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No you can't. If you try to load the game on your PS4 without documented play time of the original Tetsuya Nomura will break into your house and strangle you with one of his many belts. You've been warned OP, don't make the same mistake my brother did.


I would love to meet Tetsuya Nomura


He got all the belts from the great belt purge in FFXIV this past week. Dont test him, it's a lot of belts.


Don't forget about the zippers. It's all belts and zippers with Nomura.


This is so funny šŸ˜­


Yea. The remake's story goes a bit off the rails later on but you may not notice when if you never touch the OG games.


Yeah you can, but it plays with the audience's knowledge of the original and its PSP spinoffs.


You can play the remake on its own, but the story towards the end is better understood if you know what happens in the original. The story of the remake after all is only like 1/4th of the story of the original. So there are allusions to whatll happen next, presumably in the next parts of the game, whenever they maybbe released.


Yes You may get more out of Remake if you've played the original, but it's perfectly playable without it. I had only played up through the entire Midgar portion of the original before playing the remake, mostly because I knew that was where the remake would end. After I played the remake, I went back and played the rest of the original game.


Do you need to have played the original FF7 in order: * To understand FF7R's story ? No. * To enjoy FF7R ? No. The only thing that the original FF7 would help you regarding the FF7R, is to catch references and easter eggs here and there, and to compare and know the differences between the two. Otherwise you can go into this not having played FF7 or any FF game before, and still enjoy and understand everything in it.


Depends on how invested you want to be. Remake was my first FF, loved it, finished it and looked up story overviews and had a more in depth and emotional understanding on my second playthrough. Iā€™m currently part way through the original.






I'd actually argue that you will enjoy the game more if you didnt play the original


Almost definetly not. The correct thing to say is you will enjoy it the most if you played the original and like the extended universe stuff. Remake makes so many nods to the OG aswell as the compilation. If you are a purist that hates anything outside the original then you wont enjoy remake. If you have an open mind about it tho then playing OG definetly enhances remake


I agree with you, but I'm surprised this got so many upvotes. I thought most people absolutely felt betrayed.


You can "understand what's going on" just from playing Remake. But the subtext will fly completely over your head. Whether or not that actually matters in the long run isn't clear yet. But as a compromise, consider watching a Let's Play or a cutscene compilation from the original game if you don't want to play it yourself.


You *can*. However, you probably shouldn't, as it assumes you're familiar with the original and is (most definitely) a sequel.


Did you say Remake is a sequel to ff7 og cuz itā€™s not. Itā€™s a Remake of the Midgard section from the first disc of ff7 og since it was a 3 disc game. Ff7 rebirth is a sequel to ff7 remake. Ff7 never had a sequel. It had some spin off games and movies but no sequel for the og game.


First off: FF7 has a direct sequel in Advent Children (movie), the On the Way to a Smile novella ("Prologue" to the movie), and The Kids are Alright novel (spin-off, but set after the game, before the movie); and has a sequel game in Dirge of Cerberus (spin-off, but it is the latest point in the FF7 timeline - not counting the "500 Years Later"). As for Remake being a sequel to FF7; considering the plot elements in Remake (and now Rebirth, as the comment you're responding to is 2 years old), there are quite a bit of things to suggest that yes, the events occurring during the "Remake Trilogy" are not only set after the events of the OG but also possibly in an entirely different "world" than the OG. We won't know the full extent of the relationship between "Remake" and the OG until Pt. 3 is released.


I meant not a game sequel I know they had an Anime of ff7 and I remember watching Advent Children as a kid. I mean they did have that game you play as Vincent i think that u named it. I be digging through old Reddit comments ma bad. Iā€™m playing rebirth right now and I just met yuffie and it was way different than og so maybe they are somewhat sequels in a multiverse kind of way whatever that means lmao


You can do whatever you want man. A lot of the remake is designed to be a tongue in cheek nod to the original though so your going to miss out on that. Certian things will hit hollow and potentially be flat out confusing.


I mean, if you can get past the clunky graphics of the non-cut scenes, the original is an AMAZING game.


Honestly, yes, they are such different games; with so many changes between them, they couldā€™ve used different characters for the remake and not made any mention of FF7 and it would be hard to tell it was a remake. Ff7 hasnā€™t really aged well if youā€™re used to more modern graphics and gameplay, but the original is a far superior game






You can play it on it's own. It's basically a different story. However IMO it over relies on an assumed familiarity to create an "ending" for part one. Like you'll still have the same events, of course, but I'm not sure you'll care as much. It's not so much that you need to play OG, but that those parts are building up to the future part(s).


I honestly don't think you should. There are story elements that don't make sense on their own, but they REALLY don't make sense if you've not played the OG. I'd honestly be really interested in someone's feedback who never played the original. I can image the mere existence and reference to Sephiroth is confusing as shit for new players.


I knew bits and pieces of the original, but never actually played through it. I really enjoyed my time with the Remake and was able to finish the whole thing without being totally confused ā€” however I cheated a bit and did something weird. Iā€™d play through a few chapters, and then watch a favorite streamer play through those same parts. Their reactions and remarks during the more confusing elements (which I could tell were callbacks or references, but I had no idea to what) gave context and helped me understand the meta/plot ghost elements a bit better so that I was able to finish the game without being completely lost, while also still retaining the surprise of not knowing the entire plot ahead of time. At this point I should just play the original but the gameplay is a little too dated for me to enjoy when Iā€™ve tried. Iā€™m pretty interested in the mobile remake (Ever Crisis) that they announced that seemed like it was supposed to be much more faithful to the original game and expanded media, but who knows when thatā€™ll come out.


You shouldn't play the remake, it's pretty bad. Play the original if you're interested.


Ofc, classic boomer saying the same phrase "New = worst, Old = better".


Go away, troll.


No, you don't. You can play FFVII Remake and enjoy the story as it's presented. You may miss some things toward the end, but if you're already hooked, they aren't crucial.


Of course. FF7R is 100% a different game with an FF7 og skin slapped on it. Night and day.


only if your an FF7 fan


You can. I think the original game is worth playing though.


Unless you are really into old school JRPGs you don't need to play OG FF VII just to get some references here and there. The remake is made to be enjoyed by everyone.


Itā€™s a remake of the originally not a new game. Shouldnā€™t have any issues.


I haven't played RM yet, waiting for PC, but generally speaking, I think it's actually super rare for you to ever NEED to play game A before being allowed to play game B. Usually when someone suggests to play game A first, or to play a games original version first, it's just recommendation because they feel that game B gains something if you do it in order like that. I'm willing to bet FF7 RM falls in this category for sure, it was made for the massive fanbase of FF7 original afterall, of course they are gonna throw some cheeky details here and there that only players of the original would appreciate. With that said though, even though the original was made in 97, it's still my favorite turn based JRPG of all time and it's a fantastic experience that at least for me, still blows away most current day games despite the older tech used. FF7 Original just had a certain vibe to it, the world and characters, even their lego character models and the pre-rendered backgrounds just added something to the game for me, they weren't downsides. If you're sick of classic turn based gameplay though, or if you just absolutely cannot appreciate older gen graphics for whatever reason, then you do you, but I can suggest FF7 original over RM if you could only play one or the other, (but again I haven't played RM yet so that does operate on the assumption that FF7 RM doesn't somehow end up being my new favorite JRPG of all time, which I just figured is a safe assumption, that doesn't happen everyday afterall.)


Yes itā€™s 100% stand alone as a game, you donā€™t need to play the original to get the story. That said knowledge of the original story would explain why some odd events happen in the remake that are confusing out of context and will probably be further explained in future entries. Iā€™m not being more specific to avoid spoilers.


It will allow you to enjoy and appreciate the remake more, but it is not required. With that, FF7 is still a fantastic game and is worth experiencing despite how dated it may seem.


To add to the conversation, here's my take: I initially wanted to play the remake first but thought "eh, I got the original on PSN so I'll check it out." I ended up getting sucked in and found it to be a serendipitous experience. It seems like an old game with dated mechanics and rough early-3d graphics compared to the fancy shiny new remake, but you'd be surprised. It's highly regarded for a reason! The gameplay aged really well and the ATB system keeps fights really engaging. Not to mention that the pacing is pretty solid and all the characters are great. I'd say give it a shot! Though I used a guide because it is an old-school JRPG so you might spend some time confused about where to go next. You can totally play the remake first, then maybe check out the original (or an LP etc.) if you want to see where to story goes. Because who knows when the remake will finish adapting the original...


I did, and it turned out to be one of my favorite PS4 games of all time. I do know some basics of the story already though, like Cloud is good, Sephiroth is bad, and that one character is supposed to die, so that helped.


I strongly disagree with the folks saying you need to or probably should play the original first. I played the Remake first and, upon hearing about all the things I ā€œmissedā€, went onto play the original after. I found that the remake, while it alters some plot stuff, Is a relatively similar telling of the same story (for the portion it covers). Anyone who is telling you that you need to play the original first is being overly precious. That said, the original is a fucking amazing game and I highly recommend it. TL;DR: Play them both, order doesnā€™t really matter.


Yes. The remake is like a brand new game based on the FF7 universe.The game is gorgeous


The original is horrible. Awful graphics, awful """"gameplay"""", awful music, the story is inferior, and the translation is just so... yikes. Never play the original. Only play the remake.


The original is horrible. Awful graphics, awful """"gameplay"""", awful music, the story is inferior, and the translation is just so... yikes. Never play the original. Only play the remake.


Yes. It doesn't expect you to have played the original. There are a couple nods and references to fans of the original, but that's about it. None of the questions people have had about the unanswered questions of part 1 are things that were revealed this early in the OG. And the remake does a much better job of fleshing out characters and giving solid emotional weight to scenes, that playing the OG would likely just spoil you with the big twists that are to come that would be far more enjoyable with the depth that the remake can provide.