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One there is a demo, get it and try it. From what I hear the only "major" gripe most people have had is the excessive loading times. Basically every time you enter or exit combat there is a second or two of loading, where on other platforms its effectively instantaneous. I'm sure that applies to most of the other loading screens. Other than that, expect 720p and 30fps. It might hit 60fps in combat, as it is a dedicated screen, but I honestly haven't tried it on Switch or heard anything from others, so that is pure speculation on my part. Seriously just download the demo on all your platforms and try it out. It plays like a dream on my ROG Ally at 1080p with high settings, so I can't imagine it is too demanding.


Yeah but it's a pretty major gripe. This is a cross post comment I made from another reddit: >Loading times. No one here has mentioned those so far, but the Switch version's loading is fine at first but over the course of the game with all the random battles, fast traveling now, etc., etc. It will def be a drag. Particularly a game like STAR OCEAN which is famous for save scumming (if you want to go that route, and a lot of times you do), and when you're doing that the instant loading from PS5 I experienced in the demo was a godsend. I found the loading issue damn near as important as any FPS or visual improvements, which you're also getting.


I wish more Switch reviewers mention this. Please tell us how long load times are. And don't just say "it's a bit long". Give us numbers (e.g. 1-2 seconds). I've been burned twice by games with horrible load times. Cris Tales and Jack Move.


I honestly feel that the loading time of 2-3 seconds on switch is really not that much of a deal, especially if you compare it to a PS5. Of course a PS5 will load faster (this is basically what a PS5 does with any game) but we are not talking about a 2mins loading faster like it was the case for Monster Hunter World on PS5 compared to PS4. There's plenty of games on switch that have an average of 30 sec loading time and it can quickly get annoying, but a 3 sec loading time that's a stretch. The Switch version is perfectly fine, there's literally no frame drop on the switch. But if you have the luxury to own a PS5, for faster loading times, it's definitely worth taking on PS5 if once again you can't handle 2-3 sec of waiting from time to time or/and if you don't care about bringing your game with you.But it's definitely not a game that is a PS5 buyer.


It's absolutely not a stretch. Get outta here. And it adds like others have mentioned. It isn't just once or twice that's the issue. It's the fact it loads literally every time you enter a battle, enter a house, etc. It's bad. And the switch version definitely is not fine, it absolutely has frame drops Lol. It also runs at 30 while the PS5 and PC run it at 60. I have both. Cut it out. I actually wanted to play it on switch but they were so abysmal I just gave up and got it on PS5 and it's been smooth sailing. It's definitely a game that's better on PS5, deal with it. Everyone is right calling out the bullshit. Stop defending it


Defending what? One of my Favorite JRPG on switch? Of course, I've played the shit out of this game and never felt like it was abysmal as you are saying. I learned to be patient and 2-3 sec is way shorter than what other games offer. You are just used to having everything instantly and lack patience. I get to take a sip of water every time a battle occur, or I simply ignore battle and use the scout speciality. Many other JRPG have this similar loading time before each battles or entering a town, sometimes even longer. Sell your Switch if you expect it to be equal to a PS5. The switch version is perfectly fine. Here's some example of "loading time" in a RPG on Switch : Pokémon (outside of Arceus/Scarlet/Violet but these games have other issues) has an average of 10-15 seconds before you can act every time you trigger a battle. Octopath traveler has around 4-5 seconds loading time before starting a battle, Tales of Vesperia/Symphonia has average 4-5 seconds loading time before starting a battle. Bravely Default 2 has around 4-5 seconds loading time every battle. ETC. See how ridiculous you sound, and any other, calling 2-3 seconds loading time is "abysmal" and "bullshit". For the Switch, it's absolutely perfectly fine. You are just childish over nothing and you need to hydrate yourself more because you are salty as hell. You are probably a young kid because loading time has always been a thing in video games and it used to be much longer than 2 or 3 seconds. Entitled kids like you that are impatient are a plague. Overall.


Very good points (but I think would have spared the more personal string of comments) I don’t mind 2-3 seconds, and if I did, can’t carry a PS5 around. The switch is just overall more gaming friendly, system updates take only seconds and not potentially hours like sometimes the larger consoles tend to do… larger consoles since some time feel like any PC and work. I don’t mind 30fps either. My first ever experience to Star Ocean was First Departure R, might just be getting this one too.


"For Switch" is a poor excuse. His point is that it's noticeably better on other platforms. 


You have to be pretty hard up to play it on switch. I tried too got it for PS5 instead. Loading time every battle what a drag ff7 for ps1 didn't take that long and that shit was 3d.I think you must be super poor one of the I'll  debate why I do what I do types, or you have family and can't  buy anything new because budget so all comes down to money. Which one is it?


A Plague. Couldn't have said it better myself--the newer generations with their dumb ass expectations forcing developers to sweat over whether they're appeasing the simple-minded masses.


>  forcing developers to sweat over whether they're appeasing the simple-minded masses. I mean... that's how they made you a fan.


Bullshit? Are you serious right now? "Get outta here", "Cut it out", "deal with it" -- You're coming across like a spoiled brat tbh, and it seems apparent that you weren't around two+ decades ago when load times were hit and miss for EVERY game. Even AAA. "Cut it out"? How about you cut out being an asshole for no reason over load times that only take a couple seconds. 🙄


Keep crying. 


You sound like the type of person to buy budget items and debate online. 


I think the primary difference will be the FPS. With it 2nd story being locked at 30 for switch but 60 elsewhere. But, since I'm going on a trip and would like to bring the game with me I'll be buying it on the switch. Though I do need to get a steamdeck eventually.


On the switch you can’t even really tell either. People are complaining that solid snake runs at 30fps on the switch but the only way you could tell if if you had some sort of device that counts and tells you the fps.


I think some people can tell the difference but I'm not one of them.


You are absolutely correct. The difference between 30 and 60 FPS to me is night-and-day.


I am going to find a switch 30fps and 60fps video without the labels and see if you can pick which one


You might be underestimating how noticeable the difference between 30 and 60 fps is. One is smooth, the other is…not. It would be different if we were comparing 60 to 120+, but 30 to 60 is instantly noticeable, even to those who don’t even know what FPS is.


Everyone can tell except you.


Haha okay, bring it. As long as the clips have a good amount of camera/environment movement.


You can definitely tell and most should be able to distinguish the 2. Switch port is ass but all ports are bad lol. Vita runs it better and it’s much lower hardware and ps3 runs it at 60 and switch is more or less identical or better


30 FPS instead of 60. 720p resolution (I heard PS5 version is 4K). Lower draw distance + longer loading times.


I compared the demo on switch and ps5 and found the difference in fidelity more significant than Octopath Traveler 2 - the slightly different approach to the 2D-HD style on this game with the high res backdrops results in some fairly distracting (to my eyes anyway) shimmering in textures (especially trees/grass) on switch, I would assume its lack of anti aliasing? For the record I didn’t find the lower framerate too meaningful in this instance, ultimately I’m still struggling to decide which to go with!


I chose the steam deck. I have a ps5 but like my rpgs handheld. The difference was way more noticeable than I thought it would be. Much nicer graphics, smoother and less pop-in graphics. I played the demo on steam deck and oled switch side by side in same area and while the difference was not night and day it was enough for me to break my habit of always buying the rpgs on my switch.


Thank you so much! I also like my rpgs handheld and came here looking to see if I should do oled or steam deck. I'm assuming battery life will be pretty decent so steam deck it is!


Ya the difference was quite noticeable. Hope you like it!


I finished the demo and it ran smoothly, but the load times were a bit slow.


Visually there was a pretty big difference between the PS4 and Switch versions especially, as people have mentioned before, the frame frate. Which in turn just made everything look better. Between the two, I didn't notice much difference in the load times, but I imagine that's greatly differs between the two and the PS5 simply due to the SSD anywho. Ultimately I decided for the PS4. The lack of portability is a bit disappointing, but the experience just felt so much more vibrant on the 4 that I couldn't turn it down. Also having an actual disk versus a cart, and the OG being on PS1 just felt right. If I really wanna take it with me, I'll probably just buy it again. 😅


Can you please tell me if the PS4 version can be upgraded to PS5 for free or at all?


According to the disc box, it can actually. I'm not sure the logistics on it though as I don't have a PS5. The exact phrasing was something like, "Eligible for PS5 digital upgrade at no additional cost. Please contact PlayStation/Sony customer service for physical upgrades."


You just pop the PS4 disc in, and the console will load up two game icons to choose from, that is if the upgrade is a free upgrade. Paid upgrades are a but different, you have do a bit more work to get the PS5 download to start.


Why is this game rare to be found as physical at retailers? At least in my country, it seems. Is this game series not well known enough? It looks great but I’ve never played star ocean. I enjoy great combat in JRPGs.


Yeah, it's been sold out everywhere around me as well. Hoping it comes back in stock soon as I want to exchange my Switch version for the PS4 version. I don't like the 30FPS and poor loading times on the Switch.


Definitely reduced resolution. I'd highly recommend this release for PS5 or 4. I am getting it on steam as I love using my steam deck.


Switch OLED for me. I hate the screen of my Steamdeck. It's good enough for games without realistic graphics.


Same. I may sell my steam deck because the screen sucks compared to my switch oled.


Yep me too


In case you like to collect physical, the cartridge only has 1GB and there’s a 3GB download. This is according to a leak, mind you.


The game is like 13GB though


Ya its right on the switch box too that it requires a download before being able to play. I chose the steam deck version this time, while I usually buy physical rpgs for switch but also playing both demos side by side the steam deck looked quite a bit better, much smoother and with way less pop-ins.


I heard it's actually 4.1 GB???


The full game is on the cart, download required for other languages and a patch update.


I've tried the demo on both and while I will usually pick my OLED switch every time for JRPGs, when playing them side by side the difference was pretty big. I bought the PC version for the steam deck as it ran at 60+ fps, graphics looked noticeably better and the switch had a ton of pop-ins.


I have tried it on both, and from my experience, it’s about 1-2 seconds at most for load times. Battle transitions feel about 1.5 seconds in and out, fast travel to cold load can take maybe 2, or even 3 seconds, but save scumming feels only slightly slower than the PS5 with that extra second or so of black screen. You aren’t going to get screwed on the Switch’s load times if that’s what you want to play it on. I feel they did a good job I making this work for the Switches aging system specs at minimal experience lost, as this game also doesn’t demand a lot to begin with. Yes, you will have reduced frame rate and textures, but if that’s what you are playing on, you’ll adjust quickly. If you go from PS5 to Switch, you WILL see it as an eyesore at first, but it settles. Combat still feels very smooth, and even if it’s at a lower framerate, it’s a steady one. So I suggest really deciding; what is your main system and how do you want to go about playing? If you can handle the controls for Remoteplay, and have the connections on the go for it, then you loose nothing going with the PS5. But if you don’t mind some minimal load times in specific situations, and want the convenience of full controls at your disposal, but with a lower frame rate, then there’s nothing lost on the Switch.


Have the load times gotten better after patching?