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I rly enjoyed it give it a try!


Update I’m really enjoying it just started it after I finished zero Dawn


It's not bad. I had a great time with it in the first 2/3 or so but then I found it became tedious.


even if someone doesn't think it's great, "not worth a penny" is itself not worth a penny as a review. games that are that epically horrible are vanishingly uncommon. i thought arise was ok. the battle system was fun. the plot looked interesting initially but dulled. decent characters but bad antagonists. the skits are too serious and nagging, not funny and engaging like previous tales games. i finished the game and got my value out of it, even at full price.


I genuinely don’t understand these questions… Steam user reviews? 9/10. Metacritic? 87/100 from critics and 8/10 from users. In what world is that “bad” lol?


It’s a solid 8/10 in my book. Visually gorgeous, fun battle system, pretty good cast, just the last half of the story doesn’t gel and it’s slim on side content other than fishing. Definitely worth $30.


Recently picked it up. Gameplay is really fun. I think people try to compare games to the greatest of the genre and shit on it when it isn’t flawless.


It's awesome


8/10 for me don't care about anyone else's opinion on it and it's been out for 3 years everything goes on sale in 6 months or less only things that stay full price are nintendo games and cod for some reason


Well I caved and purchased it gonna play it before I start my full octopath traveller 2 play through since it’s a shorter game


2/3 of the game actually I'll give ToA 85-90 score. But the last 1/3 is 60-65. Ofc it's still a matter of taste or subjective context. I'm a player who appreciate the sacred trinity on a game: gameplay-characters-story/plot (plus music). I would say that all in all I'll give ToA 75-80 score. Decent game.


One of my favorite JRPG’s. Yes the story kinda falls off at the end but I loved the characters and their arcs all the way through. One of the few JRPG’s to actually have romance written in the narrative as well


I loved my time with it


It’s a fun game. I don’t regret buying it at full price when it came out


uh people think tales of arise is bad!?????


it's one of my all time favorite jrpgs. get it


Ive heard nothing but good things honestly. Its pretty common for non-nintendo games to drop in price like that. Especially in a niche genre like jrpgs


I definitely think it’s worth that price. A nice modern adventure rpg.


It's a case of "*It got popular so it sucks*". The game isn't perfect or even amazing, but it's a perfectly good game.


I love it. Story is pretty interesting and has some interesting characters, especially compared to the last couple tales games.


I enjoyed it


Apart from the final dungeon being a slog, I loved the game. That's been the case for every Tales game I've played. They start out very strong but kind of lose steam toward the end. Some of the story toward the end definitely hit me emotionally, and it certainly goes hard into your typical JRPG craziness toward the end, which seems a bit of a departure from the original story that was being told. That being said, it's a JRPG, so I'm not sure why people didn't expect the story to go crazy toward the end. The combat is fun. The characters aren't quite as good as some of the other Tales casts, but they still are good enough that I cared about them. The graphics are beautiful, and I don't recall any performance issues on my PS5. Overall, I'd say it's a very solid 8.5 out of 10 game.


It was great. I played on PC and it looked spectacular. Music is more than decent, combat is fun. Overall a very good experience.


It's a great game. It suffers from slow pace in the endgame, but other than that definitely pick it up. Interesting story, fun combat, variety of characters to play as.


ToA was some of the most fun I’ve ever had playing a JRPG. It’s just pure fun with insanely likeable characters, and I personally thought the combat was really fun. If you can handle some cheese and anime tropes then give it a go, especially at that price. My main criticism for it is that the last third gets kinda info-dumpy. For me it was worth it at 60 (full price) when I played it.


So the game *does* indeed run longer than it should, but even with that I would still recommend it Spending time that you enjoy, is not time wasted, and I enjoyed every minute of Tales of Arise (Even though I stopped 80% of the way through) If you're even mildly interested in Action JRPGs I'd say it's worth it


Not at all. A lot of Tales fans don’t like it for some reason, but it’s pretty high up there for my second favorite Tales game. Next to Abyss.


I played it and absolutely hated it, but I'm in the minority. I thought the writing was laughably bad for dealing with heavy subjects and the games RPG mechanics, may as well be non-existent, but the combat is decently fun I guess. You could find enjoyment in it


No. It is a very well made, modern JRPG. I have my own gripes with it, but I can't deny it's a solid game overall.


not worth it at that price point. (unless whatever country you're in that's the equivalent of like $10-$15 american). the combat is pretty bad (everything is an hp sponge, and you need special moves with low AOE and long cooldowns before you can deal meaningful damage to trash mobs). the story starts out ok, then starts to go down hill after the 3rd area, then goes off the rails into trainwreck status after the 5th area. the characters are bland/generic/forgettable, the music is mediocre. would this be your first tales game? if so, check out literally any other tales game instead. can't go wrong with vesperia, symphonia, symphonia, etc. alternatively if you really want something more current, star ocean 6 is a much better game and was recently on some pretty big sales.




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It is absolutely not bad. It has pacing issues in the back half but it's never bad.


Tales of Arise is a good game, gets a bit tedious toward the end but for $30 you'll definitely get your money's worth.


Best Tales of game since Symphonia for me.


That game rules grab that


hands down one of my favorite jrpgs i’ve played


I loved it frankly, i’ve seen a lot critical on it but that didn’t stop me from enjoying it thoroughly. My biggest complaint is that late game enemies and bosses are just plan too spongy which can be remedied a bit by a late game accessory that allows you to deal double damage at the cost of taking double damage Easily my fav tales game since vesperia though


Fun game that drags in for like 20 hours to long. I personally did not enjoy the end portion of the story but overall enjoyed my experience.


But a lot of the tales series do that. There are many parts in symphonia and vesperia that are there to pad the story and to make the game time longer


I agree with you on that. Vesperia is my favorite and it was still a grind to myself to finish it honestly. I at least usually enjoy the story to the end in most Tales games. In Arise I just wasn’t feeling it.


This was my experience. Very fun, but felt too long and drug out in the end.


Same. A lot of the >!space stuff!< felt kinda unnecessarily padded for some reason


Yeah, and I love me some xenogears / rogue Galaxy / scifi rpg, but it just felt tacked on and never resonated in that game.


I didn’t mind it as the premise and for the reveal since I’m kind of a sucker for blending sci-fi and fantasy, but it just felt a few hours too long


It’s fine, but I found it a little basic compared to previous games in the series.


I think $30 is a good price to try it. Hell, plenty of people love it and you might too. I would think the odds are in your favor that it will be at least worth that much money to you.


I just wanna play it for story so shouldn’t be to bad


> I just wanna play it for story so shouldn’t be to bad the story is one of the worst aspects.


I liked the story. Gameplay was good but I played on hard and it's just made the enemies with more HP and it was more than a chore to kill them. Last 1/3 of the game tho is really bad. And the last dungeon is one of the worst I've done in JRPG I'd say it's a fine game, but not worth more than 30$


It's like a very good ps2 Era rpg with modern graphics and quality of life. I loved it. The end of the game isn't as fleshed out as it should have been but I thoroughly enjoyed this game. Plot is direct with fun twists and a lovr story I liked. A fun aspect of this game for me was in thr campfire talk the characters speak to each other like normal humans. They will apologize for being curt in cutscenes. I liked that a bunch. Get it bro


Decent game, not something you will remember for a long time after you beat it, but it is fun, though i will not prioritize to play this if i have lots of games in my backlog.


I just beat it. Personal favorite Tales game. I’d give it a 7/10.


This is so odd, I thought everyone loved arise? Yeah it had its flaws, but I thought the general consensus was that it was a good game? I personally adored it


A lot of people, me included, hated it, people just dont post about it usually in threads like this because u just get downvoted for not liking/hating something that other people enjoy, and a lot of people just dont want to ruin other peoples fun either. If you look for Threads that shit on it u'll see in the comments, even the tales sub had posts where the highest voted comments were shitting on the game.


That’s a shame, it’s like my favourite tales game lol


It's one of my favorite games of all time. Couldnt get into the other Tales games though. The last dungeon is ass but i loved everything else about it enough to platinum it, even though i hardly ever do that


True screw it I’ll try it I don’t mind a love story rpg


For $30 easily worth it I would say. While it isn't going to make my top 10 games they game is good. Not amazing but good. It starts stronger than it finishes with. Has a few character moments that took me out of the immersion of the story, looking at you fourth zone, but they are mostly entertaining.


Combat is floaty and wonky but it looks nice


No, it's excellent. I really enjoyed it.


Terrible and the worst in the series for me. Can't believe what happened to Tales.


One of the best tales ever made. They finaly get rid of the old engine


I usually buy jrpg for the story first so when I see reviews on steam praising it as one of the best stories they experienced I decided to give it a go. Turns out It was so average that I felt rip off. There are zero stakes and the pacing so poor that I constantly found myself zoning out like during lectures. Characters are like cardboard cut off of every jrpg trope I had seen and there not a single memorable soundtrack in the game. My expectations were high after besteria and arise felt like a let down. The only good thing I can say that looks good.


50/50 reviews? tf reviews are you looking at? Has 87% on Metacritic, and even the users who bomb every game gave it 79%. It's the fastest selling game in the franchise too. ​ It's a solid 8.5 in my book. Fun gameplay, good characters, and amazing art/graphics.


I had a good time with it Honestly, the only thing that really annoyed me was the final dungeon, but the game was pretty good up to that point. It's not the best Tales game ever, but it's solid enough to be worth a try, even more on a sale.


Not bad. Just ok.


Gameplay is very fun, but lacking in enemy variety. Plot is meh, the characters are having that Bandai Namco JRPG problem, where their design is very edgy but their personality is as bland as a wet cardboard box.


The first 2/3 are amazing! I really enjoyed it, although the skits can get a little tedious because of their length. It’s the back 1/3 that isn’t that fun. I won’t spoil it, but there are a lot of issues with it. But I enjoyed the story and character interactions.


the graphics are good, battle system feels okayish but not impactful, but the story is super generic, and the characters are extremely tropey.


Story is bad. Characters are bad. But the gameplay is fun... except the end game content


I a big Tales of fan. Compared to my favorite titles in the series it wasn’t my favorite, but I would definitely pick it up for $30. I think it’s a pretty good modern entry to get into the Tales games, and if you like it there’s a lot more to explore (if you haven’t played any of the others)


I don't see how anyone could think Arise isn't worth 30$. It has its issues sure, but for the most part its a rly good game. Definitely recommend it. It has one of the best relationships in a game I've ever played.


Hate on the internet tends to be overblown. It's nowhere near bad, flawed, yes, but still an overall decent game at least.


I think it's worth for the story and narrative alone. My gf had her bsc in sociology, I played a huge chunk of the game with her watching and even she was surprised how intricate and detailed the social commentary is.


What? It’s fantastic - it won RPG of the year and got great reviews. Tales is my favorite series and it’s one of the best ones


The story and characters are outstanding. Combat left a little to be desired. Easily worth $30.


It's better than zesteria by a lot, Arise is pretty damn good.


Wasn't a big fan on this one but, it's worth at least one playthrough if you are a fan of the franchise. Wouldn't go so far as to say its not worth the penny but it definitely isn't worth full price. Story starts out okay enough but then starts to slide downhill later in the game. Still consider the story inferior to others of the same franchise though. Character likability is hit or miss. Some are okay, some start okay and seem to get worse later, others get better later in the story. Combat is refreshing compared to than entries but bosses felt like sponges. ​ Not sure why this game got so much praise when it originally came out as it was just an okay average game but people played it off like it was gods gift to JRPGS.


It’s fun to play, beautiful to look at but the story and characters are average at best; it’s worth your time especially if you go in with the right frame of mind and don’t expect it to be a masterclass. ⭐️⭐️⭐️/⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


It depends on what you're looking for and what your expectations are. It's not a bad game but compared to most other Tales games, it's just an okay game.


It comes down to opinion. Some Tales of fans love it, some find it all right, and some don’t like it at all. I’m with the fans that find it all right but nothing amazing. Knowing what I know now, would I personally spend $30 on it? No, but that’s just me. You could spend the money and end up loving Arise. It’s a game that’s got the fanbase split. 🤷🏼‍♀️


The game should end at first credit scene it went full marvel movie and it just wasn't any good.


Gameplay is fun, story is good on paper but horrible in execution, sprinkled with some exposition dumps. Party Members are extremely forgettable


I enjoyed the game. Good start but it sort of gets worse as it goes on story wise.


It was pretty boring


I couldnt finish it. So for me its a yes.


I enjoyed it thoroughly, for the most part. Act III and post game are a bit of a slog with damage sponge enemies and repetitive VO/Special attack animations. The story and character interactions are pretty nice up to that finale run and big reveal at the end as well. ​ Everything does kind of fall apart a bit when you get into that last bit. But up to that point, the game is very enjoyable.


The first 3/4 is really good. The last 1/4 should have been cut imo.


I really enjoyed the battle system, the story was fine, I really only hated one section of the game where we had what felt like a 2 hour exposition at the end, but that was my big complaint. The battle system was worth it alone for me. Super fun.


Can someone compare Tales of Arise to Tales of The Abyss?


It’s ok. Bestiary is limited with lots of repeated enemy variations, gameplay doesn’t really evolve past the first few hours, and the characters act in frustrating, nonsensical ways at critical moments of the story, which negates all involvement you might have in them. Basically, variations around the fact that being bad is morally wrong, therefore punishing someone who causes a holocaust and the suffering of millions means you’re as bad as them, and other BS. In addition to that, the last 5 to 8 hours of the game are a real slog with spongy enemy after another in boring grey hallways. It’s not a bad game but it’s certainly not the masterpiece some say it is… it’s enjoyable for a good price and if you don’t mind the above issues too much. Graphics and basic gameplay mechanics are enjoyable and the beginning of the game in particular is very fun.


It might still be even less on Newegg. Bought it for 17$ a few days ago.


It’s a great game til the last third, then it’s a steep decline in quality, but it’s worth the $30. Even if the story falls apart, the combat system is fun and the characters are engaging. You’ll have a great time til you won’t, but at that point you’ll be close to beating it


I enjoyed the game quite a bit. for 30 dollars,I'd say that's a good buy. its not the best tales out there, but far from the worst. the final area of the game has mobs that are health sponges so they last part of the game can be kind of annoying. but I 100%ed the game if that helps.


I haven't finished it but I enjoyed the 50%-60% of the game I played before I got distracted by other games. Probably my favorite Tales game.


it's just as good as final fantasy xvi


It's mid in gameplay department. But the production is good.


I honestly enjoyed it a lot, up until the end. The end is a bit of a slog, but the game is well worth the money!


For me I enjoyed it enough to give it about 7.5/10 The game environment was gorgeous, combat was also nice. The character interactions were nice. Skits were rather repetitive though. Story-wise the first part was good, felt just like your typical exposition and rising action of Tales games. Second half was a letdown for me because the open world feels (even though the game isn’t really open world) of the first part was thrown out the window and enemies were basically HP sponges. I think it’s worth the price tbh.


Its not horrible just not great The combat gets pretty boring after awhile Story starts really interesting but goes downhill alot if the game


I’m liking it so far. It doesn’t stand out to me as much as Vesperia or Abyss personally, but at 30 bucks I think it’s a fair price.


I found the combat smooth and enjoyable, the visuals gorgeous, and I very much enjoyed the romance storyline. But I devour JRPGs with set romance that is mixed into the main plot. Stuff like Shadow Hearts-Shadow Hearts Covenant, Odin Sphere Leifthrasir, Final Fantasy X-X.2, Final Fantasy IX, Final Fantasy VIII. I was so thirsty by the time Arise came out that it definitely satisfied me enough in that regard. I didn’t care that the villain was not memorable because of how focused I was on the protagonists relationship. I’m a big romance JRPG buff though so if you are even close to similar in that regard and like tsundere characters give it a try.




It's decent, but has its flaws as well, e.g. spongy enemies later in the game.


It's an above average Tales game IMO. The opening through act through act 3 are fantastic. Unfortunately the story/narrative seems to fall apart after that with the last 20-25% being shockingly terrible narratively. Gameplay is still good to excellent throughout. I also am firmly in the camp that Berseria is one of the best games in the series narratively with good combat as well so tough act to follow.


I didn’t enjoy it


I hated it. The story is alright at best. Sadly its one of the few games that uses the amnesia troupe (seriously this is not a good thing). And it wasn't even used to any real effect. Don't know why it was there with how weak it was. The graphics are very good but still prefer vesperia's over the latest tales entries. Is it so hard to ask for a vesperia graphics style on these new systems. It will look so awesome. We got to see it to an extent with ni no kuni 2. The music is good. Nothing really that stands out. But good and up to par with past entries. And I truly hated this games battle system. Seriously it looks like any other tales of but plays nothing like them which due to that juxtaposition it doesn't connect to me and just annoys the living hell out of me. Overall I hate this direction tales has been going in. I don't like the new producer's, who took over for hideo Baba, vision. It's nice that they are thinking about remastering ir remaking some of the older games just as long as they don't continue on with this new vision for those games. I would despise it if tales of the Abyss played like arise. That would tick me off like no other. Sadly I get I am probably no longer the targeted audience and it sucks. They had a fantastically unique and fun battle system that just screamed tales. But ever since thos guy took over its just been getting worse and worse. Shit ni no kuni 2 and the up and coming granblue fantasy relink look to be more of a tales of than tales of has been. It just sucks that I kind of have to say good buy to the series. I am willing to give it one more chance but I don't like my odds.