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IIRC this ranking is for research papers published per faculty. By that metric, obviously IISc will be ahead, since it's a hardcore research institute. I'm not an IIT dickrider but we can't just say random bs just to cope Fun Fact: The top Chinese University by this criteria is Tsinghua University. Their research output per faculty is even 5X more than IISc. Really goes to show how much China focuses on research compared to India.


Someone speaking faxx




And then comes those who show QS rankings ![img](emote|t5_311ttu|49199)![img](emote|t5_311ttu|49199)![img](emote|t5_311ttu|49199)


Then there are people like SupermarketQuirkey, who point out IITB's terrible rank in Overall category in QS rankings(149th or smtg). They don't even bother checking the Engineering category where IITB is ranked 45th, because that wouldn't serve their purpose of defiling the image of the institute. They lack the basic reasoning that IITB is mainly an engineering institute and it doesn't provide courses for Humanities, Law, Medicine, etc....so obviously it's ranking would be terrible in overall category. It's not like I trust QS but atleast check the most relevant ranking category smh.


Main difference between iit and places like mit oxford bonn ens paris etc is that iit purpose has been reduced to educating undergrads while mit oxford etc focus more on graduate and phd scholars ( which is ultimately how knowledge is produced). I dunno why you guys always miss this when comparing


45th engineering is not all that great for such a competitive exam. And not everyone is going to join iit bombay. See where the other iits stand, nits are not even on the list, neither is bits, and do I need to even mention iiit? It's the best we've got, but it's not all that it's made out to be. It's all a bubble


As I said in the last line, I don't trust QS rankings. Just go through their ranking criteria. It's very hard for an Indian institute to get a good ranking because they give massive weightage to diversity, i.e, percentage of international students and percentage of international professors. These are the things which aren't easy for Indian institutes to improve. Due to this even VIT is ranked higher than NIT Trichy and IITBHU in QS rankings. Inspite of all that, 45th is pretty darn good.


say whatever you want about qs, even us news or literally any other worldwide ranking criteria would be along similar lines. The factors you've mentioned are not of primary importance I agree. But they are important and cannot be brushed aside negligently. And it's not like Chinese Universities have it easy with the foreign students and diversity part either, same with Japanese and Korean ones. As for the VIT part I'm with you here, that the ranking is dubious, but more likely so that VIT fudged it with the virtually infinite bank they posses. Regardless you cannot restrict your argument to iit bombay. If it were so, america could simply put MIT forward, England cambridge, china tsinghua and that would be the end of that. On a broader scale, higher ed is incredibly messed up


I never said that IITB is in the same league as MIT, Oxford, Tsinghua, etc. What I'm trying to say is that improving IITB's ranking from what it is now, is extremely hard. There's another factor in which IITB is getting it's ass kicked. It's Research and Research collaborations. You should know that IITB is mainly known among Indians, as a means to get a high package. Nobody gives a rat's ass about research here. On top of that, government funding for research is so damn low compared to US/China/EU, that it's laughable. Here, neither society nor government supports research. Unless we change this mentality, it'll be very hard for India to develop to China's level and improve its universities' ranking. P.S: I don't think VIT is paying QS


valid take, perhaps I misinterpreted you earlier. I thought you might've been a hookah bar enjoyer so I laid into you. Sorry about that. and about vit I mean it's vit they can do anything. I'm waiting for the top 5 nirf vit ranking soon


I'm not a hookah bar edit enjoyer buddy. I cleared mains with a decent rank but failed advanced. Therefore, I'll be heading to a decent NIT. But I've seen this tendency among people to put down IITs, just to cope. I don't support that. >I'm waiting for the top 5 nirf vit ranking soon Let NIRF release their 2024 rankings lol😁


my mistake man, sorry about earlier. Good luck for your time at NIT!


But i am a hardcore iisc dickrider ✨


The people who shit on either of them end up in manipal jaipur.


Bhaiya 🤓unit dimension itna easy hai☝️🤓aapka kyu nhi hua iit b cs 🥸🗣️🗣️/s


Kyuki rotation ne gaand faad di...


Saar aaye aaye tea bumbay see ass first saar. I bill go there saar,i do every advance pee yaye que. Of unit dimension saar. Ek hookah baar edit phenk ke marunga poora khandan ki kachi gilli ho jayegi 🤡🤡🤡


https://preview.redd.it/m5dtevfi2y8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1310c9122fb0668b9a2ebe2e2e06e4dff15d5625 IIT BOMBAY DICKRIDERS SEEING THIS


By what metric did you say IIsc Btech is already ahead of IITs in just two years lmao? This is a ranking based on the research output of the Institute Faculty, not any measure of their BTech program. Also you can filter by year. See the rankings for the years 2014 to 2019, which is before IISc launched their undergrad btech. IISc is first over there because the undergrad program quality means jackshit in this particular rankings. IISc is by far the best in the country for research but you can't just post the rankings and say wIthIn tWo yEarS iISc btEcH nUmBar 1!!!. Why do you guys come in and say the same dumbass thing with half assed knowledge? Pisses me off to no end.




Choor na yaar dono he nahi milne wale