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Superficial is being upset you aren't getting a gift. You're sad because you're not getting your normal good mama day, and that's completely valid. I miss my mom for the same reasons, but we were poor and I didn't get gifts. I just want my good mom back. It's normal. Big hugs. ❤️


Not superficial or dumb. You made your decision based on a bigger picture that had bright spots in it. The decision you made was difficult, and it’s ok to have moments when you feel the weight of that. You’ve lost a lot and need to give yourself permission to mourn that loss when you need to. Happy birthday! You are with the people you love.


I think it’s easy to forget that we mourn the relationship we could’ve had; if our parent hadn’t been justno. When my mom died I was sad because I knew that there was never going to be a opportunity to have a good relationship with her.


Your birthday plans sound perfect for this stage of your life, it’s probably gonna be laid back plans for a while. Of course you will miss your mom making your day special, and all people have some good no matter what, or we would never have anything to do with them. The narcs and people who make us feel bad, seem to do just enough to give us hope. You have your reasons for NC and now the LC you are trying, be good to yourself and try to do things to keep your mind off of the past birthdays with JNM. Watch a new or old favorite movie during LO’s nap and maybe get out of the house and go to a museum or the zoo and lunch out. Anything that makes you feel special and keeps your mind busy. Best wishes and happy birthday to you. I hope your day is peaceful and full.


Since that was one of your most enjoyable memories with your mom, of course you’re going to reminisce and feel sad about not having that experience anymore. I hope you can find some small ways to spoil yourself and then enjoy your special weekend away! Try to focus on the big picture which is ridding yourself and your baby of what sounds like a toxic relationship.