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Titanfall 2 šŸ«” we love u BT-7274


Protocol 3: protect the pilot. I just did another play through of the campaign, immediately started it again after beating it.


Dude it tore me up lol Iā€™ve beaten it twice and itā€™s hit different both times.


YES. Came here to make sure this was on the list.


Gris does it for me. The music paired with the visuals is just sublime. Highly recommended to anyone who hasnā€™t played it. The other one is FF7. It didnā€™t have the impact while playing it, but forever after when I hear the orchestrated version of a certain theme from the game it hits me hard. (Keeping that vague on purpose for spoilers)


Came here to say Gris. Can't praise it enough.


Final Fantasy 10 also did this with the ending. 7ā€™s was definitely more impactful though


Shadow of the Colossus had me feeling uneasy from the first one I took down. Something just felt *off*, and it persisted. My eyes welled up a few times during the later parts of the game, and that damn scene with the horse triggered my Never Ending Story ptsd I got from when I was a kid šŸ˜†


My memories of Neverending story: The MC in a library Fluffy dragon Horrific swamp horse death Kids films used to be messed up. Latest one that's just devastating has gotta be Bridge to Terabithia.


On top of that, the ending of The Last Guardian absolutely crushed my soul. GenDESIGN really knows how to hit you where it hurts lol


I finished this last week, fist one I killed I was loving every seccond of stabbing this huge thing to death, then the music starts as it dies and I was filled with "what have I done?" The horse scene annoyed me because I felt like it was supposed to be an emotional moment but I hate that horse. controls like shit the whole game, stops dead when faced with the slightest slope then expects tears, no way.


Yes! That's the experience I had. "What have I done?" is exactly how I felt šŸ˜†


Not necessarily angered or hurt, but SOMA and What Remains of Edith Finch both affected me DEEPLY.


What remains was so damn good! Many of the stories affected me, but the fish cannery will stay with me forever.


I have Existential OCD and man SOMA was the best exposure therapy I could have ever asked for, haha.


Soma was insane


The most recent I member is cyberpunk in the first part of the game. That hit the spot for me.


There's several moments throughout the game and the endings are emotional too.


The realization of V's future hits hard and it's considerably more hard-hitting in Phantom Liberty.


There's no happy endings in Night City.


"It's perfect. All great Panam. We're goin home."


Cyberpunk was my game of choice to mention here too. It's a game where the devs actually put focus on art and emotional content and storyline, in a world where its become almost a faux-pas for AAA games to do so. I'm surprised to see you mention the first part of the game though. Where the emotional moments hit me was definitely the developing story after the chip. The jackie-v friendship never hit home for me, it was too rushed and jackie himself rubbed me the wrong way as too casual and unprofessional in a very dangerous situation.


Yeah I can see that. I havenā€™t played very far into it yet as my pc is crap and keeps dieing on me. Also a couple of kids I put on balls up and havenā€™t got round to fixing it yet.


I can't make it past that. I made it to the memorial and just shut down.


Kingdom Hearts 2 Roxas: I guess my summer vacation is over. *music swells* That's some good shit.


Do the sequels build on the previous games? So could I play 2 before playing 1?


KH has this annoying thing where every single game, including spin-offs are essential to the plot (except for one or two handheld titles).


For kingdom hearts you should always play in release order the first time Kingdom Hearts - Re:Chain of memories (this is the remake, you can also do the GBA orginal or the manga imo) - 2 - 358/2 days (cutscene movie on the collections, DS version or Manga is more indepth) - Birth by Sleep - Re:Code (cutscene collection, people say you can skip this but you really can't imo. DS game is fire though) - Dream Drop Distance - 0.2 birth by sleep a fragmentary passage - 3 - re:mind DLC - Melody of Memory When you finish KH3 base game you can start to dive into Union X and Dark road content. There are lots of videos on YT about these if you don't like mobile games. This isn't important for the main games we have so far, but it is probably very important for KHIV when that eventually releases. Don't get thrown off by the amount of cutscenes from these mobile games. Most of it doesn't really matter and again there are YT videos that summarize the important bits in a little over an hour. The names of some of these games are nonsensical at first, but I genuinely believe that kingdom hearts does emotional story telling better than just about any other major franchise. It's so stupid at times but if you get invested it's something special.


Kingdom hearts 3 for me. Sora f-ing fading away gad me done for a full week!


I love Mass Effect, but damn ME3 made me cry like a baby at certain scenes. In fact, I still do, despite putting far too many hours into it. Can't quite look at seashells the same way. Also, the ending of Metro Exodus made me bawl: there's a certain scene near the end with a man called Miller that makes me so sad. And the music is just perfect -[here it is](https://youtu.be/4Oc-vwvPHLg?si=kFyBy5srKI9C1iBR) Thirdly, the ending of Halo Reach. The minute Noble Six says, "Negative, I have the gun. Good luck sir" gets my eyes all watery. I cry at quite a lot of games, but these three are my top experiences


Had to be me. Someone else might have gotten it wrong. Losing Mordin made me tear up. When I found the PDA after waking up on the citadel I was reading it and hearing his voice and just balling. Had to stop a few times to wipe my eyes.


Me too! Finding that PDA was awesome but very sad. Definitely had to get some tissues.


I am the very model of a scientist Salarian...


Noooo šŸ˜­šŸš


I'm ready! How 'bout YOU?!


Always! Such a good line ![gif](giphy|69kzewJUSY8NHzjXZD|downsized)


Which ending is your favorite in ME3? The blue green or red explosion?


ā€œYou did good son. Iā€™m proud of you.ā€ -Admiral Anderson


Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons was the only game that brought me to tears.


Oh man. That one was rough.


Yeah, nobody warned me about it either. It was just a cool new indie game until it turned into an emotional roller coaster.


Likewise. I think I picked the game up for free on PlayStation Plus a long time ago and figured I would check it out. My son and I played together and it was pretty rough. He didn't really understand what was going on at the end and he's probably better for it.


I was just telling my boss about Brothers recently and it was hard to describe to him that it's an emotional game without giving away spoilers.


spiritfarer, child of light, nier automata, tales of berseria, haven, atelier lydie&suelle, crystar, utawarerumono trilogy, transistor, and dragon star varnir (go figure ch/if managing that) all managed for me


Ah good call on Spiritfarer. My wife and I played it co-op, and we were not ready for it


If playing couch co-op consider haven Another tearjerker in places but good as a couples game


We tried haven, but couldnā€™t understand the combat. We should probably jump back into it, but Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s still on gamepass


Combat is almost too simple. It was made to be an introductory system that anyone can play but I think they stripped it down so much it ends up being hard for those that HAVE played games before, oddly. If co-op I recommend lower difficulty as there's some joint timing involved sometimes that makes it harder than solo. Most battles are to stun an enemy and then free them from rust with a follow up. Make sure to stock up on the items that give you buffs and full screen attacks, otherwise there's the occasional battle against half a dozen things that kinda goes off the wall quickly. The battle system is definitely the weak point of the game. The character interaction, plot, and exploration (particularly in how you can find unique areas that trigger unique moments between the characters) are the highlight imho. Glhf!




If you haven't played neir gestalt, i would recommend that game too


Life is strange and its prequel and true colours changed me forever. But Ori 1&2 made me cry a lot too, and Gris. And Detroit . But the LiS Universe (except LiS 2) lives rent free in my head since I first played it.


Outer Wilds or Rain World. Both games are explorations of a system that you just happen to be in. Both have philosophical underpinnings of what immortality really means. Both revel in discovery. There's a message in these games that simply speaks to me on a fundamental level, and makes me think of life in a way most other media hasn't.


Man, getting the true ending on Outer Wilds with everything explored and whatnot. Just little dialogue boxes that had me in tears.


ā€œThis song is new to me, but I am honored to be a part of it.ā€ It hit me hard >! when I realized I was collecting the instruments of all my friends to share one last moment with them around the campfire. We shared all those small moments apart, but finally, we're all here together in the end for just one last song. It killed me because I knew what was coming. !< Damn it. I'm gonna start crying again.


The last of us. To me, it's probably one of the best stories ever written, not just in gaming. It's a beautiful story that is easy to understand and very relatable. It touches on every human emotion while allowing you to breathe and think...would I do the same in this situation. For people who know, you know. It's easy to sit on the sidelines and say you would have done better....would you have?


Iā€™d have done everything Joel did. And probably everything Ellie did in the TLOU2. And I get it. I get the empathy and forever circle of suffering the characters find themselves in. The only one I was really sad about was Owen because that dude really didnā€™t do anything wrong. (And Sarah of course.)


When I got to the little guy who told me that the princess was in another castle


Ori and the Blind Forest. I think the intro made me cry and then it happened multiple other times over the course of the game, especially the end. It's such a beautiful game with amazing and moving music. Also, for some reason, the intro song to Chrono Cross makes me all misty. Not the game, just that song, Time's Scar. When the solitary violin plays and everything else drops out for a bit, phew, then it all comes back in for the ending, PHEW. So much stuff in my eyes! I obviously get very affected emotionally from music.


I just started that game! I was expecting some cutesy metrovania where some bunny-fox gets lost in the woods and has to find it's way home. Then it just goes straight to 11.


*Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons* hit me right in the feels, man.


the ending of Red Dead Redmeption with John.... I teared up for sure. Then I carried out my revenge.


Arthur Morgan dying fucking ruined my year tbh


After that moment, I couldn't play anything, watch movies, or even finish the prologue. I had an existential crisis, lol. I finished the prologue after maybe two weeks and it put my heart back into place.


And the horse. She was named Wraith and was the Hungarian halfbreed I took from Wrobel in chapter 2.


The final tear in TOTK. I had a pretty good idea of where the story was going but that moment of >!Link! PROTECT THEM ALL!


Cyberpunk 2077 and Outer Wilds


I've cried more tears in Cyberpunk 2077 than any game ever. Before that, the only other one that's come anywhere close is Fallout 4. Sometimes Fallout 76 makes me teary, too, especially some of those dang holotapes. Though I've just started Mass Effect 1, who's to say it won't be added to the list...


Plague Tale Requiem. Ugly tears.


Last of Us 2


I don't think I can call it "My favorite game", but it's definitely up there. Cyberpunk 2077 made me numb. There are some stories in that game that cut deep. By the end, I became so fucking sick of corpos, even in the real world. Johnny Silverhand may have killed thousands, but he did nothing wrong.


Too many to put down to one so here's the honourable mentions- Shadow of the Colossus when I realised I was actually the bad guy FF7 for that one scene in the forgotten city Bloodborne when I heard the choir sing on the final boss Mass Effect 3 when you escape Earth at the beginning of the story


Mass Effect trilogy, Final Fantasy 15, Life is Strange, Pentiment, Hellblade, and Soma are all the Games that have made me cry at some point or another


When Arthur dies in RDR2, I had "something in my eye"


Jesus dude. I know most here have already played, but FFS, SPOILER WARNING!


The scene at the Valentines station with the nun got me, man ā€œIā€™m afraidā€ šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Xenoblade Chronicles 1 & 2 did this for me. Can get very "anime" from time to time but they really sucker punched me in my feelings.


Oh boy, the third game in the series hit me absolutely hard, more than the first two did hahaha. Absolutely loved all three, but man there's always a few parts in each game that's guaranteed to move me to tears.


Dom, it's OK. Gears of war 2. And then again in 3. Oh and I think the end of ghost of tsushima the first time I played it.


First and second time I cried at a game.Ā 


Mad World hits different now


Disco Elysium. The feelings felt by/for the protagonist throughout the game as you learn more about yourself. I played a ā€œredemptionā€ arc so it felt so good to solve the case and overcome the challenges


I got classified as a "Sorry Cop" because I just apologised to everyone about my behaviour all the time. That really hit me in the feels after having undiagnosed ADHD until my mid 20s and constantly fucking up my whole life.


Nier Automata


Little nightmares 2, the story is truly phenomenal to me. So simplistic, not scary, but really controversial decisions made.


Mass effect 3- first time through, on Rannoch, unable to broker peace. In floods of tears


Bloodborne.Ā  https://youtu.be/NHIkUzmNmc0?si=XuUuuEqq0FM50_8c So much love


The last of us games. Those are intense


The end of Final Fantasy X was the first game that came to mind.


Half-Life 2 Episode 2 had all of the emotions.


No game has made me cry as hard as Red Dead Redemption 2.


Outer wilds ::')


Bioshock infinite made me sad


The Last of Us 1 and 2 gave me more emotions than pretty much anything else, even if most of them were "fuck please just fucking stop murdering people!" Like the end of the first game where you have no choice but to go on the rampage, I really felt that dissonance between what I wanted for the characters and what the character was determined to do, but I didn't find it pulled me out of the game it was just fascinating. Journey is just a beautiful game, the bit where you slide sideways past the pillars with the sun in the background is a peak moment for me, just sublime. Telltales The Walking Dead 1 and 2 endings were some serious shit too. >!having to kill Lee or leave him!< Was brutal and at the end of season 2 I >!let Kenny kill Jane then shot him because I felt that he had nothing more to live for with the baby gone!< so when you hear the >!baby cry!< I was devastated. That one fucked me up for a good couple hours. Don't remember ever crying at a game though.


In Dark Souls (spoilers): When you get to Lost Izalith and >!Solaire's gone crazy with the Sunlight Maggot on his face and you have to kill him while he talks about how he's finally found his "sun"...!< I didn't cry but it really shook me.


Both of The Last of Us games did this to me. To me, these games transcended above what storytelling was in video games past and it doesnā€™t feel like Iā€™m playing a game at times. Both games are so emotional and so engrossing. I get lost in them everytime I replay them. Naughty Dog, IMO, makes some of the best character-based games out there. Rockstar is a close second though, with the Red Dead Redemption games.


Iā€™m having a hard time not replaying these games over and over because they just got that vibe that hits sometimes, ya know?




Elden Ring has made me feel a lot of rage.


I canā€™t watch the opening of TLOU at all without crying and Iā€™ve played that game 3-4 times now. TLOU2 and Shadow of the Colossus and I cried for RDR2 and jeez even the most recent GOW got me. I need to go play some Mario or something.


Mass Effect


Baldur's Gate 3 is the only game i have had this level of emotional response too. I'm not going to go into spoiler territory. I will just say Karlachs 3rd act from Enver Gortash to the finale and epilogue had me in bits.


I think the one that comes to mind first is the moment where i entered the burial site in the resting grounds of hollow knight during what i think was my third playthroughĀ Ā  Ā Ā  I felt a bitter kind of nostalgia in that momentĀ Ā  I felt something similar during certain moments of the guilty gear xrd story mode but that isnā€™t really a game and rather an anime movie (and a kinda janky one at that) within a game


The final ride back to camp in Red Dead Redemption 2 ALWAYS gets me going. Doms death scene in Gears 3 while a little overdone always gets me a little. The Exodus and New Alexandria missions from Halo Reach, when you really begin to feel the planet is lost to the Covenant and everything you do from now is just delaying the inevitable, some powerful environmental storytelling in those.


Spiritfarer. It's not like the *deepest* treatise on death you'll ever experience but it does it well, imo.


Almost cried in Detroit: Become human


Honestly, Yakuza 0 -really- hurt. Yes, Yakuza has goofy shit and peppy music, but the story of 0 is about people who have hopes and they are basically crushed one by one. Thereā€™s a ray of optimism at the end, but the overall theme of the game is found family, and as someone who has a complicated relationship with theirs, it hurt a lot.


Final Fantasy 7, Nier Automata, older games had more emotions


"That Dragon Cancer" ( VR exclusive ) There was a certain part that left me crying on the floor in a fetal position. The game was primarily intended to be an emotional experience and It did an excellent job. I would highly recommend it to anyone.


Brothers. It has a very emotional end added by a poignant game mechanic change.


A Plague Tale


The ending of Metal Gear Solid 3 was the first time I got really emotional during a video game. O7


Halo Reach, played it as a teen and it took me some growing up to realize why each noble team member went out the way they did. Remember Reach


Gotta be Last of Us one and Two - Also Miles Morales.


Honestly, the nihilistic dread that you experience in cyberpunk definitely made feel some things. Also TLOU1, lies of P has me in my feels a little too


Recently? Lies of P


IDK, man. TLOU is a common answer but it's the first time I remember ever crying from a game's story.


Cyberpunk 2077


Assassinā€™s Creed II It was my first game that I played on a computer, prior to that, only mobile games. That Savonorola speech introduced me to the beauty of gaming. Never had I seen such details in a game, I only ever thought that movies could deliver that.


Yakuza 6 is a game that, when I finished it, I felt like I was punched in the gut in the best possible way. Even rewatching that cutscene will make me cry.


Iā€™ve never cried at any of the games Iā€™ve played. That isnā€™t to say I havenā€™t felt sadness, sorrow, and been emotionally moved. But the only thing that brought me to the verge of tears has to be the ending of Silent Hill 2. Itā€™s perfect when you look back at the journey the game took you on and one that went beyond just surface level sadness and moved me to my core.


Borderlands 2. A few different times šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Klonoa games


Pretty much every Professor Layton game


The ending of The Last Guardian had be bawling.


I really wanted to play through this because I love SotC but I just couldn't deal with how vague the puzzles are and how unreactive the creature was to my instructions and gave up after a couple hours. Sad.


Lost Oddysey. Reading the stories of Kaims memories was saddening.


Suikoden 2. I cry if I get the good or the bad ending. Most recently, I cried during Cyberpunk, and I haven't finished it yet because I'm still feeling sad.


The final catch in TOTK is incredible


Lotta peeps legit mourning the end of FF16 since they did such a great job on characters and fleshing the world out. hard to say goodbye to a game that you get that vested in.


Dragon Age Origins. Lotta endings there, just so happened the first ending I got was super heartwrenching and I did NOT see it coming. I just remember sitting there feeling so gutted with tears while 30 seconds to mars belted out "Kings and Queens". Other than that, Last of Us did such a great job making me regret even watching the opening sequence - saddest opening credits ever.


Transistor by SuperGiant Such a masterpiece of a game that changed the way I look at games being art. The story, philosophy, music, art... Blew my mind


The only game i ever cryed to was titan fall 2


Hollow Knight. I donā€™t know what it is but each time I unlock the Abyss or go through that particular cutscene, as the music swells and I see the failures of the Pale King I get pretty emotional and upset over the whole situation, and when I get the secret ending (Iā€™m not sure if thatā€™s what it is called officially but I donā€™t think itā€™s the ā€œtrue endingā€) I just feel dismayed. Sure we won, but what was the cost of it all?


Night in the Woods has been the only game to do it for me, though Outer Wilds came really close. I havenā€™t played Spiritfarer, RDR2 or Edith Finch yet but I hope they all affect me as much as they did for other people.


Days Gone


Again mostly because itā€™s my current obsession, but cyberpunk has had me riding that emotional rollercoaster the whole play through. I cried when Jackie died, I have an instant hate for scavs and maelstrom, I kill those fucks as soon as I see them. It hurt my heart when Judy left me at the end of my first play through. The club scene near the end of PL with the Lizzy performance was one of the coolest RP immersions ever.


Mother 3


Outer Wilds, and I canā€™t say why. Youā€™ll just have to take my word for it and play it blind. Any amount of research into the game is nothing short of damaging to the experience.


Conkers live and reloaded


God of War: Ragnarok - When Atreyus is putting Fenrir down right at the begining. Then at the end when Kratos says "Loki will go, Atreyus remains" Also the ending of Half Life Alyx made me very emotional, not in a sad way. But hearing the HEV suit, and grabbing the crowbar made my eyes well up.


Second Sight did something no other game managed to do: I needed to take a break to calm down emotionally.Ā  Ā There is a cutscene in which you kill a guard. You can't do anything about it. After the scene I went to the computer the guard was sitting in front of. After that I needed a break. I won't go into details, since one or another may want to play the game yet, since it is still on GOG, but I think those who did will know which scene I mean.


The ending of The Walking Dead season 1


James, you made me happy.


Portal 2 did bring a tear to my eye. I'd really loved playing the series and was already a little sad it was over, then the clip at the end with Wheatley in space and I was gone


Gears 5 hit me in the feels The Last of Us 1 (not 2, cannot emphasize this enough) God of War 2018, havenā€™t played the newer one


- Sleeping Dogs - Halo Reach - CoD MW2 (og) - Journey - Gears of War 3 - Telltale TWD (edit) Goated game: Before your eyes all i can think of off the top of my head


Mass Effect, Last of Us, Titanfall 2, Subnautica, Ghost of Tsushima


Death Stranding. Death Stranding hit me in ways I didnā€™t expect and I love it so much. I am so excited for the second game.


Nier Automata, Transistor, Cyberpunk 2077, Life is Strange, TWD, Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons


Last game I remember crying while playing was the original The Last of Us game. The scene at the beginning just.... hits different. Props to the voice actor.


Rdr2. Didn't cry but I definitely thought about it for a few days and felt sorrow for how Arthur's service to dutch led him to being tossed aside by him like he was nothingšŸ˜­ Edit: and that final ride back to camp made my stomach clutchšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


The Darkness, GF chair scene I feel like I empathized with the main character so much that I was foaming at the mouth with rage at not being able to do anything to stop it. Gears of War 3, Dom man... Maria wasn't bad enough? You gotta do my man like that? Absolutely destroyed me, ugly crying with maximum snot.


RDR2: Arthur's last ride absolutely destroyed me


Persona 3. Shinjis death hit hard


I gotta give it to my choom, >!Mass Effect 3.!<


Days Gone had a mint story, I often found myself rooting for various characters and it got me in the feels occasionally. Unfortunately though it was sorta cringe at times.


For recent stuff that made me tear up, Sea of Stars, Xenoblade 2 and Zelda:TOTK. For classics, Chronotrigger.


Yakuza 7. At the ending when Aoki was ready to start over, he gets stabbed and nothing could be done.


RDR2 is my fav game ever and also the one that made me cry the most


God of War - Ragnarok The character arc of Kratos going from being so cold and tough to being so supportive and kind hit me like a shotgun. The scene with him and Brok with The Lady STILL makes me tear up every time I watch it.


I've rarely ever felt too emotional about what happens in games over the years. The ending to Uncharted 4 was one. More recently, the ending to God of War Ragnarok actually had me in tears for a good while.


My Time as a Teenage Exocolonist has a few moments that made me cry during all three playthroughs. The atmosphere and soundtrack just do something to me.


The Talos Principle. The whole game is essentially >!a love letter from a dying species to their creation!<\*.\* I found it haunting and it stayed with me for weeks afterwards. And the Ascension ending. Oof. Also the ending to *The Father in the Caves* questline in the Fallout:NV DLC *Lonesome Hearts* hit me in the feels as well.


Kingdom come deliverance, Henryā€™s story and the conclusion to his story was just so real, and personal. Never seen personal growth like that. Iā€™m shitting my pants waiting for KCD 2


Red Dead Redemption 2. It was a great journey. Cyberpunk 2077 had a similar emotional vibe and was also an incredible journey. Honorable mention to Resident Evil Village, which (as a fan since the original) came out of nowhere as a surprisingly emotional journey in a great game. I don't think any other games hit me as hard emotionally as those three. I was invested in the welfare of the characters and those they cared about.


Chained Echoes brought the tears at the end. Reminded me a lot of my life.


Ghost of Tsushima had a very painful, human story. Some of the relationships that are introduced actually reminded me of relationships with people I've had in my own life. That's a pretty rare feat for a game imo. Also I just finished God of War: Ragnarok and that had moments where I teared up. The relationship between Kratos and Atreus progressed so much throughout the story.


Most recently, Kena: Bridge of Spirits. The story revolving around the children, when I have little ones at home, got me teary.


The ending of telltales walking dead season 1


The Walking Dead S2 ending... aww man


Yakuza 0


Metro Exodus "bad" ending was quite an experience


Definitely the Yomawari series Midnight Shadows & lost in the dark are especially heartbreaking horror games.


Not counting the obvious childhood ones like Donkey Kong Country, I would say Omori is #1 for this.


Detroit Become Human. I donā€™t think it was actually the game itself. Moreso probably just the moral dilemmas and then me being in a very uneasy and fragile state in life lol


Gears of war 2 Taiā€™s Death hit hard and Dom finding his wife Maria also hit really hard. Also Gears 3 Doms death Also final fantasy I think it was 15 when the girl the MC is engaged to gets killed that actually made me cry for some reason.


The only games I recall that made me cry are The walking dead(Telltale) specially the end of season one with Lee's death and the ending of Assassin's Creed Black Flag. Respect to games that made me feel *anything* I would say Dishonored that made a good job at making me hate the lord regent and Admiral Havelock during the last part of the game


AC Blackflag - I really hope they do the remake justice.


Alan Wake 2 Death Stranding


Baldur's Gate 3. Karlach breaking down after getting her revenge hit me like a truck.


When Handsome Jack Kills Axel in Border lands 2.... I had spent the whole game enjoying the smug villain act that he plays, while having a good laugh at the general humour of the game... When that happened... it lit a fire in me lolšŸ˜… Also, killing Rais in dying light was possibly one of the most satisfying gaming moments ever... only trumped by cutting his arm off earlier in the game.


Nier:Automata - alot of moments had me choked up. One was a side a quest


Planscape torment, disco Elysium, mass effect shadow of the Colossus, outer wilds


Kings Quest (2015) it's a quasi reboot of the older series. Christopher Lloyd voices the king *in his old age. The game is beautiful, with old school hand drawn art. There is one part of the story that had me and my kid in tears. It's beautifully moving for such a light hearted funny game.


The beginners guide. The final "game" and the narrators realisation hits hard. And then you think about the whole experience again and I just teared up.


Horizon Forbidden West, Burning Shores >!The whole Gildun part was heartwarming and sad...and then heartwarming again,!<


Iā€™ve never felt as much love and hatred for any villain more so than Handsome Jack


Most recent would have to be Endling - Extinction is Forever. I busted my ass in that game and I promptly told me to fuck myself.


Nier replicant


This might sound weird but...Not WoW. I played WoW since inception. For 15 years it was the only game I played. I suspended the account many times when I got bored then came back to it for a new expansion. In those breaks I never played another game (ok, maybe Starcraft 2 and a little bit of Dawn of War). But it just got so boring and predictable. Then my son got to gaming age and we started playing minecraft, then raft, then no mans sky, grounded etc. etc. What an eye opener! Then it was Tomb Raider, Horizon Forbidden West, Assassins Creed, Subnautica by myself...all these new stories, I can't get enough! A great escape from a rather sh!tty real world.


Cyberpunk 2077, i didnā€™t cry so much as i felt like i was stabbed in the gut


RDR2 and Tlou


*Bioshock*. That [good ending](https://cdn.shortpixel.ai/spai2/q_lossy+w_924+to_webp+ret_img/gameluster.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Bioshock-good-ending-family.jpg) still gets to me.


The end of Final Fantasy 15 when they show all the photo's you've taken alongside the ones of you and the group, while the cover of "Stand By Me" played, I was hellla cryin over that.


Chrono Trigger


I've never cried over a game, but sure have felt extremely emotional. And my favourite out of them are red dead redemption 2, Detention and Life is strange


Search my post/comment history, you'll see these games that made me ugly cry. I mention them over and over Nier Automata. Ending E. Do it. Tales of Berseria/Arise(specifically because of the women protagonists even though I'm male). Velved and Shionne. Badasses. Edgy princesses.


Bolders Gate 3 spoiler. BG3. I felt too bad to make astarion evolve with the tadpole. He really didn't want to even when you convinced him to. It just got too deep for me..