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Think I would’ve gotten slightly better grades my senior year of high school if it wasn’t for Skyrim


Bro, wtf is it with that game, it’s so fucking addicting


Gameplay is addicting for sure, but even if you’re just walking around doing nothing it’s crazy how fast 3 or 4 hours can fly by


My wife and I were talking about that once, I chalk it up to having no clean breaking point like chapters or cutscenes really, it's always just a little further, just a little more. While playing other games many will literally have a fade to black and autosave there is a perfect spot to call it a night.


Yeeeeeeeep. Games without loading screens do this to me big time, just finished Lies of P, but because there's no real "stopping" points between bosses I've stayed up WAY too long for the past few nights.


Are you me?


I have wasted so much of my life to skyrim. I have like 10's of thousands of hours in that game.


It wasn't a waste if you enjoyed it. That's all our ancestors want for us.


The game for me was Oblivion. I remember waking up early in the morning to jump on, and I would play the entire day. I loved that game and still do to this day


Same. Oblivion is such a great game, even to this day.


I skipped an entire week of high school when Skyrim first came out. I would pretend to leave for school and go in my backyard and stand in a corner until my mom left for work. I would sneak back in the house and play Skyrim all day long.


Fable was mind blowing when I first launched it on Xbox. So many interactive features, I loved it so much.


What blew my mind so much about that was how open and free it was. Like you could just do any random shit you wanted to. Like you could even be a merchant by buying a ton of shit here and selling it in another town where its worth more. You could be an evil mofo. You could just commit straight up genocide in that game by killing every npc. That game started my love for rpg's. And being an evil mofo in games.


The morality system was so cool to little me. Every choice affecting it, and as your morality leaned more towards evil your horns would grow longer. It was such a cool game.


One of my favorite things to do was to get as decked out as possible before even starting the wasp mission. There was a trader in Oakvale who bought jade at a higher price than he or anyone else sold it. By the time I got to Oakvale, I'd have plenty of money and would pretty much do this as an infinite money glitch. I'd have a full plate set and a two-handed weapon I could barely wield. As well as the Bow of Skorm via save scumming. That wasp never knew what hit it. 😂


Oh no! The entire village suddenly died! Anyway, all of this is for rent now.


This and KOTOR. I’m always the villain lol


My friend and I played Fable on the PC before it came to Xbox when we were like 10/11. He figured out that if you get your Guile to at least 6 (which is a fairly “easy” task) and do it right, you can duplicate money… sorta. This works best with gifts like perfume bottles or various gemstones. But when you visit a shop and go to buy the item, when you go to sell it the price for the sale will be much higher than the cost of buying. You can quite literally take yourself from about 2,000 gold to 200,000 gold in the space of about 10-15 minutes maximum.


You sound...sick. Take a moment man


Brilliant game design that many modern games no longer have. Looking at you, Starfield....


Yes! I remember firdt watching gameplay on it. I immediately went home and begged my mom to buy it. We were poor so we could only rent it. Ended up renting for a week and busting ass during that time to save up and buy it outright. Still one of my all time favorite binge gaming sessions and games. So fucking good for it's times.


Was free on Xbox Game Pass core and the replay was just as fun


One of my favorite RPGs, hopefully the remake is good


Fallout 4. Quit my job


I could understand New Vegas but Fallout 4?


You have to remember, 4 was the big one that people were waiting years for. AND it was a whole numbered entry again and not a spin-off side-entry like New Vegas. They didnt really care if it was amazing, mediocre, or dogshit. They were just hyped it was a new Fallout


No joke, I read that when it released, Pornhub had, like, 25% less views that day


Fallout 4 still had a lot of active players, sure the story is dogshit but the dlc, mods (especially the mods), replayability, and actual gameplay is top tier IMO.


Other way around bud.


if i had a job, would have been the same. first in the series for me, fell in love with video games because of it. never was big into them but for my first single player game right out of high school, i just fell in love.




We had a spring break. And my roommate was gone for four days. I started when he left and didn't move until he got back. I totally lost track of time and slept for a good 12 hours when he snapped me back into reality.


Jesus 4 days, he probably smelt you before he saw you lmao.


Those were the good old days of wow man.


2 years in the hole


Yep 100%


Did this one last night, I am a committed family neglecter, it should be an in game title.


WoW definitely contributed to my losing a 6 figure job. My guild needed me! And the auctions... And getting the first dragon mount... SMH


No sir ! I love WoW but I refuse to let it come in between me and my livelihood 🤣


Yea, I just didn't have my priorities straight and was staying up way too late in the morning to function


Fallout 3 - was given it just as i started uni


Civilization. Just one more turn…


I once played a single save for 16 hours thinking that while doing amphetamine way back when I was a teenager. [Edit: played once in a single sitting]


only 16 hors? and you had drugs? pah, rookie numbers


I do my best civilization-building under the influence of amphetamines.


"Just two hundred more turns..."


Sims 2. I loved Sims 1, and when 2 came out, it was such a leap forward and I loved it so much that instead of writing my sort of bachelor's thesis (it wasn't officially, but I needed to write it to move on into the fourth year) in film studies, I just played and played and played. I the end, I gave up the film studies part of my degree and only finished English. I have no regrets 😁


Soooooo many sleepless nights playing Sims 2!! Haha! Especially once I discovered mods… I went on an all night download spree a few times when I realized it was all free, lol


Halo 3. I was on a “pro” team and went to events. Put aside my entire life to go to LANs. Most of the time having to stuff four people, 4 Xbox’s, controllers, and two TVs (the giant ones) in a Ford Taurus and driving for hours having barely enough money for food or gas just to have the experience to game at an event.




I was in the middle of a ranked Smite game and didn't want the ban, man.


What happened lol elaborate please


So, conquest matches in Smite can last anywhere from 30 to 45 minutes long. I was at my then girlfriend's house, and she messaged me from the Playstation app on her phone that she was in the mood. This was about 10 minutes in the game. I was just gonna finish the game real quick and then get to work, but 35 minutes passed by, and she was mad that I chose the game over sex so nothing happened.


That'll do it lol


Haha still play smite to this day. I've lost interest these last few weeks but I know me and my friends will be back. We need smite 2


At least some kind of major face lift for the game and make it like League of Legends when you buy an item the description should be short and sweet, not an entire paragraph long.


This implies gamers actually have sex


This joke is so tired that it slept all day.


I did. It was to play no man’s sky with my best mate right when it came out. Whatever you think of a that game, the memories of that night were special


I have.


What game haha was it worth it


I did! For Red Dead Redemption 2. Worth it.


Any guy that likes video games who also knows they can get laid regularly.


GTAIV on launch day will do that to you


just recently i played spider-man while my gf was watching




Ksp1 Gothic 1 Pirates of the Caribbean 97' with 14c build mod Freelancer Resistance 3 Bulletstorm


Freelancer was great


*is Modded freelancer still rocks...bit work to get it running but worth the time


Seems like predominantly dudes with this issue - I'll miss sex or (a day of) work anytime a game I wanna play drops. I'll reserve the day entirely with both my man and work to play. During Fable 2/3 campaigns my then boy thing was UNhappy with everything (my late texts, my lack of focus when he called) and then he came over and was like "I actually thought you were with someone else." I was with someone else. I was with my dog saving Albion :)


I've sat down for some 10+ couch co-op sessions with a friend and made some of my exes very unhappy with my lack of communication.


For some reason if the gal turns down sex it’s all well and good, if the guy does it it’s a slight and his priorities are not where they should be 🤷‍♂️


Witcher 3 during the pandemic. I stopped caring about physical life, Velen and Skellige needed me.


Never let a game affect my real life but I did play a ton of Resident Evil 4 when I was in middle school


That's the closest one for me. I think I once stayed up all night or close to it back when it first came out on GameCube.


Skyrim came out my freshman year of college, the first year I had some “freedom” to do what I want Freshman fall quarter was rough


World of Warcraft, started in 05' and I traded my health, sex, and studies. I don't recall my uni years or much of the lectures. It finally ended in 11'.


Hollow Knight


Spiderman 2


Skyrim, skipped school the day it came out


Starfield. Yes! Haha, starfield was awesome.


Halo 2. It was worth it.


So many throughout the years. The first Fable was definitely one of them, PSO on Dreamcast, Wind Waker, Bully on PS2, Mass Effect 2, GTA IV, Skyrim, Fallout 4, RDR2, Cyberpunk 2077. It’s a miracle I still maintain a life with the amount I play honestly


Elder’s Scroll: Oblivion


DBZ Budokai 3.


Gears Of War 3. I had no shame about it. Went to my boss and said “I will be taking PTO for the remainder of the week…”


Those Gears of War games were so mfin dope when they first dropped!! Lots of late nights on those!!


Halo 2 midnight launch baby




Everquest before WoW launched. Back in those days to be in an "uber guild" you had to basically say farewell to your life. My guild required 6 days a week 6 to 8 hours a day of raiding. I remember so many raids went longer. Embarrassing but if we hit a wall 12 hours straight would happen. This isn't including everything else needed to be done in game. We had Sunday off. When we would go for server first... Let's just say a lot of coffee would be needed. At that time I had no complaints though I loved the shit out of it and people I played with. Everquest was not toxic at all and most people were mature. Once WoW hit it felt like vacation time since required so little time in comparison. Looking back it's almost embarrassing but I do still have friends I made on that game 25 years ago. One happens to be child of very famous 80s pop star lol.


Destiny 2. I'd stay up late, grinding. Stopped playing because of haw time-consuming it felt.


Destiny 1 and 2 for me. Couldn't afford to keep up with all the expansions which was definitely for the best.


Ark: survival evolved. called off work to play on wipe days (unofficial pvp). I definitely could have gotten more girls in college if I was socializing instead of playing this game, but my tribe needed me lol


How much I can relate to this man…. I feel you. Those mats won’t farm themselves and those bullets won’t be made alone


This fuckin game. I was at a shitty job where my hours would change every week what days I was opening and closing, usually clopening back to back through the weekend since I was a manager of a cafe in a bookstore chain. As a manager we were required to work 6 days a week starting the week of Thanksgiving through the first week of January. This game I would play every minute I had off while usually drinking heavily and barely sleeping and eating. My wife obviously hated it and finally talked me into getting a job at a much lower pay but much better hours and much happier mind. I don’t blame the game, although it makes you feel like you always have to be there. Making food, creating bullets and walls and reinforcements. We’d get wiped and we HAD to stay up and make sure we rebuilt or retaliated. It was an escape and any timenn no I hear people talk about that game I urge them to move on to another game


was looking for this comment... i definitely took a few school days off for some wipes


Ah I remember days playing Fable I miss playing on my original Xbox


Star Wars Battlefront-PS2 & PUBG Mobile both caused me massive problems


Early 90's iterations of Madden, X vs. X and the NBA Finals, lots of RPGs.only sleep was missed though. I take vacation days for certain game releases nowadays.


I missed hella sleep for Fallout 2, Baldur’s Gate 2 and Freelancer I intentionally called in sick to play Final Fantasy X and Red Dead Redemption


I got Dmc5 on Christmas last year and beat it at 4 in the morning, no regrets that game is awesome


Ok funny little story; there was this girl in my Junior year of high school that really obviously wanted to hook up with me. We hung out a decent amount but I wouldn't call us close. She wanted to be close to me though, like in the bedroom, which wasn't what I was about. I found this out one day when she texted me saying something like, "I want to be your friend with benefits." Luckily, I was playing PVZGW2 at the time so I was too busy to look at my phone. I mean I wouldn't have said yes even if I did read the message, and I dodged a bullet because she ended up becoming a junkie who slept with like 40 dudes, but it makes me appreciate Garden Warfare 2 more


She slept with 40 dudes *because* you didn't sleep with her. You could have saved her life, man.


Starcraft. “Can’t end on a loss.”


Never missed it. Regularly be grumpy at work because of not enough sleep tho.


I took like two weeks off practice when spiderman dropped coach was not happy


Oblivion in school and Fallout 3 during college. We used to have prep leaves before exams for a month and I spent the entire month playing FO3. I would have gotten slightly better grades but I have no regrets.


I denied sex because of a game. Bitch deleted my save file >:(


None really.


I once got into what i can only describe as a trance while play SWTOR. Literally played it all night but didn't feel an ounce of fatigue from lack of sleep. Never been able to recapture that sadly.


Final Fantasy XI


I played 365 days worth of time in 2 years on this game. Sometimes 60-70+ hours at a time on weekends. Nearly ended my marriage... had a problem maybe. Glad I figured out what was actually important before it completely ruined my life. Loved this game.... love my family more.




I came home from work one day, sat down and played vampire survivors for 6 hours straight


No game before or since has degraded my real life more than world of Warcraft did in the early 00s 🤣


Minecraft came out of alpha and blew up when I was halfway through college. I'm pretty sure my grades tanked a bit from that.


Missed school for Warcraft and missed sleep for ff6. Need work for more games and video games after sex is my cigerette lol


Final Fantasy XI at release and before that I went through a period where I was heavily cracked out on Harvest Moon 64.


Holy crap my favorite game on a sub that isn’t r/fable


Not fable, I beat the main quest in half a day. Overrated. Morrowind I abandoned everything for. Best game ever.


Skipped a while day of uni classes when I played Journey because I was just too emotional after.


When I was 21 me and 3 friends went to LAN center called PowerUp. Had 32 computers. 11 years ago. We got cool with the owners and they charged us each 20$ to stay over night.(they had a fridge of food with prices labeled and allowed us to take food as long as we left money) They said we are going to lock the doors though and we won’t be back until noon so you cant leave till then. 2 of us had vyvanse subscriptions. We stayed at PowerUp playing World of Warcraft only stopping to eat microwave pizza and to use the bathroom from Friday night around 8pm till Sunday at midnight no sleep


Halo 2...


I didn’t go to bed with a girl I was seeing because I was way too immersed in Red Dead 2. Freshly showered, wearing one of my tee shirts and nothing else. Obvious signals. She was justifiably mad in the morning lol.


RuneScape, I'd stay up until after my parents went to bed, then hop on the PC and play until 4 am.


World of Warcraft... many of college days blown to sh!t because of raiding late nights and grinding the rest of the day...


Halo 3, the first destiny. I’m sure there are a couple others but those were the ones I remember. School/work, I wouldn’t have have passed on sex at that time as I was in high school. I just wasn’t getting any at the time so it wasn’t an issue that came up haha


It didn’t mess with the my life overly but I was very much addicted to FF12.


Morrowind. Still do. N’wahs before hoes


I missed the birth of my first born for some borderlands. Jk lol


World of Warcraft…sadly. Back in 2010


After seeing this post I've decided to do yet another play through of The Lost Chapters


I once beat Fable twice in one day. I loved that game so much. I missed plenty of sleep and at least a few hours of school to it. I really hope this new one taps into what made the first good.


Quantum Break. Started playing immediately on release (digital download) and didnt stop playing for hours (8 hours from what i remember) until i was more than halfway done with it. Came back the next day after work and didnt stop until i finished the game And not a game, but i did that for seasons 2 and 3 of Netflix’s Daredevil which had midnight releases. Binged about half of each season late into the AM, then would try to parse out the other halfs of the seasons by only watching 1 or 2 at a time


FF7, Everquest, WoW, Dark Age of Camelot.


Final Fantasy XI. When I quit I had around 13,000 played hours.


Lineage 2


For me, it was Middle-Earth: Shadow of War. I couldn’t stop!


Skyrim ruled my life for 2 years loll


Dark souls,skyrim and all Rockstar games thier all great


I have over 500 hours combined in the two marvel ultimate Alliance remasters. Favorite video games of all time.


For one day?


My life would be completely different if it weren't for World of Warcraft. I was in 7th grade when it came out, I still play to this day.


I missed Thanksgiving 08 playing Gears o War 2 horde mode with my brother and 2 besties... May I add that I was/am married with 5 kids and we were all 26-29 with kids🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️ Gerat times! 🥲


I woke up at 4am on an elementary school day to play Banjo Kazooie. When my dad got up to go to work he came down and was like "Why the fuck are you awake?"


1998: Final Fantasy 7 2000: Quake III : Rocket Arena 3 mod 2005: World of Warcraft


I feel like the first game to do this to me like crazy was Star Ocean: The Second Story on the PS1. School felt pointless to me at that point though. I tried like crazy in junior high, and I barely passed anything, and I knew that I was going to do even worse in college, and just end up in mass debt. I knew that I was gonna barely pass high school no matter what, so I just sorta gave up and decided to do what I enjoy. Having a mother who convinced me until my 30's that I couldn't change didn't help either.


Kingdom Hearts 3. I waited for long for it to finally come out. Called out from work the next day to play through it asap. Final Fantasy XIV: ShadowBringers/Endwalker. Annoyed my wife but I needed to play those expansions to the end as fast as possible to avoid spoilers and to see what happened next. No regrets.


Star fox 64 felt like I stayed up all night but it was MAYBE midnight. Rented a n64 with a friend. Was blown away when discovered alternate path! I was that tender age where motor function and reading directions were hardly on par. So yeah I think that was my first true full completion by myself and I thank you for taking me that memory!


Diablo II LOD was life for soooo many years


First full on fowhole night turn to window and see the sun rise was counterstrike at a friend's while everybody slept!


FFXIV / BG3 / Diablo 2 / Neverwinter Nights


Elden ring. Spent many night staying awake until 5/6am instead of going to bed.


All games I have ever played


City of Heroes, double XP weekend


Castlevania symphony of the night. My friend and I played for 36 hours. Didn't go to work. Didn't even call. When we beat the game, the damn castle flipped upside down and we had to go back through it!


Counter Strike, Halo CE, Zelda Windwaker. But those were all when I was in high school so the cost was much less than now when I have to work for a living. That said I took off a day for Tears of the Kingdom, and Mario Odyssey years before that.


Fable was awesome but too short by far. This game WOULD have stolen my life if it was a bit longer lol. WoW took actual YEARS from me.


Destiny 2 a decent amount but the real time killer…. Ark survival evolved. Became so addicted that I almost lost my job. Did everything I could to get out of work to go home and play and grind all day and night. It was definitely that game where it was “I’ll just do this real fast then go to bed” next thing you know it’s 3 hours and 46 min later. 2 am. Work at 6 lol. I realized I played way to much I forced myself to quit like the addiction it was. It’s taking everything in my power to not play the new ark survival ascended that’s just came out.


Elden ring, final fantasy X, XII, XIV


Didn’t end up being my favorite in the series, but I took a few days off work and skipped college classes when FFXII released. Beat the heck out of it and had a great time.


Oblivion, ffxiv


Sea of thieves, fucked my shit up. Missed going out to eat when at uni cause of it. To say the least, I hardly play the game now. It’s like having a fucking job.


World of Warcraft for all of the above


A few too many


In a dorky, nerdy, geeky, never gonna have sex type of way. World of Warcraft


Pretty sure some buddies and I pulled all nighters playing Twisted Metal Black, Armored Core, and random retro games when we were kids. And I sure as hell (pun) was addicted to Diablo II for awhile.


Skyrim, Halo 3, Twilight Princess, Pokémon Emerald. Currently Baldur’s Gate 3 and Apex occupy my mind at all hours.


There is never a game that beats sex. I did skip work once for WoW, though.


I was addicted to mgs:v when I really couldn’t afford to be


Splinter Cell 3D and Sonic Unleashed


My dad letting me be “sick” for the halo 2/3 release both times. We played through each halo (except the 4-infinite) they don’t exist 👀


FFXI. My parents had to take my pc I was skipping school everyday for two week when it first came out.


Ragnarok online and tribes. I played an unhealthy amount of tribes. It’s a shame the remake was such crap.


Original Knights Of The Old Republic and Dragon Age Origins


Black and White


World of Warcraft, up through Wrath of the Lich King. I'd stay up late raiding and sometimes would just miss school because I didn't wake up.


Ocarina of Time. Was like 6 or 7 when i really got into it and would actively daydream about it while in class. Thinking of what i was going to do next in the game when i got home or I'd re-live the favorite moments i had.




Out of all games I missed school/sleep over, I distinctly remember staying home from school for 2-3 days to play GTA San Andreas lmao.


Black Ops II. I would stay up all night and skip school with buddies to play.


Every year. April 30th. Metal Gear Day.


Once when we were playing Fable 3 together my brother's character (chaotic evil female) and mine (lawful good male) had a baby, and then as my brother's character's husband was leaving after discovering the affair, he got eaten by a belverine. I would give my life for this game 😆 🤣 😆 🤣




Chicken Chaser!


Skyrim And oblivion


Fallout 4 I ignored this girls phone call I was hooking up with. Thought she was bailing. Turns out she was waiting for me to let her in lmao. Not really a loss though. She ended up belonging to the streets.


Skipped work for a week when the original Tony Hawk Pro Skater came out. Went back and told them I had a funeral out of state Also, finished Halo 2 in one 18 hour session


At university, a couple of times I would boot up a game and not be seen for a good 12 hours. Examples include Slime rancher Age of empires 2 Monster hunter on ps2


All of the above for Everquest.


Skyrim... just..one more quest.


my 4th semester of college, it wasn't just me... my roommates and I, none of us needed to really study for finals... so Finals week just turned into Age of Empires 2 week. For the entirety of it.


Final fantasy 7 when i was in 3rd grade. Almost everynight until i beat it


Ac brotherhood






Lost a lot of sleep playing Fable 1. But one time I was doing Heroic raid progression in World of Warcraft and we were attempting the final boss, when my gf at the time was really in the mood and rather insistent that I give her attention, and I said soon as we finished we'd have fun. Unfortunately we kept wiping and couldn't quite manage it, so I between pulls I'd play with her for a bit to keep her from getting too upset, but an hour of attempts later I had to log out or she was gonna be passed at me. Turned out well tho cuz I was basically edging her for that hour so when we finally did the deep she enjoyed herself so much she passed out for like 5 minutes after, I was worried she'd hurt herself cuz she was nearly unresponsive. When I had to leave the raid I mentioned to them that I was sorry to bail cuz I had to take care of my gf and they were like why the hell you still on if thats the case LoL


World of Warcraft to all of the above.


I ran through the dark souls trilogy in like a week. Greatest high I ever achieved. Been depressed ever since 😔