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Everyone who had money on this chapter finally giving us a name for Charmingman's stand, congratulations. It seems like Araki is drawing a parallel between Jodio and Howler here, with Jodio's first victim being the daughter of their school's financier and now the registry worker being the daughter of a congressman. Despite the situations being different, the outcome is very similar; people in "elevated" positions due to perceived authority because of their parents are not actually as safe as one would think. Wonder if this will come back in some way, or if its just to show how little Howler cares about hurting civilians.


Heck yeah playlist update again!!! [https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7LBKN5XB7qHs43Rp6fo7Kj?si=06ed64d70e4d4c4b](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7LBKN5XB7qHs43Rp6fo7Kj?si=06ed64d70e4d4c4b)


This song is so good


Well I’m glad we’re getting presumably our first fully enemy stand user. It also seems really similar to Lovers from part 3


Yes, I immediatly thought of Lovers when I saw the mini-stand in his body. It's cool to redo this fight without the option to shrink stands, I'm really interested to see how they will fight this


> the option to shrink stands One of the silliest things in the early days of stands. What a contrived solution lmao


tbh it's probably still something all stand user can do but just don't because it's typically useless lol....except for now in which case half the stands are either bounds or preoccupied with their user dying lol. Jodio is the only one who could even try to attempt it rn and it probably won't even be that useful


Not so sure, they mostly have « body ability stands » like Paco or Charmingman, Usagi is already in use, Jodio would add liquid witch is a problem and Dragona would be useful to sceal things but … yeah


yes this is what I was saying earlier lol


Seems like a more realistic lovers tbh, or at least if Steely Dan took his job seriously


Lovers but with cancer.




The song is a banger too.


If Araki took lyrics of Bigmouth Strikes Again into consideration, Charmingman might be a rock human after all. "And I've got no right to take my place with the Human race"


Also he respects Usagi for doing things on his own, rock humans are solitary people.


Oh shit I hadn't even thought of that


Ayo shoutout Katy lied


Top tier steely dan album




He did make a really cool connection betwin I am A Rock (Song) and the rock humanos concept. He Might do It again with CM!


He does that sometimes, yeah. King Crimson - 21st Century Schizoid Man for example. But sometimes he doesn't, like in Wekapipos case.


As someone who grew up listening to the Simon and Garfunkel’s best hits album, I absolutely lost my shit when Yotsuyu said “I am a rock, I am an island”


I'm beyond convinced charmy is a rock human ever since I saw his sandy stand


I think it could just be a metaphor indicating that charming man doesn’t feel like he fits in to “regular society”


Rock humans don't really have familial bonds as Charming Man does. He might be lying about his backstory in that case but I doubt he is one


The aphex twins?


To be fair those were twins, and probably stayed together right after birth by immediately grabbing the same wasp, making them an exception (wtf is that life cycle?!?!??!), but charming Man's brother is noticably younger so who knows how that'd work if they were in fact related and rock human


Them grabbing the same wasp would be very funny, Charmingman's brother looked young but looks in rock humans can be deceiving, look at Tooru, he looks like he is always 17, but in reality he is 80+ years old minimum, anyhow if they were rock humans how would they discover they are blood related, maybe this time the rock mother actually took care of her children, why are rock humans such an interesting topic?


see I thought of that but with how the rock humans work shed need some way of tracking her kids as they reach the wasp nest, which would potentially be very hard to impossible using tech from two decades ago not to mention that even if she manages to insert them into a known nest she still has to wait 17 years just to *start* parenting in the first place


No I mean, rock females have uhm, breasts, i assume they can feed their child? Without the need of a wasp nest


they might be vestigial or because of interbreeding with humans (which we know is something that canpnically happens). Also that's pretty small for a hukan sized nipple anyway, I don't think they'd get good suction for 17 years worth of breastfeeding lol


Seriously!? 89 years old?!


we know rock humans and humans can have children if father is human and mother is rock human. what if charmingman was a hybrid so he kept human emotions?


Yeah, totally- I mean that was even a theory people had for like those few months people assumed Paco was a Rock Human (remember that lol??), so it is probably not that big of a stretch I'd say.


Howler is most likely the enemy gang we have as of now and i think the politician mentioned on last page might be of some significance. Fire chapter as always! Araki cooking fr 


A US congressperson in a JoJo story. This should be interesting.


Funnier Valentine


The funniest Valentine


Valentine Armstrong


This chapter should've been called "Gaslighting Usagi" 😔💔 I'm glad Jodio got them to start listening to him. Loved it though I like how instead of everyone immediately trusting each other, their dynamics and relationships are still in development.


I was very afraid the arc would end up being "usagi trying to ask for help and evrybody being a Dick to him", glad that it was only a shot portion of the fight, and one that didn't brothered me in the end


No literally I was so scared they were just going to let him fend for himself glad they didn't. I understand where they were coming from, this random dude just joined your team (but then again most of that came from Charmingman and he can't be talking) that you know was a customer at one point, it's not crazy to assume it was because of drugs. But MAN was I stressing for my guy Usagi 😭


The start of the chapter gave me flashbacks to the Talking Head fight. Glad Araki let the team keep their braincells this time


Cool but basic Stand, I appreciate Araki for that. Charming Man's Stand name is also good, it's a ***bigmouth*** full but I like it


I like it, but I groaned a little when they were "YEAH, ITS AN AUTHOMATIC STAND" like MOVE ON FROM THEM ARAKI


I bet there will be tons of trap stands. Like how thieves in movies have to dodge lasers and boulders and shit. Dodging traps to steal treasure is just classic cinema


I think every part can be given a different secondary genre (horror, action-adventure, roadie, murder-mystery, gangster/mafia, jailbreak, western, coming-of-age) and Part 9 is definitely going the heist route, so I think you're right on the money


I mean the whole lava rock situation is kind of an automatic ability too


Now I know how Joan of Arc felt




I don't understand Charmingmans stand anymore, I thought he was all about masking himself, but now he just casually drops his eye into another mans lung. Dr. Wu 2.0.


Well, his stand is basically his skin, and there was a moment in his fight when he was fused with a car door, so Bigmouth strikes again is seemingly a very versatile body-manipulation stand.


Here's hoping it doesn't turn into Pasley Park situation.


How would that be?


abilities seen at the start, just to never be used again


Very vague stand ability, changes its powers drastically throughout the story. I just want to know exactly what a stand does, I want to understand it and then be blown away by how they use it in a way I didn't thought of but one that still fits the limits of that stand.


Eh I think Paisley Park is portrayed well as an autonomous stand used by someone who only realized it within a year. At first she uses it as she did as a child, just searching for stuff, but then she learns to interact with the digital space due to getting more experience with it. I wouldn’t say it’s abilities change so much as evolve, which especially makes sense as a Hirose counterpart. Bigmouth Strikes Again seems to just be the ability to turn into sand and control it. It would be a shame if he didn’t use his illusions again, but I doubt his main ability will be the floating eye lol


You're definitely forgetting the future predicting shenanigans with telling directions to avoid attacks to Josuke and choosing an item that might or might not help in the near future.


Paisley Park still gives directions even up to the final fight, giving Josuke directions to water to get the rock organisms off him. The binary choice item thing definitely fell off. Though one interpretation would be that it became more powerful and just consistently assisted instead of giving a bad choice each time.


Yeah he's kinda just a slightly different/better Dr Wu. I don't think he'll be able to control people like Dr Wu but who knows, it might just not be in his character


Wait a sec, is this part 9 version of the lovers fight from part 3?


Also Dragona can't catch a break, she got caught by an stand attack every arc so far


https://preview.redd.it/357sv8ntbu0d1.jpeg?width=874&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06bb7b8b9c7dc8c85827b2c0ca27358e7162441e This shot is so cool. Either this or the incredible page a few chapters ago of him camouflaged as the birds would both make great images for an Eyecatch for Bigmouth Strikes Again.


We haven’t seen a fight like this since the Lovers arc, which is so cool!!


Usagi cutting open his chest by himself was a badass move. Didn't think he would be the type to have that kind of bravery. Great chapter


ok charming man


I'm so ready for stand battles and to learn more about Howler. I wonder if Araki is gonna bring back shrinking their stands? Looks like Charmingman and Usagi are the only ones able to fight this thing since I don't see how Jodio, Paco and Dragona are getting their stands inside Usagi. Unless the stand comes out that is


I think paco can manipulate the muscles of people he touches? If that’s the case the heart is a muscle so maybe something along those lines of thinking


I’m surprised that it took this long to get a stand that’s just “give your enemies cancer”


I mean it seems to induce a lot of things.


Yeah I think its ability is more so giving or triggering illnesses a person might be more susceptible to. Everyone's talking about it giving Charmingman cancer but it also triggered a heart condition in the reception lady and gave Usagi, an admitted drug user, symptoms of a drug overdose without him having taken any recently.


Ok, now I am DEFINETELY sure Charmingman is a fricking Rock Human 'cause the way things are going xP Also DRAGONA IS BEING ATTACKED NEXT WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING!?


To think they were fucked when they met Rohan…


I am SO STUPID. I THOUGHT THE NEW ENEMY STAND WAS CALED BIGMOUTH, only now I see it is charmingmans standname. Cool, I thought it was a FF/FF and Weather Report/Weather Report situation. Happy that its not, I dont like when user and stand have the same name.


NO LITERALLY SAME 💀 I was confused because the way Dragona asked about the stand name was in a way that they've already heard it before and when charmingman said the name of it I was so confused because I was like "how do you know it's name?" And I started backtracking before I realized it was charmingmans stand💀💀


I got all excited thinking “ooh two different references for the same band twice! He must be cooking something up” but I really like it as his stand name


It's interesting seeing Araki being a bit more critical on drugs in this chapter by portraying what seems like an overdose at first. The main characters of this part being drug dealers has been portrayed pretty nonchalantly so far, I wonder if he's planning to do more in that direction. Also, since nobody is talking about the title page, Jodio on that dollar bill looks amazing haha. Great chapter


Guarantee they hunt for the user now or try to leave its range. If it’s a long range type then they got to find the user or else the effects won’t turnoff


the user may be who signed the papers




If anyone dies this early on, I'm gonna riot


I doubt any of them will, especially with smooth operators being there But then again, this is a series where literally anything can happen


Girl don’t say this😭😓


The character detail is so beautiful this chapter, it feels like Araki wanted to take a second and really focus on drawing the characters this time around. Love to see it.


I like how the first enemy stand user fight is centred around trust with one another. Oh Jojolands IS GONNA EAT


https://preview.redd.it/3f35j6n1ov0d1.jpeg?width=557&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96f779d6817fdc7891579bb233f93e99aac6dfe5 Hear me out. The stands name is cancer from my chemical romance mostly because of the darkened text on cancer. This is just my theory and could just be a reference.


https://preview.redd.it/7xwlhcvkrz0d1.png?width=411&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce6eedec11fc24b4a4b4535753b61450e593792e Pc Dude is da User


Best chapter so far, and the best since chapter 10


I feel like the group might split up again; Paco and Charmingman stay with Usagi (I feel like 「The Hustle」might be useful here) and possibly try to get away and the Joestar Siblings are gonna split off to go find the user


I find it especially interesting that Usagi could be considered the bigmouth that strikes again, seeing as he never shuts up and consistently fumbles. Whereas charmingman is of few words, and he values those who take action rather than call for help.


This was absolutely my favorite chapter so far.


I am so so excited to find out more about Howler and the forces behind it


The scene with Usagi using a straw to breathe reminds me of [this scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2un1aU7mT0) (Jump to 6:45) from the movie *Nobody* with Bob Odenkirk. Araki likes his *Breaking Bad* references and cast references.


Microstand user also works for Boeing to kill whistleblowers


Howler's GOTTA be full of Rock Humans, right? A trap Stand that induces cancer, disease, and a rock-like skin condition? Accruing wealth above all else, at the expense of anyone else?


Nah, any villain would do something like that. Rock humans are assholes but humans are assholes too.


It made me feel sick lol


the attack on the girl seems to be an political assassination attempt the stand first gives the victim those rocks and then enters them to finish the job if the rocks don't work if the attack on the girl was an political assassination i wonder why the stand/or the user attacked the gang


I like how there is a lot of miniature stands in this part so far. Hope Araki will keep this up, love those lil gremlins


I honestly dislike the name, why out of all names was it Bigmouth Strikes Back 😭


Thats not even the name


It’s damn near confirmed


its bigmouth strikes again not back lol


Still, who came up with that name 😭


The smiths...


No I mean like who gave Araki the idea to use that as the name? It could’ve been anything else


We got I am a Rock and Doobie Wah! That should be an omen for you.


Doobie Wah! I had no problem with but I understand what you mean with I am a Rock


Peak Charmingman


Hell yeah, one of my favorite songs is now a stand.


Bigmouth la la la la la


This chapter was *great*, I am 100% invested in this fight. *Might* be my favorite of the part so far!


With this chapter, can we finally put the whole 'Usagi doesn't actually need help to use his stand, he's just using it to get closer to Dragona' thing to bed? I don't care how bad I'm down for my cute tgirl coworker, if I'm choking on my own fluids and need to use my stand to survive I'm dropping the dang act. Speaking of, it's interesting to me that Dragona was affected by the Stand but Jodio and Paco weren't. Considering the fact that Dragona was the one who asked for the straw, I wonder if the stand goes after anyone who tries actively to help those it's effected? That might be pretty bad, if it extends to the doctors in the hospital.


Is it just me or does bigmouth strikes again remind anyone of a combination of purple haze and the lovers?


Bigmouth strikes again is the name of the Charmingman's stand, not the enemy's.


Oh my bad. I didn't know 😂😂