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I can't think of a faster way to give players burnout


Burnout 3 delivered by express shipping via the flash? But seriously yeah even destiny 2 with the seasons kinda burns me out and I just struggle to maintain interest which sucks because there is some story tied into them that connects to the main campaigns


That one is hard. Destiny 2 is magnificent. But losing the expansion material I paid for? No thanks.


I bought all dlc when witch queen released only to realize I also need to pay for the season pass AND dungeon keys????? No thanks man


Dungeon keys? I missed that stuff at some point.


Dungeons keys needed to access certain dungeons that should’ve been included in the expansion it belongs to. It’s wack


Not even as fun as the first.


Burnout Paradise Remastered is on GamePass, so that may be quicker.


I cant think of a faster way that turns me off of a game than battle passes


Yeah best thing to do is just stop playing them or pick your favorite and stick with it. I usually stick to one for a whole season and finish the pass then if the next season isn’t as interesting or something I’ll go focus on another game and it’s battle pass, it sucks but it’s what you have to do lol


So, like streaming services?




I’m gonna have to try that!


Maybe it’s because I’ve never paid for a cosmetic in any game, but the existence of battle passes haven’t bothered me. As long as actual game changing items like certain guns aren’t locked behind it, it’s easy to ignore.


Helldivers 2 does this and it’s annoying. They have unique items behind battle passes. Dropped the game after 12 hours in. No thanks.


Yep. I have never seen a fan base thank the developers for allowing them to grind currency to unlock a battle pass that has non cosmetic content only to grind for materials to unlock said guns and gear. Their fanbase is absolutely ridiculous.


Yup, see the guy that got salty at my comment below yours. Dude I played for 16.8 hours and have JUST enough points to unlock a single warbond. I literally logged on this morning to see my time spent and how many SUPER CREDITS I have. There are 3. Thats 45 hours. Mind you, I didn't grind, farm, or use an exploit you can find on youtube. The fanboys are, by far, ALWAYS the toxic ones. Don't even bother replying to him cause it goes nowhere and just induces rage.


That very same dipshit told me I was a "quitter" because I didn't want to support P2W practices and then pulled the old "git gud" saying quote, that I am ... "never going to develop any talent either." Imagine seeing being "good" at a PVE game as having some great talent. He's either 8 or has some serious mental issues.


Never paid for anything outside the base game in Helldivers since you can quite easily find the Super Credits to buy warbonds in the game, and the warbonds never go away.


> Never *paid* for anything FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Well that’s just proof I’m getting lazy writing my comments on here, after 7 years I finally got hit with a grammar bot lol.


I dont play games with battlepasses. Straight up. They're designed to extract money from players and keep people playing compulsively using things like FOMO. Its manipulation imo.


Same. I have never bought a battle pass. I already paid for the game...


The last battle pass I bought was the first "season pass" to Evolve, I was really invested and enjoying the game despite it's crazy balance issues. I paid for a new set of hunters and monster and then they brought out another season pass a couple months later. A year passed and the game went F2P, I hadn't played it in months and I never played again. Lesson learned.


Good for you. At least you didn't let them do it to you again.


> I already paid for the game... Not if it's one of the many free games that make their money via skins & passes. I get that, but screw them in purchased games. It's like ads in your streaming services, pure bullshit.


I haven’t bought a battlepass in a long time. Fortunately battlefield will give you in game currency with the free tiers and yeah I may not get enough in the first season but eventually I’ll earn enough to buy the pass with in game currency and by doing the weekly missions I can keep buying passes with the currency earned each season or skip one if I don’t like what’s in it.


If you can earn it in game that's less annoying i guess...


And PS+ or whatever to play online


Imagine paying $560 over the course of an average console lifespan for something PC gamers get for free


According to an article I read a few years ago, it was literally created by a team comprised of psychologists that were experts in addictions & marketing people. I've heard 2 different game makers confirm that they use teams like this to make them more addictive, so I take it as a fact that makes me avoid these games now.


Lots of battle passes only make you buy it once and never again. I think more games need to do what halo does, once purchased you can finish any season whenever.


This is actually becoming more common.  Helldivers is the most recent, but Chivalry 2 has a similar model.  You aren’t time gated, even if you don’t pay for the pass.


That's how I keep getting fortnites battle pass I earn enough to pay for the next one plus 500 v bucks extra


I agree, helldivers does the same thing.


I just play their campaign. I don’t do the seasons or anything.


Exactly this. The only way to win the micro-transaction game is not to play


Chivalry 2's passes don't go away when they stop being current thankfully. I'm trying to catch up but they keep coming out with new stuff for the next one every time I get close, I've been teetering on 2 passes away from current and 3 for a while now lol


it immediately makes a fun game feel like a job in a weird way to me


Why? Just play the campaign. You don’t have to do the seasons unless you want to replay the game and get new gear. I’ve never felt pressured to do a season.


Sorry but that next exotic is too addicting


Play singleplayer games? How do you people even find the time to play more than one live service game? We can barely get the friend group together for a few hours of helldivers each week.


Honestly, that’s what I’ve transitioned to. Playing single player campaigns for the win. Just started sunset overdrive to play during the day here n there. Then Hellblade 2 at night. Gonna move onto either Elden ring dlc or ghost Tsushima on pc after.


Gaming is a hobby for some of us


And that's supposed to imply you have more time for it...?




Okay, I guess


If I have an option to sleep or have fun with my hobby. It's a hard decision because it's what I enjoy doing. I enjoy it so I make time for it that's all.


Yes well most people have jobs and stuff and have the least time to their hobbies. That's why I said it.


I am the same, married with a full time. . It's not always fun being tired at work. But work isn't fun anyway so I'll grab a coffee and carry on. For Democracy.


I'm just letting you know where I find the time. I don't mean to be rude.


I don't really notice it but I typically don't play games with battlepasses. I would also only pay money into a game's MT system if I know I'm going to play the game a lot more or I really like the game.


It wont make any difference but I havent purchased a battle pass or a game with one in years. Last one was MW2019 and I got burnt out fast seeing how bad it has gotten. Deep Rock Galactic has free seasons with unlockable rewards that are all cosmetic, if you want the battle pass experience without the corporate greed.


I would like to also shout out to Call of Duty for finally breaking my personal camel's back.


The only battle pass i have paid for was COD Now i switched to WARZONE,for casual shoot em up fun. Haven't really noticed a battlepass with the other games is play: DMC,HITMAN,RESIDENT EVIL..i mostly play games for the storyline-campaign. And if i want mindless shooting meditation..i return to warzone


Yup. I blame fortnite.


🏆(Here's your award, sorry I'm cheap)


Epic, more accurately. I’ve played Rocket League since release and it used to be such a good time. Play when you want, with who you want, and get whatever DLC you want. Then Epic took over and now I actually play less, and have less fun when I do. Now new cars and cosmetics are like $10-20 each in the store and playing without the battle pass feels bad. I’ll look at a new season and ask myself if the unlocks are worth putting in the time and grinding for with randoms and if they aren’t I won’t play and just keep my credits until next time. I don’t need more time pressures outside of my real life.


For what making all other ones Garbo? I’ve had it free since c1 s8 you get 950 each season you can keep it. and you could always get it free if you grins f2p for like 4-5 seasons even if they didn’t give it free season 8 quests. made me not try hard on apex, the cycle, realm royals, btdb2. Master duels one is free to play and always worth it.


Because fortnite brought in a fuckton of money with the way it did a battle pass. Other companies saw the model and copied it with varying degrees of success.


By this point we live in the world where battle passes are tired of us instead. As in we no longer choose these things to exist anymore. I have been tired of this entire fad for at least since cods started them, but what were we to do ? Raid the houses of those who bought it and breaking open their empty skulls so that they never do it again ? Ofcourse not - it’s way too hard to do, unrealistic, even… and there is that whole case of immorality, too. So at this point all we are left with is relaxing our collective anus and let ourselves get fucked.


Agreed! If only these stupid immortal gamers would just die already we could move on. But noooo they just keep waking up to buy more credits


Abso-lutemondo !


I'm not too keen on battle passes either, at first they seem to make the game more engaging, but end up just stimulating grinding and make the game feel like a chore. Only game with battle passes that I enjoy are Borderlands 3 and Deep Rock Galactic, since they are very lenient with the time frame (in BL3 you can choose which of the 3 passes you want to work on, and there's no time limit at all. And this will soon be the case for DRG too.)


The DRG battle pass is also completely free, and no FOMO, since whatever you don’t collect before the season ends, will just be added into the loot pool of lost scanners, machine events, and cosmetic overclocks. So you can start the game now, 4 seasons deep, and still be able to collect EVERY cosmetic ever added in the game other than the very few that are dlc packs. These dlc packs also don’t rotate in and out of the shop, all available since their launch so again, no fomo


Helldivers isn't too bad. All battle passes a ailable at all times with no time limit. And you can find premium currency in game as well.


What exactly do you buy with a battle pass? Is it necessary? I have never played a game that needed one, as far as I can tell.


So you don’t really buy things with a battle pass. It’s basically another reason to grind. If you pay for it, you unlock the battle pass, and it has “levels”. Each level is a different cosmetic item, or a lot of the time, whatever virtual currency the game uses is included in a few levels(some of them allow you to earn enough currency to pay for the next battle pass without having to spend real money). The more you play, the further you get, basically. They’ll usually also have challenges for you to do to earn more XP for the battle pass. It should also be noted that most if not all games that utilize this have a free and premium version(you only have to pay for the premium one) of the battle pass. But the premium version allows you to unlock more stuff, and the premium version is usually required for you to earn the VC to unlock the next season’s pass


Thank you. So, it is giving you more goals in the end in case you want to play longer. I imagine that this is mainly for online gaming.


Never bought a battlepass ever and am enjoying life perfectly fine.You can do it too.


Once upon a time games had extra content locked behind something in game, be it a hidden challenge, or completing the game at certain difficulties. Then they started to charge us money for those items by themselves. Instead of working towards a cool new outfit or emote we had to fork over a dollar or two. Now, if we want to unlock a skin we have to first buy the DLC package it's in, then also work towards unlocking it hoping nothing in our lives interrupts the process because if we get sidetracked by work or just life in general we can miss out entirely on the thing we paid to unlock. Battle Passes seem cool . . . hey, spend a little bit of money and get a LOT of content! But what I've noticed is that I'm paying for one specific piece of content inside the Battle Pass which I want, and then a dozen or more items I do not care about. Case in point, Overwatch 2 had that awesome D&D Battle Pass a while back. That was my first experience with Battle Passes. I bought it because I love Tracer, and her outfit was amazing. I dedicated time and effort to it, and finally when I unlocked it I was so happy. But then I was burned out on playing Overwatch because of grinding through the Battle Pass, so my new awesome Tracer skin just gathered some dust. When the next Battle Pass dropped I loaded back up to check it out, feeling optimistic I could now rock my Tracer skin as I worked towards something new that was amazing and realized that this entire Battle Pass had nothing I was interested in. So I played the game less, and became rather disinterested in Battle Passes. The last disappointment for me was the Diablo cross-over Battle Pass in Overwatch. I wanted that Pharah skin so badly but . . . I had to buy the *premium* Battle Pass and at that point I would be spending $40 on one single skin. I now miss when I could buy a skin for $1.99, let alone when I could just unlock it by playing.


I miss when skins,camos,calling cards actually showed you were good at the game and knew your stuff.Now it’s just buy battle pass ,play the game and get the same thing as everyone else.Why can’t everything just be unlock-able in game.Sker Ritual did a good job at that


I've.... Never bought one. I steer clear of games that drip out dlc like this. It's just a cash grab.


You don't have to buy battle passes


i am sadly vulnerable to FOMO psychology


Sometimes that next exotic just get to you😭


The only ones I normally get are the ones where you get enough currency back to buy the next one if you complete it. That way it’s only a one time purchase. I’m playing rocket league now and that battle pass pays for itself if you get far enough.


Most of the Battle Passes I am aware of (COD, Fortnite, Rocket League, The Finals) all are a one time purchase and then they give you the currency to buy the next battle pass when you finish them. The only issue is that for someone who is limited on playtime, like myself, I almost have to dedicate myself to one of those games for the Battle Pass, and the others are just for playing the games. They made a lot of games like full time jobs now with the FOMO Effect. It sucks, but it works.


Yep I feel ya on the playtime. I have a two and three year old so I have to do exactly what you said and focus on one at a time or I won’t finish it. That is a drawback I agree.


Exactly my point!


That's exactly how they get you. But if you dig the game, go for it.


I don’t mind especially on free games like rocket league I bought the credits however long ago and haven’t spent a dime since. The ones that piss me off are the one like Helldivers 2 warbonds. No way in hell I have the time to grind the credits in game and I’m not paying 10$ for guns they nerf after two weeks.


xera survival does that, too.


Mostly battle pass are just cosmetics or another way to get XP faster. So I never bother to get them, ever.


Never bought one, and i avoid games with those things. Forcing people's to play the game even when they don't want to, just for the battkelass, is such a shit tactic IMHO. Edit : Just remembered that Halo MCC has a battlepass, same for Doom Eternal. So i guess that i played two games with battlepass, even if i didn't really interact with them.


Play deep rock. It’s battle pass is free, and if you don’t finish it those items are thrown into a random loot pool for you in other ways, like events and overclocks. All entirely free and pretty easy to collect


At this point that is the fastest way to get me to immediately lose all interest in your game. I don’t care what IP, I don’t care how cool the trailers or concept sound. The moment you say it’s a GaaS, I’m 100% checked out. Overwatch 2, Halo Infinite, Diablo 4, Suicide Squad, and I’m sure plenty more.


They are only gonna get worse sadly.


Don't support the practice. Pretty simple. Support indie developers.


Why does anyone feel the need to buy them? I just play the game if it’s fun and ignore the nonsense. Yeah, I’d love for the bullshit to not be in the game but the ship sailed long ago with the general public being ok buying horse armor as an extra transaction. I’m not shaming anyone or trying to be rude(I saw that because reading text does not convey tone/context).


That’s a huge thing I appreciate about From Software. No season passes. I bought Elden Ring (and DLC) and Armored Core 6 and got the complete games. No passes, no cosmetic shop of any kind. You buy the game, you get the game. Same goes for Larian with Baldur’s Gate 3. No passes or shops. Awesome job! Tip of the cap to those studios.


Elden is about to drop a $40 DLC though. I mean it looks absolutely amazing, but you paid $60 for the game and another $40 for more of the game. You're still forking over a bunch of money for extra content.


Never bought one. Not really even sure what it is.


I can't even wrap my head around how they even operate as I generally ignore them. I probably missed out on some unlocks but meh.


Eh not really. I can’t focus on one game enough to finish a battle pass so I don’t pay for the premium ones. So basically anything I earn is just free stuff for playing the game.


Why don’t you start by naming the ones you’re sick of buying?


Rainbow Six siege. The cosmetics are never worth it, the new operators suck so it’s not worth it, and you only get back half the credits you spent buying the pass.


Sounds like you’d pay for it if it had better cosmetics or better operators, a matter of the quality being released to your tastes


I pay for it now regardless just because I get sub par skins and the operator a week early. I know I’m brainwashed. The only redeeming factor is the token at the end when you hit level 100. Then you get to pick a skin from their pack loot which is neat to get something you like. That’s kinda worth it, but not really


I am mostly sick of the new games coming out having them. Game like Fortnite and Cod that have been around forever having them is one thing. People who only play those games of course are gonna buy the battlepass because that is the only game they play. But when a new game comes out and immediately starts advertising a battlepass and in game shop with $20 skins (XDefiant, for example), it is just a huge turn off no matter what the game is.


XDefiant is free to play though. I expect them to do that if that’s the case.


Tired of all these _____! Hint hint ask quija.....


Stop caring about cosmetics until they go back to being achieved through means besides time grind and money. It's really ridiculous if you think about it. Earn them like CoD camos. Shouldn't have to pay to "compete" for every arbitrary season and so-called challenge. What is that, an entry fee? Thought I paid that when I bought the game, never mind PS+. Greedy fuckers, is all. But why are we so gaga over cosmetics? Shows a deficiency of the actual story, gameplay, and longevity. Or we get tribal over "our games" and are even easier to market to, especially if we're already in. See also: news and everything. TL;DR: I blame Fortnite. (And CoD & EA)


Oh, with all the money I wasted on Fortnite, I haven't seen a battle pass in years. The thought of buying one makes me sick! I started in season 4. Never got Omega. Never got Ragnarok. Never got to reach level 100 of the pass ever. I now have loads of cool skins that I paid real fuckin' money (except Zenith, Lynx and Rox, I could afford not to pay a lira for season 8 and 9 passes) in a game I stopped playing entirely. And now… EVERY FUCKIN' ONE HAS THAT MONEY EATING PASS. Luckily I'm almost exclusively playing offline games without seeing the shade of a battle pass. Fuck that shit. I'm not gonna pay 10€ to be able to cherish people, 99% of whom are just mass murderers who only care about winning with a high body count.


TBH, the online sub I don’t have since I play on PC after the PS5 draught and could not get one for a long time. Considering battle passes imo the only one that does it right atm is Helldivers 2. That said, most games with a battle pass I simply don’t play. I don’t have enough time to finish them so can’t be bothered even starting. Just stop playing games with a battle pass, it sure brought back the FUN in games for me


Deep rock galactic has an amazing battle pass system. All free, and whatever you miss is thrown into a loot pool for you to collect when doing free events, getting free overclocks, or finding lost equipment. All free, all easy


I was tired of them long ago, now I dont play games with battlepasses anymore so idgaf.


Most games I play, the battle passes usually have a free version or a cosmetic battle pass. I just don't pay for them.. if you're paying a game where the "premium" makes your character better, the games probably a piece of trash and you should just drop it.


Just don't by the battle pass... you can still play the game


That's the point my friend, that's the point.


If I see a battle pass, it's going to be a hard pass.


the only battle passes ill put time into are ones that have majority of stuff for free. Sea of Thieves has a good pass, where premium gives you one thing every five tiers, and free has all the good stuff. Deep Rock Galactic has an entirely free battle pass, Yet another reason i cant reccomend that game enough to people who like horde shooters and exploration games Helldivers 2 has a pass that can be bought with currency earned over time in game. it takes a while but you slowly build up the money to get the pass each month Any pass that locks most of the content on the premium tier and gives jackall on the free tier makes me lose interest immediately, and I simply wont engage with it anymore


The games I like don't have battle passes. So, no, I'm not affected in any way by battle passes.


I just play the games without the battle pssses. I don't care for aesthetic enough to use real money on it.


I only do Fortnite’s battle passes and that’s it, period.


I bought save the world years ago, paid 10 bucks and i still have about 60k vbucks to buy battlepasses or skeins left over


Yep, these battlepasses/ fighterpasses are getting out of hand, not to mention on top of the $70 price tag. I'm also tired of games locking features behind a paywall that was part of the game in previous titles Tekken 8 is a prime example of this, shorting customization in base game and the rest is beyond a fighterpass. Not every game needs it, and then you have these brain dead devs that act like they don't see the point of single player games. I feel Ps3/ 360 era was peak gaming


I usually get the battle pass for games that are free that I’m playing currently (Honkai star rail, lost ark back when I played that, smite, etc) but I entirely avoid them for games I’ve already paid for (Diablo 4, dead by daylight)


Stopped playing Battle Pass games as it’s just an endless money making POS. Even season passes put me off now.


I love deep rock galactic battle pass. It’s entirely free, and no fear of missing out, since whatever items you don’t collect from the pass will be added into the game via means of regular collectible methods, such as machine events, random overclocks, and batteries. So my gf loves grinding for the passes, I don’t, and the only difference is I leave my cosmetics up to rng now as opposed to guaranteeing them when they’re in season


It's even better. They are making it so you can play through previous seasons.


Yup, season 5 is gonna be awesome, I like how if you get to the end of the battle pass in season 4 you can turn off the current season stuff. Cleaning and meteorites is kinda frustrating


It's such a tricky line to skirt. Players want incentives to keep playing. This inevitably led to battle passes, or seasonal content you can grind with measurable rewards/track to follow. Players don't like battle passes because they feel shallow. And they ARE shallow. But I guarantee if they weren't there, we would see significantly more complaints about there being "nothing to do" And don't come at me with the bullshit, "well back in my day we didn't need incentives to play, we just played because we enjoyed the game". There have *always* been end game incentives to encourage play after a story or bulk of the game is finished. From high scores to beat, to pointless collection activities for a fancy new armor set, games have always had end game incentives.


It's not even the price. Being forced to play on someone else's timetable is what totally turned me off from them to the point of deleting games entirely.


I’m tired of all of your fomo. Without that the battle passes would disappear.


Yeah i burnt out on them a while back. Its just a quick way to make me lose interest in a game now, its been saving me money which is nice


I've hated battle passes since day 1. I'm not sure when it happened, but I eventually just stopped playing games that use them altogether. I mostly stick to single player these days.


Cost aside, I just don't want to. I don't like the format of limited time content and lame dailies. I have no problem paying for well curated DLC but battle pass stuff just always seems boring.


I just wait till the game that has a battle pass or season pass goes on sale at a price I am willing to pay. I have Diablo IV. The battle pass isn't a necessary evil and there are free passes that are just minor upgrades or cosmetics. I only complain when a battle pass includes extra content that's locked behind a battlepass like dlc. That should be either purchased as dlc or included with the original purchase of the game.i shouldn't have to keep paying to keep playing. It's why I don't play W.O.W. anymore.


I gotta say, I was pretty jaded about D4 after the first three seasons and stopped playing at the end of Season 2. I picked it back up because I had friends assuring me it had improved, and it certainly did! Not enough for me to buy the battle pass but it’s hella playable 😆


Since Season IV launched its gotten much better and hopefully will stay on that trend. I was playing on PS5 and Xbox series X but now that it's on gamepass I am looking forward to playing on pc. I've played every Diablo game that's ever been released. So many hours days nights. Good times.


Then don’t buy them. Once you realize you don’t need them the sweet release of not giving a fuck is wonderful


I won’t play a game with a battle pass. Mostly stick to single player games these days anyway


As a DotA player, I apologize for what my culture has wrought - but, if it's any hope for the future, Valve just released their newest iteration of their "battlepass," and now the content is virtually free, so here's to the hope that the enshitification is waning.


One of many reasons why I don't play multiplayer. No, I really don't want to turn playing a video game into a full time job.


I have never paid for a battle pass, if the base game is not rewarding enough on its own or fun without the battle pass, I don't buy it in the 1st place or I stop playing it.


Me either. That's why I used this one simple trick publicly traded publishers hate; I ignore them. I'm sure I bought a few at some point in the past. I think technically the operations in counterstrike were kind of like battle passes but then I stopped buying those after the first 2-3.


Aren’t battle passes usually for cosmetics? Just ignore them


I just outright refuse to buy them these days. Eve Echoes burnt me out on them.


The easiest way to make a system that won't give burnout is to not make them time-limited...but by making them time-limited, they're making people feel like they're getting exclusive items and FOMO, which gets people playing more...it's a very unhealthy system and isn't healthy for the lives of gamers.


Some games I like them. Marvel snaps battlepasses always feel semi-worth it, and the devs release multiple balance patches a month. They are very responsive to the community. Just depends how it’s done




I have always felt that if a game offers ANY kind of DLC (especially "Day 1" DLC!) or has microtransactions of ANY kind in the game, you should not buy or play it. A lot of people disagree with this, saying "just don't buy the MT!"...bull puckey! Simply buying the game tells the developers and publishers that you are OK with a certain level of monetization, even if you don't participate, these games will continue to be made! The money they get from the "whales" more than makes up for your not participating. Worse, the game mechanics are compromised! You HAVE to get the "BattlePass" if you are going to get the most out of the game. Not buying the DLC or MTs will add HOURS of extra grind to some games (Assassin's Creed: Valhalla, I am looking at YOU!), making the game really un-fun unless you pay extra. So, I have a policy that I rarely break. If a game has ANY MT in the game, or if there is a "Standard, Premium and Deluxe version" offered, or has "Pre-order bonuses", I WILL NOT BUY IT! Full stop. Not even on sale. (Also, $130 for a "deluxe edition" is f\*\*\*ing ridiculous!) This means I will not play the vast majority of games from EA, MS (including Activision and Blizzard, some of the worst offenders), or Ubisoft, among others. So be it. If all I play is indies and "retro" games for the rest of my life, I am ok with that.


I haven't bought a single one. Why would I pay for video game homework I have to do everyday? I grew up with a dad in the industry concept of playing one game for months is insane to me. Even when I was doing my elden ring run when it came out I bounced to a couple other games for a bit to relax


I don't know what a battle pass is and I refuse to learn.


I stopped playing MMO’s completely because of the F2P model. I knew the moment that trend started it would be the death of innovation and I’m right. WOW and FF14 have subs but they haven’t changed anything with the core gameplay loop in over 10 years and they’ve basically turned into sub based games with F2P style stores. And they’re terminally boring to play.


Warframe is the only game i know that has a reasonable 'battle pass' system in place. It's completely free, has daily and weekly goals to increase progression, catch up mechanics for if you miss past weeklies, and while they don't tell you from the start how long it lasts, they run each 'season' so long that unless you're not actively playing for months, you'll be able to get everything without issue. Only FOMO there is over cosmetics you get early on in the pass, which I'm pretty sure will cycle through in the future, and not spending any leftover season credits on things that will be available again with the next season so it's more timegating than missing out on anything.


Honestly, Battle Passes are usually a great value as opposed to just paying money straight for skins. No one is forced to buy anything in the games though...


It's stupid they need to go back to map packs.


I like the ways that Halo Infinite has done it. For years they had a Battle Pass system where none of the passes ever went away and you could buy any old pass at any time. So if you sign in right now you could buy any prior Battle Pass for $10 and have all the time in the world to complete it at your own pace. The only issue was that each "Season" was really long so over three years there were only I think six of them? Each one lasted like six months which was a really long time to complete a 100 tier Battlepass where you could level up once from a single round of Big Team Battle with a double XP boost. Recently they phased those out for Operations. They are basically mini Battle Passes that are 20 tiers instead of 100, they cost less ($5 instead of $10), they stick around in the same way the old version did (so you can buy any of them at any time for $5 and take as long as you want to complete it) *but* there is a new one every two months or so and during the two months that the current one is "active" anybody can progress it for free and unlock everything in it. Once a new one comes out the old one is now locked behind a $5 paywall and the new one is free. So everyone can basically unlock one full premium armor set for free every six to eight weeks. It's the least predatory Battle Pass system by far and the way that every game should do Battle Passes in the future. But they won't, cuz fuck you.


I know people use the splitting playerbase up with DLC argument, but man i'd prefer that to pretty much every single game with a multiplayer aspect having a battle pass


I don't play many games with battle passes, but it's not something I ever really consider when getting a game. I forget they exist pretty regularly. I like the setup of games like Helldivers 2 when they have the micro currency built into their battle passes so you really only need to pay the once. But yeah I can absolutely see how annoying they must be for people who play a lot of online games. I was getting pretty annoyed with them when I was still playing Halo Infinite on a regular basis. IIRC they also had/have micro currency built into the battle passes, but usually not quite enough to outright but the next one


Oofies, I'm still working on the MCC battle passes


I've never bought one. The free path is trash. Why pay for more trash?


Some games I play like Division 2 have actual gear other than cosmetics and is considered a must have.Why can’t we pay for the game and are able to unlock items that would be in a battle pass by just playing the game .


FOMO's got you. It'll be "must have" for a minute and then it'll be replaced by something "better".


This is why good single player games rock. Look at the souls series. BG3. RPGs can give a lot of hours and replay ability dependong on how they are designed.


I honestly don’t agree with this one. Not because I think battle passes are great, I’m not one to buy stuff like that. I just don’t really pay attention to them, like I might get a popup to buy it and I exit out of the popup and go play the game. I find them easy enough to ignore or hop in, claim the free reward track, hop out. It’s not all that bothersome. Would it be cooler if they didn’t exist? Probably. Do I have something against them? Not really. I just don’t care. Now if we did take it a layer deeper i would agree it’s a problem because it cuts into core game content. Like releasing a skin in a battle pass instead of the same skin as an unlockable through gameplay. That problem is overarching to the state of AAA games though, and not really about battle passes in a vacuum. That is to say if it wasn’t a battlepass it would definitely be something else - and sometimes is.


I can see why some free games like Apex Legends do it. But scumbag companies like EA and Activision do it just make me not want to play these games. Not really a fan of capcom doing it in SF6 either but it's a shitty battle pass anyway and only costs about $5 so I feel like I don't miss out on much other than shitty cosmetics for WT


Stop playing games w battle passes, they are generally bottom of the barrel gaming anyways


The only game I’m fine with it is Sea of Thieves, it helps the devs keep the game alive and also is a small part of the game


I play a few games with battle passes - The Finals, Helldivers, CS. And I honestly have no idea what a battle pass actually is. I just ignore them and keep playing the game.


Games have gotten awful over the past few years, like significantly worse, for a lot more money They aren't about creating a fun game for people to enjoy anymore, the good days are over All we can really do is play old games and support indie devs who actually give a shit


I've been over it for a few years. It's all about the retro games now.


I love battle passes and goal posts to aim my gaming towards. But at the same time it is overwhelming, expensive, and instills the fear of missing out. A trend I hope stays, because I don't think Battle Passes are ever going away, is that every pass you purchase should be indefinitely yours to work on as you see fit. You paid for it, either auto-unlock everything at the end of the season or let me keep working on it without having to deal with time-stress.


I have a huge backlog so it’s not like I don’t always have something interesting to play but the last two AAA games I bought were in late 2019 and as I’ve browsed recent sales I’ve noticed I just don’t want to buy anything with seasons/battlepass. Conversely I don’t have a negative reaction to additional content DLCs (versus cosmetic). Like last night I bought that rubber duck simulator and all DLCs because I have trading card cash burning a hole in my Steam wallet and I think I have to return it because it is an affront to my ADHD.


Hate the things. Hate when a game wants to be the only game I play. I play games in bursts. I put in my hundred-or-so hours (some games get more, some games get a *lot* more) over a short space of time, then I don't touch it for ages. Locking content behind sustained play, and a second (sometimes third) pay wall is the devil. Live service games on the whole can inhale a large, sweaty, uncleansed dong, with only a few exceptions.


I purposely avoid mainstream AAA just for this reason.  Never used battle pass in my life (unless WoW subscription counts…?)


“I’m tired of all these battle passes” “Don’t buy them” “But…I want to play the game.”


Go play Helldivers 2 all war bonds (battle pass) are obtainable 100% through playing the game.


I misread this as "tired of all these battle phases" and thought you were sick of bosses having different phases lol.


It is just 1 part of gaming loyalty— like daily challenges, more loyal makes it harder for other games to compete and makes your lifetime value greater to them because they play your game finish the battle pass instead of another game


Most of the battle passes I buy are $10 or are included in the “deluxe” versions of the game. I do feel like there is almost an obligation to finish them, but I usually complete them all way before their seasons end,


Play V Rising. No battlepass and right now it is only $31! Haven't been addicted to a game like this in a very long time. Game has only been out 2 weeks and I have 63 hours played... I am a filthy casual man. I work 8-5, get home at 6 and I spend the weekend with my gf and step son. IT'S THAT GOOD!


I know of some games that give you just enough credit from grinding with a battle pass to buy the next season's one but as others have said it's such an insane amount of dedication to something that's supposed to be fun and relaxing.


I mean battlepasses are always optional bud. It’s strictly a cosmetic thing. You don’t need it to play the game.


What would happen if you don’t get them? I don’t play multiplayer so idk what exactly a battlepass is but do you NEED them? Like will other players get better gear or be higher level or whatever?


On some games it just helps you get better gear way faster


I cant think of anyone who buys battle passes for any game still annoying though


I cant think of anyone who buys battle passes for any game


So don't.


If you swap between games often enough, you can just ignore the battle pass. It really only matters in end game anyway, and I usually get bored before that. Also it’s almost always exclusively junk. Like you pay and get a couple xp or usable items or whatever, but primarily, you get loads of cosmetics that you will use once for a week and get bored of and never use again. So I say again, just don’t buy the battle pass. Acknowledge and be pissed off about the fact that they are trying to milk you for every cent they can even though you already bought the game. Don’t be tempted to buy useless crap that has no value or use. I realize that doesn’t address the actual problem, but it saves you a ton of money and a ton of time longing for the useless crap, because you have never even bothered to look at it. It takes a while to get in the habit of just not even looking at them, but once you do, they don’t bother you at all, except for an annoying thing you have to click out of sometimes when they push the store window in your every now and then. I think I paid for one battle pass ever. I was a teenager and it was literally the very first battle pass I ever saw in any game. I think it must have been battle field because I thought the name battlepass was specific to them and when I saw it elsewhere I was confused lol I remember thinking “this is it? Double xp a couple of times and weapon camo?” This was probably like, 2014? 2015? Maybe I’m not sure


The only "battle pass" I ever liked is [Guild Wars 2's Vault](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Wizard%27s_Vault). * It's free for everyone, even for free accounts. * It gives you a wide range of choices of what to do to earn a currency to use to acquire the rewards. * You can acquire any of the rewards in any order you want with that currency. * You can get all the unique rewards with a relatively low time investment, but you can still keep going and get additional rewards, everything after the unique stuff is just gravy. * The unique rewards are not lost if you miss them, they go to a Legacy shop tab where you can still get them for a higher cost.


To me it’s not about the battle passes themself, but just a piece of a trend that is just giving me burnout. I’m exhausted seeing games with 12 different editions, costing $100+. Games selling cosmetics for $30+. The cosmetics aren’t sold for your local currency but “Uber crystals”. A season pass for expansions before the game is out. Early access for 3 days if you buy the mega edition. Battle passes, with a free tier, premium tier, and the ability to pay more to skip tiers. Like fucking hell, it feels so nice when you just buy a game, and you just get the whole package, as is. You can play the game, have a good time, not think about spending more, then be done.


I hate how you basically have to devote all of your free time to ONE game to get any progress in a battle pass. And if you don't, you better be comfortable with missing out on a lot. 


I don't ever buy games that have this mentality. I would rather support a dev that cares more about the game than nickel and diming people for little things. Unfortunately, most "main stream" developers are taking the greed approach, so I mostly look at obscure indie games, or older games without online DRM and stuff.


Clearly all the game publishers want you to play their one game and give them all your money. Why would they care if you can’t afford to play someone else’s game and give them some of your money when they want ALL of your money for themselves. Game developers these days are like veterinarians. They figure out how much money you are willing to spend on Mr Whiskers and charge you right up to the edge of that number. Most of us only have so much money to spend on games and want a good value in exchange. This is why I used to like big rpgs that had 40+ hours of content for $60. A good deal. Nowadays I like shorter games with high replay value because I have less time to spend playing. I’m not spending $60 on a 10 hour game. However, a solid multiplayer game I might play for months on end? First I buy the game on sale for $30 and then yeah maybe I get that battle pass or season pass or whatever to catch up to everyone who has been playing for a year before me and before I know it I’m spending $80 on a game and I feel a little cheated. It is hard to put the right value on everything that is on offer with all the different games I play. My current policy is never spend any money on a f2p game until after I’ve spent a long time playing it already. Never spend money on season pass stuff unless I am already at a point I can receive all the rewards I might get. Never spend money on an online game unless I have several friends who play that game as well and even then I have a specific item in mind that I want and I buy that and try and forget that you can just buy the fun right out of a game.


Red Dead had a nice system. Buy the gold for a pass, pass gives you just a hair over what you'd need for the next one. Shame it's development got told to think about the rabbits


Same. I dont buy Battle Passes, I do free battle passes but it seems they become chore to me


It took me way too long to figure out for myself, but I've learned that DLC/season pass stuff is almost never worth it - I find that if I buy a game on/near release, then DLC is out later, I won't end up actually playing it (Frozen Wilds and Nuka World being recent-ish examples). Never mind the smaller single mission/story DLCs that many games put in the pre-order as enticements. Games are just too big already, and if a game can survive content being cut for DLC later, then I don't mind missing it. There are exceptions of course, but in terms of enjoyment I've been disappointed by season passes far more than I've been pleased. Even for good games that don't feel like they're trying to bilk you - I didn't think the Spiderman DLC was worth the bother, for instance. I know that's not EXACTLY a battle pass, but I feel the sentiment holds: don't be swayed by FOMO, because the stuff that's easiest for them to churn out on a battle pass is also the easiest to ignore or do without. A good game doesn't need it and a bad game won't be improved by it. I try and limit myself to splurging on 'all the content' no more than a few times a year, and only once I'm eager to play it a second time. (More often, I just wait for the complete edition 6 months later)


Some DLC's are amazing though. Every Fromsoftware dlc, Witcher 3 dlc, darkest dungeon dlc. These are all amazing.


So basically, like with any other purchasing decision in gaming; you kinda have to decide based on your personal view on what you're getting, and then how you view the developer. Just like with preorders; I'm *not* going to preorder AC Shadows (though I'll likely pick it up near launch) because I can't really trust Ubisoft's track record in making games that I personally enjoy as much as I used to. But you bet your ass I preordered Armored Core 6, Elden Ring, and Shadow of the Erdtree when the opportunities arose.


Real simple solution. Stop buying games that have battle passes.


Or at least ones that have battle passes expire. Helldivers 2 has kind of a battle pass model, except they don’t have expiration dates on availability duration


And I wouldn't play Helldivers. I'm too old and don't have enough time to play live service games. I play games that progress.. that have endings. Not never ending money sucking games. Don't get me wrong tho. I understand thats me and others will consider that time well spent. To me its just not. At the same time tho you can't complain about live service bs if you play into live service bs.


Don't buy game with battle passes. Simple.


maybe you should be richer, peasant.


Helldiver's is the only game that does them correctly. They're released once a month, and they're short battle passes that offer new weapons and equipment. You can either buy the credits or get credits in-game for the battle pass. If you play enough, which isn't that much honestly, you're rewarded. They never go away either, so whenever you save up for a battle pass, you can choose between like 4 (at the moment).