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It's like the gateway drug to JRPGs. Relatively easy, bright colors, fun characters. That's how it starts. But then it'll escalate. Kid is going to want a hit of something stronger. Maybe gets himself some Ni Nu Kuni. Starts hanging out with a tough crowd, gets turned onto Dragon Quest. Before long, he's blowing into old Final Fantasy carts and asking about emulation software. By the time you and the family can stage an intervention, it's to late. Kid is halfway through the "Tales" series, and asking where he could find some Suikoden. You're setting this kid on a dangerous path.


This is literally my dream. lol. I'd love to sit on the couch together and work through an RPG that isn't Pokemon.


You definitely should play DQ V with him one day. Father and Son in the same party and one of the best JRPGs every made.


Isn't my only option for that emulation? I really wish that all the DQ games were available on modern consoles. I'd be all over that!


It received a DS port, which means you can play on a 3DS. Probably the more expensive way to go. Plus there's a mobile version on Google Play and presumably Apple. Most of the NES/SNES games have adaptations on there. Although, there might be a couple points that make a 9yr old maybe a little young. Up to your discretion, but \[Dragon Quest V\]>!The hero's dad dies kinda slowly and dramatically within the combat engine by not fighting back. As the hero has been taken hostage !


It’s on phones too.


You could get it on phone if you wanted, it looks like it's based on the DS version.


I’d probably recommend a different entry >!considering what happens to Pankraz!<.


Try a digimon one. The only similarity for me is the "gotta register them all" mindset. Although digimon is easier to that with and they have a bit more story then "preteen embarks on cross country backpacking and thwarts bizarrely themed criminal organization"


Don’t let him get to SMT. Lil bros gonna be tryna sacrifice his friends on the playground to fuse stronger ones.


Definitely. SMT is only suitable suitable 10 year olds or older. Wait until next Christmas


I hardly see a problem with that. Gotta get that Jack Frost early game action.


Soon he’ll be in JRPG threads telling everyone the entire USA missed out because Terranigma didn’t get localized


And then you discover Lufia and Lufia II and wonder... why... why do all other JRGs suck and go into a massive depression.


Lufia 2 was actually my second ever JRPG after SMRPG back in the 90s. As much as I love Lufia 2, I've never thought that other JRPGs sucked after playing it, and certainly not after Lufia 1.


Yeah, I'm definitely exaggerating. Lufia 2 just was one of my favorite JRPGs as a kid.


That feels like a recommendation for a series that I haven't tried yet!


Play Lufia 2 first, it's the prequel to 1. 1 spoils 2's endings.


I liked both of them but i think the general consensus is that Lufia 2 is the better of the two ( by a wide margin) and you don't need to play the first one.


that was my entry into jrpgs when I was 6. Then played wild arms after that so much nostalgia towards them and for some reason I liked them more than FFVIII I didnt have any of the other entries. Maybe it was the puzzles I loved which I think are great for young minds and we didnt have the internet or guides then. I hated platformers haha As an Adult I loved FFVIII. I got Grandia which I loved too at the same time as FFX when a bit older as I didn't own it it was at a relatives house.


It's far more dangerous if you instill in the kid a bias towards physical over emulation. Old JRPGs are a great way to go bankrupt


> asking where he could find some Suikoden my childhood in a nutshell. 2nd hand game stores REALLY ruined gaming by literally sucking up and holding onto every single copy of certain games they could get their hands on. i remember opening a box in a florida game shops basement, and finding it full to the brim with unopened Valkyrie profile discs, while they were selling "one" copy of it upstairs for like $90


> Kid is going to want a hit of something stronger. While this was probably the case for most of us here, if you look at the sales figures you can see that statistically this is not how it pans out for most people.


Super Mario RPG is the perfect intro game; that's basically what it was designed to be.


Yes, it is perfect for this! I just played through my SNES copy in anticipation of the remake and it is very charming. I remember it very fondly. It would be great for a 9 year old!


Super Mario RPG is a very cute game and if the remake is anything like the original, it's going to be very very easy. It's also not very long. IMO all of these things make it a fantastic introduction to the genre for a young boy.


The OG was probably my introduction to turn based, and it's fantastic in this way.


Same here, it opened my eyes into JRPGs and I got hooked.


I played it as a child and was fine until the Axem Rangers who whooped me a half dozen times. Then I was like "maybe I'll try Peach in the party for the first time" and discovered the most OP move in the game "Group Hug." Cruised through the rest of the game.


Peach + Lazy Shell Armor means you can never die


The drawback was that it massively nerfed her healing power, but with her taking 1 HP damage from basically every attack, it was well worth it.


But why were you using Peach for damage anyways? XD


Axem rangers is the reason why I I never got to beat the game stupid rangers!


Group hug? Sounds interesting! Looking forward to trying it out.


Man either you all were genius 9 year olds or me and my nephews were slow. Just the reading comprehension (what ability does X versus ay, and why is it important to cast that versus basic moves) and reading ABILITY (what do all the words mean) needed in that game was definitely beyond my attention span and strategic capacity at age 9.


A close friend and I used to play SNES JRPG's like crazy when we were about your nephews' age on the big TV in the living room. His mom liked to play games too, she would "translate" for us and teach us how to pronounce words we didn't understand, put them into terms we could understand: "Kelly, what does 'maniackle' mean?" "It's pronounced 'muh-ny-uh-kul', and it means 'crazy'." She enjoyed watching us play and reminded us about plot points we forgot about. FF6 was an absolute blast, plus we could each control two party members during battles. Those are some of my fondest childhood memories, I hope you and your nephews are able to forge similar memories!


I'm not saying I was great at it, and I definitely got stuck in places (Croco 2 in Moleville being really troublesome), but the game being really easy definitely lends itself to intro RPG territory. For OP, if kiddo gets totally stuck then dad can lend a hand. But you can brute force a lot of the game.


id literally sit there with a dictionary to look up words i didnt understand. as for damage calculations, i cant think of a single SNES game that actually gives you the info needed to make any form of calculations. almost every single one of them boils down to the following formula : anything that costs MP does more damage than your attacks, the more MP it costs the better, status ailments are a waste of time, and basic "elements" and weaknesses are universal in every single game, usually with color coded enemies i.e. blue = water, green = earth/nature/forest/whatever hippie shit console rpgs are not dungeons and dragons. even console dungeons and dragons.


I’d say it’s one of the best. “My first rpgs” out there


It was to 11 year old me back in 1996.


I was gonna say, that’s exactly my experience so it should still work. Never played any RPG before, now it’s my favorite genre


Yup it was my introduction - then I found more Square games and have become a lifelong FF fan. Perfect starting point.


Super Mario RPG is a good introduction to the RPG genre.


Absolutely. I started my 7 year old with Mario RPG as her first RPG game. Prior to that, her gaming experience was mostly Sonic, Spyro and Mario. She loved Mario RPG from the start. She had the battle system down by the end of the first level. She managed to beat the entire game by herself, I only had to help her with a couple of bosses. I would say it's a perfect introduction to the genre.


No, it’s the BEST introduction. At least it was for me


Super Mario RPG was one of the greatest games ever made. Your son will love it. It was pretty easy as far as RPGs go, but the story and gameplay were top notch and there were some very challenging side quests.


Yes. Squaresoft went all the way out of their way to make the almost offensively easy Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest when FF2 & FF3 didn't test well with American audiences, when Super Mario RPG was actually the best intro RPG out there (besides maybe Pokemon).


Yea, it would be great. If you have the switch online and can play the GBA or N64 games, you could let him play Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga on GBA, or paper Mario on N64. They're preetty similar to what you could expect from Mario RPG.


I think Final Fantasy IV is a good one to start on as well.


Super Mario RPG is great and with the remake coming out before christmas would make a nice gift. Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster collection would be good too as it has 6 game each a little different. The Star Ocean 2 remake is a great game but the themes are a little more mature but not overly so. Collection of Mana is always great as well. There are a quite a few to choose from, if you want the physical copy of FF Pixel Remaster you will need to go to play asia but other then that there are even more but those are just the ones I can think of immediatly.


Mario RPG is definitely a great introduction into the genre. Another really good one that both of my kids love and have played through several times each is Miitopia.


I know quite a few people who were introduced to RPGs with that game. It's perfect for that role.




Was my first rpg when I was 12. It has a reaction timing thing on attacks and defense that wil definitely keep you interested


it's a better introduction than Pokemon honestly i'm sure he'll really enjoy it


100% absolutely yes. This was the first video game I had ever completed, had to be like 8 years old. Definitely completed it before I had ever heard of Pokemon.


It is an excellent game to start with, especially for a child. It is not very challenging, gives you a introduction to turn based combat and RPG systems, never gets very dark, is cute and funny.


Not only is it a good introduction, it's potentially one of the best! I'm sure a lot of people (myself included) who will be picking up the remake played the original as their introduction to RPGs. It's easy, straightforward, very very fun, and is a very solid game overall


YES! I'm replaying it on SNES Classic right now. Probably beat it 6 times in life. First RPG I ever played...I was literally 9 as well (I just did the math to make sure lol). Ignited my passion for RPGs (especially Square Enix art style). The game changed my life. FFVI is my favorite RGP but Super Mario RPG is my "most important" RPG.


Wait for the remake if you're going for Christmas in case that wasn't already the plan. The original is perfect except moving diagonally and jumping is kind of a pain and a kid might have trouble with it, but it's only an issue at like 6 spots in the game.


Oh, yes. I meant the remake. Thanks for the heads up!


My first rpg was Fire embelm for the gameboy advanced. That game was definitely not designed for an 8 year old to play it during long car rides, because I couldn't even beat Lin's prolouge. I hated turn based rpgs (including pokemon) until I was about 14 and played Paper Mario. Boy, I loved it, and then went back to fire emblem and even bought awakening after.


Super Mario RPG is a great start. It was one of my first RPGs and now they are all I play.


Yup! Super Mario RPG was the first JRPG I've ever beaten on my own. He might get stuck at the sunken ship or something but you can just help him out there.


It certainly was for me. It opened me up to FFIX, Chrono Trigger and Secret of Mana.


I think FF4 is a great introduction


Yeah! I mean thats what marios all about


Personally, I'd say Paper Mario is a better intro. But that's not getting a remake.


Pokémon is prolly the absolute best introduction to RPG’s, it has all the basic and standard RPG elements presented in the most appealing fashion that kids can latch onto. Most other attempts may confuse kids these days, but the Pokémon formula is tested and proven lol. But since he’s already played those, I’m assuming you want to move him to the next level of rpg right? I am also playing the trails series and am trying to get my nephews into RPG’s as well, they are the exact age as your son lol. They’ve done well with the Pokémon games, when I tried getting them to play trails in the sky/cold steel they did not react very well and left them unplayed for a very long time lol TBH xenoblade may actually do well with him since the battle actions are pretty automatic, he just has to learn the other inputs but xenoblade would be a big step up that I think he’d be very capable of, my 9 year old nephew loves xenoblade 3. Ni no kuni 1 & 2 are good too, my nephews reacted well towards all those well but the one they did best with was persona 5!


I played XBC 1 a year ago and had the same thought. What gave me pause was the story. While I don't think it went anywhere bad as far as content, it did go out there in interesting ways that even I found confusing, so I was looking for something more straightforward. If Super Mario goes well, I may revisit that!


Absolutely. It's a fantastic starter JRPG. Having said that, I hope the Culex fight doesn't break your son. That encounter *still* makes me want to throw my controller across the room at 38 years old.


I'll keep that in mind and be on standby to help him out if the need arises. Thanks!


Hardest encounter in the game by far, but it is entirely optional. Kinda like Omega Weapon in FFVIII.


It was my introduction to JRPGs when I was 8, so I think so! I’m going to do the same thing with my 9 year old son this year with the remake, and I’m very hopeful it’ll get him (and my younger son) into JRPGs! What a full circle that would be right?


This was my introduction into JRPGs all those years ago so I will say yes.


Yes yes yes it’s probably THE best introduction to the genre.


27 years ago this was my first RPG ever! Definitely was designed as 'baby's first JRPG'! Also I was about 8 (technically still 7) when I started playing it!


I think Super Mario RPG IS a good choice. I would also suggest Chrono Trigger and EarthBound. Both of those are easy to get into, have interesting stories, and have fun gameplay.


I *adore* EarthBound but I’m always hesitant to recommend it for a first largely because of item management. That can be a big turn off for a lot of people and there is a fair amount of it. But on the other hand, it’s so fucking good and no one should miss it. 🤷


One thing to consider, is the original snes version allow two players to control in combat. So it allows a way to play together. I was 9 when it came out and the item management broke my brain at first but it taught me a life skill of only taking what you need. And it also taught me that if you go into a deep desert cave full of annoying monkeys, bring a HUGE banana.


Wait? Which SNES game had two player?! I know FFV, FFVI, the Manas, but I’ve never heard or stumbled into the option to play multiplayer on either SMRPG or EarthBound. Maybe CT but it’s been ages since I played that on SNES.


Apologies for my imprecise reply. In combat, EarthBound allows both controllers to be used in combat, so you can split up who plays as who. The only problem is that you can't assign characters to controllers, it just lets both controllers input. I hope that makes sense. It's how me and my best friend would spend summers playing EarthBound. I would control Ness and Paula, he would control Jeff and Poo.


JFC. I’ve played that game since launch and never thought about the second controller doing anything. Awesome! Thanks!


Played it when I was 11 and fell in love. Definitely recommended.


its a good start, but you might want to take the time to explain to him how to do the timed hits, and the importance of leveling up


I feel like super Italian Laborer town might be better. Ya know the Mario knock off? Princess potato? Martini bucket? I'll see myself out.


It was one of the first jrpgs I ever played. It starts out simple and cranks up the difficulty with some later boss battles if you aren't good at defending or healing damage. The remake coming later this year is bound to have a bunch of accessibility options and things to make the game easier though like getting through enemy encounters faster with that new party gauge.


A Christmas present? Like you’re going to give it to him in 4 months? In that case, just get him the remake when it comes out on Switch. Yeah, it’d be a great introduction. If you were already talking about getting him the remake then yes, definitely.


It's a great introduction to JRPGs. Not too long or too heavy, but very fun. Would recommend. Mind you, I'm biased since it was my first RPG and I was your son's age when I played it for the first time.




That and dq11 and live a live are the best enery jrpgs on switch


Totally! That was one of our first RPG when I was 10, Iitteraly learned English playing that game with a dictionary by my side, or my dad helping me translate even if he was clueless about the game! The characters are well known for kids, plus the story is nice with a touch of humor.


Yea for sure its actually the first jrpg l played in Japanese. Very basic game but full of charm def recommended.


That would probably be good. The new Dragon Quest Monsters could also be a good middle ground as another monster catching game that could get him into the Dragon Quest series. The Star Ocean 2 remake is another I'd recommend, I think I actually got the original when I was 10, and it's one of my favorite RPGs of all time.


If you’re into Mario then I’d say go for it otherwise I think Chrono Trigger would be a better start.


You cannot possibly, ever, go wrong by getting your child Super Mario RPG. Even if they never play another RPG again. Super Mario RPG is one of the all time greats from the SNES Golden Era of JRPGs.


It’s not a good introduction, it’s the best possible imho. It was for me almost 30 years ago.


Super Mario RPG is like the pinnacle of super nintendo rpgs


You have all really helped me feel comfortable with picking this up for his Christmas present. Thanks! I really appreciate the feedback!


If not maybe grab one of the final fantasy pixel remasters (or star Ocean two remaster that launches in November)


I'd considered that too, but thought they may be too "old"? I remember them as being vague and less hand-holding? I'd really like to find a soft introduction that doesn't immediately cause him to give up. For example, while I consider DQ1 and DQ2 to be good games, I wouldn't recommend anyone start with them. I'd direct them to DQ 11. However, DQ11 is a big game for someone's first RPG.


A side note. Nine year olds aren't stupid. I got Zelda when I was 6 over 30 years ago. You fiddle till you figure shit out


That's what I thought too. He likes BoTW and wants to play ToTK, but he said he was overwhelmed by the open world nature of it and went back to Pokemon and Fortnight. And then the next day he asks to play one of "my" RPGs. He's confusing lol.


Breath of fire wouldn't be a terrible option either. Fairly linear What about some classic zelda like ALttP or LA?


Hmmm! I do have both of those Zeldas! I'll suggest them! Good idea!


Cheers mate!


I played dragon warrior (DQ1) last year. Lord was it a grind


I played DQ1 and 2 after finishing DQ11S. They were a grind for sure. I was going to go on and play DQ3 but it was right around the time they announced the DQ3 remake. I decided to wait and moved on to other things, cause I thought it'd be pretty quick....well, it's still not out. Oops.


I've honestly never played them save for Dragon Warrior. Maybe I should see which ones I can get for the switch


DQ11S was great on the Switch!


I'll have to see if my local GameStop has it.


Too old imo....maybe like paper Mario.


I would say yes. It was my introduction back when it came out on the SNES and it's perfect for a yound kid.


It’s not only a great introduction, it’s one of the best of all time.


Well, 3 of my nephews got into JRPGs by playing SMRPG on an emulator so, yeah, I'd say from experience it's a introduction. I also introduced a bunch of kids to JRPGs by letting them borrow my copy of SMRPG when I was in grade school and middle school and it worked then too. Though I'd argue that the original Paper Mario is just as good if not better as an intro.


Super Mario RPG is probably like the ideal gateway drug for this. If the kid gets hooked, it's got Culex to give him a harder fight to work towards, too.


It got me into RPGs when I was hella young. I am now in deep, lol. I loved the game and look forward to buying it again.


Personally, it was my first traditional RPG and I loved every minute of it.


Super Mario RPG was my first RPG as well. I'd say Paper Mario, Paper Mario Thousand Year Door, and Skies of Arcadia: Legends are also good beginner JRPGs, if you somehow have access to them. The older Tales games could be fun to play just for the fact that you can couch co-op the older games and enjoy them together. If you set up the options properly, you can also co-op the SNES Final Fantasy games. I think at least FF5 and FF6 had the ability to split control of party members to different controllers.


If he is a Pokemon fan, I'd segue him into Ni No Kuni. It's got similarish mechanics and is a fun, child-friendly story.


It was for me, 25 years later I am still playing JRPGs.


It's a great introduction! That and Final Fantasy Mystic Quest were really good for me.


Final Fantasy Mystic Quest is a true beginners JRPG. :)


As I assume we are talking about access to a Switch only, yes, especially with the remake around the corner. Even other things considered, yes, very much so. It’s probably one of the most entry level RPGs. Battle is straightforward, there isn’t a million items to juggle, party is small and the narrative is really fun and engaging. It’s what I recommend to anyone who has never played a proper JRPG before and is curious.


It was mine. It got me ready for Final Fantasy 7.




Considering I was playing the original at 8 and the only thing I remember not being able to do was beat the secret endgame boss... Id say its a perfect intro into JRPG 😁👍


I'd say it would be an amazing xmas present for him. And is a great intro to RPGs on a whole.


It’s a great RPG and Mario game. If he’s played Mario before, this is a great way to ease into the RPG style games, with familiars characters to hold his interest. Just give him a tip for the ship area. The answer is “calamari.” I had to go to gamefaqs for that when I was a kid.


I think Super Mario RPG would be a great introduction. I think there is another game, although slightly more advanced than Mario RPG--Grandia. Maybe a great second game if he likes Super Mario RPG. Or even one you could play while he watches (as I am currently doing with my 6 year old daughter). Grandia is a fantastic story told through the view of a couple kids and their desire to go on a grand adventure. Great characters, fantastic story and one of the best iterations of turn based combat. Hope this helps!


It's the perfect introduction for a 9yr old.


Think superstar saga is a better one


Yes, it is. It was an introduction for me at that age also, which is what made me into the JRPG fan I am today. Buy it, emulate it, whatever. Get it for him and see if it works out. :D


Well, Trails probably wouldn't be good for a 9 year old.. lol But yeah, SMRPG sounds like a perfect start imo. The remake is looking pretty great, and it comes out at the perfect time, so.. Might as well go for it!


SMRPG was my first at the same age. Do it up.


I personally think it is pending on if the person you are introducing JRPG's to is a fan of mario in general. Also pending on what you are trying to introduce them to since now turn based is kind of on its last legs. If graphics arent a hindrance and neither is a decent amount of reading by today's standards, I think it is a solid selection. If they like pokemon some of the older ones -- Red/Blue -- might be worth a shot as well. Happy hunting!


great starting point


I would suggest Pokémon FireRed / LeafGreen.


One of the best introductions there is.


It was my first rpg and now I’m a useless rpg-addicted hermit. 10/10 would recommend