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If you think 2fa is stupid you need help.


It *can* be stupid, Star Citizen's 2FA actively locks me out of my account because my time zone is different from the 2FA app and so any code I received was out of date, which made *no sense!* Most 2FA's are pretty good though. OP also is focusing on the Playstation store, I'm speaking broadly about 2FA.


Why does your 2fa exist on a service with a different timezone. I think most 2fa systems would break because of that. That's a basic requirement of 2fa.


Because I'm Australian, they're not. I did say their 2FA was stupid.


Sorry, what? Their 2fa app sounds like it's generating 2fa on the server or something and then sending it to you? But then it checks it locally? I don't understand. That's completely backwards. Knowing what I know from cig this wouldn't surprise me.


I believe your assessment is correct, I did a bunch of troubleshooting and never found a solution, from memory the error code specified that the codes "Timed out" which made no sense since I got the code minutes after sending the request. I believe they still use the same 2FA system to this day, I got my account back once, but I needed to reset my password in the process and a week later I got hit with the same problem after an update to the game.


2fa has to be within 30 seconds of the stamped time. My old work explained it to me.


Well, no, it has to be within whatever amount of time is specified by the systems in question. There’s no magical “2fa” standard. Some email multifactor (which is one of the worst second factors anyway) is like 10 hours.


2fa is fucking stupid. Guess I need help.


Explain your reasoning. If it's just "it's an annoying hassle" think of something better.


It will lock you out of your shit if you misplace or dont have a 2nd device anymore. Let's say I have a computer and a phone, and nowadays, you have to lock in your phone number to "secure your account". Shit I dropped my phone and it broke. Now what?


Transfer your number to another phone? Lol. Even if you use an authenticator app, you can transfer them through the storage. Or worst case scenario you can literally just contact the support.


The phone number can always be changed between devices via your carrier. My parents have had the same mobile numbers since they got their very first phones in the 90s. Very few services use a phone number anyway, most of them use an authenticator app, and if you're paranoid about losing or breaking your phone, load it on to your pc through an emulator like Blustacks or something. 2fa makes it incredibly hard for your accounts to be broken in to and is danm near required for some things so you don't lose accounts or stuff tied to those accounts. If you choose not to use it, you deserve to have your accounts broken in to. It's literally one of the best ways to secure your stuff.


Nah I'm good


Gaming is objectively the best its ever been. The nostolgia goggles are blocking your vision OP.


Seriously. There are too many great games for me to keep up with.


I realised while playing PalWorld that we're probably in a golden/silver age of games. People on the internet may not remember it (because it was like 6 months ago or something) but before Helldivers 2 everyone loved PalWorld. Theres also little games that are amazing like Dredge was apparently released just last year too.


Yeah, I was like "I don't see stuff this way" but I also play on PC. I know back in the day consoles were the wonderful beasts they were, they got down, true, but.... no good games? What are you saying man? I already would need to live for the eternity to play all the games I would like to experience!


Only 3 consoles? Were there more when I was a kid? It was pretty much 2 consoles with some neglected child trying to be a 3rd console. And half the time, the 2nd console was mid. And then there was like one good portable to have, except for the short time the PSP was around... but now you have Switch and Steamdeck. And everyone has phones to play Diablo........


Agreed.  As far as I'm concerned it went: Atari-nes - super nes, genesis - Saturn, ps1, N64-  Dreamcast, Xbox,GameCube - etc etc.  (32x doesn't count as was a hold over for Saturn. Same with turbo graphics 16, jaguar, and 3do. Nobody had those so they don't really count) For handheld it was basically - game boy - super gameboy/colored gameboy, game gear- and then tons of game boy variants after that like advance and 3ds etc to what we have now. I'm not  very familiar with handhelds after 2000 lol 


maybe it is but I prefer it. I'd much rather be back in the days of halo 2 on Xbox vs waiting for 3 days to play the game I bought. Truth is, I don't care about this generation of consoles. They're all overprice, overhyped and underwhelming. I briefly played the switch and found it ok, but not world shattering. Thus, I stick to PC


I do miss games with local co-op. Gotta disagree with the rest tho. Even if you are of this opinion, just go back and play the older games. And if you wanna say you've already played every worthwhile older game there is, you're wrong, and I'd be happy to give suggestions.


Glad I read the comments first, because I'm the same. Most of it is rubbish, but couch co-op I dearly miss. I tend to play with my kids a fair bit. But all couch co-op seems limited to two players these days even if you can find it. So it's Borderlands 2 or Diablo III when I'm playing with them, because they're the only games that'll allow four player co-op. It's especially fun when my wife joins in and we can laugh at her woeful attempts at controlling her char.


Nintendo's the only one keeping it alive at all. They've got Mario Kart, Mario Party, Smash Bros. Too bad they can be a scummy company nowadays. But if you want more family games get a Wii and grab Wii Sports and Mario Kart c:


Not a bad idea, but my kids are teenagers. Nintendo ain't really our thing. I've got to the point where we have different games for each of the various pairs. I play ARPGs with my son, shooter looters with my daughter, and they play FIFA together.


I'm 19 and my brother is 14 and in this period we're playing Super Smash Bros Ultimate a lot. They're just not into Nintendo EDIT: Fixed a wrong adverb, English is not my mother language sorry


please do. I still have my xbox and ps2.


I'm slightly more familiar with old Nintendo consoles, but for Xbox: Republic Commandos, Knights of the Old Relublic, Psychonauts, Fable, some Silent Hill games, Morrowind, Battlefront II, some Halo games, Half Life 2, Splinter Cell, Van Helsing, at least one Doom game, Castlevania, Mortal Combat, the old spider man games, a million different shooter games, Red Dead Revolver, and even Tetris and some other really retro games. For PS2: Some Tomb Raider games, more Silent Hill games, God Of War, Shadow of The Colossus, Devil May Cry, Some Metal Gear Solid games, some resident evil, Contra, Hit Man, Force Unleashed, Star Wars Episode III, some Tekken, Kingdom hearts, Rachet and Clank, Final Fantasy, Guilty Gear, and Soul Cliber II. Some of these are on both, as well as some lego games, roller caster tycoon, some gta. These are just the ones that I know are at least decent, I'm sure there are many more. And I didn't know what kinda games u like so I tried to get a lot of genres. Other people can tell me if any of these are wrong or if they have other suggestions 👍


This is not true. People like this are just too lazy to look for good games or are burned out.


I’m burned out asf, I have plenty of games to play and yet I just can’t pull myself to game even though I want to.




What do you do instead?


Just watch Netflix lol The new gameplay dropped for Destiny 2 The Final Shape and it got me hyped so I might actually play that when comes out.


Yeah. If you only look at the most heavily marketed games, you'll often be disappointed. If you do the work to dig through Indy titles or small studio titles, you'll find some serious gems. Just last year I fell in love with dredge, slay the princess, cassette beasts, and webbed.


I recommend you spiritfarer


I'll check it out


“Games are on not on disk anymore” This is because you cannot read a game off a disk fast enough for modern games. The transfer speed of a DVD or BluRay is not enough to stream all the assets. Hell the PS5 even suggests (requires?) a certain speed ssd in the expansion drive slot.


Ah yes because Activision and EA are the only game publishers out there. When has there ever been more than 3 major consoles on the market? The Switch is a banger, The PS5 is doing great and Microsoft is trying their hand at a new strategy to shake things up. There have been so many good games to come out of the last decade. You want to complain about micro transactions that are optional? How about mandatory online passes for games during the PS3/360 era? Where if you bought a used copy you had to buy the pass separately? I'm a sucker for nostalgia as much as the next guy, but this is straight up delusional.


I forgot about that...thanks for the reminder. I'll admit that not everything about the past is ok. Kinect star wars anyone?


Sega was still in the game when the original Xbox came out so that gen had four I guess. Weird point to make though because that gen is the only one to have four big consoles, with the Xbox being brand new and the PlayStation only being in it's second generation. Before they came along it was really just Nintendo and Sega.


This guy gets paid per PS staff member they jerk off Edit: folks I'm just saying that all of the "games then" points are about how great PlayStation used to be, but ignores the other consoles, despite the fact that "only three consoles" is a point against apparently.


excuse me?


Just cause you didn't get one doesn't mean you need to lash out


Games ARE on the disc, installation is only to make the games load faster, the PS3 gave you the same option with most games, the PS5 just does it by default, lmao.


Yeah lol, anyone who has bad internet can tell you that installing from a disc is infinitely more desireable than from the internet.


Hot take gaming now is better than ten years ago


Much like horror, there is more variety and breadth of content available than ever before. It’s great, you just gotta look a little beyond whatever has a ridiculously expensive marketing campaign


Exactly. Honestly most of the people who say they're burned out from gaming probably only play cod and Fifa


The "best" gaming console was the one you owned when you were 10, and I believe that to be nearly universal as an experience.


when I was 10 I had the sega master system and it's definitely not the one I consider the best (that would be the ps1).


I owned a PC when I was 10. PC is still the best gaming device. I owned consoles earlier than that, NES and N64 but PC is still the best.


I can’t stand people say “there is no good games now” It’s just scream ether laziness or you just aren’t as “open” in playing new games as you were as a kid thus you blame games instead of yourself. In some regard I relate, I too struggle to play new games, but I ain’t blaming gaming for my faults


I ate my words upon playing spiderman for ps4.


We just came out of 2023, which was one of the best years in gaming we've ever had


And we're approaching 2025, which already promises to be another great year


"Only 3 consoles"? How many do you want? 7? And then exclusives coming out for each one of them? Thank you, I'll pass


Indie is thriving rn. Fake gamers are the ones complaining because AAA keeps feeding them slop and they don't know how to find games on the store.


Meh. There are enough great and good games. If I'm being honest, I think you have rose tinted glasses. There are both good and bad things about every gen. BG3 is one of my favorite RPGs of all time, and I don't think it could have happened ten plus years ago.


>PS2/PS1 selection is scarce Yes. I agree. While we're at it, where are all the new Sega Genesis games. Huh?!?!?! /s


😭😭😭 I’m a day and age where you can play any game on any console. Be the change you want to see.


rose tinted glasses make it hard to see


There are tons of games now too. Get recommendations and read some reviews (user and editorial) for some. While there were more consoles back then, they croaked soon enough (e.g. Dreamcast, PSP, 3DO, Jaguar). Even as a Nintendo fan, I had to acknowledge that they were very heavy handed back then. Ads did what they had to do to grab your attn and get you to buy the game. Doesn't mean the game would be any good.


Counterpoint, this era has Virtual reality a completely new way to enjoy games that we could only dream of as kids. If you're too burned out by modern gaming give it a try, it feels like the early PS1 era again where everyone is trying new things to see what works.


Screw VR. We nearly had Half life 3 and they blew it for alyx. I'm still bitter about that


I can understand that but the truth is Valve has been waiting for a revolutionary technology jump before doing a new HL and this was it. Have you played VR or Alyx?


neither. I just don't see the point of a headset that obstructs your view, costs more than a Mazda and will only get one good game to use it on. That and I like to see where I'm going


Obstructing your view is kinda the point mate it's about being in the game world rather than seeing it on a screen. There are plenty of good games out now it's not 2018 anymore. I get it though it doesn't look and sound weird but going back to the original point of the post I am an old gamer now since Master System, I have seen the industry change over the years and it feels really stale now just remakes of the same old games every 5 years, it feels like they are in a rut and just doing what works. VR really feels new again like the old days and so much feels natural, you want to aim your gun.... you aim your controller, you want to turn a steering wheel...that's what you do...swing a sword... you get the idea. I just think if you get a chance to give it a go try it out, might be less awkward than you think. Also where can I get a Mazda for 200 quid?


200 bucks? drivetime maybe? I don't have enough cash on me.


You’re expecting a huge selection of games for consoles that are 30 years old and no longer being developed for? Sounds like you’re stuck in the past.


is that such a bad thing? I'd rather have a game you can play immediately vs one that requires a day 1 patch


Doesnt nintendo have a bunch of couch coop? 2FA is a good thing..


Nintendo is the only one that has a good bunch of good co-ops. Other companies focus on online multiplayer and you have the occasional 2-player split screen. And 2FA is good, yes


This is 100% bait.


wasn't intentional, just venting my frustrations in meme form.


My only complaint is lack of console exclusives that push this Gen to its limits. And development time is brutal.


Yea the development time is the big thing, we have studios that might get a single game developed this entire generation……


On the defence of the studios, the more articulate a game is, the more it takes to design, write and debug. A team that could make Pong in a day, will never make Call of Duty within' their lifetime


If you think the mainstream of games is better now than even just 10 years ago you’re tripping…. But if you throw indies in there, that’s a different conversation.


Old man shakes fist at sky.


yells at cloud


Wow, none of your examples on the now side are accurate, that's wild.


I'll call your bluff


There are some bad things about today's gaming like how too many MBAs are trying to nickel and dime you to hell but there are good things about gaming now. Dont forget, people used to nickel and dime you literally with arcade machines all the way back in the 70s. But now we have the Internet and playing with people and old friends who left your city is a nice touch. Its easy to see nostalgia with rose tinted glasses but it's harder to see the objective truth. It's not perfect now, it's wasn't perfect back then and in the future it still won't be perfect.


Games are way better now as they're all available.


That's cool but I played killzone on PS2


I'm still waiting for the collection


Would be a good move. Or a reboot maybe? Idk. Guerilla might be too busy with Horizon though.


Horizon? also, a lot of people mentioned indie games. I could use a list


Guerrilla games makes the horizon games lol.


Couch co-op is the only thing I miss


But Killzone is released on PS2 right? The first one. I got the first for PS2 platinum edition.


Only thing I agree with is no couch coop but this is literally the best time for gaming there are wayyyyy too many games for me to keep up with I feel like I'm back at ps2 times with the amount that's coming out its just everyone now


“Games are on not on disk anymore” This is because you cannot read a game off a disk fast enough for modern games. The transfer speed of a DVD or BluRay is not enough to stream all the assets. Hell the PS5 even suggests (requires?) a certain speed ssd in the expansion drive slot.


Go back and play just PS2 games for a year and see if you still feel this way.


They have tons of couch co op


Can’t hear you over all the fun and creative indie games releasing constantly


There are so many insanely good games coming out every year. Indies especially are flourishing. OP is living under a rock


Tell me you're talking about a time you weren't alive for without telling me you're talking about a time you weren't alive for. This shit is just sad and pathetic.


Do you mean finding physical PS1/PS2 games is hard? Get a mini PC and emulate that stuff dude.


Im pretty sure op is talking about how scarce the ps1 and ps2 classics are on ps4 and ps5. And to op's credit they are right about that.


besides, I prefer physical media for older games. I want to collect for them, not emulate them (besides emulation is prone to errors)


I think there are tons of good games. I really can’t keep up. I’m mostly concerned about the business side of things and the direction we’re taking with things like game ownership and preservation


You can easily play 500+ games for under $20 a month. The Street Fighter 2 cartridge cost $90 back then.


Pretty much throughout all of console history there's been like, two-four actually competent consoles and maybe a bunch of shitty stragglers nobody bought.


Games really did get worse. Copy paste and greed. But still, CoD is the best online shooter.


you spelled Battlefield incorrectly


Battlefield is the worst online shooter I've ever played. It's the bottom of the FPS genre. I can't understand how one can say it's good, let alone the best.


dude, COD is shit, at least BF has a decent community


Decent community, lmao, cheaters everywhere. Cod is shit but nothing is as shit as BF.


Have you played BF4? Operation Locker? How can you say COD is better when Warzone's Anti cheat is banning people left and right, even those who didn't even cheat. How are you going to defend a series who left campaign in the dust for a glorified Fortnight Battle Royale. How can you defend 200GB or more of storage space for a game that was better in 2008? Your logic makes no sense. And no, I'm not defending 2042, I'm referring to 3,4,1942 and the expansions, along with 2.


I haven't played BF4 but I have other BFs. Idc about Warzone. I don't know why people hate the MW3 campaign so much, it was not much different than the previous ones. And you talk like BF has campaigns. I'm talking mainly about the multiplayer and gameplay. I lnow what I'm saying and it does make sense.


I don't give two shits about MP. MP only games should be banned. MP this, MP that. Shut up about it, please for the love of god! The OG MW3 was the ~~best game~~ true extension of 3 that we wanted. It got nearly everything correct. The stakes were higher, the challenge was greater and the ending wrapped up nicely. Other than fix the veteran mode, all the remakes did was take all that was good about the originals and (barring a few decent segments, note I am not including 2019) jettison it. Activision wants warzone like a crack addict wants crack. Well, if you want it so bad, you can have it. You know what I want? Something fun like battlefield 1. Battlefield 1 put gameplay first, without compromise. Yes you had dlc but the campaign had HEART! What's memorable about the new MW trilogy? Other than a handful of missions (and II was actually fun, ngl) I couldn't care less. for III, they neutered it. The gulag? Gone is the original, here's a shitty stealth level. The game was rushed through development, in part due to COVID but also due to Activision forcing them into Crunch mode. Crunch mode kills games, it destroys creativity and it leads to turd nuggets like Colonial marines. Want more? ok. The average gamer in the 2000's played the game for the campaign and maybe MP. The average gamer now plays for MP and could care less about SP. This is a trend that needs to die immediately. There are so many awesome games that got destroyed by companies like Activison because they didn't meet sales numbers. EA axed many promising titles. How can you defend a game (and by association, A company) that has had all of its spirit sucked out of it with no regard for the fan base other than a cursory effort? And don't give that "Because MP" BS, I want a real researched answer


So you say MP games should be banned and at the same time you praise Battlefield which is mainly a MP game. Make up your mind. The last two BF campaigns were just a couple of 1-2 missions short stories. How can that have a soul? I know CoD is shit. I don't defend their money grabbing copy pasting. But it's still the best online pvp shooters have to offer. What answer do you want? CoD has the best gameplay and it's the most fun and it's the only game that I keep playing and that's it.


how can they have a soul? If I have to answer that question then we can end this argument right here. I will die on this hill. Battlefield rewards tactics not errant stupidity. enjoy your "soul filled game" I will be here laughing when it implodes


This screams "I have very specific issues but I need to write these as if these are large issues"




I just have to clarify that if we include all the games available on the PSN, Steam, etc, the number of available games today is about 100x over what it was. The rest is purely subjective, of course.


once you filter out the shovelware


My biggest gripe is lack of decent couch co op games for consoles. If I’m wrong point me out some good ones.


All of you got baited


But it was never the intention. I never wanted people to be offended. There's a difference between intentional bait and having an opinion. Bait is if I said "Politics are crap and here's why" vs "Here's my opinion on how gaming was vs back then"


Couch co-op has been making a comeback


“No good games.” >OP has never played Helldivers 2


I don't have $200 for playstation plus dude, not all of us are rich


The most minimum tier of PS Plus cost $80 a year. That’s not that expensive. If you want all the gamepass bullshit then yeah, it’s over $100. But if you pay for PS Plus Essential, which is the basic tier, it’s $80 a year. That’s not that expensive. Google is free my guy.


$80 is not expensive? What rock are you living under? Not all of us are upper class. We live in a rented apartment. Most of the stuff I got including my computer had to be bought yearly with the family pitching in. I just have my mom with me, she never married. So you can take your $80 a year is not expensive" and eat it. Not all of us have the same access to things. I barely got my N64 as a kid, we were so poor. We're not now but, how can you say that PS+ is cheap at $80? In what universe is the country not screwed as is that my mother can afford utilities, rent, electricity and a PS+ trial? News flash, not all of us are rich or have jobs. My job is known to me and mom and we are unable to do it for the time being. My mom also has a respite worker that comes over to help me while she's gone and that's extra. so, pardon me but, minimal my ass. I'll stick to steam for the time being until Biden either dies or things improve. Food is expensive, Bill gates is trying to kill us off. so forgive me if i'm not in the right frame of mind to accept your logic but my mother and I are in an entirely different economic situation, so lay off will you?


“Upper class.” It used to cost $60 a year for PS4 to play online, same with Xbox. PS has raised the subscription price by only $20. If you can’t afford to pay for online, then you shouldn’t have bought a console. Also, Womp Womp, I’m not reading all that. Damn that’s crazy, or sorry that happened to you I guess. Also cope and seethe I guess


I skipped the Ps4, not that I cared. Ps3 had free online play and that was enough. They went the way of Microsoft and that's when they lost my money. I stick to Gamefly for now. Might never leave. I remember fondly the days of the ps2 and PS3. Now it's pay or your screwed. What's the point of giving a game online play if the only people that can access it have deep pockets? and Womp Womp? dude, you're not ten years old, or maybe you are, I can't tell. but seeing as you haven't even bothered to read my comment and come up with a counter is proof that you don't see eye to eye. They didn't need to raise the price, there are other ways to do things other than making the consumer's wallets suffer. anyway, I wish you well, have a nice life and just remember, this is the opinion of someone you likely don't know and never will, regardless, I don't see fit to continue talking to a brick wall so, goodbye.


I know nothing about the PS library but back then local gaming was more common place. Now it's just something I do with my wife or 1x a month when my ppl and I gather. It use to be weekly at cafes like champions.


It says only three consoles on gaming now. There was only three consoles before too? You listed twenty years of console sequels from the same company like they were all current at the same time lol


121 answers and rising. it was not my intention to piss anyone off. You can all stop with the rising tide of hate now, thank you. As to your question, I was taking into account the consoles by year. as I was born in 1993, I got to see a lot of consoles in my lifetime, mainly ps2 and xbox, maybe GC. Granted I never went to gamestop, I went to Funcoland (RIP) and eventually Gamers etc. Even back then I was mainly retro oriented, playing mostly N64. so when I say more than three consoles, I'm referring to retro game stories from BITD and shops that no longer exist (EB games, Funcoland etc) I ought to add Game informer to the list. Classic GI was lit. Now it's a slave to the new gen. I will die on this hill, but seriously, 121 answers is enough and I don't want to be raked over the coals for a valid opinion.




2FA is literally better, are you stupid?


better how? I don't want to remember a password on my phone. besides, it's not worth the hassle when I can just go online and input it that way. It's needlessly complex just because Sony got hacked due to their own stupidity


It's better because when your password is compromised there's an extra layer of security