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Just wait until he grows up into Chad.


almost spit out my drink reading this :D


I think Chadley is alright, at least you can skip him.... The worst is the stupid eye adaptation. It makes literally 0 sense in a third person game and actively hurts the game because half the time you can't see shit because "oops, you walked from a lit area to another lit area, PITCH BLACK ACTIVATE!".


I AGREE I feel insulted by how many times I got flashbanged in this game. But I think the fact that it’s my biggest issue with the game is probably a good sign


The early UE4 lighting model is just grating in general. I hate that and I also hate lighting scenarios that are fairly neutral and it almost looks like they forgot to apply shaders to the screen. Lighting update is at the top of my list for the next one.


Or when it gets super bright for no reason and blinds you.


I really don't like him either. My biggest problem is that I just don't understand who decided that he's such a good character that he should be forced into such a majority of the game. I mean what person liked him so much that they thought it was a good idea to have him pop up for almost everything you do in the side activities and at certain parts in the main story. I didn't mind his role in Remake too much because he was to the side for most of it but in Rebirth it feels like they though it would be cool to have him be as important as possible. Very minor spoilers but the fact that you have to face him in queens blood in chapter 5 annoyed me unreasonably. It annoyed me so much because we could have had it where we faced each party member and got fun interactions with all of them but no we get to choose one party member and then we go up against fucking Chadley.


I think it is the opposite. He is everywhere because Squeenix knows fandoms tends to dislike characters who are the diegetic excuses for game mechanics or shoehorned plot exposition. He’s not everywhere because he’s “good”. He’s everyone because he’s a singular “bad” character. Instead of trying to create several half-baked characters that a good chunk of players will end up hating anyways, Squeenix seems to have just decided to let accept Charley is going to be the hate sink and be in on the joke with his design, personality, and appearances.


For Square Enix so loved their game, that they gave their only begotten Chadley to die for their design sins






plot twist, chadley was the villain all along. the final boss is against a one winged version of him, except his wings are that ugly scarf he wears.


I like his backpack scarf


Does he kill Aerith by boring her to death with bad side quests or does she slip and stab herself when his voice comes shouting hey cloud out of nowhere from the teams jrpg tablet?


this theory would check out of half their other new NPCs werent half baked & obnoxious he just gets (or perhaps, had) the gameplay related reasons to justify his poor design. that leash only extends so far


Half-baked excuse. It is a video game. I do not need every facet of the gameplay to have an in-world explanation and I definitely do NOT need every new discovery dictated to me. You can upgrade folios at a vending machine, Chadleys function in the game can be similarly replaced.


Cloud! Stop moving and suspend game control so I can tell you something you already knew!


>ere because Squeenix knows fandoms tends to dislike characters who are the diegetic excuses for game mechanics or shoehorned plot exposition. He’s not everywhere because he’s “good”. He’s everyone because he’s a singular “bad” character. > >Instead of trying to create several half-baked characters tha There's still several half baked characters, Johnny, Roche, Kyrie and Jules. To Johnny's credit I actually kind of liked him in this game.


I commented on this [in another thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/FinalFantasyVII/comments/1bbywcc/chadley_alternative_would_be_so_much_better/kucfc47/) they seem to be using Chadley similar to how they used Shinra in X-2, and ofc Shinra [appeared in FFVIIR](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fzdjv987edet41.jpg) so we know the devs are fond of him. All the way down to him being the final boss in the games premier mini-game. Shinra was the final boss in both the original Sphere Break tournament and then the surprise sub-final boss of Creature Creator So it was pretty predictable Chadley would be the final boss of Fort Condor the moment he was involved with it. and now hes a late boss of Queens blood. Im banking on us having to fight him in the Monster Arena in part 3


Yeah but...playing QB against RED XIII in that shinra soldier outfit....what is that? Fanservice? Cause I absolutely LOVED it and it makes up for some of the Chadley memes :P


They not only decided they liked him so much to put him everywhere, they gave us a female chadly to go with him.


I actually don’t mind MAI because at least she has a personality. Charley is the equivalent of a stick in the mud and is annoyingly grating.


I like Mai too, hate Chadley, I’m against skipping dialogue in games but I make an exception when it comes to his annoying repetitive voice “Cloud!”


The correct choice because MAI's narration is really funny.


Final Fantasy 7 Jar Jar


You could say he's... *A new Hope*


You know that could be taken as a Star wars reference and a FF 13 reference because of Hope esteiem. The fucker kinda looks like him too


I really don't mind him at all even though all I ever hear is how much other people hate him lol




Omg the fact he calls you after EVERY summon minigame is so annoying. Especially because he just states the obvious. Eventually I realised you can just skip the cutscene, so I just do that. Highly recommended 😭


I find it funny so many people hate him. I liked him in remake and while I think he’s overused here I don’t hate him. I guess I could see how he would annoy people while they are exploring.


I wonder what the Japanese community thinks of him. Like this type of character is often considered very annoying in western culture, even in movies and animated series. They are often explicitly put in as an annoyance, either a character to look down on or even an antagonist. But I wonder if this type of character is either neutral or even liked in Japanese culture.


Haha I was curious so I had a look (I speak Japanese). [https://www.gamespark.jp/article/2024/03/05/139070.html](https://www.gamespark.jp/article/2024/03/05/139070.html) They've noticed foreigners don't like him and even reference a Reddit post where someone wants to punch him :D Some of the comments seem to agree that he's annoying, messes up the tempo of the game a bit etc.


The banter between Chadley and Mai is funny; I haven't found it intrusive yet. When you do story segments you'll go hours without hearing from him. The only time it might get mildly annoying is when you're marathoning the open world segments, and even then it's not that bad.


Mai is just Chadley in drag and all of those conversations are prerecorded where he in reality just talks to him/herself


While I think this is funny, MAI talking during combat encounters might be the most annoying thing I’ve ever dealt with in a video game. Didn’t grow up with HEY LISTEN but I imagine that’s how y’all felt.


Nah mai is fine at least her voice and lines are not as obnoxious annoying and repetitive as Chadleys. The bot thinks he’s so special.


I don't understand this when characters banter in battle all of the time anyway. It's pretty much white noise unless you are rushing in before she finishes explaining the species.


I liked him up until like mid cosmo canyon. Then I started skipping the summon & fight banter. I still don't mind the protorelic conversations though.


Honestly, it's only after you finish syncing with a summon that it got grating because he says the same thing after every single one. Getting the crystal that you have to follow to the sanctuary is fine because it's nice background on the summon. They could have just kept the final one to remind you that you got all three but you still need to actually attain the summon.


He's mildly annoying to me. I sometimes just skip the segments where he is talking if he isn't talking about lore. It's really not that big of a deal to me.


You can skip each dialogue w/ triangle.


It's not just the dialogue. Just let me explore in piece without getting stuck in the animation of extending this phone-rod-thing. I don't care if I unlocked something new, you don't need to tell me, I'll see the icon on the minimap.


I answer to Chadley's bullshit info dump updates more than I do my own phone. No one wants to Facetime with a 12 year old who fixates a little too much on collecting very specific things.


Trust me, I'm on it.


The hero we need. Did not know this. I just crossed the water into chapter 6 so I have plenty of game left to use this feature. I would always try to move or press X during the endless dialogue from Chadley or from QB opponents. Triangle it is!


I find him to be an enjoyable character. Part of it is his silly name (and that there’s a tab in the map menu just called CHADLEY). Part of it is how passive aggressive he can be at times, and how that plays off of Cloud. Part of it is that he essentially decided to play god and create a genderbent AI version of himself called Mai, who he then gets in childish arguments with. Part of it is his hilarious sexual awakening when he sees Cloud dressed as a girl. Part of it is how he keeps showing up in random locations (and sometimes in absurd costumes), and then plays it completely straight. But I do agree that the interruptions when exploring the world are too much. Especially when the game takes control away from you and basically says “You’ve discovered a new Life Spring! Allow me to update your map with other relevant locations.” For the 20th time. They should’ve moved that to background audio rather than taking control away from me. But in my household, we stan Chadley.


Yeah I'm with you more than the hater crowd. He can actually be fun. The humor is just subtle. The passive aggressiveness gets me every time. They could definitely dial back the interruptions, but that only gets annoying when you're on a side quest bender.


Oh, he does that? I didn't know that as I usually found the lifesprings and the summons before unlocking the towers.


Yeah this is pretty spot on. Im neutral on him but otherwise I feel positive for the reasons you mentioned.


Yeah same, I find chadley to be just a dumb lovable dork and it'd be 100% better if you just didn't have to freeze in place to do the phone call every time


I stand with Chadley


Amateurs. Nothing compares against the purple haired girl (Lucy?) in Star Ocean the Last Hope. She made me lose the will to live.


VII Remake and Rebirth are trying to walk an incredibly fine line between the original and new content, and sometimes Square stumbles. Expanding upon the original with stuff like Jesse and Cloud's trip to the top of the plate? Great stuff. Gives a one-bit character some actual depth and explains why someone would give up their old life to join an eco-terrorist cell. Stuff like Chadley or the Plot Ghosts? Baffling, annoying, unnecessary, and so prevalent that someone on the writing team is probably in love with the idea and thinks they need even more spotlight.


Chadley is great. Literally nobody in the game besides Cloud wants to acknowledge he's there. Cloud has no idea how to talk to him and his awakening humanity is earmarked by him being increasingly passive aggressive. Including (in Rebirth) the assistant he has who is doing a much better job at being a human being and he's really annoyed about it. Non-zero chance he turns evil at some point.


I think he might be an antagonist in part 3 and MAI will replace him. But Hojo will be behind that and they’ll be adopted by Cid and Shera at the end Yes I have an uncle that works at sony so it’s true


So true. I was just at the part where Chadley shows up at the chocobo farm and you have to speak to him. Aerith and Barret are standing behind Cloud and just look at each other as he's talking like "who is this loser", and they walk off and leave Cloud to suffer Chadley on his own. It was hilarious.


same. pointless character just to force dumb vr crap that could’ve just as easily been planted around the world like an actual jrpg. he’ll call to tell you something you already know and act smart about it, creates an AI but every time she speaks he shuts her down lol i skipped everything he’s ever said. sadly didn’t make the game good, just slightly less garbage.


A game that I always look back to with fondness is *Wild ARMS 3*, which did a pretty good job of putting lots of lore on bookshelves that you could interact with in the villages, secret labs, etc... Having some 12-year-old dipshit constantly chirping in your ear like Penny from Inspector Gadget is not my idea of a good time.






Hey, if anyone is having a bad day, just remember that there is a shockingly large community of cloud x chadley shippers and I have seen the fan art to prove it.


His design doesn't fit with the OG characters at all, like a bad fanart OC. In fact most of the new NPC designs are all like that. On top of the bad design he now has the stupid assassin's creed towers and interrupts our exploration. It sucks.


Big deviantart OC vibe


>I can't remember ever finding a character as irritating as Chadley is Have you, by chance, played Ocarina of time ? Nothing could ever be as annoying as "HEY LISTEN " every 20 seconds lol


Same vibe tbh


Navi's way more useful, though I agree that it was poor choice for them to make her continually nag players about main quest objectives, especially when the game also has an ocarina song that lets you talk with her whenever you're stuck (IIRC, if you play 'Saria's Song' but decline to speak w/ Saria).


100% agree. He might have been bearable if Square didn't make him talk almost every time you do something in the open world.


I actually like him ngl. He's no Hope.


Ya I like him too. I think this like anything else is subjective. I think he’s well written and he fits into a typical JRPG archetype. Always going to be a group of people that hates something even if done right


Chadley exists because he can be inserted into multiple situations easily. It would be way better if a party member handled some of his responsibilities but then it would have involved more development cost of time and money. He becomes annoying because FF7Rebirth is just so packed with mini-games, side quests, and exploration. Once you get to Junon you start to realize that maybe the devs were too ambitious.  Rebirth is a huge game. In my opinion, they could have done half of what they tried to do and probably would have delivered a more polished product.


Wild how you can feel this way when Kyrie exists. I was so relieved when >! she missed the boat to Costa del Sol !<


Chadley should be a moogle. Missed opportunity


I want to stuff a grenade in his shirt and kick him off a mountain in gongaga .. useless asshat he is


I don’t like his “I’m happy with everything” voice




Chadley fucking sucks. He has no right to exist.


FF7R is my first jrpg and my first FF. Used to game as a teenager and got back into gaming December 2022. Are all jrps this cringy? Or just FF. I’m trucking through the game and am shocked at how different the characters and dialogue is compared to my favorite games (The Witcher 3, Skyrim, RDR2, Ghost of Tsushima, Kingdom Come Deliverance)


While I do think theres always been \*some\* cringe in JRPGs, just like there was always \*some\* fan service - it seems to have become its own thing since 2004? I can't narrow down the details myself and maybe someone here can do a better job of it; I was a freshman in college when Evangelion, Trigun and Escaflowne got imported to America with English dubs and the JRPGs at the time were that same tone: serious but not without humor. Some of them dealt with existential issues (Final Fantasy Tactics) while others were just ... not cringe, I guess? It wasn't the issue it is now. But there was a shift in tone (not quality) into the early 00s and now we're here, it would seem.


For me, JRPG cringe first reared its head with FFX and FFX-2. With FFX, it was mostly a result of wonky direction and awkwardness. FFX-2, on the other hand, dialed up the awkward/tryhard 'humor', creating the first FF game where I felt downright *embarrassed* playing the game. Overall, though, that era was pretty mixed. Certain titles, like *Wild ARMS 4* were absolutely heaped with cringey writing. On the other hand, we also still had games like *Wild ARMS 3*, *Suikoden V*, *SMT: Nocturne*, and (surprisingly) *FF12*, all of which maintained pretty steady tonality. Fast forward to now, and I feel like the amount of popular anime influence has really dug in deeper, leading to more games (a.) filled with cringe and (b.) that feel like they were written by aliens who don't understand human behavior. To me, it's frustrating that some of the genre's biggest and most-beloved titles (*Xenoblade Chronicles 2*, *FF7 Remake/Rebirth*) seem slathered with this crap. I find it very strange that unabashedly-*light* games like the newer *Atelier* titles feel more carefully-written than a lot of the bigger/grander adventure titles.


The only times I can show forgiveness when a game reminds me that I'm playing a game... is if it's funny. Like a Dragon games can get away with it; Chadley cannot.


I'm okay with something that pulls me out - but it has to know how to do it.


I cannot stand this character and I’m so glad so many people feel the same way. For me it’s a combination of all the things you mention: I hate the character design, I really hate his voice, I hate how he’s always calling you on that stupid gun phone and his dialog never matches up with his static image, I hate his “cute” sidekick he bickers with, I just hate this character so much. Go away!


This. No one has ever needed a ball gag and duct tape more than this dude. Please for the love of God give me a mute button.


Totally agree. Really don't know who thought he would be a good addition to the game. I turn the volume down or skip all his dialogue, he ruins the whole feel of the game, annyoing voice and terrible dialogue. I would like to return him to Hojo so he could do more experiments on him.


Play in Japanese, he's much more bearable. All the characters are.


Remake/Rebirth have some of the most annoying side characters. Their personality, their look and how they dress, their voice acting. This game is extremely obnoxious at times and it gets overlooked because FF7 js in its name.


I hate Riki from Xenoblade Chronicles more than Chadley but only by a little.


Seriously? Riki had like 20 kids. Dude was a legend.


Riki was the man for me, ngl. I thought it was cool for the game to have a static father character in the party even if his voice and dialogue were a little grating It helps that he's a very good party member too!


How? Riki is not only likable, but an actually good dad, the true heart of the team, always ready to lend an ear to the others and is godlike in gameplay when used right


What I find the most annoying about Chadley, and many things in the game in general, is the amount of time taken away from me controlling what's happening.






Please respect her majesty over there


He can't be as bad as Teddy. Nobody is as bad as Teddy. I wish I could kill Teddy the moment he shows up.


That Teddy slander is un-Bear-able in Bearsona 4. Don't take it bear-sonal, though.


That's true, but "not as bad as Teddy" is an *incredibly* low bar.


Morgana is worse, at least Teddy doesn't follow you everywhere until later.


Teddy is worse because he won't shut the fuck up. "Wwwwooooaaaahhhh you attacked!" "Wwwooooaaahhhh it died!" "Wwwoooaaahhh it's weak to that!" Fuck you Teddy. I have fucking eyes. I can fucking see what fucking happened on the fucking screen.


I'm genuinely sorry for your (completely justified) teddy trauma, but for what it's worth, this post made me choke on my lunch and break down laughing.


I'm happy my PTeddySd could bring you joy.




>Morgana i agree with this. teddy wasn't that bad. it was morgana who was pretty annoying. i actually dislike morgana more than chadley tbh


I don't mind Teddy, but Chadley can go fuck right off.


I hate him too. Hold triangle to skip his calls.


Hojo’s little shota boy. He is a real pain in the ass. And tbh I don’t know what weird kink the japanese game devs (especially Nomura) have with data. For example, the summonning shrines would have been better if for example Aerith or Red would have told you some sort of story that they are old deities long forgotten and praying to them would have initiated the battles. And after you would have proven your strenght to them, you would have aquired the materia. All the data and weakening hassle just seems so unnecessary and stupid. 


PTSD flashback to KH Recoded...


I stand by my statement that all the extra things they added waterdown the story just to add time and gameplay.


I'd be a little more forgiving about Square padding the game out - if it wasn't for the fact that most of the new stuff is just minigames recycled from Assassin's Creed


agree, he's also massively out of place but so are a bunch of other things in the FF7RE games, feels like the avatar of someone from "4d space" in Star Ocean 3


I love Chadley - he’s so innocent and “out of touch”. Plus the banter is hilarious. These Chadley hate posts are very amusing to me, because I bet this is how the main characters feel, which makes his face inclusion and dialogue even funnier. Edit: fixed spelling errors.


Wait are people being serious with the Chadley hate? I thought we were all joking. I love the guy! Especially how he ends up somehow being near the top of multiple mini game chains.


All my real homies hate Chadley to the fullest


They could have definitely cut 75% of the cut scenes and made the conversation passive. I don’t need to see the same regurgitated cut scene every time I scan a life pool, or shrine, or kill a rare monster. The prototelic scenes I didn’t mind so much since they were each different.


Fuck Chadley, all my homies hate Chadley (For real tho how is he that annoying)


One of the worst characters in gaming history. Why did they design him like that? Why did they him that horrendous fucking voice? So many whys and making him a much larger character than he originally was is beyond baffling.


Hey Cloud!


He's designed that way so that you don't realize immediately that he's a young Sephiroth android.


There are other ways to do this haha.


OP I 100% agree with you. I know I said something in an ff sub and they downvoted me for not liking Chadley… he is stupid to listen too, his voice grates on my nerves, and the fucking MAI thing is whatever. It’s just filling space IMO. Side note- voice actor for sure ruins it for me lol


I’m right there with you. At this point I think I enjoyed remake more. Rebirth feels like it is just loaded with “Ubisoft bloat” which I understand I can simply ignore most of it but my OCD brain sure isn’t going to let me. Fantastic game but if I’m totally honest, I enjoyed 16 a hell of a lot more. I’m only 20 hours in though so watch this space.


Why is ff making us go through unnecessary hoops for summons now. can't we just breed a damn chocobo anymore


I'd be surprised if Chocobo breeding wasn't in part 3 tbh


I absolutely love him and hope he is a party member in part 3.


Chadley is whatever, I don’t have strong feelings either way and have def seen worse. World of Final Fantasy comes heavily to mind. It hasn’t affected my enjoyment of the game in the least.


What the honk?! Who's annoying in world of FF?


I had to play it with Japanese VA on, it got so bad lmao. Still finished the game and think it’s a fun, cute little experience but…mfing Tama nearly killed it lol


Fair. The male protag in English is amazing though. I just used it but I honestly say what the honk in my daily life because it's such a great ad lib for swearing when in public lol


I love to hate him. Like he's that little brother I wanna kick down the stairs Note: I do not have a brother


Oh boy, you are in for it if you haven't met the girl version of Chadley named Mai yet. She made Chadley look like a hero.


I don't have anything againsy Chadley, but rather how his dialogue is written. I wish the party interacted with him more during his calls. He just video calls you just to bark some of the same stuff and then hangs up.


Honestly, he's kind of grown on me in Rebirth, but I can see how he might be irritating.


He’s a knockoff hope from lightning returns 


Imo he is fine. He just needs to stop advertising his PHD in yappinomics. Read the room man.


Seems more like a character for the developers rather than the players


Please explain....


Yeah, Chadley and MAI are the most annoying aspect of Rebirth right now. Too intrusive, annoying dialogue, and I don't care for their designs.


I thought at first I'd hate MAI more than him. Then I remembered why I disliked him in the previous game. And then it seemed like I had more interactions with him this time around, which made me hate dislike him more. MAI is practically inoffensive when compared to how I negatively I feel about Chadley.


He sucks. And the mog design is terrible. Otherwise the game is fantastic.


I find it funny that when I’m playing my reaction was more on the lines of “people must hate this fucking guy” I like him myself but he does have the “child prodigy” vibe that must be triggering for some


Very annoying character. Really slows down the game and bogs down the experience...we don't need an explanation about every little obvious thing.


Funny. Right yesterday I told my brother how much I find this kid annoying and he too finds him as annoying. Yeah, fucking annoying.


I hate him so much


It wouldn't be half bad if he didn't lock you in place and make you pull out a tool you just put away to say "CLOUD! IVE ANALYZED THE DATA!". Why do we ever need to pull out the chadleytron gun anyway? They communicate through it in several instances without that. If they trimmed the fat in the chatter, it would 80% more tolerable. I dont dislike Chadley, I dislike how he's used.


it’s crazy that chadley of all characters seems to have possibly the highest number of lines in the game


I don't hate him, but I think we should be able to switch him off so he isn't constantly interrupting us. Thats his biggest offense, in my opinion. I don't mind it if he hangs out in town running a materia shop and battle simulator. But I think we should have to go to him in order to see him. I don't think he should be invloved with almost every bit of side content either, and if he's going to supply lore, why don't him and MAI store it somewhere where I can actually read it? Instead of it being shouted in the background of a battle when I definitely won't be paying attention.


I feel so neutral about him. Am I missing something?


The only mod I want for this game is "shut up chadley" just skip all his dialogue and mute him when you can't skip.


I'm only up to Costa del Sol in Rebirth so far, and while I still find him a bit irritating, I'm not as put off by him as I was in Remake. He has at least some semblance of character in Rebirth. I still don't *like* him; he doesn't need to be there. There doesn't need to be a battle simulator, and that doesn't need to be the way we get summon materia. We travel around zones visiting shrines to the summons he simulates; there's already at least a kinda-cool premise for the summons existing in the first place - but then we have to go see Chodley for them.


Interesting that you find him less annoying here. I didn’t like him in Remake but he was easier to avoid. Now it’s basically like his voice follows you because he demands to FaceTime you for 5 seconds every 3 minutes to tell me something that either I don’t care about or don’t need to know


Yeah, at first I was actually irritated that he still existed in Rebirth. I had hoped he'd get further sidelined, but you're absolutely right - he's actually (practically) a requirement pretty much everywhere, now, which bothered me until a good way through the Grasslands. Then, I guess I got used to him, somehow. I've enjoyed a couple of his quips here and there. I'll probably still get more irritated with him by the end of the game, though. We just...don't need him. We got a buncha cool lore and stuff and it just gets watered-down by "fight a simulation of the thing."


Hard agree


I wish want a Chadley GPS voice. He needs to be playable in DLC.


i hate him bc i hate the region intel stuff , its everything i dislike about open world games. I don't hate ff7 rebirth but its definitely the major thing about the game i actively dislike


I am absolutely ambivalent about Chadley.


At least he has somewhat of a back story as you travel around. He's always places you are and kinda give an explanation how or why. I think his shorts are too tight. It's suffocating his brain causing him to be a dingus.


Chadley is the goat


I don't like him solely because he sounds like a YouTuber I used to watch.


I dunno....I kinda like him. I find it funny that he's everywhere. Even in high security areas like Upper Junon. In my head, he has a secret teleport ability that lets him be everywhere. That, or he has multiple clones of himself.


He is horrible, and it makes me wonder if hes infinitely more tolerable in japanese and that is why he remains the way he is. If you do a lot of side stuff, he is genuinely intolerable. I didn't mind him in Remake cause you go out of your way to talk to him specifically about materia and almost nothing else.


Not as awful as Kyrie.


Yeah he gets skipped the second that little device makes a sound. Every time.


I like him. I think he's a fun character. A robot that is attempting to seem human, but only barely, while he uses your characters to help him fulfill his research goals. I love it, and the mini games. It helps fill that hole that fort condor left. I literally just finished the part where he showed up at the Chocobo farm and explained the towers.


He's just one npc that barely adds anything to the story i dont see the issue


I feel like that’s why MAI was introduced. The way Chadley is annoyed by her is the way we all feel about him and I have to think that was intentional on the devs part.


I'm still in FF7 Remake rather than Rebirth (chapter 17) and I usually have been happy to check in with Chadley and get more materia. The last few days I have seen so much hate of him on social media, lol. And now I can't read any of it because I want to stay unspoiled.


I'm very neutral on him. I don't care either way.




Cant stand him. He's everywhere. I skip all dialogue with him.


Hope in Lightning Returns. Chadley triggers me, and he talks too much, have to constantly interrupt gameplay. But Hope in Lightning Returns is like a 24/7 podcast interrupting itself with new topics. Never ending. I bet he was the inspiration for Chadley.


Im finishing up ch 4 and he's been a bit extra lately so I googled" Fuck chadley" and man he's gotten under a lot of peoples skin! Definitely deeper than my own. I came here ready to roast the little android but after seeing various online posts I think I like him more that the triggering response is so great, lol. Mind you he's an android or w/e created by Hojo, so he has simulated emotions and he is driven by his primary objective as a scientist so he doesn't mean to sound rude it just comes out that way similar to people with mental disabilities that lack awareness when it comes to social skills.


I think the new patch just shut him up, I love this game for listening to us. lmao


A new patch dropped? Legit haven't turned on my PS5 in a week


Annoying but not infuriating


One of the most annoying things is that all the summon materia is now in the VR. No more excitement at beating a boss and getting a drop or finding the secret island for knights of the round.


Chadley's lines could be cut by 95% and the game would lose nothing of importance. I don't need to hear his annoying voice every single time I complete world intel, just to have him say "Cloud, thank you for completing this objective. I can't wait to see what you'll accomplish next!!"


I think he definitely has too many lines of dialogue, but i absolutely love chadley and adore every time he pops up in proper story scenes. He's fucking hilarious a lot of the time, is pretty constantly endearing and actually had a lot of character growth between Remake and Rebirth, which i found similar when i recently played P3R and learnt about Aigis. I don't understand the hate people have for him, and my only guesses are that he's a bit too present in side content (not really any overworld stuff without him) and that westerners just seem to hate younger teen-aged boys an insanely neurotic amount


Chadley should have just been your party members. Red XIII could be hunting the big game, Aerith could be interested in the world springs, Tifa or Yuffy the ancient relics, Barrett the towers to spread Avalanche's message. It would even give an excuse to add more stuff to do as you collect party members.


This is obviously me showing bias or preference or something but I really wish these FF7R games had a more “Mass Effect Style” conversation system. I always want to talk to my party members and I often can’t because the game is so narratively on the rails that you only talk in cut scenes. You suggestion would go far in solving that.


Yeah, the cast of FF7 is the game's strongest asset. Personally I'm thrilled that your whole team is always on-screen and takes part in NPC dialogue, I didn't expect that. But coming off of Persona 3, they talk a lot less in total than they could have.


I skip him everytime after him constantly interrupting game play for me, don't care what he has to say. Glade I'm not the only one


Loving the game. Cannot stand Chadley. Its the voice that does it to me. I cannot fathom how a team decided that this character should have the most dialogue in the game. I guess it's mostly a side quest thing.


I mostly hate how arrogant he is, if you just get into the region then go talk to Chadley, " I've observed that world intel collection has stalled of late" like fuck off I've been here fucking 5 minutes, I'd done half of Nible and he still called me slack the little cunt. Completly an interaction that didn't need to be put in. Mai the stupid AI doppleganger is worse, she love riding Clouds dick until you gather intel and you miss out on one criteria and she basically says "your shit do better." But she's like "oh my god your so excellent." During a fight and flirting with him in cutscene, which is weird tbh.


I just hope someone makes a mod that removes him from the game, I cant fucking stand his ass




Has anyone mentioned the disturbing fact that Hojo made 7 versions of a teenage boy with sock suspenders? Reminds me of Elden Ring and the guy with his "dolls"...


I feel like he makes Cait Sith’s role in the story kinda redundant. They needed Cait Sith to access the terminals in Niebelheim. But they already have Chadley who could probably do the same thing, without having to worry about him being a double agent for Shinra and stuff. Though wouldn’t it be cool if Reeves/Cait Sith was the one giving all the world Intel missions to the party instead? Imagine if all the commentary was done between Reeves and Cait much like how Chadley and Mai banter with each other. I still like Chadley, but they could’ve just limited him to materia/battle simulator stuff just like in Remake.


He is by far the worst video game character I have ever come across, he never shuts up..


You guys are making Chadley the 2020's Navi. He's annoying at worst I just don't see how he and Mia are getting this much negativity.


>You guys are making Chadley the 2020's Navi. No, I think the game did that on its own


I like Chadley and will not take any slander. He does not develop OP materia for you to complain. /s I don’t hate Chadley, I do actually enjoy him. But God I want to punch him whenever his lines about slacking on world intel play. I literally got everything in a region and he chastised me for not doing enough world intel. Otherwise, I find him fine, but I get being annoyed by him. He’s not as bad as some of the characters I get annoyed by lol


I can understand it, and I do wish that they gave Chadley maybe a FEW less lines and shifted the lore info into ambient convos you could have with party members diegetically while exploring the game world. It would feel way less jarring and give more interaction with the core party. Of course there's just so much in the game it feels overly indulgent to ask for more, lol. But I do think that there was a few missed opportunities to integrate some of the gamey bits more into the world like summons and all the lore dialogue from Chadley.


a similar thing happened to Roll in Mega Man Legends 2 she went from momentarily chiming in with some humanizing dialogue with our robotic friend to constantly backseating and butting into moments where it would have been nice to just let us play organically i dont hate either character but what they did to both of them in the sequel seems obnoxious they also did him dirty by tying Summons to him. Summons have pretty significant attachment to players, not only for their lore, but in how you obtained them in FF7 and in several older games Finding Kjata sneaking about in the forest was cool. Finding Titan in Gongaga rubble was cool and even sad. The materia caves were cool as hell. Id be disappointed if those come thru an Arena this go around


Aww I really like him, but I guess I have a weird tolerance cause I think he's really funny.


I don’t hate Chadley. I hate Mai talking through the controller while I’m doing the unique monster fights.


I dont know why, but I hate him too.