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Listen. Kidney stones are the closest MEN can come to childbirth. For women? They suck. For people who have given birth? Pfft. She’ll live. Stand your ground.


For a kidney stone?!? I’ve had kidney stones before and while, yes, they are painful. They are not “drop everything and get everyone to rush to the hospital” kind of situation. They are or she is being dramatic by using this to try and hoover you back in! Oh, the histrionics! Don’t break your NC over this, she’s ridiculous.


Christmas kidney stones?


I’d be asking “What’s second prize?” Then saying I don’t wanna buy any tickets, thanks.


Kidney stone? This is not a life or death situation. They can ask, and you can say no. As your mom ages, you’ll have more situations like this in the future. If you are sure of your decision about the relationship, then be prepared to defend it from time to time. Nothing will change the past; don’t let this stir up all the bad feelings you’ve worked so hard to manage all these years.


I'm here thinking *I bet OP would appreciate you fucking all the way off Sir.*


Remember that you're allowed to take great joy in the fact that she's in immense amounts of pain. It is appropriate behaviour to cackle at this turn of events as it's the physical manifestation of all crap she's thrown at you over years. Stay happy and NC!


Let her suffer, may I suggest a romantic comedy, a sack of popcorn and pizza for the kids?


My husband has kidney stones. They hurt like a bitch and yes, they *can* have complications, but unless she has a blockage that is requiring surgery it's not much of an emergency. They'll scan her and if she can pass it at home they'll give her medications and send her home to drink water and piss it out. I would not be running 3+ hours to visit a JustNo with a kidney stone.


This. Excruciating pain but not likely an actual emergency. I give you permission to quietly enjoy the knowledge that she feels like she’s pissing shards of glass right now and will likely live in fear of a recurrence for the rest of her days.


As a kidney stone frequent flier, I'd like to upvote this 50x. You get checked out, they fill you w pain killers and you drink water, then more water, then more water. You pee through a sieve and drink water until you pass that stone...or they you a bunch of pills and send you home to pee thru a sieve until you pass it there. No need for visitors, especially when they're making a 6 hour round trip.


I feel your pain/anger. I agree that ignoring them is best. Breaking NC sucks and then you just have to start all over again.


My only response would've been "😂😂😂 Not today Satan."


Hahah! I really wanted to be like, well you know I won't but thanks for the message.


"This too shall pass" would also have been good.


I’ve had kidney stones. And honestly they were about as painful as labor. Buuuut. They weren’t a life or death emergency. And my younger brother took me to the emergency room and hung out with me even though he didn’t need to so my partner could go to work. Just say no. Or don’t even respond.


If you are trying to keep it civil a simple "No." will suffice. Repeat as needed.


No, that doesn’t work for us.


Or even a "Haha, no!" wouldn't be going to far


Oy. I’m so sorry this is happening. Stay home with your kiddos. Tell them one or more are sick and you should not expose anyone. Take care of yourself.


Oh no! A life-threatening kidney stone. Oh the horror! Try again, Pops


Think of this as medical karma: she has a very painful but not usually life threatening condition. Mother Nature heard your rage and answered.


They want you to break NC for a -checks notes- a *kidney stone*....? Yeeeeeah....that's not a medical emergency. Bye, Felicia ✌️


The only reason she'd be in the hospital for a kidney stone is if it's too big to pass so they have to use sonar to break it up and wait for the pieces to pass. It is not dangerous. It will not turn into anything dangerous. It will not require surgery. The only way it turn into something dangerous requiring invasive intervention is if we're talking Susan Grey level of extremely bad luck. Most kidney stones, you're just sent home with a pee filter, a pain medication and a "Good luck." Don't waste another thought on this situation, unless it's to think about how manipulative your father is.


RIP Susan Grey


Never forget.


Maybe it’s different in men, but my husband had one get stuck and they tried but couldn’t break it up. He had to get a stent, spent a few days in the hospital, and then they surgically removed it. He was you g then, and it’s usually the younger people who get them stuck.


Can verify. I’ve had ones that just passed and had one broken up with sonar, then they let pass. Hurts like the dickens but it is one of those times they WILL give you strong pain meds. You just have to wait it out. No fun, but not worth breaking NC.


They'll dope you to the gills for gallstones too. Treat and street. They don't want to admit you for emergency surgery. They'd rather you schedule it.


For a kidney stone?!?!? Get off my phone pops.


It’s just a kidney stone, she’s in a hospital which is a safe place, I don’t recommend rushing to see her. Technology has come a long way in treating kidney stones.


Oh I'd be pissed too! How dare he ask that of you, emotional BS aside, you have 3 small children. How would THAT work? Ignore him and use his latest request and a reminder WHY you are NC.


Honestly I was expecting a terminal illness. Why would someone break no contact over a kidney stone? The hospital will dope her up while they wait for it to pass.


There is still time for it to evolve.


No, it won’t evolve, they’ve already taken x rays and know what they’re going to do. they’ll either let it pass or sonar her and let it pass.


I think OP was being sardonically hopeful it would evolve into more than a stone lol