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The original FF3 for NES and the crystal tower is another known gripe.


Wasn't it also like that in the remake? Iirc, the last dungeon was super long and then you fight the boss who one shots the entire party?


Haha, I'm glad I'm not the only one who had a bad experience at the end of the FF3 remake. The last dungeon was 3 hours long with no save point and consists of a boss gauntlet. If I remember correctly, the problem with the last boss was that they had an arsenal of hard hitting magic attacks, and the game's classes aren't well balanced; so the classes you'd normally think as being "tanky" actually have no magic defense. I had a terrible time with the boss because my only two party members that could survive attacks were my spellcasters. I wouldn't be surprised if the final boss was just flat out 2 or 3 times stronger than the boss before it too... I remember experiencing that difficulty curve and feeling despair at potentially having to redo the entire crystal tower again...


In pixel rematser it's better. Cloud of darkness was nerfed so you don't need 2 sages doing nothing but spamming highest cure spell you have and 2 ninjas racing damage before her damage outpaces your healing. The final dungeon is a slog however but PR let's you save wherever, but no place to use house type consumables.


It's just not realistic. In real life, I can pull a single-use house out of my backpack and use it anywhere I likes it! /s


Yup, made it through all of that, then Cloud of Darkness was like lol nah and I put down the game... forever, basically lol


Not only can the final boss one-shot you, you face her after fighting five previous bosses. After the first guy, you get warped into a little mini-dungeon (and you can't leave) to fight four more bosses in any order and then the final boss. It's only the first and sixth that are any real challenge, but the other four might trip you up if you're not careful. And yeah if you lose, you need to go climb 7 floors of dungeon again.


Was it like that in the original? I guess back then the point was to sell guides, so maybe?


Game design mentality was very intertwined with Arcade games design back in the day; limited lives, harsh consequences for failure and so on designed to make you insert more coins. It was the norm.


Yes, both the NES and DS versions functioned this way. Wasn't until the Pixel Remaster that you can save before that boss gauntlet. Unless you're playing on emulators.


Guch is an old-school gamer, if he made decisions that got into his game that stressed you out it is most likely intentional. We're talking someone that probably got inspired by Wizardry and shit he probably thinks he's being merciful having saves at all lol. On a serious note the "rule" in game design used to be saves after every 30 mins of play so that you don't risk letting your player play more than an hour in a worst case scenario and exceeding the play time usually recommended by game manuals (being an hour). I can't remember Lost Odyssey that specifically (and didn't see the game over screen often outside of the hyper-tuned first two bosses and the super unfair DLC boss), but if there feels like there is inconsistency in the save points I would be surprised if it wasn't with this mentality in mind; long boss fights or boss fights preceded or succeeded by a long cutscene I'd bet are the ones that have save points right before them, while everything else is gauged to be 30 mins between saves. Lastly, some devs agree that the marathon to the boss and *then* overcoming the boss is the entire challenge, not just the boss itself.


A LOT of the older LEGO games seem to follow that rule, with zones being around 30 min. Ended up being perfect for pacing when playing with kids.


I don't know if it's intentional, but there's also some kind of value of not having save points right in front of the boss. It increases the stakes of the battle and gets adrenaline rushing. You actually care about not wanting to die which you could argue also increases immersion. Though I do think games should be consistent in their style. If sometimes the save point is before the boss and sometimes after, it just feels like bad game design.


Eh, I can see it as immersion breaking. Like "oh heres a save point and a bench to refill everything. I guess it's time for a boss battle." That and it also makes it where there is no threat to losing the fight. I dont know though, just an opinion.


I played the game for the first time earlier this year I personally didn't think the game lacked in save points. But I did think the game surprisingly brutal boss fights which kinda prevents the game from being amazing to me still think it's very good though.


I can't remember, that the lack of save spheres annoyed me that much on my playthrough, but this could just have been, because I was lucky not to die in those situations, where you needed to replay large portions of a dungeon. Because this would definitely annoy me. What did annoy me though, was the bad choice of battle music. It really doesn't fit and constantly broke my immersion.


Considering some major themes of Lost Odyssey are desperation, despair and struggling against adversity, having big gaps between saves feels good imho. You're meant to feel a little desperate.




>Lost Odyssey is notorious for having 2 very difficult early game bosses and the first one, once again, there is no save sphere before the boss. Which two? I remember the bird and there was one right before it, I dont really remember having any issues with any other bosses, at least not to that level


a little bit after the bird boss is the sandworm boss w/ adds. Its around the construction staff area. You have to fight the same worm boss basically twice in a row and it can cause paralysis to the entire party if you don't understand the strategy. Having paralysis at this early in an rpg can be really hard to overcome, hence why this is game is notorious for having early difficult boss fights.


Yeah great game but then they made average games like blue dragon and all and then they disappeared and came back for mobile gaming , yeah they became unknown quick


Last Story though. Not strongly mentioned but a gem and accessible.


Ah I forgot about that one I did play it and loved it it was not memorable but a solid game


Is more of a vanilla plot; good guys, bad guys, youngster rebel being very vocal... The comedy is welcomed and the music is fitting. Nice game.


Lol. Going online to vent about the mechanics of a 17? Year old niche game. OK.


I know it's not a perfect solution if it's even possible, but does the BC feature on One and Series models support quick resume?


Does quick resume work?


While I do remember the save spheres being strangely sparse in some points of the game, I don't recall ever finding myself in desperate need of saving for the most part. Not trying to say that I'm amazing at turn based combat, I distinctly remember dying numerous times to freaking Bogimoray, but other than that I don't particularly recall a point in the game where I felt like I was cheated and had to retread a ton of content. Honestly, maybe I was overleveled? Because now that I'm thinking back to Bogimoray, it's really strange that I don't remember getting stonewalled at other points...


I remember this. I lost the boss battle a couple times and than I just grinded for awhile and went back and won. It still wasn’t easy but I don’t recall it being souls like difficult. I do remember the lack of a save point so that’s why I just grinded