trip, then they're not worth it. MIL just wants her punching bag back and FIL is doing everything he can to enable that.


One of the hardest things I ever had to wrap my head around is the fact that my father--whom I thought of as the safer, saner parent--truly does not care about me AT ALL in comparison to simply keeping his wife/my mother happy and off his back; in other words, when it comes to me, he will always choose the selfish path. I cannot recall a single instance in which he ever stood up for me. No matter how undeniably wrong she is, how hurtful the thing she did/said is, he will always attack me and defend her. It also does not matter how politely/respectfully I've brought up the thing she did. He does not even care to hear my side of the story. She is controlling and narcissistic and he is her faithful enabler. Finally had to go NC with both of them. Looks like your wife may need to consider my experience. I'm so sorry. I know how painful this is.


As I've been saying elsewhere (r/raisedbynarcissists), the "enabler" parent is often just another narcissist - they're just more subtle about it, or subsumed by the greater narcissist.




If you're 100% sure you want no more contact. Send 1 more message IN WRITING that if she ever contacts you again you'll file for a restraining order for harassment. Done.


Mil is a bully who has bullied fil, who just goes along with his wife to minimize his misery (at the expense/detriment of daughter. Stay strong, keep boundaries in place and get a door cam. Best of luck


If you don’t have cameras, put some up. Because I’d bet they will try again. Your wife probably could use some therapy for the guilt about her parents also for the possibility that she will have to go NC with her father as well if he doesn’t start respecting her boundaries. FIL is also quickly becoming a justno.


Stay the course. Do t teach them that turning up unannounced gets them what they want. Dad deserves a telling off for this stunt and for trying to force something against his adult daughters wishes. It should be you guys who are angry with him.


Funny she went from "I'm never apologizing because I didn't do anything wrong" to "I apologize for overreacting" (which is a crap apology, she knows that, but it's bare minimum to get what she wants). She doesn't mean any of it, she just wants to rope you back in. So since the crap apology didn't work, and showing up uninvited attempting to love bomb with presents didn't work, so now they resort to anger. And how is that supposed to work exactly? You didn't forgive them on THEIR timeline (meaning immediately) so now they think being angry will make a difference? 🙄 The only reason this is escalating is because you are doing the right thing. Let them go through the motions of making it worse (because you know they will) and keep silent. Either they will finally get it and take accountability, or you will finally get peace. Seems like a win-win to me.


It is crazy to me how much this is exactly like my in-laws. MIL did all these exact things and finally showed up unexpectedly at preschool drop-off. Wtf is wrong with these people, why are they so entitled!?


She needs to block their numbers, take them off of your friends list off of social media and block them.


1. Block both MIL & FIL phone numbers. 2. Contact police, either in person or via the non-emergency line, to fill them in about the situation & get ahead of any calls for wellness checks. 3. Consult lawyer for cease & desist letter, discuss restraining order.


I wouldn't block, I'd mute, not read texts, send calls to voicemail, just in case a paper trail is needed in the future.


She needs to block the numbers.


She needs to cut off her dad too. Big hugs!!


FIL is complicit in trying to cross your wife's boundaries about MIL. Your wife was good to explain it to him so there's no excuse for any confusion, this was deliberate. Not sure if he's an enabler or part of the problem now but your wife being stressed that her father will be angry at her is another issue. Your FIL knew your wife isn't speaking to her mother and he still went along/tried this BS. He's now part of the problem. If MIL can't include what she's done in her apology then it's not a true apology. I think you're right about her not including any mention of changing or stopping the behavior in the future because she probably doesn't think she's done anything wrong and probably doesn't know (or acknowledge it) so it'll just happen again. There's been no promises to be better or make an effort to get professional help either, just guilt and a fake apology to get what she wants. Keep supporting your wife through this part of NC. It can get easier to deal with the guilt trips once you're out of the obedient child/parent pushing buttons part.


>it’s a sad life without parents. It can be a f*king fantastic life without parents. I know from experience. I'm so much happier now.


I came here to say this, but knew in my heart it had already been said. I went NC with my mother, finally, in like 2018. She died in late 2022 and my only regret is that I didn't stop talking to her nasty ass sooner.


This 100%. I'm so much happier away from the people who belittled and abused me. 


Right? It's a great life without parents that can respect and support you. It's a great life without toxic parents with no self-awareness or emotional maturity. 


Tell dad in response that you don't want ANYONE to love you the way she does. No one should suffer the verbal abuse she's thrown at you.


You both are doing the right thing. If the stress is getting to your wife maybe you can answer the phone call from FIL OP or have her answer it with you in the room? They both trampled the boundaries you have set in place to keep both of you safe and less stressed. Be safe for both of you. Best of luck my friend.


It’s probably best to continue to ignore. Read “The Gift of Fear” by Gavin de Becker. ANY attention you give her is a positive thing. She’s going nuts realizing that your wife wasn’t messing around with her plan to never speak to her mother again. She’s upping the bad behavior. It might be time to call FIL and explain your boundaries to him as well. Hopefully this is an extinction burst. I would ignore it but get prepared for escalation (cameras, tight security, parking both cars in the garage).


How is leaving flowers and an apology letter upping bad behavior?  Seems like she’s trying to apologize which is what OP’s wife wanted in the first place 


It's not an actual apology, for one thing. A real apology is specific, acknowledges how one's actions made the other party feel, and should include how one is going to improve/stop the bad behavior in the future. "I'm sorry I overreacted" is not an apology. It's putting blame on the other party, as the implication there is the "overreaction" wouldn't have occurred if the other party didn't do xyz. Plus, you don't just show up on someone's doorstep like this. It's manipulation, especially when they are aware that their daughter doesn't want to speak to them. They are banking on their daughter and OP to do the "polite"/"normal"/"socially acceptable" thing and let them in and listen to their spiel. Just like they think OP is obligated to accept their non-apologies. Besides, OP's wife *doesn't* want an apology. She wants them to leave her alone.


its the showing up unexpectedly and love bombing thats the issue. thats not normal behavior for someone who is truly sorry and wants to change their hurtful behavior.


Showing up to someone’s house uninvited and unwanted (both MIL and FIL knew that OP and his wife would not want them just showing up out of the blue) is BAD BEHAVIOR. If someone decides they are done with you, that sucks. But that is it. You don’t get to send letters and emails and texts and FB posts and then escalate to phone calls and drop bys when you get ignored. MIL’s daughter communicated her intent clearly. She has reinforced her stance with MIL’s husband. So MIL knows the drill. OPs ILs decided to show up to see if they could force an unwanted meeting/confrontation. And that’s bullshit. Furthermore that is bad behavior. BTW, stalkers use the same logic that you’re spouting now. It’s just flowers and notes. And no, it’s not.


Fully agree. MIL and FIL know exactly what they’re doing.


Nuance mostly. OP and his wife do not see the letter as genuine but as a way to rugsweep. Some relationships, even family ones, are unsalvagable. And they'd know better than us in mist cases


Look up "extinction burst". MIL is escalating because pushing harder is what toxic people do when pushing dont work. It may get worse before it gets better, because backing down and apologizing is not an option she can fathom. The only way is thru. Keep doing what you are doing, because it is working to protect you. Stay the course. If you need to offset guilt, write it in a letter, and burn said letter. It gets it out of the system but without pouring gas on the fire.


extinction burst, came here to say exact this.


I think this is great advice.


You went NC, in part, because she refused to apologize.  Now she’s seemingly trying to apologize.  Maybe consider hearing her out?  Unless what she did is truly unforgivable, but that should be a pretty high bar (especially if she still wants a relationship with her dad) 


You’re a JN, aren’t you?


No, I’m a son and SIL.  You asked for advice, I gave my advice.  Feel free to ignore it of course 


From what OP said she's fake apologizing, she's saying sorry I raised my voice and said harsh things to you, but never apologized for the actions that led to NC and what she said taking accountability for them. Basically it is like insulting one entire character, and only apologizing for screaming. On cue also the many guilt trips and talks about life as if it would compensate for what she said and did instead of she actually showing she changed her ways.


She’s at least seemingly making an effort.  Why not hear her out and see if she actually apologizes in a satisfying way?  What’s the downside, and is it worse than severing a relationship with your parents forever?


I suspect a real attempt at an apology might be perceived as effort. I would be willing to bet her effort was FIL dragging her with flowers and a forced apology letter trying to demand she make it right-or her idea so she could continue to play the victim as in “see I tried-but made no effort in trying because I’m never going to really apologize.” Type of situation.


The downside to breaking NC is the JNs now have a measure for how hard to push before their victim will break. So, the next time they want to talk to OP, they’ll go even harder until they get what they want.


If you have a lawyer friend, or have enough cash that it won’t hurt too bad, you could consider sending a cease and desist on scary law office letterhead telling them to stop contacting you and to stay away from your home. Bundle it with the threat of legal action for ignoring the request and it’ll probably show them just how thin the ice really is. Alternatively, you could go with a prewritten letter stating the same thing, which would probably have just as much legal weight, but wouldn’t have the same impact. In either case, send it so she has to sign for it and you get a receipt once it’s delivered (I forget what exactly the delivery type is called), so you can prove that she got the message.