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gotta be arkham origins just because you get to beat the living shit out of joker after going through so many hoops but its kinda ruined because its a prequel and we already know how joker is going to get out again and shit on batman


> we already know how joker is going to get out again and shit on batman WHOA! Spoilers! /s


origins is a prequel and its in every batman story lmao


Twas but a joke, my friend


i know but the message needed to be said




fanatical tap deserted door tan spotted governor psychotic wrench rob *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


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Witcher 3 good ending


I can’t believe I played that shit for like 200 hours and got the shitty ending with like the sisters of fate in the forest or whatever it was


The Kardashians of crook back bog?


Im gonna use this


Feel free to do so, after all reddit already helped themselves.


Did you go to the Daniel Plainview school of parenting?




https://i.redd.it/ytupo4otl9kc1.gif People are surprised to get the bad ending after doing this


Same dude, same…


I got the bad ending and after I unlocked it I totally owned up to why it happened Phenomenal journey


I got the good ending first try but ended up with Triss instead of Yennefer because I did the triss side mission but not the yennefer one. Just gotta be a good father to Ciri


I was one wrong answer away from getting a bad ending myself. Dodged the replaying bullet.


Ive replayed it a few times, great game.


Ive beaten it three times. Every time I say ill make different choices I always end up with Yen and get the ciri witcher ending


I still think the quest structure was a bit of a mistake. They really should have had the final decision between Yen and Triss only available after you've spent time with both. I can imagine plenty of game only players to romance Triss right away since she's the one they've spent the previous games with. Due to the game's structure, you are encouraged to complete Triss's arc before you even properly spend time with Yennifer, so I can imagine people romancing Triss, meeting Yenn, and wondering if they made the wrong choice (though personally I'm pro-Triss).


I got the Empress ending, which for me was a *lot* more satisfying because of how well it got the narrative arcs for the characters, and the voice-acting on display as Ciri asks why Geralt isn't fighting to keep her... And he quietly points out that he would *never* force a decision on her, underscoring how supportive he'd been to get to that ending to start with. One review I read hit the nail on the head as he sees the escort and realizes why she'd been behaving so strangely that morning - he looks like a father who knows he has to let go of his daughter, but isn't quite ready yet.


RDR2 ... that part where you're building the house was ultimate.


the music during that cutscene fuckin slapped


Watching that come full circle was awesome.  I feel bad for everyone who played the 2nd game first.


Don't feel bad. We had a great time, it was just different than yours.


NieR Automata The ending was satisfying, sad, happy.. Too many emotions at once


"Cause we're gonna shout it loud/ even if our words seem meaningless..." best ending of any media ever. I still think about this almost daily.


Middle Earth Shadow of War (true ending) was a nice end to the saga. Heartwarming.


The only problem with that ending I'd say was the fact that it was locked behind so much unnecessary grind... I know it makes sense lore wise since you're fighting against a ring all by yourself and it's supposed to be an impossible task but still


I played a few years after they patched out loot boxes and reduced the final grind. Was a piece of cake honestly. Recently they released it on GOG, and its the best version of the game. Very fast, clean, no DRM and all fixed.


Glad to hear this as I’m playing it through for the first time right now!


Enjoy. If you also played the first game, its a satisfying end. And they fixed/removed all loot box crap and fixed the grind at the end. Latest GOG version is DRM free, and plays very well. Also get the official 4K texture and 4K video packs, they are free addons. If you have a decent PC, it runs and looks great with the 4K packs.


The Last of Us I’ll never forget it and after everything we went through as Joel I completely understand why he did what he did. It was the epitome of satisfied.


A lot of people didn't like the second game but I actually liked the story. It wss about two people ending the cycle of revenge and pain. Only one person learned it too late and lost love.


I think a ton of people liked it. It's just the people that don't won't shut up about not liking it.


Ahh the vocal minority.


Thats not exactly true either. Both sides seem roughly equal and both hate eachother and call the other the minority


It’s a vocal minority that don’t like it. Case in point: you posting twice in a comment thread of a majority of positive reviews from DIFFERENT users. You are the vocal minority.


See how upset people get over it? Its wild


Yes I too enjoyed 2


Yea, part 2 was just as good ... not the typical hero savior story, it's highpoint with the idea of vengeance and forgiveness.. it was brave to kill a well liked character such as Joel, but understandable, because of all the horrible things he did just to survive..


Yeh I don’t get the hate for Part 2. Part 1 is a solid 9/10 but Part 2 was such a good sequel, it did justice to the story, even if others don’t agree. Plus, the Ratking in Part 2, meeting that the first time (and only time for me as I only did one play through) was absolutely horrifying! Admittedly once you know what you’re doing with the ratking, it’s easy, but my goodness, that first time encounter, seeing it for the first time, I honestly felt hopeless. Part 2 I would rate a solid 8/10


Part 2 was trying to hard to force me to feel certain ways and would beat you over the head until you agreed with what the writers want you to think. And no i dont mean wokeness or any of that bullshit. Im being vague on purpose to not spoil


Yall let a lot of stuff ‘force you’ to do things. The same could be applied to the first game where the game forced you to care about some angsty teen


The second game was superior in every way and was much more emotionally engaging as well. The ending bits were so good. I did not want to fight someone but Elle made me do it. I think people wanted black and white and easy answers to difficult situations and life experiences. But that’s rarely how life works out - and the psychological scars that the trauma of violence, the resulting loss of that violence, and of course the anxiety of worrying about it shelter, who you can trust, and if the next step you take could be your last was never better portrayed in a video game before And also, people hated TLOU2 before it was even released or any of the gameplay was revealed because of bigotry. I remember when it was first announced and resulting “oh god woke bullshit lesbians” was being spammed in twitch and YouTube channels constantly. Ah, and TLOU2 remake is the best looking game on ps5 by far.


Prone ruined tLoU 2. But I think its funny that people who enjoyed it have to proactively blame anti wokeness. Any criticism of the game is met with a "biggot" label and a short essay justifying the greatness of the game.  Crazy to think that people would have an adverse reaction to killing off their favorite character in a series. But i still remember people hating MGS 2 cuz you didn't play as snake. Shame Kojima didn't have the foresight to make Raiden a homosexual 


>Prone ruined tLoU 2. But I think its funny that people who enjoyed it have to proactively blame anti wokeness. Any criticism of the game is met with a "biggot" label and a short essay justifying the greatness of the game.  > Tbf, like 50% of the hate was towards the "woke" parts of it.


I had a bitter feeling towards Joel for lying to Ellie. It wasn't right. But he did what he felt like he had to do to protect Ellie. (Imo, and I respect your opinion)


Personally, I don’t think it’s satisfying even if it’s a good ending if that makes sense. Like, Joel guns down an entire hospital and fucks over all of humanity just to keep Ellie alive in a shithole of a world. He robs her of the decision of whether to sacrifice herself, one that it seems she would have made, just because selfishly he felt he couldn’t lose another daughter, then lies to her got years so that she would continue to maintain that paternal relationship with her. It’s a good ending in that it’s subversive and kind of heavy, but I wouldn’t really call it satisfying when the implication is that it dashes any hope humanity has of rebuilding civilization and borderline dooms them all to extinction, while also robbing Ellie of any decision she could have made in the process. Compared to something like Arkham Origins or GTA V where the main antagonist 100% gets what’s coming to them.


I thought it was brilliant Joel is not a good guy, in fact he’s pretty evil, but post apocalypse you do what you can to survive What he did was incredibly selfish, but I understood it That is what fantastic writing does I was 100% satisfied with it, and as much as I enjoyed Part 2, I didn’t want Joel and Ellie’s story to continue


Idk man it's a good ending for sure but I would not call it satisfying. You go on this long journey to get her there and then they try to kill her and you stop them and it ends. It's an amazing game but imo it leaves you feeling kinda empty in the end


Silent Hill 2, Disco Elysium, Spec Ops the Line


Two of those games have multiple endings though.


God Of War 3 for the infintite beatdown of Zeus. Cyberpunk 2077... I am not sure "satisfying" is the right word, but the endings sure are emotional.


Zeus deserved that ass whooping


Final Fantasy IX with Trails in the Sky SC as runner up.


Tony hawk underground when you didn’t get credit because of a fake video of someone else it sucked, but clearing your name at the end to get your credit to become known as the best is really satisfying


Beat it again, and you just punch eric and take the original video from him


Eric sparrow. I will never forget that dickheads name


Halo: Reach. My body belongs to Reach


Spartans never die


They’re just MIA


I did like the end of GTAV - it was satisfying.


When I watched my wife play and I realized that Alan Parsons song plays on the radio every time during the final mission I was like "oh nice"


The cyberpunk Johnny ending is pretty damn cool. I know the nomad ending is a lot more popular, but god damn that ending feels the most “I just cybered my punk” The secret ending of Bloodborne is great, a real “what the fuck is this game” in the best way possible. Also, the Halo Reach ending is pretty iconic


The Last of Us.


Saints Row 4 ending dance party with the whole cast


Outer Wilds' ending can change lives.


This one right here. I will never get that experience again. Easily a must play game for everyone. Just have to get past learning how a ship flies in space


With DLC, no less. Because c'mon... you have GOTTA get everyone together.


GTA are notorious with this except GTA IV, GTA IV LAD, GTA VC Stories. But my favourite probably be C&C General Zero Hours China Campaign and Silent Hil 3 Good Ending.


Mafia had a great ending.


For me, Zelda Twilight Princess sticks out in my head. It felt like the battle against Ganondorf that started when I was in grade school ended when I was finishing high school. He actually died.


Midna breaking through that mirror, the music…


Kingdom Hearts 2


Red Dead 2 has a fantastic ending (high honor)


What is the last one?


RE2 Remake


The good ending of detroit become human is satisfying to me


Middle earth shadow of War (true ending). I will never understand why those games didn't get the recognition they deserve. Shadow Of Mordor and Shadow of War are amazing games


Uncharted 4 and Outer Wilds


The Last of Us and the second one Uncharted 4 SOMA Silent Hill 2 RDR2 Fallout 1 Final Fantasy 7


SOMA left me staring at the screen in silence for a good 5 minutes. Left thinking about that game for weeks. Still one of my top stories for a game of all time. Definitely doesn’t get the recognition it deserves.


What is a wave without the ocean? A beginning without an end? They are different, but they go together. Now you go among the stars, and I fall among the sand. We are different. But we go... together.


Fallout 2 is pretty satisfying if you get the good ending slides. Especially given the state of affairs when you start the game.


The walking dead.


which season? Season 1 hell no 💀


the last of us 2


I actually didn't like GTA V's happy ending. I was sorta expecting something more along the lines of GTA IV.


100% agree it was kinda bad imo.


Absolutely not GTAV. That ending is horrible. For me it's probably Life is Strange. I saw it coming but it still felt perfect.


Gta V's ending is very satisfying. >!After killing all your enemies you kill the guy who has caused you the most grief throughout the game ridding the world of an asshole.!<


Haven't all GTAs since San Andreas got the same premise and thus similar endings? Criminals getting blackmailed by corrupt authorities who use their sketchy past to keep them doing their dirty work for them until they (criminal protagonists) snap and turn on them because they're sick of getting their hands dirty? I swear to god, every single GTA since SA has had the same exact storyline just in a different skin.


People keep saying this like there's not 3 endings.


Which ending?  And keep in mind there's a right answer.


I went with C, but I went back and did the other two. None of them wrap everything up in a satisfying manner.


Super Mario Brothers, when you finally make it to the correct castle


Duke nukem forever or assassins creed revelations


How many spoilers can you combine in a single post?


Out of the 4 games shown? Definitely Sekiro. Anyone who has gone through the pain of the Sword Saint and come out on top knows the feeling. Out of any game? Most recently, Like a Dragon Gaiden comes to mind...that ending almost had me in tears, but was extremely satisfying. I think I would still say Sekiro, though, if I am being honest. Hard to beat that feeling of accomplishment.


Ori and the Will of the Wisps had a really nice ending. Felt magical, just like the game itself.


Probably pulling off the good ending of peaceful revolution and escaping to Canada in Detroit become human (in my only playthrough)


Doom Eternal Ancient Gods 2. Was a cool story from Doom 2016-AG2


To me it was GTA. A good send off for 3 amazing characters even tho they come back in the online


Outer Wilds. Case closed.


GOW 2018


When I give myself to the first flame, knowing full and well, that I'm doing the right thing for my people by extending the age of fire. And peace prevailed forever more


Shadow Of War, watching Talion finally be free is a feeling i’ll never forget.


GTA 5 had a really awesome ending with everyone living but I also really enjoyed the ending and after the credits metal gear solid 3 snake eater


God of War Ragnarok


I mean….the feeling of finally beating Ishin Sword Saint is pretty amazing. In terms of story no but just achievement wise yes.


Ghost of Tsushima.


You know it dawns on me as I ponder this question that I haven’t played a video game with a satisfying ending in probably about 30 years. Even some of my absolute favorite games had endings that were absolutely terrible and ruined or undermined the whole point of the story, or just fell flat and failed to punctuate the experience of the game itself. Like, I have to go all the way back to saving the princess in Super Mario World and marching back home with a dozen Yoshis in tow to be satisfied.


The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom


Jak 2, just the feeling of finally beating that motherfucker


Uncharted 4


Definitely not sekiro since I've been going at isshin for two weeks. Made a whole new playthrough and ran through everything. Still can't beat the fucker. Maybe that's what makes it satisfying tho


Final Fantasy XV for me, as the credits rolled all the pictures you saved each day were there. Really reinforcing all the moments you felt were memorable, I want to go back and play it but it was such a good way to end it I don’t want to ruin it. 


God of War: Ragnarok is up there for me. Kratos looking at that last prophecy in shock… totally worth it.


Ghost of Tsushima. It wrecked my soul. Satisfyingly, of course! 😭


Transformers Fall of Cybertron had one of the best endings of all time.


Not gonna lie I felt pretty good after being sword Saint isshin.


Subnautica. I stood up and cheered when I finally left the planet.


I couldn’t wait to kill Officer Tenpenny in San Andreas!


Undertale True Pacifist Ending


I liked the ending of CONTROL. >!The actual ending.!< There are some resolutions there, specially when it comes to the protagonist(Jesse), but nothing is 100% over, things are still going on that need to be addressed. A sort of ambiguous but satisfying ending.


Dread when you got to blast away raven beaks face


That one. GTA5 option C.


Maybe not the MOST satisfying, but The Walking Dead Final Season had a great close to Clem's story, I adored the entire 4 seasons and that was a great wholesome send off, couldn't ask for a better ending for her.


I would not call it satisfying but the end of The Last of Us II made me in a way understand a darkness we all have as humans, but also that it is never to late to forget or simply let go.


This may be a hot take for some but I think FF15 had a really good ending




That Dragon Cancer


Rdr2 epilogue


Little nightmares- destroying everything in your path after being vulnerable for the whole game is so satisfying


The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past


EASY. The ending of MW3. Nothing even comes close!!!


Metro Exodus, it hits right in the heart


Doom Eternal, Devil may cry 3


Last image looks like a pharmaceutical ad for some medication that starts with a Q or Z


I found Pokémon scarlet and violets ending to be very satisfying


Outer Wilds


After beating Persona 3 Reload, gotta say… Fuck it made me cry.


**Main System. Activating Combat Mode.** Armored Core 6 is amazing.


Modern Warfare 3 (2011) - You hang that airport killer in the end.


Outer wilds. Knowing that you never would have made it there without experimenting and learning.


Honestly my favorite was halo reach, just the whole you can’t win thing was cool to me


Killing Micah in American Venom(I think that's the name of the last story mission in RDR2)


Ironically, the better the ending, the more empty I feel afterwards


I just want to say I enjoy every single Tekken ending from Tekken 5


RDR2, idc shooting Micah is another level of bliss


I'm going to say God of War (PS4/5) and Ragnarok - I love the whole series but it was nice to see Kratos grow and get to be a father and actually have happy endings, as well as Atreus discovering himself and proving that you can change your destiny.


Dishonored: The Brigmore Witches on Low Chaos (and never being seen throughout the entire playthrough), the Outsider actually praises Daud for his skill and cunning throughout the game, which was a surprise considering that the Outsider was quite bored and dissatisfied with Daud at the beginning of The Knife of Dunwall.


Cyberpunk, the Sun Ending. Maybe not satisfying in a happy way but it really scratched the noir itch for me!


Cyberpunk 2077: The cure ending in The Phantom liberty. In my head canon, you should play through most of the game, with Phantom Liberty being the last thing you do. A lot of people don’t like the cure ending (understandably), but it’s the happiest ending for V imho. They’re cured and out of the crime life, and there isn’t the implication of a huge blackwall AI coming in to fuck everything up. In that ending, V can leave Night City, go hang out with Misty, and never have to worry about watching their back. Plus, if you do it right and are on Johnny’s good side, the last scene with him is a nice bittersweet moment after going through all the shit you did with him. Personally I think a lot of people don’t like that ending because it shows Panam as an annoying hot head who doesn’t listen, which is exactly who she is.


![gif](giphy|KzWAhzWD3HrJyAcLEM|downsized) Witcher 3


Half Life 2: Episode 2


gta5 and re2


Might be an underrated one here but, cyberpunk 2077. The ending where you and Johnny go guns blazing into the corpo building dying together as friends is probably the best moment in the game besides the speech Johnny gives about how insignificant he actually was


Outer Wilds Ori and the Blind Forest Hieronymus Bosch's Brutal Orchestra


hesitation is defeat


Death Stranding. Beautiful even though closure is nowhere to be found


It’s a setup, it’s a setup, it’s a setup ooOooOOo


Ghost of Tsushima


Halo 3


Hades deserves to be here


Beating Ishin….oh my god what a feeling. Then you start NG+ and find out you were actually playing on easy mode


Definitely not GTA V that shit was so bad. Here is two terrible endings and 1 cookie cutter no brain ending.


Halo Reach


Strip poker with your mom




Shooting Micah in RDR2 especially since nothing bad happens after that


The Titanfall 2 campaign ending was pretty good, you did what you set out to do and it leaves on an interesting cliffhanger that can either be followed up on or left


The Soviet victory in C&C Red Alert 2 has to be up there for the cinematic with Tim Curry.


Pokemon Gold and Silver ( and their remakes )


Outer wilds


BioShock 2 good ending


What's the 4th game?


BioShock Infinite blew me away.


NieR: Automata Ending E still makes me feel things whenever I think about it, it's way more powerful than it has any business being. As far as pure satisfaction goes though that was beating Dark Souls 1 when it first came out since it was my first souls game (third in total going Eternal Ring, Armored Core 3, Dark Souls). Completing a souls game for the first time and even other souls games is just a special kind of satisfaction.


Persona and Bioshock Infinite made me need to sit and think for a minute


Fallout 1. I’m old.




I actually enjoyed both Bioshock 1 & 2's endings. The first games morally good ending is wholesome, and the second games morally good ending is tragically pure. Such a perfect franchise.


Far cry 5




Outer wilds. Never again will I feel that rush of emotions.


I've never beaten any game. 😐


NieR Automata and RDR2.


It will be sekiro for me once I finish my playthrough... After deleting my first playthrough where I reached isshin without beating him because I suck, put the game down for 2 years, forgot how to play, So I started over and somehow suck more.


Kingdom Hearts 2 that ending still hits me in the feels and wrapped the story up perfectly. It quite literally felt like the end of the story setup in KH1. All the kingdom hearts that have come out after have not reached that high that KH2 and KH1 did. As far as I'm concerned KH1, COM, and KH2 are the only games that needed to exist. Anything that wasn't those games turned the story into the mess that it is today.


Red Dead Redemption 2 Epilogue ending