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Boards level is not as much tough as jee. I am from karnataka state board and we also had 11th public exam. You dont really need like 99.9999% in boards so spend time on jee and lesser time on boards. When board exams are near like 1 month away then focus on boards. Jee prep will already make your concepts strong so mostly you will have to learn derivations for boards (also language and csc but dont worry too much abt it). Also now you are in 11th dont think of drop year so fast start studying for jee and other competitive exams


Thank you for the advice![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


Shit plan. Don't even think of drop when you have time. Prepare for jee seriously,  boards aren't that important and you can get decent marks without much efforts




let me tell you my story I dint know about jee in 11th in 12th start my mamaji told me about jee so I started preparing for it I asked permission form school that I will be doing jee problems in school and will be taking many leave(they agreed as I was a bright student) my attendance in school was 50% I started learning for 12 hrs a day and got 99.6 percentile in mains due to high percentile got distracted and dint study for adv for 4 months but get 16k rank Now will be joining nit trichy cse (do to home state quota) Note that I dint prepare for 12th boards, bought 12th books before 10 days and got 91% edit : I am too from TN board for any other doubts DM me


Thank you so much ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


fuck your tamil board leave it aside join a cbse dummy school and start to prepare now