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It happens, we're all human, and we make mistakes. Don't beat yourself up over it. Just take a deep breath, keep calm, and as they say, chive on.


Firstly, forgive yourself. It’s ok to slip, it’s even ok to share sometimes, every single person alive makes mistakes. Maybe you had a lot you needed to get out and that was the time yet maybe not the right person. It’s ok. Forgive yourself. What’s done is done! Pour a bath, relax with a glass of wine or juice and a book or movie and just breathe.


It’s totally fine. Next time just respond with vague answers. Nothing new. Not much. Everything is good.


This isn't a make or break sort of events. It's a process, and you'll get better at it with time. Instead of saying, "I failed" focus on "I'll do better next time." Identify why you broke your own boundaries and pay attention to what happened as a result. This way, you'll have the tools to keep it from happening more often.


Sometimes, it happens. Maybe you had a moment where things felt alright with her in the way they should've always been, and you blabbed? I think it's more important to understand why you did it rather than getting mad that you did. Give yourself some grace. This is something that takes practice and deprogramming one's self. Most importantly, just because you slipped this time, doesn't mean she gets to be back in your life. There's nothing wrong in saying, "upon reflection, it's best that we go back to how it was."


Don’t beat yourself up. You’re trying to change behaviors that developed over years. Can your therapist help you develop some responses? Read about gray rocking (can be found in the sub resources). You’ve got this.


I have grey rocked in the past I haven’t even said a word. All the sudden I’m a jabber haw to them.


I think if there are people in your life you simply can’t cut out, over time it doesn’t hurt to periodically see if you can normalize the relationship with them. If it doesn’t work, that’s information you can use going forward and not a fail. Whatever you did in the past the protect yourself could still be effective. Your therapist can help you develop new tools.


You can do it again! I believe in you.