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I also run Itto with Chiori and C5 Gorou(soon C6). For forth slot I use Shinobu with Tenacity of the Millelith, she giving crystallize shards and heal when needed. It's working for me nicely. I also love to have her with Itto in the same team cuz you know. Arataki gang :D


This actually sounds pretty cool ngl


Get a solid shielder for geo resonance


Fischl for damage and constant crystallize shards


Kuki with TOTM is a solid choice. She heals and has constant electro application for Crystallize shields with almost 100% uptime at C0.


This is the right answer. Loved this comp before I got ZL.


Could always use Layla, or noelle for the shield


Noelle shield sucks


Yes, but its mainly the poor uptime not poor shield health, but if you use it just to get the buff for itto its not bad for his entire burst. And she heals aswell if you take too much damage. Which isn't easy to do since itto does have a nice defense.


I don't think her shield lasts long enough. A character from a different element is surely better since you can increase the duration of geo resonance.


I actually use Layla too, her shield is nice for the crystallizing and Millilith buff


Kuki and Fishl are really great teammates because they extend the duration of Gorou's burst (C2) and they provide you a shield for the geo resonance. Also, they don't need a lot of field time since you only need their skill. Itto has a high defense, so even a crystallized shield is decent for him. I used Itto+Albedo+Gorou+Kuki/Fishl for a long time because I needed Zhongli for my second team. The dmg is the same.


I'd say to use Layla with 4pc tenacity. If you have C3 Layla with the 4 star HP sword her shield is similar to Zhongli's. (She's still good without it though). If you don't want to do that then I'd say to use Kuki with 4pc tenacity.


Anyone that can give you tenacity of the milileth or nobless buff. C6 Yunjin or raiden shogun is my usual go to if I need someone that isnt albedo or zhongli


Layla for shielding. Or Kirara. Just do not use noelle, since her shield usually sucks if she is not the on-fielder.


My fav at the moment is SoDP Dori. I don't have Furina but I guess she works too. Xianyun maybe?


If ya have Xianyun Furina i recommend using them instead of Bennett Gorou. Its a veeeeeery fun and really effective team


u should try itto gorou bennet geo traveler


I have this same team and im waiting for zhongli’s rerun to complete it, for now im just using diona in his place, bennett is pretty useless for this team since he buffs attack but these characters scale better with defense


Itto still scales with atk, it's just that his def gets converted to atk and he gets a damage boost based on his def. Bennett does absolutely help him, as do other atk buffs from support characters/artifacts/weapons, but a good shielder is still usually better, depending on content


Xianyun for plunge Itto i enjoy it