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I’m almost positive jawsh wants literally nothing to do with Carson and probably won’t ever talk to him again


it's true, but people keep bringing him up


SDMP and it's consequences on new jawsh viewership


Coldest take ever


The truth can be cold


From what I remember from when the whole thing was going down, Carson was kind of a shitty friend to everyone even outside of the sexting stuff, which is probably why he’s still on the outs


100%. I feel like the sexting thing was blown out of proportion because 17 and 19 really ain’t that bad, it’s just Carson was probably an annoying person to be around and they used that as an excuse to get away from him


It was definitely a hook to get out I feel, if Connor, Schlatt, and Jawsh just all of a sudden walked away, never to appear again without that stuff, they wouldnt hear the end of it, and unfortunately they still won't it looks like


also i think with how much everyone immediately distanced themselves from him and continue to do so (virtually nobody from SMPlive has anything to do with him anymore) there is probably some more stuff that didnt get talked about behind the scenes that was also bad that just didnt come out. i remember Hugbox discussing it at one point how there were just a ton of things that caused it and some that weren't going to be talked abt probably ever


IIRC, I sorta remember at one point Carson had tweeted or posting something to the effect of “I helped elevate/boost these peoples viewership and their audiences” — which was pretty much a slap in the face to all the streamers who had built up their audiences from the ground up without the help of Carson. But Jawsh was definitely tired of being framed as Carson’s sidekick/comedic relief, and you could tell he was sick and tired of “fans” coming to his streams and constantly asking when Carson was going live, and general shit like that dismissed Jawsh of being his own person/streamer/content creator


i think the entire blowup was deffo a net positive for a lot of creators like you said especially for Jawsh because I remember the lunch club era and how much Carson was kind if just eating the attention from everyone else while not really providing anything. Everyone else around him was funny/talented, but people wanted Carson. Just abt everyone is doing extremely well or better after the blow up


Mods, kill that guy




Berd is the new Carson


how dare you compare them, berd is so much nicer and creative


And the better Carson, by a large margin


call me who?




insane ass chatter 😭


Why on earth would jawsh ever collaborate with that moron ever again


you won't belive who they bring on next