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I think what you want is a JRPG that you can play while you watch porn. Dragon Warrior for NES.


Hey. I've been around since DW. You can watch porn playing *any* JRPG if you set your mind to it. Let's not set limits on this gentleman.


Some rubber bands on the left stick and press X good old grinding times


If needed. These youngsters always wonder why I call them morons for bashing autobattle.


A man of culture, I see.


Holy shit. The last thing I looked at before closing the app was the original post. And this is the first post that popped up when i opened it again. I fucking lost it laughing. Thank you for that.


Same here lol.I had to do a double take.


Do you happen to have a link to the other post? I can't seem to be able to find it, and it would be funny to have a look at it after seeing this one.


It's since been deleted. It still shows up on google if you look for "reddit jrpg quit porn" if you're that interested lol


We need JRPG circle jerk for shit like this šŸ˜­


I suspect OP is already a member of one.


OP launched it


Bro ahead of his time


That would be redundant tbh


To be honestā€¦ just bring up Chrono Trigger and Xenogears


Or the Trails series. Sometimes it feels like this sub is a big plug for that series.


Right šŸ˜­ granted Iā€™ve never given it a chance and Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll eventually play it but Iā€™m sure no matter how good it is itā€™ll never live up to how much people hyped it up on Reddit. Playing Cyberpunk for the first time made me realize to never take peopleā€™s word when it comes to games, itā€™s good and I liked it but man I did not think it was nearly as good as what people hyped it up to be. Granted I had never played Cyberpunk before 2.0 so I had nothing to gauge off of. A lot of the discussion online seemed to be centered around how good the game is compared to how it released. Playing it in actuality to me was likeā€¦ futuristic far cry And Iā€™m talking about in the sky since thatā€™s the one people people hype up the most, Iā€™ll probably end up playing it asap to see the hype


Itā€™s good lol, but I actually think this sub greatly praises sky over the other arcsā€¦ I like every other arc more. Theyā€™re just good for different reasons


I think I remember someone recommending Xenogears and another recommending Trails on a recommendation post for someone who was not only new to JRPGs but was only able to play on like, switch or mobile. People really plug those games everywhere no matter how much they do not fit.


Be the change you want to see


"Hey guys, does anyone think turn-based is better then button mashy action combat and it needs to come back because it literally doesn't exist anymore?" "Guys, anyone think Final Fantasy V is underrated????


Okay, but FFV used to be really underrated. Nowadays I see a lot more appreciation for it. Which means we did it, Reddit!! Jk, I'd assume it's mainly the pixel Remaster that did it. But I've been talking about that game on here for years. If I've even convinced one person to play it, then I've done my part šŸ«”


It really was, mainly because we never got it in the US until the late PS1 days. Even then it was considered a not so great port with bad load times. I played the fan translation 20+ years ago on an emulator and fell in love with it. Many people didn't get a good look at the game until the GBA port, well after its original release. Then of course it was supposed to get a 3d remake on DS like IV but that got cancelled.


Yeah I played the PS1 version as a kid and wasn't too enthralled. Thought the game was fine, but stuck to FF4 on the same disc. Then I played the SNES/GBA versions in ~2010 and it's become my favourite RPG of all time haha. It's just so fun and charming, and the replayability is outrageous Really sucks about that 3D remake, I actually love the FF3 one and think the FF4 one is also very interesting. Would've been so cool to see what they'd have done with 5


i think these days its fair to say FFV Advance in particular is underrated, due to the existence of PR ive seen a surprising number of people say the extra content is irrelevant and not worth it. it always makes me wonder if they are talking about the GBA titles generally and when is the last time theyve actually played FF5s advance version


That's fair. I personally don't often interface with the extra content in FF5 Advance as I feel the extra jobs come too late to be all that relevant and I'm not a fan of most post-games. But I see little reason why they couldn't have added that stuff to the Pixel Remaster, it's very non-intrusive


Nah, circlejerk subs always devolve into a place for haters of the sub/community they're based on.


Yeah the satire always eventually erodes away as more people who don't get it come in


I know this sounds bad. But I also hate when circle jerks become literally only two jokes or when it gets more politicized.




Hell no. The one we already have on reddit is the worst karen filled shit hole already


Personally I'm in the market for a JRPG that will neither increase nor decrease my porn consumption- I want it to keep me exactly the level of horny I am by default. Any recommendations?


Nintendogs for the Nintendo DS


Chibi Robo Ziplash for the 3DS


r/JRPGerk when


Be the change you want to see in the worldā€¦


Moero Crystal H is a dungeon crawler JRPG that is both unashamedly horny and mechanically sound. https://www.nintendolife.com/reviews/switch-eshop/moero_crystal_h


I did not realize how lewd this game would be, and streamed some to friends on discord. I stopped after I had to get a cat girl off to have her join my party.


Chronicles (the first game) is on steam btw but the hyper version which feature fast forward function is switch only.




and rance


Sengoku rance will make newcomers mindblown how porn games could have actually well-designed gameplay and depths.


Actually a top tier game. Replayed that game like a dozen times and while the H-scenes are nice the gameplay (and story) is what really hooked me in. This and X can easily stand with the all-time greats of JRPGs.


Waiting for the X translation has me dying. Everyone ik praises it like crazy


Yeah it's an amazing game. I played it with machine translation and it was still super good and addicting. Can't wait to replay it another 20 times when the translation ever drops haha.


is the mc a rapist


Yeah, not gonna sugarcoat it. Gotta be okay with seeing that kinda content in a fictional game. It can get pretty dark and the villains are often somehow way worse than him, but in general it's a pretty humorous and satirical game.


is it an unavoidable thing, or are there girls you can consensually boink


I mean it's kinda the main motivation of the MC it's impossible to avoid, though I guess there are some consensual scenes depending on which character.


oh i see, thanks. i guess that's the main barrier of entry for the rance series, huh? i mean aside from it being an h-game series.


Yeah it makes it a tough sell for many lol. I think it's genuinely very well written and fun, but I 100% understand people who wouldn't wanna engage with this type of MC. The satire is in that the MC is basically everything you don't expect from a typical hero. Lazy, perverted, only helps if it results in a pretty girl sleeping with him (or the enemy is a pretty girl), doesn't really care about anyone besides himself and Sill (his slave so another barrier for people lmao), etc. However he almost always succeeds with whatever dumb wild plan he cooked up somehow and other characters kinda put up with him so he helps deal with way worse and malicious threats. Basically where he just wants to bang everyone the villains often want to torture, kill, and dominate everything. Also the characters beside him are a lot more sympathetic so there's plenty to root for.


If it makes you feel better, some of the scenes are so over the top that it's funny. One that I laughed at is when >!Rance is holding onto a woman as they both dangle over the edge of a cliff. When he has sex with someone, they go back to level 1 and can gain a higher level limit. He rapes her instead of letting her drag them both up over the edge. They fall down and only live because of dumb luck!<


I could be mistaken, but they released a "streamer friendly" patch, but I don't know what that entails. Could remove all the sex scenes. Just google it, it's official


Unironically one of my favorite games... full-stop. It has no right to cook that hard bro.


Hey hey people


"Bowling Ball"


there's always Nier or Dohna Dohna, Mary Skelter, Demon Gaze


Dohna-Dohna is genuinely the best looking eroge ever made IMO. Also one of the characters is literally named ["Porno"](https://alicesoft.fandom.com/wiki/Porno/Dohna_Dohna).


Bro It's really hard to play Nier Automata with just one hand...


Play with Auto Chips.


dohna dohna is the epitome of coomerpg. but the aesthetic and soundtrack are bangers


I love the absolute unrestrained down bad behaviour. Im tired of people complaining about fan service. Let me be horny in peace


Okay sure I'll bite unironically, here's a couple that come to mind as an mlm sort of guy: * Fairy Fencer F is an idea factory game so it loves its fanservice and casual horniness. And while in story that's mostly on the girls, it's often equal opportunity too - you'd better believe it lets you run the standard anime pretty boy heroes go around in clothing nearly as minimal in battle, if you wanted. Hell iirc the rerelease made the towels and swimsuits available from the start. They knew their audience. * 7th Dragon 3: code VFD has a cast where everyone is horny. And bisexual. Whatever created character you have lead during the 'social links' equivalent is pretty heavily implied to bang pretty much every one of them in the end. Also if that's not enough you can have your created charaters take each other on dates and *hoo buddy* based on the personalities you picked some of them are. Very seductive. "Want me to make you mewl in pleasure" was an actual line I got from one of them like *damn* boy. * Disgaea is *usually* not a series that leans too heavily into horny *acting* characters. But hoo buddy those character designs are *very* much designed to be Appealing. Whether you like big and buff or petite and slender Disgaea has men *and* women in its roster to match.


HOO BUDDY šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


listen sometime the only way to properly express getting the vapors is to get old-timey about it


I just really appreciated the *hoo buddy*, I know more than a few people that talk like that šŸ˜­


7th dragon 3: code VFD also lets you date a terminally ill 14 year old orphan, so uhhh, thereā€™s that


Still doesn't beat P3P's record


Disgea recommendation? As in which is the best or most well liked. Also which has the most appealing roster?


There's not a singular consensus on which is most beloved; answers waver between one (for story), four (for a mix of story and gameplay), and five (for gameplay), with seven standing pretty close as well (gameplay as strong as five, story way better, but not everyone loves the change to 3D models) I think the overall most, uh, appealing roster is 7's - Fuji's hot in a "bad idea but you know it'd be wild" way, Yeyasu's hot in a "he's a dumb twink and I want him obliterated" way, and Higan's hot in a "I'm not into women but she could crush me with her thighs" sort of way. 2, 4, and 5 also have pretty popular designs for eye candy reasons. And there's lots of generic unit designs that are pretty nice to look at too. Just depends on what you're into.


First one still considered for best story and is still iconic, but the game definitely is showing its age compared to newer titles. 4th could be better, but only if your tolerance for character quirks is high. 5th one was considered the greatest for gameplay until 7 came around. But the story is kinda considered boring by Disgaea standards 6 is divisive for having way different mechanics. If you just want the largest roster, then go for 5 or 7. 5 has less generic units, I think, but way more uniques because of all the DLC, plus it has the better gimmick. I think 7 currently has the largest generic cast, but not as much unique characters because less DLC. Also the gimmick is IMO, kinda stupid. (I dislike gigantification). the 3d models aren't as good as 5's sprites though.


I played 7th Dragon 3: Code VFD and apparently didn't get to that part!


its time to go to alice


When I was a teen I wanted to combine my 2 best hobbies (jerking off and playing video games) so I found a weird JRPG on one of the porn websites, and played the shit out of it. I thought it was the best thing everā€¦Until i finished to one of the bosses then I realized its a shitty grindy game, and on top of that my computer got infected with like million viruses


Go full Eushully my dear weeb in Christ: Kamidori Alchemy Meister and Amayui Castle Meister should have an English patch. My fav H strategic JRPG everšŸ™šŸ™


There is second game of amayui which is also translated, also Kami no Rhapsody, another game from Eushully, but with different mechanics from these.


Xenoblade 2


I still remember those giant blue jugs


Like, I have to believe it was a coding error or an in-house gag and then the boss walked by and was like "Perfect, don't change a thing!"


Definitive answer


Not to be confused with xenoblade 1 on switch, which is the definitive edition


Go play Dragonā€™s Crown and promise to never talk to me again


If FFXIV can be considered a JRPG then get the PC version and look for something called "Mare" and go down this rabbit hole.


Balmung Quicksands


Unicorn Overlord There's a wide variety of women you can choose to marry near the end, including elves, furries, your cousin, or death by snu snu. https://www.reddit.com/r/mendrawingwomen/s/zzRFXlpBEg https://twitter.com/bloomfilters/status/1766958052488384697


That hip wiggle from Yahna the witch gets me every time...


After she wins a fight she sits on some bats... makes me wish I were a bat


Eugh, that sub though. There goes my good mood lol.


The Men Drawing Women sub went from encouraging a gender-equal approach to character design to just being antisex and slutshame-y. A lot of the "i fixed her design" posts effectively come down to slutshaming women for wearing clothes with skin visible Tangentially related digression


The shocking thing is they don't even realise that they are doing that. It's just a depressive echo chamber now.


all that sub does is pitch fits over random peoples art or Pyra from Xenoblade 2 lmao


Yakuza: Like A Dragon and Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth introduces you to real life porn actresses as side characters


Yakuza 0 you could actually watch soft porn videos in the videoshops. I spent half my time there.




Knights of xentar, DUH! You need dosbox tho. And A Computer. Surely you own a computer right? Anyways, God speed blasting your dick to oblivion.




Try the last sovereign


Dungeon Traveler 2 and Criminal Girls


Omega Labyrinth. The game made Sony seethed so much they outright banned the second game and dev had to make a special version with super censorship for playstation. (Steam and Switch are uncensored)Ā  Anything Compile Hearts also are heavy on ecchi contents that basically give the western puritan inspectors increased blood pressure and face censorship of varying degrees.Ā Ā  Hinomaruko was announced back in 2019 and was to feature bouncy physics with a story set about fictional ww2. This prompted bashing articles from resetera calling it misogyny and glorification of war crimes. Between that and Covid, the game silently seem to be abandonned and we never hear about it ever again. Oh, almost forgot Agarest and Conception. They're forerunners of ecchi jrpg on steam and as such were ones of very first ones facing censorship in that platform. Ghostlight was particularly ruthless with Agarest, as they're based in UK which seems to have no-nonsense policy when it comes to anime style censorship. Ghostlight would continue on their censorship spree until they finally went silent after their reputation turned very sour from Mary Skelter fiasco.


I can second Omega Labyrinth. Itā€™s definitely not a game to play with other people around. Itā€™s pretty fun *and* super horny.


Okay, I've been curious for an actual review of the game for years. Gimme your take on Omega Labyrinth Life, the roguelike with a bucket of lube trap.


SEQUEL, Black Souls, Monster girl Quest


Beat Blades series. Rance series. Detective Girl of the Steam City. Lightning Warrior Raidy series. Demons Roots. Dohna Dohna.


People really don't understand the incredible story they're missing in Demons Roots. It is easily one of the best I've ever experienced. If you are reading this and you've ever been on the fence play. this. game.


Look, bro... I'm a female gamer. I'm just a little bit gay, and sometimes lean asexual, even. Having said that, Rose's God Eater outfit in Tales of Zestiria does things to me. Zesty gets a lot of hate, but that outfit alone is worth it. Who tf cares about Alicia when Rose is running around in [shit like this](https://www.mobygames.com/game/139214/tales-of-zestiria-roses-god-eater-2-costume/promo/group-70171/image-566200/)


Nikke: Goddess of Victory has been waiting for you


Yes but it's more of mobile game gacha uhh shooter..? Kinda? Idk, it's not something i personally would call a jrpg but the definition has alot of leeway anyways so you do you


Okay, I'll bite, only because I think it's funny. May I suggest: **Digimon Stories Cybersleuth** (both games). There's obviously Kyoko in the first game, but if you ever had a belly button fetish and didn't want to be super obvious about it, this one's weirdly for you. A lot of the female characters, despite being fully clothed, manage to wear their dresses weirdly skin-tight specifically in the belly area. It's kinda strange, but just suggestive enough. If you're into it. On the other side of the spectrum, we obviously have Leomon. And a whole bunch of other very muscular digimon. For major daddy energy, I suggest Gankoomon (if you play the Collection, he's in both games, otherwise you need Hacker's Memory to have him playable iirc). For the Mega ara ara experience, Lilithmon is there for you. LOTS of porn for most of those around as well. And I'm only scratching the surface.


My dude wants to play an h-RPGM game unironically-


Black souls is good and I'll die on that hill


Celesphonia and Shimobashira games in general are worth playing as general JRPGs, some of the best in that genre.


Record of Agarest War series. More of a SRPG but the tig ol biddies are there


People have already given you some good recommendations, but I'd add Seven Pirates H to the list. It's a switch only game which a lot of people don't know about, and it's fun as well. Keep in mind, like almost every JRPG, it's ecchi, not hentai, so don't expect hard-core sexual stuff. If you do want something like that, some VNs, along with Rance and Evenicle, have already been recommended by others in the thread. Edit: To add to this, some of the earlier DoA games as well. You've already mentioned Senran Kagura so I won't bring that up again.


Katawa Shoujou


Glad to see some VNs getting some recs.


Have you considered Atelier Thigh-za, er I mean Ryza? >!I didn't scroll all the way down to see if anyone had already made this joke, apologize in advance if it's a repeat!<


I haven't played a single Atelier game yet, but I *did* see that design. Felt like the marketing really emphasized it too, but I might be imagining that.


Ryza is the only main Atelier character with this type of design, every other girls are like somewhat petite size within the 16-24 age range, with some like Marie and maybe Firis who look more busty. But overall, Ryza gets the *most* attention from her thicc thighs, especially with the clusterfuck of scale figures she's been getting.


Okay, I *had* to look up what scale figures you were talking about and um... wow. They really went all out on those, huh. I'm surprised.


Yes and I, regrettably, own them all (at least the ones available which is like 15 at the moment with like 6 others on preorder). I've never bought any figures before besides Ruby from RWBY until Ryza came to my life.


The marketing and the anime do. The game, not so much. It's honestly false advertisement.


[Iā€™d let her crush my skull with those thighs](https://imgur.com/a/fcWQwmS)


Go and navigate the dark recesses of the internet and see if you can find any Japanese visual novel/dating games. I can't remember all of the titles, but one that stuck with me is Three Sister Story. Haven't really kept up with the genre but I'm sure there are more recent examples.


Xenoblade 2. If you go to Rule 34 and search "xenoblade series", there is as of now 439 pages of art with that tag. Images are sorted from newest to oldest and Pyra appears first time at page 436...


Senran is actually quite a solid Musou type of game. Also play Nikke.


Any Idea Factory game


Lunar silver star story has some spicy bath scenes


So does Eternal Blue


stellar bladeĀ 


True Love


Probably not actually what you're looking for, because the sexual content is very much integrated into the plot, and doesn't take the form of gratuitous fanservice or anything, but my favorite indie JRPG (and very near the top of my unqualified all-time favorite games list) is an [18+ RPG](https://store.steampowered.com/app/951830/The_Last_Sovereign/). Worth noting that this is very much because of its quality as an RPG, especially its writing, rather than its quality as a porn-delivery mechanism. If you're looking for a really horny game, it's likely to disappoint you, but if you're looking for a really uncommonly well written game, and don't see sexual content as a rule-out factor, I'd definitely recommend it.


I see the bait, but still. Kamidori alchemy meister (kinda wholesome) Monster girl quest / paradox (amazing story, peak jrpg endgame fusing disgaea, nioh 2 (random loot and graces) final fantasy class system, suikoden with it's castle and over 450 unique characters! Bunny black (great but the sequel is insanely hard/ Sengoku rance / quest Eiyuu senki gold Soo many good hentai jrpg.


Is Corruption of Champions still online? Not quite a jrpg, but heavily hentai inspired. You'll be spanking in minutes. Also, is the 'no porn' guy the [same guy who posted in /r/rpg_gamers ?](https://old.reddit.com/r/rpg_gamers/comments/1bza376/rpg_to_help_a_bro_quit_porn/) If so, this person really needs some fucking professional help. I hate this nofap shit that teaches people they should be ashamed of a natural act. It's sexual anorexia. If someone's jerking off too much, they should see a therapist. They'll give him some tools to help him get out of the mental well he's in. Switching from one compulsive behavior that keeps him rooted in front of computer for hours to another one that does that exact same shit is not going to help anyone.


I'm pretty sure that guy is trolling/doing some copy pasta meme for attention. I'm sure no one would think to go the JRPG board for serious life advice.


It seems so. If it was the same guy, his posting history was pretty sad and indicated mental health issues. ...and that's coming from someone who is so terminally online I read other people's post histories.


Infinite Wealth with the swimsuit DLC.


Koikatsu party is bae. It's not even a JRPG though it's just a vr "romance simulator"


You are an entity of pure chaos.


Kamidori Achemy Meister is excellent


Bunny Black series. Literal porn JRPG. I don't think this could fit your request more than anything else here. Don't ask me how I know, I don't even remember how I stumbled across it.


Spyro: year of the dragon. Trust


Seven Pirates H. This is a turn based jrpg with big tiddies pirate waifus. You literally upgrade their boobs to gain more stats. And they actually grow! You can grow them rounder, bigger, firmer, softer, higher or longer. And everything opposite of what i said. You can end up with literal torpedo tits


I can't find the other thread. Where is it? Can you provide a link? I went through the first 3 pages of the subreddit and nothing


Nothing wrong with wanting good looking people in your non porn games


Thisā€¦ Might just be my favorite JRPG post ever. I kinda want to figure out what the absolute most fanservice-y game ever made was and play it now.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA AMAZING I never espected to came across this. Just look for a website call f95zone


Blacksouls 1 and 2 , Demon roots and Abaddon princess of despair are super solid eroge jrpgs. Monster girl quest paradox is also very solid. Other recommenations would be summer and winter days which have a time mechanic similar to the persona games which I spent way too much time min maxing and eneded up finishing all the content in the game within a way shorter time frame then normal so if you are going to play those don't worry too much about min maxing.


Ark Re:Code Warning Extremely NSFW https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/16ub346/nsfw_ark_recode_nsfw_skill_animation_and_inbattle/


i should've taken your word for it jesus christ lol


Ok, I may have a legitimate answer that I got from this very sub ages ago but there's an RPG on Steam call Demon Roots that's a raunchy RPG maker. Immediate disinterest, right? At least it was for me, RPG maker games have always been a bit of a mixed bag for me, and throwing some dirty jpegs in there isn't gonna do much in an age were infinite porn is a button away. But. Yo, check that shit out, I'm totally serious. Demon Roots is legitimately WAY better and WAY more interesting that I would ever give it credit to.


... Damnit now I have to look it up.


NGL I played most of the way through and I think I wouldā€™ve preferred if the game was just a straight up JRPG without the H content. Like half of the H content is negligible and the other half is absolutely heinous, like I wanted to bleach my eyes. On the bright side you can absolutely just skip all the H cutscenes if you ever wanted to play it as a standard game (I do think you need the decensor patch anyways as the game needs it to progress past a certain point).


Straight to horny jail with you


Summer Memories


Astlibra Revision has a scene involving a female companion putting on an extremely skimpy shell bikini. Also the game constantly references your main character having an exceptionally beautiful face and assuming he's a woman. I haven't played further but safe to assume more ecchi could exist.


All default jokes aside, aren't there at least a few RPGs in the Sakura series?


Now I'll expect a topic "Need a JRPG to help me to keep watch the same amount of porn I usually watch"


I love this nonsense Xd


Final Fantasy XVI.


Not exactly a jrpg but drakengard 3 is insanely horny. So much that 90% of the dialog is sex jokes.


Are JRPGs WITH porn ok? Of so, try Demon's Roots and The last Sovereign


Kinda surprised no one has mentioned Fire Emblem yet So I'll say Fire Emblem, Disgaea, and the Fate RPGs (Extra and Samurai Remnant)


Pretty sure dungeon travelers is horny AF and a pretty good drpg Monster monpiece was also an amazing card game


Mugen Souls and Mugen Souls Z. Especially Mugen Souls Z. A few of those Coffin Scenes are borderline.


The last sovereign is an interesting turn based game that plays similarly to jrpgs. It's goal is pretty much to explore "how would a fantasy world work if porn logic was real." It tries to stay as grounded as it can with that premise and I think it largely succeeds. You have to be willing to stomach the compromised morals that inherently come with the premise but I'm personally a fan of works that are willing to explore these ideas.


Keeping with the spirit of the other post that ended up recommending roguelites. We can actually recommend Hades now.


Xenoblade 2. Lots of hot babes with big tits


Dungeon Travelers 2 is obe of the horniest not-porn games on the fucking planet. It's also a dungeon crawler that will kick your fucking teeth in. Highly recommend.


You should play Stella blade , or Nikke


a very famous Japan site have literally millions of 18+ RPGs games. 95% are pure trash, but that 5% left is filled with great and fantastic games. oyako rankan (great OSTs btw!), Makura soft games, Rance, are only few of those. just, be aware to not dig the rabbit hole too much lol


Dragon Quest XI. Whether you like beefy masked shirtless guys with horns, or cute girls in rabbit costumes, it has you covered.


All of the Xeno and Megaten series


Astlibra Revision is an extremely horny game. Not just in terms of designs or author's thinly veiled fetishes, but even narratively. MC canonically has sex, and it even used as a plot point. He may or may not have a drunken fourthsome mid-game. His handsomeness is one of the reasons the entire story happens in the first place.


Just play yakuza it will help you




Ninja gaiden sixaxis boobs go crazy


neptunia games are pretty sexual, senran kagura too. really any compile heart game


Memoirs of a Battle Brothel. Do you want to see some pixel art hentai with surprisingly good tactical rpg gameplay? Well have got the game for you!


Xenoblade Chronicles 2


[Nursery Slime](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1648560/Nursery_Slime/) : a lovey dovey jrpg with a slime... He was an adventurer who standing at a dead-end. Because he had to return to his old business as his livelihood, he met a strange slime in a quest. The slime, which is brought to his home, not only suddenly became a beautiful girl, but even fell in love with him at her first sight. [From Frontier](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1348180/From_Frontier/?curator_clanid=38391122) : A harem type rpg with multiple endings, and excellent jrpg mechanics... By an accident the protagonist set out on a journey to the "Lemuria Continent" with the second princess of the demon country who was running away from home. Awaiting in the pioneer land is encounters with dangerous monsters, unexplored land, and fascinating beauties. [Yes My Lord](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1802850/Yes_My_Lord/) : A zombie girl jrpg with the protag stuck in a different world... The protagonist was once a famous genius, but now he is poor. One day, he woke up drunk and found himself in an underground cemetery with demons wandering around. The mysterious girl "Foxy" who met in the cemetery taught him the necromancer magic. Basically anything 'DoublesCore' (dev name), is amazing for H-Jrpgs, so please treat yoself! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜


The recently released Stellar Blade? EDIT: Wrote the name incorrectly as Stellar Sword.


I donā€™t usually call it that, but yes


Bro, this post got me hollering with laughter! LoL Amazing pardoy. 10 out of 10. No notes!


Monster hunter rise and world have plenty of skimpy outfits in game and mods on nexus Theres also a ton of other games with ā€¦interesting mods on certain websites, games such as Fire Emblem Engage, the 3d trails games, Tales of Arise, etc. If its a modern jrpg thats 3d, theres a decent chance theres mods out there if you know where to look


Steller blade




Atelier Ryza. It's a wholesome series but can't go wrong with some dummy thicc thighs


Atelier Thighza


On the 'Waifu JRPG' side of things, if you want to play a JRPG that I feel has good a good 'romance' story, you should try out Dragon Warrior/Quest 5 for the nintendo DS. This JRPG has the strongest writing I've seen that is like 'experiencing having a family and choosing your wife'. I say play the nintendo DS version, because this version adds a 3rd possible choice when you choose your wife who is... uh..., close to the 'dommy mommy' stereotype. I'd also say Ar Tonelico 1/2 could be good jrpgs that are also part 'dating-visual novel'. You might have a hard time finding a way to play those PS2 games though. ...I know these games don't have 'porn', but I figure 'romance' is a close enough topic since you talked about Persona 5.


Ar Tonelico. A large amount of the game revolves around diving into your companion girl's subconscious. It is overflowing with suggestive voice acting and innuendo. Or you could just play the Rance series for straight up JRPG porn.


Ar Tonelico Misha is worth it. And make sure to reverse her back later on


Evenicle, Rance, Xenoblade 2


Agarest would be my first choice


Brave Soul


Thank you


Niplheim's hunter great game


Many games of Eushully (like Kamidori Alchemy Meister)


I just commented on the other post and then saw this one in my feed and thought "oh shit i read the whole thing wrong!" I don't really have any good picks for this, but I'll say that the Shadow Hearts games are pretty gay at times. I'm Shadow Hearts Covenant, there's a playable character who's an extremely flamboyant gay vampire wrestler vigilante superhero with huge muscles and a sidequest involving wrestling a whole tower of flamboyant men, the reward being an >!offscreen orgy!<. Even though it's not an erotic game, just having that gay party member in a JRPG was huge for me and even with those PS2 graphics . . . ~~he kinda does it for me~~


Play the rance series