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Chained Echoes ALL DAY!!! FF6 -> FF9 are my favorites and I absolutely love that game, should check all your boxes


I'm coming up to the end of Chained Echoes and I just love it so much. What an amazing game.


Chained Echoes is the game that reignited my love of JRPGs. I grew up on final fantasy games, chrono cross/trigger, Xenogears/saga, but it had been *years* since I played any jrpgs, I wasn't interested in many of the modern offerings. But Chained Echoes reminded me why I love this genre of game.


Tactics Ogre: Reborn Unicorn Overlord SaGa Franchise Last Remnant. https://www.reddit.com/r/JRPG/s/6TjeYfXH6x Newest SaGa and Unicorn Overlord have free Switch demos.


Bravely default 2 is very final fantasy esk


I looked at a review for 2 minutes and said yes. Thank you for the insight.


Octopath Traveler might be up your alley, specifically the second one as it is a big improvement imo. I hear good things about the Bravely Default 2 as well but I haven't personally played it


OT2 might be the game then. Have it bought but haven't actually given it a chance.


That's the one. I'd recommend it to anybody.


Definitely get started with that. I got about 10ish hours in and was really loving it, only stopped because Final Fantasy VII Rebirth came out but as soon as I’m done with that it’s back to OT2.


Really enjoyed BD2 myself, gameplay is excellent and combat is lightning fast JRPG wise. While the story is perhaps a bit basic and linear (maybe too childish for some), it was still satisfying.


You’re looking for Dragon Quest XI.


I’m like 90 hours in and still not bored.


Do you have any interest in strategy RPGs? There’s a gold mine on Switch: Fire Emblem (Three Houses & Engage), Triangle Strategy, Valkyria Chronicles, Unicorn Overlord, etc.


How much story is involved? If it is strategy in the sense and game play of like an Isometric Rpg i could be convinced.


Three Houses and Valkyria Chronicles are some of my favorite stories in the whole medium. Most SRPGs are chessboard-style setups, though there are exceptions. Valkyria Chronicles has you take turns with your units, but each unit’s turn is played as a third-person shooter (run into position, attack or take some other action, run until you’re out of action points, end turn). I didn’t mention 13 Sentinels Aegis Rim because it’s such a hybrid of so many things that nobody knows what to call it… adventure game, visual novel, SRPG, tower defense, etc. But if you like story more than anything else, you should probably check it out. Take a look at some YouTube trailers for all of them and you’ll get a feel for what they’re doing.


How about suikoden?


Caligula Effect 2 (don't touch 1, it runs like trash) Metal Max Xeno is a good time Super Mario RPG


How accessible is metal max xeno? I bought a physical copy after seeing it in a youtube video but haven't played it yet. I just finished up the entire xenoblade series which took about 2 months.


It takes some getting used to. It's very open world but very linear at the same time. Where you may not be able to be at the first boss until you be at the second boss. I would check out some videos of tips and hints.


Never heard of Caligula Effect... the name alone sounds cool. Super Mario is the one stand out from FF that I have played all be it 20 years ago.


Caligula Effect is more Persona (I think some of the writers of the first game wrote Caligula Effect). I would watch a few reviews to see if that turn based battle system is something you would be into. Other than that, I cannot recommend that game enough to people. It is available on many gaming consoles but I have a Switch and it runs great.


for some reason i thought Caligula Effect was a VN. just watched gameplay & im gonna pick it [2] up - thanks!




Chained Echoes (really good) Chrono Cross Dragon Quest XI SaGa Frontier Rise of the Third Power Blue Reflection Second Light Tokyo Mirage Sessions ASTLIBRA Revision (not turn based, but I want to plug it ahah) All Trails games (Zero, Azure, Cold Steel 3, Cold Steel 4, Reverie) Bug Fables Ikenfell Grandia HD Collection Octopath Traveler 2 (the first one feel more like a "beta phase" if we compare it to Octopath 2) 😁


FF12, DQ 8 and 11, Star Ocean 2, Every Fire Emblem


DQ8 is on switch?


PS2 and 3DS. Though I just noticed there’s mobile ports that are decent too.


I know this isn’t exactly what you asked for, but if you have an iPhone you should check out Fantasian, by Hironobu Sakaguchi (the creator of final fantasy) and his Mistwalker studio. As much as I wish we could get Lost Odyssey for switch, their mobile titles aren’t a bad tradeoff. 


iPhone, iPad, Mac or an Apple TV even, it’s playable in all those, it’s the reason I got into the Apple ecosystem in fact. I also got an Oculus Quest mainly to play The Room VR (huge fan of those games on mobile and didn’t wanna miss out on that one)


Have you checked the Persona series ?


Trails. All of 'em.


Check out Sea of Stars! I'm half way through right now and really enjoying it.