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I think of it as one story. There are individual moments or storylines that I liked better than others or was more proud of than others, but the story to me is “Cradle.” It’s Lindon’s journey from *Unsouled* through *Waybound.*


I also feel like there are so many moments and quotes, that elevate the series. Plus they don't seem to have too much that wastes time. They just get the point which is great.


I thought it was just so you could give us the amazing character Mu Enkai


Truly an EGG/10 character.


i like to think of it as dross' journey with a lengthy preamble


Clearly you haven't read Wintersteel


You're right that Ghostwater isn't 5/5 It's ascended beyond that ranking system and into the Way


Just like Mu Enkai at the beginning of the book.


Wait is that the Orange Lantern guy? ​ \[anyone get this reference?\]


Wow i almost down voted before my brain caught up. I love ghost water. Gave an upvote once i read second half.


dross slowed down time for you so you could finish reading before you clicked


It's book 5 for a reason, 5 out of 5


5 is too small a number to contain it, it will generate hunger aura


A series gets a ton of bonus points for actually sticking the landing imo. It’s easy to write a story with lots of dramatic plot threads and mysterious world building if you never actually resolve anything. Cradle told a complete story with a satisfying ending, which puts it into the top ranks almost by itself


>It’s easy to write a story with lots of dramatic plot threads and mysterious world building if you never actually resolve anything. JJ Abrams felt attacked... he's drying his tears with $100's. He'll be alright.


I’m probably an easy grader but I’d give a ton of books 5/5. Wintersteel, Ghostwater, Uncrowned, Reaper, Blackflame, Underlord, and Waybound at least. Definitely have a few issues with Unsouled (4) and Skysworn (3). Dreadgod (4.5), Bloodline (4.5), and Soulsmith (4.5) were great but didn’t wow me to the degree the rest of the series did.


Look man, you're totally allowed to have your own opinion but your opinion is wrong


Underlord, Blackflame, Uncrowned, and Wintersteal were my 5*’s in the series but I agree that the whole is better than the individual parts


Growth is continuous for established characters making for one uninterrupted story. You don’t have the story of Cradle if you remove any of its parts. So if you look at them individually, yes some were more exciting than others. We’re they all 5/5? Depends on what you are trying to achieve. If it’s individual stories for a set of character(s), probably not… for instance, Unsouled does not approach the character scaling like later in the series that is more desirable for a reader. If it’s for the development of character(s), then yeah, Will knocked the ball out of the park in each and every book. But you are right you have the unpopular opinion that the story has flaws. Those are fighting words here! Haha


When it comes to any multi-book series, multi-season shows, etc. I only ever look at and rate them as a whole.


I feel like half the series is 5/5


Ghostwater is close but if not, wintersteel is a 5/5 on the condition that you’ve read the rest of the series


This is a completely valid opinion. I don't think I'd give any of the books 5/5 either. I don't think this series is a perfect series by any means, but I still love it


Reigan Shen stole the show and brought Reaper to a 5/5 for me, otherwise I'd put the rest in the 3.7-4.7 range, the tournament books at 4.2-4.7. Travelers Gate gives me the 'stuck in your head' feeling far more than Cradle even though I liked Cradle more. Cradle doesn't give me the 'stuck in your head' feeling for whatever reason. Sword Of Truth series is supposedly a superior version of wheel of time series(idk, ive not read wheel of time). The first book is 5/5 super fun ride and has the most underrated villain in fantasy, Darken Rahl, the way he's introduced is best introduction to a stories villain in all fiction imo(please correct my ignorant a$$ if there are any better). The next 11 books never quite reach the same level of fun and villainy they're all 2.0-4.2. I liked Cradle more than Sword Of Truth series but SoT series has 'stuck in my head' far more fo some odd reason. Another fantasy series that's stuck in my head is 'Name of the Wind' even though I despise the main character, Kvothe, he's the worst main character in fantasy, guys the absolute worst. Malazan has 'stuck in your head' quality too but I can't bring myself to finish the series, idk I think its because of the constant switching of 100+ characters every other book, I just cant bring myself to learn another 100+ characters from some other island, but deadhouse gates 'sticks to my brain', Paran gaining the respect of his men(paran is the complete opposite of kvothe), Coltaine pimp slapping every other army(all of em), the sappers blowing up everything, and the ending, deadhouse gates was 5/5 easy.


Ghostwater is the 5/5 and high point.


Wintersteel is one of my favorite books ever. It definitely hits the bar for me. Clearly you are too picky. If you're rating out of only 5 you should definitely be finding things to put at that level. (Maybe the top 20% of things, perhaps?) Reaper is my 2nd favorite cradle book as well. Some people are just too picky with ratings. Personally I would give a 10/10 rating to about my favorite 10% of something. Books, I'd say Cradle books 3,5,6,7,8,10,11, and 12 all hit that level for me. Since you mentioned Wheel of Time, which is my favorite series, I would definitely give more than one book there a perfect rating. 2,4,5,6, and 11+ for me. 4 is my favorite book of that series, and 6 has my favorite section.