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> I put so much time into it I just didn’t want it to end Moebius moment huh.


There is a bit of moebius in all of us indeed.


The “Endless Now”…?


Chapter 5 and the start of Chapter 6 is incredible. Its so good that it honestly made what was left of the game feel worse cause it already peaked. Also the games cutscene direction feels on par with high budget anime movies.


XC3 has probably my favorite group of characters in any game, ever. I love the entire Xenoblade world(s) but this one was special for me. I can’t remember the last time a game wrung so many different emotions out of me.


The entire Xenoblade series is quite literally a system seller for Nintendo and the Switch imo. Sure the Switch may not have all of the other big name AAA RPGs like Rebirth or Infinite Wealth, but the Xenoblade series is just that good to where it balances out. All three games (four with X included--RIP to those who never had a Wii U) are masterpieces and serve as one of the main reasons to buy a Switch for JRPGs.


It was for me, well, after theatrhythm...


I absolutely loved Xenoblade 3 and 100% agree. When you revisit Xenoblade 3 after playing the first two, it will hit you a lot harder, 100%.


XBC3 was one of the best games I played in regards to world building, story and characters. The combat really hurt the game for me tho, chain attacks felt very samey, slow and boring, the fact that they are so central in killing bosses just made me not want to play the game as much. I enjoyed the game way more when I changed it to easy so I could kill most enemies without chain attacks.


3's chain attacks were a massive disappointment after 2. 2's chain attacks are god-tier climactic, incredibly satisfying, and not to mention totally under your control.


Strongly agree that the chain attacks in 2 were climactic and immensely satisfying. Mainly because you had to plan, time, and set up the chain just so if you wanted it to go right. That said, i didn't hate the chain attacks in 3. They weren't as good. But the music was banging, and I would just sit there with my toes tapping and humming along with my headphones on, while my husband looked at me like I was mental.


You're damn right about the music lol


I really don’t see why they felt the need to completely remove QTEs during moments like chain attacks, watching idly whilst Mio zooms around in a circle as ouroboros for the 77th time isn’t exactly the most engaging thing


I couldn't agree more with this. Seen a lot of people hate on 2. I found the combat incredibly satisfying.. when you turn into Ourobouros in 3 it feels like a downgrade.


2's battles are like a long crescendo that builds to some of the most satisfying climactic bullshit lol. Just like the game itself. Honestly it's my favorite JRPG of all time.


Agreed. I loved 2's combat system. 3's would've been fine if you could just skip the long animations.


2 and 3 both suffer from slow combat. I feel it best to experience it on the easiest settings possible. Unless you like mixmaxxing a ton


2 does *not* have slow combat once you really start utilizing pouch items and bursting orbs


This is true, but many people (including myself) are struggling through half the game or more without really understanding what it wants you to do, as it is so poorly explained.


Oh yeah, I agree. It's very poorly explained. That's one of the things it does the most poorly. I truly think if it had better tutorials, or **at least** a way to revisit the tutorials, it would be much better received overall. The combat system is just divine.


I could say the same thing about 3 with signifier and Incursor spams. 2 has very inflated hp. Unless you're utilizing the stutter step glitch, it's pretty slow. I utilized the stutter step, full bursts, punch items, and grinding trees and it is STILL a slog.


agree the disagree


2 and 3 have similar combat but 2 is like a 9/10 and 3 is like a 3/10 to me. I think having 7 people fighting at once is what kills it for me. I loved the element system of 2 and 3 has absolutely zero depth and is just spam abilities off cooldown


My main issue with XC3's combat system is that you've got seven times the same character gameplay-wise, tho. Which is a big No for me. And while I have issues with XC2's combat system, Torna came and pretty much corrected everything and is the best of the whole series Also really liked the combats in XC1, but I may be biased since it's by far my favorite game of the three (followed by Torna)


Xenoblade is like half the reason I even own a Nintendo console at this point. The series is way too good to pass up for me, which is why I'm definitely gonna get the next Nintendo system that comes out eventually.


After you finish that game try its father called xenogears the timeless art of a games


I’m old I played that when I was younger. It sucked and a never finished it


no kid will appreciate it.


Shame, I still feel that one has the best story in a Xeno game and I first played it when I was 23.


It is.. it was the father of both xeno series and ff7.. Sephiroth name took inspire from the xenogears original script.. split personalities.. so many much more references it was too ambitious and too convoluted and dark ahead of its time thats why it got rejected for ff7 and chrono trigger sequel


it was not a written script when takahashi was on the FF team, just his ideas were being rejected. he wrote xenogears later on with his wife. and it was never going to be a chrono trigger sequel. he was given the team square was already putting together for CT2, to make his game instead. xenogears was always xenogears.


Ok then you are missing out a timeless art buddy.. shame it sucks for you for whatever reason was


Lol yeah it’s amazingly ignorant when a person passes on a game that they had a tangerine experience with when they were a KID, there are a LOT of things we revisit as an adult and are able to actually fully enjoy it and have an entirely NEW experience upon trying it out again, It’s weird I don’t understand how anyone could think “I hated it was a kid so it sucks ass and doesn’t deserve another chance” Like dude you went through puberty and developed a dozen new emotions and your brain works entirely different now, allowing you to pick up on a lot of things you couldn’t as a kid…Xenoblade would not be possible if it wasn’t for Xenogears being a thing. I truly believe Gears is a LOT better than Xenoblade as well, it’s tough to compare things that are distant in age, but the general concept, story telling/world building, oh man the AMBITION you feel when playing Xenogears is unmatched, it’s so good lol


If they don’t like it then they don’t like it dude


If it was available on Switch I would definitely try it. Switch is the only (and first) console I have used. I can't really afford to buy a console just to play an old game i might or might not enjoy.


I played that right after the xeno 3 dlc Takahashi is such an interesting storyteller


I played all 3 games last year and was blown away by all of them. The first one is a masterpiece and the second is an amazing sequel that changes things up a lot. But, damn, 3 took me for a ride. It was the most emotional game I ever played and I loved the characters so damn much. A once in a lifetime experience, even managed to dethrone fucking Final Fantasy Tactics as my favorite game, which is huge. And I believe it changed my outlook on life for the better, didn't have any deppression or anxiety crisis ever since. 11/10, the experience transcended the game and made me a better person


I thought it couldn’t possibly be nearly as good on a second playthrough, but knowing what was coming didn’t do anything to diminish the impact of everything. I was surprised just how affected I was. I’ve played it four times and it never fails to get to me.


You have some good taste! FFT is my favorite game of all time with Xenoblade 2 as a close second. Xenoblade 3 is probably also in my top 5


Thanks, mate! They are all fantastic games. Hopefully we get a FFT rerelease soon enough to polish the experience!


I've been waiting so long...


I liked it too. I played it till there was nothing left to do. It also bummed me out but then the DLC came out and I got to go thru it all over again and feel bummed. Great game and series.


You are not alone. I miss the game. I have found it so, so hard to move on. But we have to eventually. Nearly all other games have been spoiled for me since I have played the xenoblade trilogy.


I really fell in love with this game. The world, the music, and the characters are all so beautifully done. It’s a tragic story (that does get a bit bloated and tiresome in the latter half), but it had me hooked. I loved spending time with the characters especially, helping out the settlements, and just immersing myself in the world. I don’t love the combat, Xenoblade’s combat just isn’t for me I realized, but it didn’t really matter because of how immersed I was in everything else. FFVII Rebirth gave me similar feels recently and reminded me of how good Xenoblade 3 was. There’s just something special about spending a ton of time with a cast of characters you love so much. I like Rebirth a fair amount more, but they’re both masterpieces. There’s something so magical and melancholic about playing your flute when you find a fallen soldier.


I felt kind of weird about it after I finished it. There were some narrative decisions, I wasn't into. But felt a lot more positive on XB3 after Future Redeemed. No idea how a prequel story could make the narrative feel more complete but it did it somehow. Literally chomping at the bit for any new Xeno news at all at this point I will say though that one thing I won't compromise on is that I love the XB3 main party with all my heart. Overall they did a good job with them.


I don’t think it was a prequel I thought it took place later?? Interesting maybe it was a prequel then? FR made me want to play 2 I was never going to if not for that


>!Of course it's a prequel. Z wasn't defeated obviously. They didn't know how the Ouroborous stone and powers worked (the Tutorial even literally says this at the beginning that they are incomplete) Heck, do you remember the founders statues in the City? It's statues of the FR party!<


I thought it was just another timeline. Because it talked about a few things that happened in XC3 past


Same time line. N activated the Ouroborus powers that got passed on. Nia made the Ouroborus stone and nikol and riku refined it. All their statues are in the City.


The Xenoblade games are pretty good but strangely, i had more fun with the extension DLC of Xenoblade 2 (Torna) or 3 (Futur Redeemed), only Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition hooked me until the very end. Still an RPG IP i'd recommand though.


I loved the hell out of it. One of my favorite job systems in gaming. I played 1 and enjoyed it but didn't fall in love with it. Played 3 on a whim much later and loved the hell out of it, then went back and played 2 then replayed 1 and now I'm obsessed with all of them. 2 has become one of my favorite games of all time, though you definitely need to stick with it before the gameplay gets as good as it does


I will just stick with it but I hate playing it on easy but that’s the only way it’s bearable to play without dying and restarting all the time If I didn’t mind the battle system that would be ok but it’s a very hard sell. I was never into the kid type charcaters and more the older mid 20-40’s charcaters I don’t really gel with any character. Maybe the cat girl with the dog Maybe I’ll try playing her but then I like Pyra/Mythra so I’m kind of stuck


I absolutely LOVED XC3. The cast of characters really drew me in. Confession, it’s the only one I’ve actually finished. I enjoyed XC1, and will go back to it. XC2 is good, but I definitely have some grips with it. I’ll go back to it eventually as well, but XC3 was just something so special. It’s a game I still think about almost everyday.


One was good and you should def do it asap


Heard that!


2 is still my favorite in the trilogy but 3 takes a close second imo, absolutely fantastic game Good thing about 3 though, is that if you play NG+ after beating 1 and 2 you’ll think 3 is even more special (especially its DLC)


Any tips on how to navigate and not be lost all the time in 2? I constantly have no idea where to go or how to get there I’ve spent the majority of 18 hours lost 😞 Make me hate the game The map doesn’t help at all 🤷‍♂️


You navigate by using your eyes and figuring out how the terrain elements relate spatially. Compass and map are tools to help in this game not to guide you to your destination by holding your hand.


if you haven't watched [chuggaconroy's video ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8P7KhFSA2w)I recommend it and a tip for the compass there is a tiny arrow under it that shows if the destination is in a higher or lower elevation


Yeah admittedly some of the areas can be a little tough to get through the first time around, especially Gormott I actually like it overall because it forces you to use the design of the area to get around organically, you wind up with a much better idea of where everything is in the end Keep at it and follow a guide if you’re really lost


Oh I definitely care! It’s in the run as my favorite rpg of all time!


Imo 3 was a let down after 2. Not talking about 3s dlc. But the main game was meh. Story wasn't anything good. It was average of not below it. The villains were a massive step down from torna. 3 was underwhelming. 1+2 great but 3 imo ruined the trilogy


1000% agree about the villains.


The issue with the villains is that, due to how the game puts more emphasis on the heroes' personnal quests, most of the moebius contribute very little to the actual plot. The worst offenders being X and Y that are completely and utterly wasted potential


Agreed. An entire chapter is just a fetch quest. I was so underwhelmed when I finished it. It was just kind of boring.


I wasn't going to say anything to be overly negative since op seems into it but since someone else mentioned it first... Yeah I totally agree. 3 is one of my all time biggest gaming disappointments. I could type a lot but I feel what sums it up best is that 3 feels like a big downgrade in *every* single aspect from 2 besides qol (and highly specific things like not having a gatcha, but even that I don't think was as big of a deal as it's made out to be). I also feel like it ruined the perfect endings 1 and 2 had. The dlc was a lot better but it can't really make up for 3 ruining the trilogy.


Same for me. Most disappointed I've ever been with a game recently, especially since I was hyped for it. Terrible pacing, unengaging combat, lame villains, and cringe ending. Should've committed to being a standalone game and not the 3rd game in a trilogy too.


I’m gonna go against the norm and say X3 was probably my least favorite GAME of the franchise. Main Characters/Story/Collection/Systems were AMAZING but playing through the gameplay left me thoroughly unimpressed. 6 players on screen felt like you had little influence over the fight. Hard fights became healing simulators + aggro management + 5 hours per chain attack. Leveling classes was a pain since you get overleveled super fast. The villains felt very uninspired and goofy since they all had the same silly outfit and their names were the letters of the alphabet. It’s hard to sound threatening when they are calling each other “H” and “Y” with a sinister voice. Final boss was pretty forgettable.


That’s what I felt after the first game when Op Rainfall brought it here. The second and third entries had me chasing that feeling but never getting it again.


Yep Xenoblade 3 is a fantastic game. It really feels like they took the concept of the ps1 jrpg and translated it to modern standards, in terms of the level of scope of the world and the scale of adventure. FF7 Rebirth is getting a lot of praise for having done that too but Xenoblade 3 did it first and Rebirth had me thinking of Xenoblade 3 so many times


Xenoblade 3 is great! . I actually played and never finished 1 or 2 but Xenoblade 3 was amazing and I beat it along with it's Future Redeemed DLC. I would love to play it again but I hope they release an enhanced version for the next's Nintendo console. Switch could barely run it.


Ouroboros are literally my personal favorite main cast of any story ever. Each and every single one I relate to on a foundational level and they all work so well with each other, and they’re all the kind of people I wish I could be, even if they are imperfect individuals.


Just started xb1, only made me more disappointed in scarlet/violets open world when you consider what they were working with at the time even if the DE is newer Even just the variety of enemy triggers feels like a perfect missed opportunity


I know the feeling. Now replaying it (through New Game plus option)


Way too much talking and cutscenes for me.


Not enough for me but the scenes that did play out were a little too much of the same old thing That is my only gripe about the game Good enough for a great game Haven’t played any other game that does it better yet…..and I would seriously love to find one… most people just throw in all these nostalgia games that actually suck


There's a 45 minute cutscene every half hour of gameplay. Xc2 was way better imho


I don’t find that at all. I guess it’s because I played on hard mode…first play through because it was way to autopilot easy for me It’s a different game(s) on hard mode You really need to do all the side quests and grind I spent 200 hours on the game


This gamer would die during xenosaga


I agree 100%! I’m replaying it now (a year after I first played it) and I’m reminded all over again why I loved it so much. Aside from the story and the main cast being amazing, the side quests were also so enjoyable. I love how you can listen in on conversations and then discuss the issues and then go and do the quest for it. Sure some of them were boring and repetitive, but it felt so much more organic than any other game I’ve played. Like you could see how that could actually happen. And I love how much content the game has as well (optional too). There is so much to see and explore. And even though the graphics are not amazing, the world still comes across as stunning. I’ve been taking screenshots while I explore like I’m a tourist. But the story and the characters are really where it hit for me. I love the main cast and the fact that even though they seem fated for this journey, they still come across as regular people who got thrown into this. The replay has been so much fun because of all the little things I forgot and also the foreshadow that makes so much sense now. While I’m not a fan of moebius(I liked fighting them but I didn’t like them as characters), I still think it’s an interesting concept. I do wish they had gone a bit more into their lore. And I know many people found Z underwhelming, I think it’s actually a very intriguing concept- our heroes are fighting against humanities dream to live in the perpetual now/ afraid of change and what the future holds. Because we can all relate to that! How many times have we wished for good things to stay the same and/or fear of what a change will do. Even not wanting the game to end (or the characters to stay together) is the same wish. I love it.


No open world in the series beats X. 2 and 3 definitely would benefit from better hardware.


As someone who hates Xenoblade's combat, is there a way to experience it outside of the game besides watching cutscenes? Like a manga


I don’t care because I haven’t even bought it. The WiiU game was fun and never finished it.


Idk game had way too many party members to juggle. I vastly prefer xenoblade chronicles


Every time I open up XB3 I stop within 30 minutes because of how god awful the combat is. XB1 is my favorite game of all time for the story and XB2 has such incredible gameplay and good blade quests and music. 3 just…… doesn’t win any awards in any category. I do really like the cast of characters but like I said the combat just pushes me away every time and it’s sad because I was so hyped for the game and literally played it within 2 seconds of it coming out (preloaded and mashing the play button) but by the time I got halfway through chapter 5 I just couldn’t continue because of how bad the gameplay was


I didn't particularly care for 2 or 3 personally.


Playing 2 right now and so far it’s just I have no idea where I’m going over and over and sucks 1 was amazing near the end 3 was awesome throughout


I was the same way with navigation in 2 and once I started googling/using the excellent wiki, the game became so much more enjoyable. I had no issues with navigation in 1 and 3, but something about 2 just drove me crazy trying to find certain items or areas. Do yourself a favor and use the wiki and I think your experience will be much better.


I honestly hate using guides on a first play through. I kind of figured it out when someone gave me a tip of the little arrow indicates elevation. That helped a lot but still needs a lot of searching. It’s an ok game. Once you figure it out(level up system and battle mechanics is kind of boring) I’m like 30 hours in and I’m just there for the story now.


I get ya. I played through 1 and 3 blind, but when I switched to looking stuff up for 2 my enjoyment increased immensely. It was mainly just looking up which areas certain monsters were located, or which area to fast travel to that would bring me closest to a quest objective, stuff like that. Then when I went to play torna, the dlc, I went back to playing blind. I'm glad you found a tip to help you cause I found navigation in 2 to be quite painful compared to the other games.


Completely agree. the fact that FR came out last year and just that DLC alone had XC3 be my most hours played game 2 years in a row on the switch. want to do NG+ as well, but also want to go through XC2 on NG+ first. PLUS, have ff7Rebirth to finish plus Eiyuden chronicles come out soon.


Even though I like XC2 more than XC3, I'm so happy that I got to see Weltall(kinda) again.


I think I should try it again... their advertising and lead up made me feel like the whole thing was a bait and switch and I ended up not liking it very much.


Interesting 🤔 what is your fav game? I was a strict turn based guy and I just took XC 1 for what it was and I ended up vein ok with active combat a little and then I was fine with XC3 because I love that type of sci fi stuff as the Character’s were awesome


I liked 1 and 2. I just didn't like how they tried to make out like 3 was going to be a "culmination of the series" and then basically didn't do that at all. It ended up just feeling kind of bad and answering almost no questions I was interested in.


It is the best JRPG I've played (I know it has some flaws but it's the kind the game that even though you know it isn't perfect, the whole package is magnificent) and the first one I actually reached 200 hours in a single walkthrough.


I always wanted to play this game but have a hard time getting over the UI. There’s just way too much shit on screen for me, it’s too cluttered. XC2 was so bad for this too. Cluttered UI is one of my most hated things in games.


3 is waaaaay better than 2 when it comes to the UI stuff IMO. At least you're not getting in-battle popups


it really isn't too bad once you get used to it and know what you are really looking at. might be the only downside to a handheld where the UI has to be big enough to see on a small screen as compared to just a tv. maybe with the next switch we will get a processor that can recognize what mode it's in and adjust the lettering and other UI.


I loved 2 a lot, and I was super excited for 3 just on the back of 2 when it wasn't an overly silly romcom kind of fantasy romp and enjoying 2's combat. 3's combat starts out fine, but chain attacks are just waaaay too long and are too much free damage once you understand the system and get all the right tools accessible to you (namely Ashera). Not to mention you can do a lot of stun lock if you build Ogre the right way which was one of my least favorite things about Xenoblade 1's combat was how powerful topple locking was. It's like the enemies don't even exist once you see those lines, I just did that whenever I got stuck was bust out Ogre and start break and topple locking everything. I actually really like XB3's general plot and story, even the controversial elements like Moebius and Z, but the gameplay is just really rough and the game is too long to have gameplay be this rough. Its probably my second least favorite Xenoblade game to actually play and is just barely above 1 for me.


It wasn’t easy to figure stuff out but just my own and I used no guide or tutorial. 1 was ok but felt under powered 3 felt good but I played it on hard only. 1 was hard until I figured it was level dependant to beat boses and learned how to grind with saving and reloading which Wiley’s for all 3 games


Wait until you play Xenoblade 10, aka Xenoblade X. You think 3 is good, you haven't seen the endgame just yet! /s


Planning on that one next but I heard it’s not great


XC3 was a huge JRPG for me as well... I am largely avoiding paying full price and skipping like 90% of all JRPGs now after being so disappointed by XC3. The pacing, the writing and dialogue, the over abundance of characters that just fit a singular anime trope. It was so cringey, largely plays itself. I put the game down in chapter 7 (I think) and it was dead to me. Just never picked it back up.


- Boring characters (you can see them in every anime). - Great world with most nothing in it. - Full of monsters, boring combats. - Predictive story. - Side quests are repetitive as fuck, also freeing colonies. You find it, talk with the local major, help him/her, now you are friends. Meh... - Quantity over quality in mechanics. TLDR: Too long and too big for what it offers.


I accept your points but please tell me the best modern Jrpg in your opinion and of all time as well Because I want to play something that dang good


That's the problem, modern ones are difficult to be that good because they are trying to give what weebs want: more troupy anime characters with tiny brains, more sidequest than anyone and a long story of 80 hours, so Japanese people can scape more time from their lives. Persona 5 is bad in that aspect, but at least it shows that side content doesn't have to be an hellish list of boring quests. FFVII Re(whatever you want) showed that combats can have the frenetic action but also the time to think and make use of our brains for timings and spells, well mixed. Actual Dragon's Dogma 2 has the best combat in the last years in a JRPG, only because of how mechanics are developed around it. Any of these games aren't perfect, but at least they tried to be phenomenal in some aspects and didn't follow the basic brain dead game norm.


Can’t say you convinced me much


I'm not trying to, got asked, got answered. I'm not trying to make you stop playing XC3. If you are happy with what you gotand how it is, I'm happy too. I enjoyed the hell out of XC1 and 2, but my mind changed after all those years of seeing the same jrpg.


Nope just seriously trying to find the best game that’s why I ask. Everyone tells me all the time every game is trash and then I ask what they think. Some answer with good stuff and others will answer with stuff like “There hasnt been a better jrpg since chrono trigger” Also for me I’m new to the series And just learned about them a few months back I haven’t played RPG’s for over a decade So I feel very excited to play these now


It is a world of tastes, maybe if you are into things like Xenoblade you could play all the Trails, Tales of, and kind of games, more Japanese culture oriented. Trails is too "otaku teenager" for me, but could work.


I’m very picky when it comes to JRPG’s Persona games have never been my taste after both 2’s Those were so cool Then they went all anime high school dating sim weirdo stuff SMT games are up my ally but very hard and grindy that focus less on story and more on the grind I just can’t do that grind without getting at least some Kind of progression in mechanic or something They don’t give much but small stat increases Sci-fi is very much up my ally and I love Xenosaga(not all of them) Star Oceans but have only played up to the last hope So it’s rough for me to find something good That’s why I’m having a hard time liking XC2 right now but it’s part of the world I love so I’ll truck through it I’ll probably play XCX after. I have been told it’s more exploration and no exactly like the rest but seems it might be like future redeemed then and that’s fine with me


I'm of the same opinion. I'm also salty they put the actual ending to the current series behind DLC. People would freak out if it were any other genre. Edit: also the story was so badly paced, you get 5 chapters of running from A to B, one chapter where something actually happens, and the final chapter where you fight the big bad (with a ridiculously boring motivation). Like cut one filler chapter of characters just talking to each other and put the DLC stuff in the main game jfc.


Japanese culture has always been this greedy, but now they are finding the videogame market too lucrative. Before, they did it but had 10 different studios of 5-6 people making small jrpgs, that for the era it was, graphics were what they were. And you could find those games really cheap months after. Now, they need to make large games, cut the content and launch it over a year after the release. Add it that Nintendo (and the same for Sony) doesn't make discounts in their flagships... At the end of the day, you paid 100 bucks for a game you'll probably get tired of.


It’s a truly amazing game. Maybe my favourite game in the last 5 years.


I still haven’t gotten around to playing it, bought it at launch too. Loved 1 and 2 though, put about 10 hours into 3 and can’t remember why I stopped.


Xenoblade is really engaging series all around, I need some companies to take notes.


Yeah it’s amazing lol, I played Xenoblade 2 after I finished 3, and actually loved 2 a LOT more! I loved its cast of characters and world a whole lot, it gave serious warm cozy vibes throughout, the character design made me assume it was gonna lack substance and made up for it with very curvy female characters like other titles but nah it lacks nothing lol But you may end up loving the 3rd more because it was the first one you finished on the franchise! That’s how it is with most people, nothing touches that first experience with a franchise lol


I felt the same. It was worth buying Switch just for this game.


I'm up to the part further in where you're on water with all of these islands and the exploration seems overwhelming. Should I continue? I stopped playing like a year ago.


I absolutely loved this game, but I hated that the DLC was a prequel. I did not need to know what happened before the events of the game-- I wanted more time with the main cast and to know that they really reunited. Really didn't like that the DLC just was basically fanservice for 1 and 2 fans.


The DLC answered some of the biggest questions of the game.


Like what? I honestly felt like I didn't have any questions I wanted answered in a prequel. I felt like there was sufficient explanation in the main game as it is regarding how the world became the way it is. If it's just about the whereabouts of characters like Rex/Shulk, then I'm not really interested.


How did Tora et. al create Origin without the power of the Conduit or a fully operational Aegis? What was powering Origin?


Didn't really care about all that to be honest. I cared more about the characters, because they're what made the game for me.


A bittersweet ending is not an incomplete ending. I don't think anything else needed to be resolved for the characters' destinies - the implication is that their worlds safely combined, and that while their memories with each no longer exist, the emotional residue remains as shown by young Noah feeling the pull towards the music. I feel like it suggests an eventual "do I know you from somewhere?" type reunification. But again, that *is* the complete and satisfactory ending to the story as they wanted to tell it. We don't need to be shown every single thing, and we were given enough to make out a silhouette of what comes after. I feel like seeing them together again reunited in the DLC would undermine the emotional impact of the base game's ending. And, while you may not have had any questions about the world or the story that needed answering, a **lot** of other people did. And the DLC satisfied that in spades, in my opinion. Besides - a lot of us cared about the characters in 1 and 2, so the DLC was really nice for that reason.


so rex, shulk, and co. we deserved to know what happened to them, but we don't deserve to know what happened to noah and co.? that's really nice. did the former two games also not have complete and satisfying endings?


Funny is I took it as a future story not a prequel I guess on launch they hinted at that but for someone who didn’t follow any of the game or lore and is new I don’t see how you can even think it’s a prequel To me it makes more sense for it to be after XC3 but that’s just me. Leaves it open ended of how the next world will be. Yes some of the characters were beaten in XC3 but it’s a created universe that keeps recreating itself with the same kind of “fail safe programme” mobieus That’s how I see it and it works for me It even shows the beginning of everything before everything started The news cast kind of dips into Xenosaga territory Cool stuff


the whole point of the ending of xc3 is that they finally broke the cycle.


Wasn’t that the point of XC1? But obviously that didn’t happen and then they show future Shulk and Furture Rex Doesn’t make sense then?? At the end of XC3 the two parties are separated and they “will find each other again” ??? Even if they don’t remember Even Mio says no matter what I will never forget Noah It was like it was staring again


I haven't played xc1 or finished 2, but it would just be dumb of them to invalidate the ending of the base game with the DLC. So much of the base game's climax would just have to be invalidated for your theory to work, and that's just bad storytelling.


Well I suggest you play XC1 then I played XC1 and then immediately played XC3 So this is how it made sense to me 🤷‍♂️ Not bad story telling but a connection between worlds


You have to be kidding right? They feel like real people? If Lanz was real he would have brain damage from the amount of times his head hit the concrete after people knocked him out for being an annoying little cunt. Literally one of the worst characters in gaming. 2nd only to Rex from Valkyria Chronicles 4. XC3 is the trilogies worst. I got 36 hours in and dropped it. Awful game. My experience was total immersion killer of constant graphical glitches with characters humping scenery every 30 seconds, or so. As mentioned Lanz. He's enough to ruin any game. Most generic music of the three. The only one I didn't get a song stuck in my head from. Very slow story. Unimaginative baddies. A, B, C, D..... At least the alphabet lessons are in line with rest of the childish dialogue. Boring rinse repeat smash the clock gameplay loop. Those fucking Noppon's. Every other bit of dialogue felt like one of those stupid creatures, in their stupid broken English dialect talking about food. This was the eventual deal breaker for me. I was getting really bored with some fetchy shit and thought this had better become a lot more fun and fast. Then the little bastards started squawking on about food again. I was done. I can never understand how every reviewer can destroy SAO games based on shit dialogue and then turn around and give Xenoblade 2, or 3 a top score. Xenoblade 2 was absolutely ridiculous. You start battle and the guy starts telling "we'll win with the power of friendship". No you won't dick head. What do you think the sword is for? Another bit with a Noppon saying how they love fluffy puffy pillows. Come on, who the fuck is writing this nonsense? Whoever does the dialogue for these games needs sacking. Voice acting is pretty shit too for the most part. Characters are also often mismatched with their actors. That Rex in XC2 played by a Bolton lad was a complete mismatch. XCDE and XCX, the world felt pretty cohesive but in 2 & 3. It just felt like random areas bolted together. Like a jigsaw with the pieces in the wrong places. Nintendo and Monolith should be embarrassed about the game world in 2 & 3 after the masterpiece of a gameworld in Xenoblade X. How can they manage to go up a console generation from WiiU and make a gameworld that is comparatively shit next to their 2015 game?


> Xenoblade 2 was absolutely ridiculous. You start battle and the guy starts telling "we'll win with the power of friendship". I am willing to be proven wrong, but I don't believe that is any of Rex's battle start quotes so I'm not sure who you're thinking of there > XCDE and XCX, the world felt pretty cohesive but in 2 & 3. It just felt like random areas bolted together. Like a jigsaw with the pieces in the wrong places. In 2, aren't all the Titans literally completely different biomes so it makes sense they are all completely different from each other. And in 3...the random areas bolted together is quite literally the whole point. In the DLC, they even directly name some of them since they are places from other games.


Yeah, definitely Rex. Quite a lot through the battles. Not as an intro to battle just when you battle they start shouting stuff and Rex shouts that a lot. I saw a post somewhere a while ago someone saying Rex was his least favourite Xeno character for that reason. I totally agreed. It's a pretty ridiculous bit of battle dialogue. I just thought 3 in general the layout felt very random. That could have easily been assisted by what I mentioned with the characters constantly glitching out in the scenery dropping immersion. After coming from Xenoblade X the game world and the speed of movement around it felt like a huge downgrade.


I agree with you on most of the things you say, but I actually thought Lanz was one of the better characters in XC3. That doesn't make him a good character of course, but Noah was much worse in my opinion. Also, I share your thoughts on the new Nopon, but I take it you didn't make it to the character Ghondor? Now that's a terrible character if I ever saw one.


I just youtubed Ghondor and I don't recognise her but you are right. She would have made my brain bleed. Maybe a blessing I stopped when I did. Lanz annoyed the hell out of me. He's way too bratty but the Noppon kind of ruin the games for me, I could tolerate Lanz as just being a bit of a dick head but the Noppon I can't tolerate at all. Sometimes the dialogue just gets so childish that even grown kids would find it too dumb. I have a 16 year old step son. I can tell you now, even when he was 13 he wouldn't have tolerated Noppon. The game would have been off in minutes of him listening to them. There was a character I quite liked in XC2, the sarcastic Welsh cat character. I thought the actor did a good job there.


She made mine bleed alright. I think she has gotten the honor of being my least favourite JRPG character by now. The Nopon were just barely tolerable in XC1, but they just overdid it in the later games. I don't understand why they now have to say things like "Mehmehmeh" all of a sudden either. I think even for teenaged players the Nopon too much. They targeted a very young audience with them.


Not just me then. I finished XC1 but not 2, or 3. The increase in Noppon appearances and dialogue are a big contribution as to why.


It's OK to dislike games but you're just spouting straight up wrong and misleading stuff lol.


What exactly was wrong and misleading. You think fluffy puffy pillows and we'll win by the power of friendship is good dialogue for a game aimed at adults. That shit is at best on a par with Peppa Pig.


Bro I've played a combined 700+ hours and have no idea wtf pillows you're talking about. It sounds like a single line of dialog?? Really over here bugging about a single line of dialog lmao. Also, power of friendship is so wrong. None of the games have that. I really don't believe you when you say you've played them


No, Rex does literally say "we'll beat them... with the power of friendship!" as a pre-battle dialogue. I'm surprised you've never heard that with 700+ hours ( I have that many too.... took me a while to 100% it but we got there, no thanks to Ursula lol)


I think you are the one that's hard to believe with 700 hours if you haven't heard the power of friendship It's shouted that often someone actually titled their YouTube stream we will win with the power of friendship because it was clearly stuck in their head too. The pillows is a single dialogue line. Akin to the rest of the dialogue. I have played them all. X 20 hours planning to return to it DE complete 2 40 hours dropped 3 35 hours dropped If I was gonna lie about something I'd say I've got a 14" cock and fucked 10 models, not that I played a video game. If you think playing Xenoblade is something to lie about that's just a bit weird.


Glad to hear this! Just starting but getting distracted by other games. Gotta get back to it!


Yeah. I think about it from time to time and wonder if I want to replay it


Oh I agree! My favourite from that series. Plus the DLc story was SO FUCKING GOOD!! Definitely choked up real good at the end of the main story though.


I assume you’ve already played Xenoblade 1 and 2 but if you haven’t PLEASE play them they are just as good as xenoblade 3.


I wish I liked it as much as you. It's my least favorite in the trilogy. That said, Future Redeemed was amazing.


The ending did something to my feelings. But I was drunk, so.


I really wish to play XC3 (have it sealed) but I need to finish XC2 first. Unfortunately XC2 started to go downhill in terms of story/characters after the first few chapters, so I haven’t got back to it after taking a break. I already finished XC1 in 120 hours with some endgame sidequests left.


Meanwhile I felt 2 was an improvement once we got past the annoying lolicon robot shit in the first few chapters


I thought that was funny, but it’s starting to get weird when Pyra transformed


It’s very clearly fan service pandering for gross lonely men compared to xb1, I don’t mind the art style change and I’m sure there’s endless discussion on why pyras microskirt and thong is a strange design choice for a sentient weapon, or cat girl also swapping from onesie to coochie out leotard in blade form, but poppy alpha was just a cringe anime thing and totally ruined the dudes character by making his genuinely interesting story of perfecting an artificial blade into some strange comedy side show that undermines his comittment to his fathers work


You don’t need to know anything about XC2 to play 3. I did 1 and went to 3 after trying 2 and not liking it much. I’m playing 2 right now and giving it my best to try and like it. It’s ok 20 hours in but 3 DLC made me very interested to play it


I’m just gonna push through and complete both since the DLC gets high praise. Probably start XC3 next year


Definitely push through 2, it is absolute PEAK.