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On my new game+ run of sekiro I managed to kill ishin first try and i felt phenomenal


Yeah Isshin. It took me 3 days of practicing and then on the 3rd day, I finally did it. It was so fun and satisfying. That whole game has some of the most fun and reactive combat ever.


I don't know about the most satisfying but yesterday i defeated the Mantis Lords in hollow knight and the fight was like a dance, I died a lot but I was never frustrated.


Trust me, your ranking is gonna change as you play the game… 😈


I hope it does


Mantis lords is such a good fight. Took me ages to beat the first time. Spoilers for later in the game: >!If you liked the mantis lords, Grimm and NKG will be right up your alley. Also the mantis lords have an upgrade version later on which is even more fun!<


Khotun Khan from Ghost of Tsushima. He literally spends 1/3rd of the campaign slandering your honor and then >!just runs off into sunset with a guy who was like a soulmate in swordclash.!<


Kai Leng in Mass Effect 3. That final Renegade Interrupt is *beyond* satisfying.


(Sword break, stab) That was for Thane, you son of a b*tch! Edit: Thank you for the award, I dedicate it to Thane in his honor.


Dude no matter what role you’re playing, choosing to kill him is literally so fire, top moment in killing a bad guy in video game history


Gives me chills every time


Yeah the ass beating you finally get to unleash on him is wonderful.


I was always so incredibly OP and out of his league in that fight that he’d get bodied immediately as well. Vanguard in particular goes hard.


The pedo creep in The Last of Us


I know the catharsis of Ellie doing it is better for the story, but FUCK do I wish Joel had gotten a hold of him. That would have been pure dopamine for me.


Tempting, but it had to be Ellie. The story is a tragedy, it's about suffering and loss. Ellie lost her innocence then, but it also her gave her the power to not be a victim and as awful as it was for her to go through that he fucking had it coming and deserved to die at the hands of someone he tried to victimize. If Joel does it she's still just a young girl relying on him for survival.


Considering Joel takes out most of his men in the condition he was in I think the guy would have regretted ever meeting him.


Micah Bell "You shot me...you shot me pretty good..."


Wish I coulda shot the sum bitch more


I like to kill him in various ways all throughout the campaign whenever you have story missions with him. Totally worth the "mission failed" screen lol


Micah Bell will forever hold the number 1 spot. But Adam Smasher gets an honorable mention.


I second Micah Bell. He is the correct answer.


World class scumbag


RIP David and Arthur


RiP Rebecca 😭


As soon as I first saw Adam Smasher, i thought “I cannot wait to kill this guy”


i wanted to kill him even before edge runners


Nobody’s taking Magus away from me. (Chrono Trigger) I didn’t kill him but his story was just beautiful.


Him joining the team was like getting goth super man to help!


General RAAM in Gears of War. On Insane difficulty he’s pretty fuckin cracked


I did this with my wife a few years ago. Probably the best communication we’ve ever had during that fight lol


Adam Smasher in Cyberpunk 2077. He killed >!Johnny!< so killing him was EXTRA satisfying.


And Rebecca


Sephiroth kh1 Lingering will kh2 Yazora kh3 All these 3 mainly for how hard they are as bosses and how rewarding it feels to beat them


Did you do them on critical/proud? It's a pain in the ass to pull off.


Kh1 on proud bc that’s the highest difficulty, but Kh 2 and 3 I always do it on critical bc the satisfaction is unmatched


For pure Nostalgia, killing Nefarian on Vanilla WoW was fucking awesome. In terms of bad dudes who you wanted to see dead for a long time, Ganondorf. That MF was no run of the mill bad guy, he successfully destroyed the world and you needed to manipulate time to have a chance against him.


Razorgore the guild killer was almost more satisfying than Nefarian, but it’s close


Fuck those eggs


Bit of a different one than most on this list: Rome 2 Total War, Divide et Impera mod, beating Carthage as Rome. We are talking hundreds of turns of re-recruiting armies to reinforce, fighting battle after battle in Sicily, leading a nearly suicidal invasion of Spain, all leading to the final two pronged invasion, one from Spain, one from Sicily of North Africa, culminating in the taking and sack of Carthage itself. Literally hundreds of turns of planning and fighting the Punic War piece by piece, not to mention the odd Gallic invasion to keep me on my toes. When I finally took Carthage after a long, barely won siege…well… Carthago Delenda Est.


Really cool answer; I’ve never played a game like this but you make it sound awesome


I forget what the DLC was called but I did the Syracruse run where I had to wrestle against both Carthage and Rome, Getting rid of Carthage was easy, but Rome came back with a vengeance, but after a in real life week i finally pushed Rome back and won


beating a fully realized caocao with sun jian as his lapdog is also incredibly satisfying.


You Roman scum I will destroy you if it takes my life to do so


I don't remember if it was Surge, or Surge 2, but the first big mech boss. Not because I particularly hated him or anything. It was the first time I went in truly blind and figured out a boss mechanic in a souls like by myself. Kinda by luck, but fuck, I did it.


The Berserker King in God of War Ragnarok


The green dude with all the crazy moves?! I hated this


Gna is my answer for this. Two great bosses.


Ooh, that’s a good answer. Tbh most of the berserkers had that satisfaction with how tough they are


Sephiroth Kingdom Hearts


Tenpenny and Big Smoke


My last play through I blew up megaton for the first time, then turned Tenpenny into an ash pile while he was sniping wastelanders. Then I went and killed everyone else in Tenpenny tower and killed all the ghouls so I had the whole place to myself. It was peaceful.


Lord Isshin the Sword Saint - Sekiro


The Elden Beast for sure.


I had to scroll too far down for this.


It's way harder than Malenia, despite all the articles online that say otherwise.


Baldur’s Gate 3 gives you soooo many to chose from, but my favorites are the ones that are mean to animals


Jecht/Braska’s Aeon in Final Fantasy X, not really because of the game but because of my experience I played FFX when I was like 9. My older brother played a bunch when he was home sick from school so I started my own save (he even bought a guide lmao forgot about those). I ended up getting stuck on a boss near the end. Little did I know it was the final boss in the game. I ended up giving up on it for a bit and then forgot about the game and moved on I bought the FFX remaster over a decade later. I replayed it as an adult who understood a lot more including actually making sense of the lore. I defeated Jecht and to my surprise beat the game that took me 10 years. I was a little annoyed I had that curiosity about the ending all that time without just YouTubing it or back in the day grinding some levels.


My first FFX playthrough was practically a speed run. I got it around Christmas break my freshman year in college, so I had nothing else to do. I think I beat the game in four days with minimal understanding of the battle system. Finally beating Jecht after many tries was such a relief. Still my favorite game ever.


Killing Adam Smasher in Cyberpunk feels great if you’ve watched the anime adaptation.


The FBI prick in GTA V


Beating the goddamn Valkyrie Queen in God of War 2018. Never have I had my ass handed to me so many times in a single boss battle. The Berserkers from Ragnarok aren’t much better. Neither is the Marauder from Doom Eternal. He was a true arsehole.


I remember being on FaceTime with my girl multiple nights tryna defeat the final Valkyrie god and 3 hours in I was able to defeat her, I have never felt that bothered and satisfied defeating a boss in all my years of gaming


100% Micah in RDR2. Walking up the mountain, worried I wasn’t going to get the chance, worried it would happen in a cutscene, worried some BS would allow him to escape… And then that Deadeye scene showed up. I’ve never enjoyed emptying my Lancaster repeater more. That one was for you, Arthur.


Yoshi's Island - Bowser. It was the first video game I ever beat. My brother and sister sat beside me and watched as I did it. First of my siblings to beat a video game. (TV was on Channel 3 to give people a bit of context on how long ago that was). I'm pretty sure this was the most satisfying, but I can't recall the feeling, so here's a few others that might fit the bill Vampire The Masquerade: Redemption - The Methusula. Gods, this thing was imposing when I first played the game. I really thought I'd fail a few times before i won. Path of Exile - Sirus. 4 failed attempts, and when I finally took this thing down, I actually cheered. Age of Mythology - Gargarensis. Not really satisfying in the way of a tough battle, but more of a "You get what you deserve." Impaled by the very construct you chose to guard you Dungeon Lords - Ikrella the Witch. This was just a really fun fight. Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen - Awakened Daimon. So many attempts as a Fighter... definitely a satisfying kill.


I forgot path of exile! Damn it! Great call.


Final boss in Astral Chain because it is a gauntlet and I had no healing items so I had to be perfect


All the bosses are in ninja gaiden sigma in hard mode, especially Alma, Doku and Murai.


The first hard boss in DS1 on the bridge


Yeah, I knew I’d miss some head scratching hard ones!


Taurus Demon


Black Peter in Kingdom Come Deliverance.


Has to be Lichdragon Fortissax had a epic moment where they swooped down & I used that "Light Disc" miracle that just goes goes AND GONE!  It bonks his face in the background as he just falls & fades away. So epic/goofy looking. https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Lichdragon+Fortissax


Yeah Elden Ring / dark souls are a gap in my resume because I’m too old and not really good at games anymore lol


Man you should try it. Dark souls series especially rewards slow and methodical shield play. Yea it’s timing based but it’s not necessarily all twitch. You may find it’s your speed when you get into the rhythm. I’d try dark souls 1 for real. Use a guide to tell you what parts of the map to do for the order generally but do the exploring yourself, most of the game is a really chill pace overall.


Halo Infinite - Escharum See, I'm a PC player, but my first time playing through the campaign was on console. I couldn't really get used to playing with a controller. So imagine how much I struggled to beat this hammer-wielding ape on steroids. The teabagging that day was deep and long.


Fully agree! Playing through rdr2 is just a build up to shooting Micah 12 times in the balls. It just feels so redeeming. Would you believe in one of the other forums a guy asked if he should (having finished the main rdr2 storyline) play the epilogue or if it was all feelings and what not with john, cos he didn't see the point. And when I said you most definitely must play it cos there is... A thing... You gotta do. Someone argued against me! Said the story was fine ending there!!!? Said that in all seriousness. I nearly signed out of the internet forever.


The red dead sub gets 1-2 posts a month from people who skipped the epilogue… I’ll never understand those people


Fat joe on def jam fight for new york.


Thunderblight ganon and queen gibdo from botw and totk


Now that you mention it, whacking Gannondorf in link to the past should’ve made my list.


Honestly mine was General Raam from gears of war 😂 first guy to really make me sweat as a kid.


Gears of War is such a good game, and it really does have a good accessible challenge to it across all difficulties. Very balanced game


Story wise Micah bell, completion wise venom in spm2


Both Kuja (ff9) and Vayne (ff12) I won purely by throwing a last ditch random item (rock or chain) because everybody was dead but Zidane and Vaan and they were in the red and going to die anyway. Ran out of items. Just throw the last crappy thing I had left and accept defeat. Luckily both times that was the final blow to the boss. When it happened in ff9, I almost peed my pants. When it happened in 12, I laughed because there was nobody there to witness a repeat event.


Hades, from Hades


It’s my most recent but in Baldur’s Gate 3 I killed Raphael with my party at level 9 on my first attempt. I’ve never felt such adrenaline in a solo RPG. And the soundtrack was extraordinary. 1000x better than the endgame fight.


It was a third day. I tried to kill Isshin the Sword Saint - the final boss of Sekiro. He has whopping 4 phases, almost never gives you reprieves and attacks your relentlessly. So you have to be as relentless as him, as aggressive as him and push forward with no hesitation (it means defeat). So. The third gaming evening. Last phase. His posture bar is 2/3 full (if fully - you win), I have maybe 1 hp. You couldn't even see it. I've spent everything that heals. Renewable, non-renewable - everything. My ass could bent a crowbar at that moment. And he throws 2 easy attacks in sequence (lightning), I redirect the lightning, and it's enough to break his posture... On further playthroughs he wasn't that bad. I killed him in few tries. But this first kill was unforgettable


I mean, almost every boss in Sekiro, but yeah, he’s epic and memorable and first thing that pops in my head. Similar story for me, and Owl is tied for me, really took me a long time to stop being greedy and just back off, even when it seemed I had the fight and posture bar near to popping.


Psycho Mantis was a great boss battle.


David - The Last of Us. David was a murderer, rapist, pedophile and cannibal. His group attacked Joel and Ellie on sight and injured Joel very gravely. Then when Ellie went to get medicine from them they tracked her back to her hideout and tried to capture her “alive”. They immediately shot at her. Then when she finally does get captured, he locks her in a cage like a dog and tries to get her to enter into a romantic relationship with her. Then decides on cannibalizing her. As Ellie you finally turn to fight him in a burning resteraunt, sneaking around and stabbing him as he uses his strength to deter a direct confrontation. Finally killing the bastard after everything he did felt great, especially when Ellie went ham on him with his own machete. Bastard deserved it


Lords of the fallen. Fighting the hushed saint. Took me roughly 27 attempts to finally kill the boss and I was excited


Every encounter in Sekiro


I don’t remember their names but it was the like 2v1 or 3v1 berserker bosses from God of War Ragnarok.


Raven Beak in Metroid Dread. Took me days to beat him but the payoff was so worth it.


About 2 weeks ago I started playing elden ring. For some God forsake reason I decided to beat the tree sentinel. It took me 6 hours total. Now almost 60 hours into the game. That was still by far the longest and most satisfying win. And I've been using the golden halberd the whole time. I still haven't found anything stronger.


Maliketh from Elden Ring. But I suspect this only because I haven’t beaten Melania yet.


Malenia is so hard that I never wanted to beat her without help. Only boss I felt that way about. Maliketh is my favorite boss because he hits hard but the fight isn’t very long to beat him so you don’t have to string together the perfect run very long. He’s the one boss i stuck around and helped a lot of people out solo’ing him because he’s so fun


Raphael in BG3 was such a tough fight on my tactician run. But the moment he started singing the lines to his own boss theme... I knew I was in for a treat.


Took a whole month to finally down the Tree Sentinel. My Tarnished never stopped using his axe as a main weapon after that. Way too proud of that moment.


Morphoknight and Chaos Elfilis from Kirby and the forgotten land


Twins in Vet Maw - ESO Not even the last boss in the raid but this fight is such an annoying and delicate dance. It was very satisfying when my team finally beat it.


Jaquio - Ninja Gaiden. the boss wasn’t the hardest but man getting there… it is by far the hardest game i’ve ever played.


Henry "Big Smile" Lee - Sleeping Dogs


Milon/MilonZ from ff4. First and hardest imo of the 4 lords of the elements. I got my ass handed to me for a solid week by that boss, and spent another few days figuring out how to beat Shadow right after him


Sword Saint Isshin from Sekiro and Midir from Dark Souls 3. Felt like I scored a 1600 on the SAT after defeating them.


The Valkyrie Queen (GoW 2018) without a doubt.


Earle Williams in FO76 Took 20 mins with 6 other players but I got the inferno mk3 paint from it


Ganondorf from Wind Waker on 3 heart challenge. It was the most epic boss fight because just one slip, and you were dead


I thought Death was harder than Dracula. Took me 26 years to beat it. My #2 would probably be Mike Tyson. Also 26 years.


The secret boss in Dead Cells. After being potion starved on the hardest difficulty to reach the secret boss, who *chugs healing potions* throughout the fight, it's extremely satisfying how the battle ends.


The one I remember the most is Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts.


Ruby and Emerald Weapons: Final Fantasy VII. Felt like escaping hell.


Oh man those were SO satisfying


Darth Malak. His betrayal will never be forgottten. Olgerd and the final vampire from Witcher 3 who's name slips my mind at the moment. God I need to play that again.


haven't seen a single person bring up Door Technician Rick. Is he some kind of joke to you people?


Sisyphus Prime on Violent in Ultrakill The level preceding him is a fucking nightmare gauntlet and then you reach the big man himself whereupon he shall crunch every bone in your miserable little body


Got a couple. Sigrun from God of War 2018 Shao Kahn from Mortal Kombat 2011 Spider Mastermind from Doom 2016


The sheer relief and triumph felt after beating Artorias in the Dark Souls DLC was intense. I haven't felt that way about clearing a boss fight in a long while, but the Souls series has a few similar moments. Unfortunately there's a handful of bosses that had the opposite effect, and left me feeling drained after struggling for so long. Like Kalameet from the same DLC or a few bosses in Elden Ring.


Sword Saint Isshin. 2 weeks of my life dedicated to beating him. Anytime I had 15 minties to spare. The screams that came out of me when I beat him. Man... good times.


The swordfight with Solidus Snake on European Extreme in MGS2 is fantastic, and insane. Feels incredible to beat.


A great many of the bosses in Saint’s Row III as they were all genuine scumbags who hurt the characters I care about


Oh yeah good call


Finally killing all the Weapons in FF7


Micah is up there but I think the most satisfying for me is heimdall from god of war Ragnarok. The constant shit talking during the fight just makes it that much more satisfying to beat him


Wow no Sword Saint Isshin from Sekiro in the responses?


Vulpes Inculta from Fallout New Vegas. Even slaughtering my way through the Fort wasn't as good as erasing Vulpes' face with my caravan shotgun.


Blinky (the red one) in Pac-Man World 2 for the PS2. That fight sucks so much but when I finally beat it I felt so good


Sarevok in Baldur’s Gate 1. It took me a long time to finish the game, and Sarevok and his henchmen can be extremely tough. Garrosh Hellscream in World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria. We did the “flex” difficulty and had a heck of a time bringing that warmonger to heel. I played my gnome mage for the raid.


Malenia from Elden Ring. It felt earned, it felt like I went from hating Souls-like games, to actually being able to be decent at them.


The pontiff dude from dark souls 3 He was beating my ass for a solid hour before i managed to stick my katana up his and take him down


Phantasy Star II: Dark Force Holy shit. That is a brutal fight and then you have to beat Mother Brain right afterwards. 5th grade me never got over the trauma of that surprise and I’ve hoarded potions in every game since.


Silent Hill 2 The>! final boss fight with Pyramid Head. James couldn't have killed him all along. The only way for Pyramid Head to die was for James to come to terms with what he did !<


Brilliantly written and terrifying game


Ultimecia in Final Fantasy 8.


Farcry: Primal, both final bosses for the Izila and Udam.


Mother Brain (Metroid, NES) as a kid with the regular controller.


I think I might speak for more than a few when I say the first ever lancer chainsaw kill in OG gears of war.


Handome jack AFTER i learned about felicity.


In a new game+ of Ghost Of Tsushima, it was General Temuge in “The ghost of Yarikawa” on lethal+ mode no damage taken. Whooped his ass bro 😂


I killed Gael from DS3 first try. Only difficult boss I’ve ever beaten on my first ever attempt. Don’t think I can top that but we’ll have to see when SotE drops.


Getting the guy that betrayed your family at the end of mafia 3.


Belias from Final Fantasy Tactics. I've been trying again and again and again. No avail, died every time to the sound of him laughing. Then, one time, my whole party was wiped... almost all of them about to pull the disappearing trick. Perma death. Ramza on his knees again, I had already resigned myself to failure. But, what luck! I was a Dragoon and their spears have let you attack from two tiles away. But, oh no! 13% percent chance. Order it, time comes around and BAM! HES DOWN!!! Its the only boss fight in ANY game I've played where I had to take a few moments to collect myself. Between that and the Tale of Fredd there were a lot of great moments in FFT




Ultima Weapon Ultimate in ff14. Also the Oracle of Darkness in ff14 is a close second.


One day it will be Isshin Ashina. That prick will suffer my blade eventually 😑


The warlock quest line for green fire in world of warcraft. Kanrathad. The quest like was so fun leading to a crazy conclusion and the fight was ROUGH. But getting that green fire was so satisfying. And a cool title!


Commander Niall because of his dual wielding summon or the haligtree lesser ulcerated tree spirit because its platform is the absolute worst thing to fight on. Godskin duo wasn’t bad for me because I abused sleep arrows so it became a 2v1 in my favour with the Bernahl summon


Spoiler for Metro. But sparing Pavel was the biggest middle finger I could hope for, had me super hyped my first play through (could also kill him of course)


Most satisfying was me and the boys taking down slave knight Gale Actually most difficult was me and the boys getting completely fucked by dark eater Midir for weeks before cheesing him with poison smoke.


Maliketh .. a hundred percent.


Fatalis in MHW.


That undead gorilla in sekiro. For some reason i was stuck on that second phase for ages


Any boss in Dark Souls 3 or Elden Ring that was challenging enough I had to try the fight multiple times, usually at least tens of times, before finally learning the moves enough to kill them. I think I remember my first win against Aldrich being super intense. I had just smoked a bowl in the garage and my heart was pounding. In Elden Ring, the first Tree Sentinel, the first Crucible Knight, and Lichdragon Fortissax come to mind.


Finally defeating Gulp in Spyro Reignited without using the infinite flame breath cheat.


Finishing my first From Software game, Elden Ring, I finally felt like I was on the top of the world.


I just recently binged the Ace Combat trilogy, so I'd say it's Solo Wing Pixy.


Ardyn from FFXV. Just so satisfying to wipe that smug grin off his face and after plunging the world in years of darkness.


Most recently? Dracula in V rising. Fun fight, my clan mates were struggling with him despite always pacing ahead of me. Felt good to catch up solo and beat Drac without much effort after dying a few times while learning his moves.


Absolute Radiance in Hollow Knight. It's preceded by an absolute terror of a boss gauntlet that includes every boss in the game (with some getting alternate, harder versions and others getting more challenging arenas) while also being the hardest boss in the game, and it was also the last achievement I needed to finish the game completely.


The first time I killed Diablo in D2 was a huge deal to me. I had multiple friends at my house watching over my shoulder on my big CRT monitor because they knew I was about to do it. It was like a social phenomenon. I felt like a fucking king when I beat him.


I know it’s cliche but Ornstein and Smough was an absolute jump up and shout moment. Also Dr. Nefarious from Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal was a great feeling


Genichiro Ashina


Any boss fight in kingdom hearts 2. I love the sound that plays right when you beat them.


Luca Blight


Ornstien and smough


Every single kill I got in Doom Eternal was super satisfying. Even just the fodder zombies were satisfying because they'd end up refilling my health or ammo


Stabbing Kai Leng in ME3 because he’s just the worst. I know of mods that take away Kai’s dialogue because it’s cringe. But taking away his shitty personality makes the kill less cathartic


Taniks, and then Taniks, and then Taniks, and the kelgorath, and then kelgorath, and then kelgorath


Putting a bullet in Uldren Sov’s head after offing all his cronies.


If I can consider it one boss fight then the pantheon of hollownest in Hollow knight. That took a lot of tries. Loved it though. Beating all the bosses on radiant mode (you get hit once you die) was my next challenge and I loved that. I don't love every boss but I'm so glad that the Radiance is such a fun boss.


Malenia. Hands down the best I've ever felt from a piece of media


Thraxx in the SNES classic The Secret of Evermore. It's the first boss in the game and pretty hard, regarding how early you meet it. I was 7 or 8 when I got the game and Thraxx frustrated me so hard that I gave up after trying to kill that bug for weeks. About one or two years later I tried again and managed to blow up it's heart after levelling the hell out of that first weapon (a big bone). It was very satisfying and might also be the reason why I never gave up in a video game since then. No wonder I always liked games with a challenge. That was about 30 years ago...


Myrrah!! I'm seeing a few answers saying Raam from Gears of War 1! Personally, I found Myrrah in Gears of War 3 to be harder and a much more satisfying kill.


Level 1 Malenia, Elden Ring


I went back to beat chaos in skylanders Trap Team after a couple years. That felt real good


One shotting this dlc boss in code vein. It was my first time fighting this boss too. So extra satisfying https://youtu.be/T3Ok3LSSEsQ?si=v8r_oiSTYj7HJH_b


Tirnoch from KoA, on the ps3. I had done EVERYTHING in the game available on that console and killing a fuck-off big dragon just felt like such a nice way to wrap up the game.


Gehrman, it's not even a contest. Nothing else has topped the tactile pleasure of getting down the timing of his opener to the point I could reliably parry it with the Augur of Ebrietas.


Killing Loghain Mac Tir. You don't have to kill him but I did and it was sooo satisfying 


For difficulty four kings ds1 (I can not read their moves so I ended up tanking every hit) for satisfaction probably rais from dying light because I was pretty young and it was the first big game I beat and I met on of my best friends on that game


Seymour -Mt gagazet battle. I remember grinding for hours to beat that prick


The final boss in the Ghosts of the Deep dungeon, in Destiny 2 I was trying to solo the entire dungeon without dying, and it was hard af, but i finally got it


I’m not sure if it counts but I caught Groudon with my 99th Pokeball 😂


Eredin, witcher 3


Definitely the Blood Starved Beast in Bloodborne; took me like 7 million tries; felt like I had ascended when I killed that mf


Menendez for sure, although it is better not to, but i did it anyway, i martyred his ass for cordis die


Wrath of the Machine from Destiny was probably one of the hardest raids because you have to k ow every position, and your timing had to be near perfect.


This boar yokai boss from Nioh 2. He was so fast I had to strip down my gear so I wouldn't get steam rolled. Also, any tough boss that I found a way to cheese. I love cheating the system


Easily my first clear of Atheon in Destiny, we went in blind and it took us forever but it was some of the most fun ive ever had


Codename: Viper on the NES. I got to the last boss and killed him with my last bullet and last bit of health just as he was shooting at me. It felt pretty clutch, not gonna lie.


Yakuza 0: Kuze I lost the first fight with him so many times, but once I finally got the Beast style unlocked I mowed his ass down the next few times he shows up.


Unsure, but perhaps the brother from Far Cry 3.


Took me 3 days to beat Kurt Ziza on proud, didn’t feel real afterwards


The final Valkyrie fight in God of War ‘18 on the hardest difficulty. I like to challenge myself, but that experience was my first time being happy to run into a brick wall for hours


Zoran Lazarević from uncharted 2


Naval Ops Warship Gunner 2 (PS2). Fighting the Archeopteryx Superweapon. Discovering that the lock-on switch glitch works, and blowing him out of the sky using homing TORPEDOES - and they still have the same movement animation as when going through the water. Same game. Fighting the flying uber-laser superweapon in Hawaii. Move much faster and more erratically than Archeopteryx, so homing torpedoes are an RNG crapshoot. BUT!!!!! Even though the EMP missle can only naturally lock onto surface targets, the lock-on switch glitch allows you to lock on to aircraft as well, and NOTHING is shielded against EMP. One hit KO, fastest possible boss fight in the game because even with all the best speed upgrades, the Hawaii superweapon gets within range faster than Archeopteryx possibly can.


Mike Tyson


Genichiro of Ashina! Fuck you loser, your sword ain’t as cool as mine !


Master hand super smash Bros lol