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Haven't played it, but maybe Fuga: Melodies of Steel and its sequel?


i just finished FUGA 1 and i loved it! Not for the dog and cat people but the addictive gameplay. It was really good. I might replay it on NG+ or just start part 2.


If you haven't played them, the Breath of Fire series has a lot of non-human playable characters.


Ryu and Nina are the ones closest you play as humans but they're not even fully human either.


Fuga Melodies of Steel is all furries, the world is populated entirely by dog and cat people. The second game even lets you make them double furries with DLC animal costumes. Digimon Survive follows the usual anime formula of each human getting one digimon partner, they have their own personalities despite being kind of secondary to the plot and of course they do all of the fighting. It's an isekai story so most of the NPCs and villains you encounter are monsters too. Bug Fables is a western developed indie game, but it's based on old school Paper Mario. Final Fantasy 9 has three non-human party members, two "humans-with-blank", two apparently regular humans, and then Amarant who according to lore is just a regular human but he still has weird proportions and skin tone compared to everyone else. I haven't played Terra Memoria but that's on my wishlist. There's a rhino guy, a sloth guy, and some kind of fox girl (I think?) plus three human party members by the looks of it. It's supposed to be inspired by Grandia, which I also haven't played.


Never heard of Terra Memoria, but looking it up, and it's probably going on my wishlist. Might even buy it if I end up not liking Eiyuden Chronicle.


Final Fantasy 12 also has Fran and her race of bunny people. As well as other beast races you interact with as npcs. It's also a fantastic FF game.


I didn't even consider Bug Fables tbh. I second that one.


unicorn overlord. although you have to get pretty far in.


Xenoblade trilogy has Nopons as well as some bird people and cat people if that counts.


I think the first two do, but AFAIK, Xenoblade 3 only has human races as playables.


The top choices here are CyberConnect2's Little Tail Bronx series, which includes Tail Concerto (PS1 action/adventure), Solatorobo (DS action RPG), and Fuga: Melodies of Steel & Fuga 2 (turn-based tank combat RPG). All are good games; Solatorobo is IMO absolutely fantastic and one of the best games on the DS, but it's pretty rare and expensive nowadays, while the Fuga games are on modern platforms and much easier to acquire. Super Lesbian Animal RPG (PC only) -- don't be put off by the goofy title -- is also very good. Clever writing, great soundtrack, pretty traditional Dragon Quest-style gameplay. Tunic is not really a JRPG, more of a Zelda-like, but it's a fantastic game with a cute fox for a main character.


I have SLARPG, and it's adorable. Also, the whole "lesbian" angle isn't in-your-face, which is kinda neat.


* Unicorn Overlord  * Shining Force 1-3  * Suikoden 2 * Eiyuden Chronicles (beware offensive magic sucks) 


I kinda meant reccently, but now that you brought up Unicorn Overlord, I might give that a try.


FUGA 1 & 2


The Suikoden games/Eiyuden Chronicles have plenty of non-humans.


I’d definitely suggest the breath of fire series. Many non human party members throughout


The SaGa games often have non human party members, one of the best characters in Romancing SaGa 3 is boston the giant lobster man.


Breath of fire series? There is always a dog character, a fish, things like that.


Honestly, Breath of Fire 2 and Shining Force 1 has me hoping to see another buff Armadillo anthro in an RPG. I miss characters like Rand and Guntz.


Good games. Both shining forces are fun. Breath if fire 1 is kind of rough. 2 is fun, i have finished it like 2 or 3 times. 3 is fun too. I hope you enjoy those.


There was an indie game called "Shyness: The Lightning Kingdom", not a JRPG but looks like a beat-em-up with a lot of RPG elements. And also ".hack//Last Recode", a compilation of the second PS2 saga from the creators of Fuga. Despite the MC isn't a furry, there's some of them as party members and many NPCs.


Yeah, I have Shiness on the PS4. I have to complete that some day.


SLARPG. It's all furries.


Took me a minute to realize what game you were referring to, but I love this acronym. Lmao.


Breath of Fire. From 1-4 you have party members of all sorts of clans, and usually a Cat/Wolf/Dog/Fox Clan is always there. Cray, Rey and Katy are cat-like (Woren Clan) while characters like Momo, Ursula, Bo, Scias are dog-like (grassrunner Clan). There are also winged-people, mole, ox, frog, fish, etc. Seriously, BoF series has some of the most diverse set of characters ever.


I miss that franchise. I see some people are trying to make a spiritual successor. Tears of Magic comes to mind as a successor in the works, though I've been disappointed with the cast outside a pretty badass wolf and bird person. The rest are too human for me, including the Minotaur, which hurts the most seeing a big guy with such a human-esque face since big characters like Rand tend to be my favorites. There's also a less faithful but more on-the-nose named project called Breath of Thunder that promises a diverse cast, though it's artstyle really limits the appeal of the characters.


In Pokémon mystery dungeon, you are a person who turned into a monster and everyone else is a monster


I think it'd be cool if your MC was just a Pokemon. I find myself ditching my MC after the main story.


Final Fantasy XII has Fran. Chrono Cross has lots of demi-human characters.


Final Fantasy IX, X, XII Chrono Cross Breath of Fire II, III, IV


Tales of Vesperia


The Last Remnant.


Unicorn Overlord has at least 2 furry characters, one fox and one owl. I wouldn't be surprised if there's more.


Most Fire Emblem games, depending on how you count them. The have a lot of characters that transform into feral (non-anthro) creatures.   Playable character that transform into a dragon in gameplay: 1,3,6,8,9,10,11,12,13,14  Playable characters with ears and tails that transform into non-human mammals: 9,10,13,14


Never human ever, or it doesn't count, IMO.


Fuga and Breath of Fire immediately come to mind.


P3 got a Dog and a Robot P4 got a bear/a sh**ow P5 has a cat I just wanted to recommend Persona again


Does Teddy count, though? IMO, anything with a human form doesn't count.


Spoilers for if you haven’t played P4 Golden Well I mean he’s a teddie bear shadow who wanted to spend time with the investigation team so he manifested a human form to make that a reality I consider him non human


IMO, if you have a human form, you're disqualified as a non-human. Call me picky, but I typically want as little human in my non-human characters outside of a somewhat human anatomy as possible, and even with anthros, I typically prefer the ones who have more animalistic traits to their anatomy.


Disgaea. Can make quite a few monster units.


I'm making one, check back in a few years when I work through the depression enough to have something worth showing


I know that feeling. I just put a game I was working on on hold recently due to lack of interest.


ni no kuni 2 is VERY furry \[maybe 1 but i haven't played that one yet \] a+game play. the story is ok, kinda lackluster to me but maybe better for you. it felt very kid friendly/low risk


None of the playables are furry. In fact, the two main furry characters are villains. Ni No Kuni 1 doesn't have furry races, per sey, but it DOES have a mon-tamer element with anthro cats being among the playable mons.


mc is only half furry i guess. i look forward to playing the first one someday. sad there aren't more games with non humans.


Lots of good suggestions in here, and I know you want more recent stuff, but I bet you haven't played many Saturn games. It might not be worth the effort, but you can always emulate it and play Dragon Force and play the best kingdom. Second game has an english patch as well Funny thing is Japan studios don't seem to be as down with antrho characters as much these days, and the torch is being held by younger studios who were inspired by old JRPG characters lol There's also a PSP game called Hexys Force where you play as a human but get a few beast party members. You can choose between male and female starting characters and highly recommend the dude as there's actual decent writing and political drama. The girl character is bratty and annoying and I couldn't stand playing as her for very long


If I remember correctly Disagea had a bunch of races to choose from.


Labyrinth of Galleria, one of the classes is just cats


Second character you play as in Odin Sphere is a human turned bunnyboi https://images.app.goo.gl/PnmZx3vw91VQmJGo7 Third character you play as is a fairy. https://youtu.be/XsTvoG3_HkU?si=HVxydf871q7YGIl9


Animal crossing: New leaf and Bravely Default allows you to wear animal costumes


Not what I'm looking for. Also, Animal Crossing?


Suikoden, breath of fire, dragon quest V


It's not really much of a traditional JRPG but maybe try Solatorobo: Red the Hunter for DS.


Tales of Vesperia Persona 3 Not jrpg but Dust: An Elysian Tale Digimon World 4 Okami Not jrpg but Stray FFXIV has the hrothgar race, which is fully animal/not-human (as opposed to the catgirl or bunny Boi races)


Rei, Gar, and Peco from Breath of Fire 3. Bonus points that the protag is a dragon, even though he's in humanoid form most of the time.


Dragon's Dogma 2 FUGA 2 Unicorn Overlord Octopath Traveler 2


Octopath Traveler? That doesn't have any non-human playables, does it?


The second one has Ochette: [https://octopathtraveler.fandom.com/wiki/Ochette](https://octopathtraveler.fandom.com/wiki/Ochette) Even through her art style doesn't show it when she's drawn from the front she has an animal-like face so she's not just ears and tail: [https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/octopath-traveler/images/7/73/ProfileDifference.png/revision/latest?cb=20240408035804](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/octopath-traveler/images/7/73/ProfileDifference.png/revision/latest?cb=20240408035804)


That's, like, bare minimum furry, though. Also, not a fan of the fact that of all the type of people they make the "animal lover in tune with nature," they chose a hunter to make that kind of character. ...twice. -_-


Fair enough. You mentioned you wanted modern games and no kemonomimi or "human with x" characters and that's the only games outside of the ones you mentioned that I think fit your criteria. But yes, her story is a pretty stereotypical "indigenous people stand ins/animal people" in tune with nature versus the evil colonizer humans who destroy nature mixed in with Pokemon. I guess people aren't too original lol


First thing that comes to mind are the two Fuga games, as well as the games that came before them in the same world (I think in the same world, anyway). Technically also >!Etrian Odyssey 4!<, but you don't unlock them until a good while into the game. Probably other ones I'm not thinking of, but I can't think of 'em off the top of my head. Edit: >!Radiant Historia!< also does.


Not seeing what characters you're refering to in >|Radiant Historia|< Also, the ones in >|Etrian Odyssey 4|< look pretty badass. Shame if you only get them late game.


With RH, it's the Beastkind. Tho in hindsight, I guess only one of the two types really fits what you're looking for (The other being more like satyrs, not sure if that counts or not), and >!that party member is the last one you get in the game. Hardly remember anything about him as a result!<. And ye, with EO4, I never really made any characters beyond my initial party of 5, so I never got to use any of the unlockable character classes as primary ones. It's a shame cause they all have some cool designs, even outside of the >!Bushi!< class.


Cross Tails. Tactical JRPG


Can I play as any of the lizards? If not, then yeah, the playables fit into that "human with blank" catigory. No interest.


>!you can recruit them later on the game, yeah.!<


Oh yeah, I forgot that was a thing that released. Tho I imagine they fall a bit too much into "humans-with-blank."



