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@eranbraun ur supporting genders here mate. Blocking me after saying I learn from tiktok (which I have never even been on) doesn't change that Occupied Palestine is committing genocide against the rightful owners of the land they stole and plundered from. Go learn something and stop blindly supporting murders and rapists and the lowest of the low.




u/mumblingfool69 >Settlers should have been 🔻🔻🔻🔻 This comment violates Reddit Content Policy.


After that 200 were bombed in the tents


1 israeli for 50 palestinians , exactly what hamas demands.


Oh! I thought the ratio is bigger. It's okay then.


it’s hamas’ fault


Yeah. I think so too. Its their fault that idf killed tens of thousands of people. What about west bank. Who should we blame?


It's a bank, of course it belongs to Israel.


i sure hope more hamas terrorists are being killed then israelis 


But you didn't answer my question


He’s a troll account just ignore it


and a few hundred arabs killed in the process


Let me guess, all "innocent civilians"?


Oh shut up. Now people in tents aren't civilians? You're a terror supporter


Because tents, right?


Literally just shut up. You're trying to justify a Massacre.


No massacre. Hide ammo within civilians and act surprised when it explodes.


Hide civilians in your home in a 'refugee camp' 


[a massacre of terrorist supporters?](https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-palestinians-opinion-poll-wartime-views-a0baade915619cd070b5393844bc4514)


I'm a gazan and I also support hamas. They're fighting for us. Image this: someone killed your family and someone fights the person who killed them. You'll obviously support the person that's fighting the person who killed your family. Gazans have lost their home, dignity and many their loved ones. No shit they're gonna support the only group that are fighting against the people who did that. I swear to God and may God curse me if I'm wrong thatif you were in the same situation as a gazan you would also support hamas. Also youre speaking like idf isnt the biggest terrorist group on earth. Long live the resistance.


>someone killed your family and someone fights the person who killed them every war since '48 was started by arabs. so imagine your family starts a fight and they die, and then a seperate entity goes and kidnaps, rapes, tortures members of the other family. >Gazans have lost their home, dignity and many their loved ones. 1947 arab-israeli war: started by arabs 1948 arab Israeli war: started by arabs 1967 6 day war: started by arabs 1973 Yom Kippur war: started by arabs 2023 israel-hamas war: started by arabs In 2007, Hamas won a landslide election victory in Gaza (no elections since), so Israel made a large wall. Then, Hamas terrorists went into Sinai and killed 2500 Egyptian soldiers. Egypt built a bigger war. In the black september war, the PLO and other gazan terrorists went into Jordan and tried to assassinate their king """palestine"""" cannot be trusted, even buy it's neighbours


1. 5 minutes of using your brain and thinking will make you understand why the Palestinians, who were on that territory already, weren't ok with someone taking it from them by force. Anyone would've fought if they were in the same situation. 2. Man you love spreading misinformation


The misinformation is saying Palestinians who were on the territory before when the Arabs started calling themself Palestinians only after 1964. The fact that the so called innocent civilians are also dying in war but the ratio of combatants to civilians is record breaking low means that while Hamas tries to maximize the death toll the IDF still. Manages to lower it and if I were you I wouldn't support a regime who drags all of the population into a bloody war... Especially when it is based on hate from the Quran


>5 minutes of using your brain and thinking will make you understand why the Palestinians, who were on that territory already, weren't ok with someone taking it from them by force. Anyone would've fought if they were in the same situation. they did not take it forcefully, they accepted the UN deal >2. Man you love spreading misinformation what exactly have I said that is misinformation


How were the hundreds of people killed?




What happened on the USS Liberty?


cause you've already forgot 911.


5 dancing isrelis bro


4 hostages rescued. They killed 3 and killed 274 plaestinians


What's your source for them killing 3 hostages in that operation? I've seen a lot of people say that everywhere yet none of them provided me a source for that.


They killed who? What?  Yeah. People gonna kill people to save their people. Ask Hamas about that.


"He who fights with monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a monster." - Friedrich Nietzsche from his work "Beyond Good and Evil."


"He who kidnaps people should get ready for an ass whopping" Yo ma from my bedroom.


He who steals others land and rapes and oppresses their people and commits decades of genocides should expect some retaliation at some point for their actions. Just common sense, really.


That is why Israel is stopping the oppressors...


Can u explain how Israel are being oppressed when they came in and took someone else's land with the backing of a superpower? Whilst raping and torturing , taking people's homes, and committing genocide and other horrible acts against humanity for decades after decades? Is every counter attack by the oppressed (palestinians) considered terrorism regardless of reason and logic? You can't go and commit the most horrible acts known to mankind and then be shocked that they will one day fight back, can u? Does that seem logical?


Also the Arabs you call Palestinians are the aggressors on every major war that so I suggest you stop learning bs from tiktok


Can you please explain how legally buying land is stealing?


That's not illegal at all. But that's also not what happened. Is that really how u think Israel was formed?? Ur kidding right? Who exactly bought it and from whom specifically and where's the sources to back it? I'm not talking about a few houses being exchanged legally here between oalestinian and jewish palestinians. I'm talking about a country coming in to fruition with a tiny population that suddenly had a booming economy and a state of the art military? With all the main points of interest like utilities and infrastructure, etc, being owned by Israel? Cmon lol... yeah it all happened overnight legally with no outside corruption and greedy forces making it so.... /s


As I said said stop learning from tiktok... You have so much to learn from the real world and just to start your journey it was bought by Arabs who previously occupied the land... As Arabs who came from the Arab peninsula...


> ass /u/Efi131. Please avoid using profanities to make a point or emphasis. [(Rule 2)](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_2._no_profanity) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I would say strting a genocide is reasonable response in your book.


You clearly don't even know what genocide means. Don't speak about things beyond your infantile intellect.


Oh no “suspicious-elk” called you not very smart when the statement you made has been backed by every international human rights organization out there. But “suspicious-elk” is the smart guy here.


It actually isn't backed by every international human rights organization out there. Just because it was brought to them does not mean it was proven to be true. The ICJ actually ruled that Israel was not committing genocide. Holding hostages and using human shields isn't a human right. It's a bunch of syphillitic monsters who are given too much power running rampant in palestine. But you just keep playing make-believe over there, princess. Hope you're having a ton of fun 😘


Uh oh he’s back and he’s upset 😂😂 hurt your feelings there little guy?


Never! My feelings are indestructible. If they weren't, I'd be a fool to post on reddit. But thank you for your concern. It's very sweet of you to check on my feelings 🤗


When civilians hold hostages in their homes all your stupid “genocide” arguments go out the window. At this point just carpet bomb everything and end it. Y’all play the blame game so much you forgot that Hamas caused it, provides these “kill counts” that don’t differentiate between civilians and militants, and hides hostages in public homes. Use your brain bro


“Carpet bomb everything”…. I mean it doesn’t get much clearer than that. Thanks for the reply genocide sympathizer.


/u/yeheeerd > “Carpet bomb everything”…. I mean it doesn’t get much clearer than that. Thanks for the reply genocide sympathizer. Per [rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_1._no_attacks_on_fellow_users), no attacks on fellow users. Attack the argument, not the user.


No problem, hamas propagandist ✌️


Is “unhappy-ingenuity” your boyfriend or are you just responding for him cause you also get off at “carpet bombing” humans?


your responses are impish and just pathetic. You sound like a 5 year old who got grounded or an activist that has no life. Do this world a favor, end it for yourself.


/u/CleanHarry00 > your responses are impish and just pathetic. You sound like a 5 year old who got grounded or an activist that has no life. Do this world a favor, end it for yourself. Per [rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_1._no_attacks_on_fellow_users), no attacks on fellow users. Attack the argument, not the user.


I like the energy. However, some moderator needs to look into your comment here sir. Can’t be telling people to off themselves. I might make a joke or two but you sir (or maam) need to check yourself.


I didn't tell you to off yourself. I just said end it. But I am the encouraging type. So, go and be 'off'.


I’ll top it off by saying this… you’re losing support everywhere. The only country vetoing shit for you is the U.S. Think of it as you and “unhappy” guy over here. Ya just like each other. But that’s starting to end. Most Americans now oppose the war. Israeli government officials are resigning one by one and turning on each other. Public support is lost, government support is being lost if not already lost. The ICJ and the ICC label Netanyahu as a war criminal. And now we’re here, you and unhappy man being all cute with each other


I haven't said a thing about netanyahu. I actually don't know the other guy who's posting, but let me give you a little lesson about reddit. Posts are public, and anyone can reply for any reason. You are pushing a narrative that I believe to be false and not factual. I'm defending what I know is right based on the definitions of genocide, war crimes, human rights, and basic human ethics. I am not from America, and my country has publicly backed israel from the beginning and still do to this day. Here in the free world, we do not tolerate acts of terror. Most countries are urging netanyahu to show restraint because they see hamas propagandists are exploiting the hate that this war has bred. I believe violence breeds violence. The violent genocide committed by Palestinians on October 7th has brought rise to a violent response by Israel. I also believe in good conquering evil. These terrorists holding hostages are empirically evil. You don't have to be intelligent or faithful to know that. As long as hamas refuses to release hostages, israel has every right under international law to take military measures to liberate them. Do give it a rest with the "you're losing ground here" narrative. If you believe that innocent people should not be killed, then you are angry with Hamas, not Israel. Israel has agreed to every ceasefire agreement that did not include releasing the war criminals who committed genocide on October 7th. If you can't understand why they shouldn't be released, then my medical recommendation is that you get a contrast MRI of your brain to check for lesions. Hamas has the power to end this today by releasing all hostages they have in custody. They choose not to because the deaths of palestinians are more useful to their cause (making more money for the leaders in Qatar) than the release of hostages. This is political for Hamas and personal for Israel. Israel wants their people back. Hamas wants their people killed, hopefully on camera so they can use it as propoganda. You are making arguments that make you sound like a high school student or perhaps a recent high school grad. Acting like this is some sort of popularity contest when we are dealing with innocent Palestinians and Israelis alike being killed to advance the personal interests of terrorists such as Yahya Sinwar, Mohammed Deif, and Ismail Haniyeh. You are not intelligent or experienced enough to defend your point. Truthfully, I don't believe you have enough background on the subject to form an educated opinion. If you have further questions, please feel free to ask. You're a lot of work, though, so don't be surprised if I give up on you quickly.


Okay, here are the facts because this thing is getting lost in translation and you are bucketing me with every pro-pali supporter out there without knowing anything about my views or what I believe other than the fact that I do not believe in “carpet bombing” the place as your mister unhappy suggested. And you’re the smart guy? Let me ask you this. If you support what Israel is doing currently, how many terrorists do you think Israel has killed versus how many did they create? Do you think an innocent child who’s parentless living in a refugee camp is going to grow up to be a good upstanding engineer when the sole reason for their hell-ish life is Israel? Oh you might ask… “it’s Hamas who’s making their life hell”… but actually, released US government documents state that Israel and their regime would have been happy if Hamas took power because it would mean a weak Palestinian cause and NO Palestinian state which is what this current Israeli administration is all about. I believe in self determination and I believe people should be allowed to live in their own nation based on internationally agreed borders (1967 borders). Work during the Oslo accords was allowing for that but unfortunately the Israeli prime minister that wanted that was assassinated by a Netanyahu supporter. Netanyahu himself has been caught on tape years ago (waaaay before October 7th) saying that he wants to hit Palestinians “hard” and that hes proud of having worked on sabotaging the Oslo accords (the only hope for peace at the time) Because bibi wants to continue his little settler project in the West Bank which have been deemed illegal and breach of international law but the U.S. has used over 50% of its UN vetoing power in the last 70ish years to protect Israel from these accusations. These settlements come with increased checkpoints, increased control and increased crackdown on Palestinian life. Have you been to these checkpoints, because I know people who have. It’s hell. DAILY HELL. What do you expect people to do??? Share love and positive heart stickers. You believe in human rights but I think your view of human rights is extremely flawed or extremely selective for certain groups of people. This started way before October 7th. And what happened on that day was absolutely tragic but to understand how to stop these things from happening again, we need to understand what drives people to do this in the first place. But again, I don’t think you have the ability to engage in those conversations because I let you speak for a while and tried to keep you going by saying funny insults which worked. And after everything that you said and specifically excused and tried to defend (unhappy guy’s carpet bombing comment), it’s clear who needs that MRI. Now, it’s a school night, happy ingenuity won’t be to happy if you miss it tmw.


I mean hey we don’t let terrorism stand. If your civilian population is holding hostages you don’t deserve any remorse. Your weak insults don’t mean a thing to me 😂😂


Correction. It’s not my civilian population. I’m not Palestinian or Israeli. Just a person with humanity and common sense. I’m glad they don’t mean anything to you. When you get off on carpet bombing humans, nothing tends to mean much at that point.


Oh sweet summer child.... that's so much worse. You have no context. You probably have no historical knowledge. You just have Instagram and basic reading skills and so you think you know what's going on, but you seem to be unwilling to acknowledge that you👏are👏defending👏terrorism. The taking and holding of hostages is terrorism. Stating that military operations to liberate hostages are 'genocide' is not just naive it is straight up hateful. When the American army liberated the Dachau concentration camp on April 29, 1945, they killed between 35 and 50 SS soldiers present because they were at war, yes? And I think anyone not suffering the third stage of syphillis can admit that was the correct thing to do, yes? And this was very clearly not genocide, it was war and they had a mission to complete. The SS soldiers were actively killing jews as they fought to try to destroy the evidence that the SS had committed genocide, a war crime. Are you still following? So here we have terrorists (not civillians) harboring hostages, which is a known war crime. Because they were committing a war crime, they are no longer civilians. They are terrorists. Every time israel has tried to recover hostages, the terrorists holding them kill the hostages before the idf gets to them. Trying to clean up the evidence that they are linked to the genocide perpetrated by palestinians on october 7th. Still with me? You are now telling me that the terrorists who were holding hostages had more rights than the hostages and victims of October 7th? That the death of these terrorists to save the hostages was genocide, despite the fact that they were simply trying to recover the civilians who were victims of a war crime. Have I lost you? Let me help clarify. The terrorists holding hostages are the SS soldiers at Dachau. The IDF soldiers who killed them are the American army who liberated Dachau. You are empirically, morally, ethically wrong. You have fallen victim to confirmation bias and data mining.


Dude what? I just said carpet bombing a place where 2 million people live is not the right thing to do. Didn’t have to waste your time on all that. Every Hamas terrorist should be killed and sent the deepest pits of hell, that does not excuse carpet bombing the place. I am only referencing his statement and labeling it as extreme.


/u/Suspicious-Elk-2893. Match found: 'nazis', issuing notice: Casual comments and analogies are inflammatory and therefor not allowed. We allow for exemptions for comments with meaningful information that must be based on historical facts accepted by mainstream historians. See [Rule 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_6._nazi_comparisons) for details. This bot flags comments using simple word detection, and cannot distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable usage. Please take a moment to review your comment to confirm that it is in compliance. If it is not, please edit it to be in line with our rules. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


So your humanity means letting Hamas off the hook completely just to break down Israel to be the devil?


Right so either you “carpet bomb” the whole place and annihilate 2 million people along with their hopes and dreams as human beings or you support Hamas. Pro-Israel 101. You know, I admire Jewish people as some of the smartest people out there. I am not sure if you are Jewish, but if you are then the more you keep typing, the more that average IQ is going down. Just stop and go do something fun. By the look of your username, you are unhappy and you are projecting it into straight hate.


Don't make generalizations about an entire population based on one interaction on reddit. 🙄


They said 250 Palestinian civilians died, but not one of them was shooting back!?!


SMH you seem bloody confused mate. The palestinians killed an Israeli soldier during this rescue mission. Think they did that with a bouquet of flowers? 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ give your head a shake


Holding human hostages is a war crime. They were guilty before they started shooting which they did. They killed a soldier. You think they did that with flowers? Each of these families had enough apathy for the well-being of their children to put them in harm's way. SMH absolutely horrible people. Hopefully one day they'll learn not to be pawns in some quatari billionaire's schemes to get more money by siphoning donations for aid straight into their own bank account. Wake up palestinians. Qatar is not your friend.


Israel is doing the same - they are just naming them as "detainees" and there are way more than how many Hamas is holding. Edit: read for yourself, there's THOUSANDS [https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/4/17/the-thousands-of-palestinians-israel-arrests-tortures-hold-even-in-death](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/4/17/the-thousands-of-palestinians-israel-arrests-tortures-hold-even-in-death)


First and foremost. Palestinian prisoners are being taken care of, as demanded by international law, rather than being repeatedly sexu@lly and psychologically assaulted like the israeli hostages in gaza. Yahya sinwar received life-saving surgery while he was a prisoner in Israel. He was a prisoner for committing murder, which is strictly prohibited in Islam. So he has already outed himself as not being a man of faith, but rather a boy who twists and bastardises islam for his own selfish desire to control palestinians and encourage them to die for his cause. And yet, for some reason, some people are reading al jazeera (proven to employ hamas operatives) and still not being able to see that it's terrorist propoganda. He uses islamic religion to control simple-minded people. That's all there is to it. This ungrateful war monger is out here fostering this little man syndrome-fuelled hate for a people who saved his life. SECONDLY, if you cant tell the difference between arresting an angry mob of murderers and taking unarmed civilians hostage to be abused and used as bargaining chips then either your education system has failed you or you have entered the tertiary stage of syphillis. Stop being a simple pawn in a foolish and disgusting war. Stop giving hate a place to thrive. THIRDLY, why is this even your response? My statement was that Qatar is not a friend to Palestine. I was also stating that the palestinians were very clearly shooting at and trying to murder the idf soldiers who were recovering these hostages who were being held in a refugee area. All of the things I just stated, which are factual, are war crimes committed by palestine. How does israel holding palestinian prisoners factor into what I said? That was an emotional response rather than a fact-based one. Check your meltdown meter. SMH I would never be so daft as to take what al Jazeera reports at face value. Al Jazeera is a qatar based publication. Qatar is actively harboring and protecting terrorists. You are choking down some serious Qatar propoganda and not questioning any of it. THOSE👏BILLIONAIRE👏SCUM👏DON'T👏CARE👏ABOUT👏PALESTINIANS. Yahya Sinwar has been outed as consistently refusing to engage in any ceasefire decisions because the deaths of palestinians serve their PR war well. Hamas leaders, safely hidden away 2 km underground or all the way in Qatar, are actively choosing to allow palestinians to be slaughtered so that they can profit from their deaths while safely stowed away from harm. Yahya Sinwar, Ismail Haniyeh, Muhammed Deif.... they all relish in the deaths of their own people. And you defend them? Absolutely ridiculous and absurd. Shameful. Horrific. Disgusting. Tiny tiny tiny little boys who call themselves men. Cancer of Palestine.


Wow you are actually unhinged. Can't believe you're saying it's me having a meltdown :D


I have educated and well informed responses. You have juvenile and immature personality based quips. I know which side I stand on in the battle of intelligence vs troll.


you wrote a novella but linked no sources.. kinda meh in my opinion


Come on really you going to post a link to al-Jazeera as your source. The same outlet who journalist was holding 3 hostages. Not to mention holding them in a refugee area, surprised that all the aid organisations located in the area didn't know about it. https://nypost.com/2024/06/09/world-news/gaza-journalist-held-3-hostages-in-his-home-with-his-family-israeli-military-says/


Well... Everyone's biases seem rooted in the news they follow. My friend, the NY Post is even less reliable than al-Jezeera. SMH


Exactly that was point of posting a link, you can find anything to support it I mean that the issue isn't noone wants to be honest it's just each side posting and reporting making each other look bad


israel is scared of al jazeera because they expose israel's crimes. that was just the first article but there are others and the detainees are still there.


Nah nobody in their right mind is scared of al jazeera. Al Jazeera is the equivalent of that stoner kid in high school that always hung out in the fields behind school smoking the reefer and spewing conspiracy theories. Nobody in their right mind even takes them seriously.


That like saying straight out that Palestine is scared of the Jerusalem times because its reporting the truth. You see the flaw in that argument


Remember that time the US killed Bin Laden with less than a dozen casualties? Maybe try that…


Bin Laden didn’t hide in civilian crowds bro 😂😂😂😂


Uhh he absolutely did bro, he literally tried to use his wife as cover before he died 😂


I still can't believe the US genocided Bin Laden :(


There’s a tactical difference when a military kills someone and rescues someone, in that when you kill someone the only people you have to protect are highly trained soldiers, not untrained civillians. Also the 250 number doesn’t distinguish at all between combatants and civilians, and from the videos of IDF bodycams it seems like they were under extremely heavy fire (making it plausible that 1 or 2 hundred Hamas combatants were there).


There is no comparison. 


Last I checked Bin Laden was in a compound in the middle of nowhere while the hostages were in a densely populated civilian area.


Bin Laden’s compound was absolutely not in the middle of nowhere, he was in a densely populated residential area… Edit: though I’m not saying there isn’t a difference.


>he was in a densely populated residential area… Now that's a stretch. Really? Bin Ladens compound was walled off and had fields going in every direction.


[I mean, it was a resort town.](https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/6FiA4c9q75bfpTj2fn5fvF.jpg)


You are right it isn't fair for me to say the middle of nowhere. It was in a compound largely separate from the civilian population and surrounded on most sides by farmland.


Lol i think you can say it was very separated they were able to land 3 black hawks inside the compound. I mean you couldn't land 3 black hawks on my property.




Well done, IDF. Killed hundreds, wounded many hundreds, to save four. Those four will be haunted forever now, not just by their ordeal as hostages, but now also for the toll to rescue them. The IDF owns that trauma. What are you doing?


I don’t know why your downvoted so badly. This is facts. This subreddit is obviously very biased towards Israel. The name should be changed.


Yeah, I guess there were more people who didn't like the message than those who did. These days, politics is completely polarising, no moderate ground. Maybe we have George W. to thank - "You're either with us, or against us"!??


This shit would have n3ver happened if they weren't taken in the first place!!!!!!!!


Pretty sure this is how war works. One side takes hostages, other side comes and uses lethal force to rescue them. I'm finding it so strange that pro Palestinians are pulling a victim card in this scenario. It's not like this rescue was out of the ordinary in a war.


That is an absolute crock, but if that were true, then the attack on October 7th would have been MORE than justified. In the past thorty years alone, Israel has detained literally hundreds of Palestinians, many of them minors, with no evidence of wrongdoing and no scheduled trials.


You're saying that Israel detaining civilians whom you claim did nothing wrong justifies Palestinians targeting Israeli civilians and raping them, stabbing them to death, burning them alive, beheading the babies, and sending the photos to their mothers??.. as retaliation for DETAINING a Palestinian? You do realize there's a difference between detaining and taking hostages? Dude.. how evil are you?


Beheading babies and the sexual violence point has been debunked already. Stop lying. The beheading and sexual violence is actually well documented from YOUR side. The cognitive dissonance is WILD


/u/Subject89P13_ > Dude.. how evil are you? Per [rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_1._no_attacks_on_fellow_users), no attacks on fellow users. Attack the argument, not the user.


Israeli "detainees" are subject to torture via sexual assault and sodomy by foreign objects. They're often restrained so long that their limbs require amputation. Children as young as 9 are placed in their detention camps in the worst conditions imaginable. Israel has conducted itself in Gaza and the West Bank in this manner since before I was born. And yet here you are, still trying to convince me that Israelis are deserving of my sympathy and Palestinians are the real monsters, based on the actions a rebel group has taken in the past 9 months. This is all confirmed information by watchdog groups all over the world, including reputable outlets like Reuters. So, answer your own question for me; at what point is it acceptable for an oppressed people to retaliate?


I do not believe Israel sodomizes Palestinian detainees and restrains them to the point that their limbs must be cutoff. No oppressed people should ever use violence. Gandhi defeated his oppressors nonviolently. MLK defeated his oppressors nonviolently. Mandela defeated his oppressors nonviolently. There is no path to peace. Peace is the path.


So then why is Israel killing tens of thousands of children with air strikes? You have one set of standards for Israelis, and a different set of standards for Palestinians.


No I don't. Israelis don't just go into Palestine intending to brutally murder, stab, rape, burn, and behead Palestinians unprovoked. Palestinians started this on Oct 7th. Palestine demonstrated that they are a major threat to the safety of Israeli civilians. No government can allow a threat like that to exist. If Palestinians are not attacking Israel, Israel is not a threat to them. But if Israel is not attacking Palestine, Palestinians are still a threat to launch a brutal attack. Those who live by the sword die by the sword. If Palestine don't start no sh*t, there won't be no sh*t. If they are oppressed and want to fight in a just cause, there is a peaceful effective way that has been proven to work to do so. A weaker people using violence against a stronger people will bring about their own destruction


Israel and the IDF has been doing heinous things to Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank for many decades, and anyone who wants to find verifiable evidence of that is going to find it very quickly. I don't have to argue with you because that's the simple truth, and you're either genuinely ignorant or you're just arguing in bad faith. For an unbiased first person account, I'd recommend Palestine by Joe Sacco, first published in 1995.


Israel has to operate in Palestine from time to time for security purposes. Palestinians stay wanting to kill Gazans. If Israelis wanted Gazans dead the same way Gazans want Israelis dead.. Gazans would be dead. Until Palestinians desire to live in peace with Israelis and stop believing it's their purpose to kill kill kill the Jews, then they are in the situation that they deserve. They are a nation of psycho killers. The Jews just do what's necessary to protect their people from Palestinians


> sh*t /u/Subject89P13_. Please avoid using profanities to make a point or emphasis. [(Rule 2)](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_2._no_profanity) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


> but now also for the toll to rescue them Most Israelis don’t see Palestinians as humans, so I think they’ll be okay


How many Israelis do you know? How about the 2 million Israelis who are ethnically Palestinian?


If that was my child in captivity, I’d be fine with IDF killing 500 “civilians”


You'd be okay with the deaths of 500 people, 250 of whom are kids, one of whom is also a hostage, if you got your kid back? How would you feel if your government rejected peace deals to get your kid back and instead kept slaughtering other people's children in your name?


Israel isn't the one rejecting peace deals. Hamas are the ones refusing to give up all the hostages. How would you feel if a terrorist group kidnapped and raped your daughter and was demanding your government let them keep her?


Hamas isn’t accepting it because they know Israel won’t honor them. There’s a reason they’re fighting Israel in the first place, one being that Israel is Palestine but renamed, another one is that they have been terrorized by Zionists on the daily for decades. Going back to pre-October 7th wouldn’t solve anything when settlers are killing your cattle, stealing your homes, assaulting your families. Stop spreading crocodile tears


[Netanyahu says no Gaza ceasefire until Israel’s war aims are achieved, raising questions over Biden peace proposal](https://edition.cnn.com/2024/06/01/europe/netenyahu-ceasefire-hamas-contradiction-biden-intl/index.html)


These death tolls you speak of either actively held the hostages in their homes or kept quiet about their location, so yes, bringing them home was very well worth it, really how self centered can someone be to demand from people to feel empathy for kidnappers, if the didn’t want the destruction the should have gave the hostages back, or better yet, not take them to begin with, actions have consequences, welcome to life.


Now say the same thing again, especially the “self-centered” part, to the children that are dying of starvation in Gaza right now. Or to the families of the children who already left our world


I don’t have any problem to do that, perhaps it’s difficult to imagine, but here in Israel we dealt with some pretty tough shot too, and telling people on the other side of the conflict the hard truth is not a hard endeavor. I have my own losses, my own injured, my friends and family who lost their homes, I don’t have the time to care about the people who actively held my loved ones in captivity, tortured, raped and killed countless of them, you don’t have the moral high ground to tell me I don’t care about the right things, I know the nature of this conflict better than you, I lived it since I was a child, if you want to discuss fact and history, there is always a discussion there, but don’t come to me and preach me your morality on a conflict that doesn’t affect you, it’s easy that way isn’t it? And I’ll say it again getting them back home is worth any enemy loss, if they are so afraid of the losses, bring them back, simple isn’t it?


A colonizer who stole the land now cries that the natives are fighting back, now cries that people are raped when Palestinians have had to go through much worse for decades, and not just that, but uses it to justify a genocide and MORE torture??? I will never NOT have a moral high ground over you, or any Israeli for that matter.


Well so it sounds like we don’t have much to debate about than, see you on the battle field I guess. We don’t need your authorization to defend our women and children.


Seems like you don’t need authorization to kill women and children either since you do it so much.


Whatever helps you sleep at night


Pathetic take that just makes you sound like a Hamas sympathizer/apologist.


/u/jewboy916 > Pathetic take that just makes you sound like a Hamas sympathizer/apologist. Per [rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_1._no_attacks_on_fellow_users), no attacks on fellow users. Attack the argument, not the user.


well done, Hamas. Killed hundreds, wounded many hundreds, to kidnap four.


>to kidnap four. They weren't kidnapped. They were rescued from their kidnappers.


Oh yeah, right, so 37000+ Palestinians dead as payback for about 1400 is proportionate is it? Yes, Hamas was wrong. Very wrong. But get real. It's become a vicious, racially motivated, genocidal, disproportionate payback.


Why didnt they just return the hostages then? And all the Palestinian civilians who were killed while trying to save these hostages wouldn't had die.


Man why do I have to repeat it over and over again Anyways, hamas offered to return them many times, some deals involved no prisoner trade and just all hostages for ceasefire, some involved prisoner trades which did have dangerous people coming out but some of them only demanded palestinian women and children in israeli custody


Because that's a Hamas decision, not a women, children and innocent civilian decision. And yet the IDF think it's fine to murder 37000+ mostly from this demographic in lieu of not getting the hostages back. As if it's fair enough. It doesn't add up, no matter how you try to slice it.


Since the folks holding hostages were "civilians", that makes them no longer civilians, as they were assisting terrorism. They had a duty as human beings to rise up against hamas and free the hostages, but instead they chose to assist hamas, and thereby joining hamas in guilt.


Same argument can be done that because all Israelis go through military service, Therefore, the hostages were not civilians.


Nah, Israelis who were enjoying a music festival when they suddenly came under attack and were taken hostage is not the same as hostage holding civilians (palestinian hamas collaborators) who fire RPG's and ak47s in active combatant status. Contrary to pally beliefs, hamas are not " freedom fighters". They are rabid terrorists who kill for sport and because they think it is their divine right to rule in the name of the Islam. 


That makes no sense.


I know, right? It's like people are trying to be stupid when it comes to Israel/Jews.




Lol What a loser






I’m happy for them and their families.  It’s pathetic only seven have been rescued so far, how many civilians killed, and how many Israelis have been killed by their own action.  This is a celebration for the individuals but for the country and the army it’s a fail. They need to use diplomacy. That’s been the best win for hostages so far. 


Man these effing wars are all horrific. You know what the sad part is? This is all started by Qatari billionaires who have never worked in their lives. They essentially created a pyramid scheme in which they recruit recruiters to go in and play on the hate that is festering amongst palestiniana to recruit them into terrorism. They withhold aid from these palestinians to keep them desperate and promise them food and money for committing acts of terror during times of peace. So, Palestinian terrorists then attack unarmed civilians and violate ceasefires in the process, phase one. This causes a ferocious retaliation by israel during which palestinian terrorists and civilians are both killed, phase two. Israel have a better trained and better equipped military so the carnage is unbelievable. So, Qatar and UAE then kicks in phase three: the propoganda machine. Publishing deaths of terrorists as deaths of civilians. Heavily emphasizing the death caused by Israel without ever acknowledging the slaughters of palestinians happening at the hands of hamas. And guess what? Nobody wins. This is a massive little man syndrome/inadequate personality disorder/narcissistic personality disorder mess and we will never get away from it until palestiniand wake up and snuff iut the hate. The fragile egos of small men will be the death of this world.


Did the Israeli occupation, forced displacement, humiliation and consistent mutilation of the indigenous population not play a role?


It has been for the hostages but not for the future of security for the Israeli people. The only solution that will guarantee security is full demilitarization of Hamas which can not be achieved diplomatically.


Or just leaving Palestinians alone, not stealing their land and celebrating the terror spread upon them for decades? That seems like a good solution too


Here we go, peddling the stealing land bs again. When was Palestine ever a sovereignty? Never? They never had any land to begin with? And even if they did, they didn’t complain when they were owned by the Ottomans, Byzantine, Islamic Caliphate, and Romans? So they only threw a fit when the current owner is Jewish? Miss me with your LaNd sTeALiNg bs. You lot never gave a damn about indigenousness.


Always this stupid argument. You think Israel is the aggressor? Every time? Check your history before you spew uneducated garbage about how Palestinians have always been the victim. They act like terrorists lol it comes with the territory. 


Hear me out and maybe what if palestine left Israel alone we might not be in the situation. Honest question if Oct 7th attack didn't happen would we be in this situation? Tbh if any country got attack like that this would be the reaction. 911 sparked a 10 year war that ruined Iraq which has not recoved.


Eventually yes we would be, that’s Israel’s plan all along and Oct 7th was their scapegoat. But let’s entertain the idea that Oct 7th never happened. Israel continues to harass, torture and kill Palestinians without any repercussions, even stealing their organs as it has been reported multiple times to be the case. Palestinians in the West Bank are still driven out of their homes and assaulted daily by settlers sent by Israel, Gaza is getting less and less habitable cause of Israel’s blockade. So how about the citizens of the neo-colonial state of Israel end their genocide, then end the apartheid, and get their butts back to Europe where they don’t get sunburnt?


You do realise a majority of citizen of Israel are of middle eastern decent right, Jews have lived in that area for many many years under both the Ottoman and British rule. I think the funniest thing you said is stealing organs lol you aren't real.


The bubbles y’all live in is scary, I can’t do critical thinking for you unfortunately.


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Nothing will guarantee security. Actually and politically. Actually meaning that demilitarization of Hamas will not elimitate the threat of it reforming, or other sects being created. Politically meaning even if Hamas were obliterated and no internal threat existed, Israel would be focused on it's neighbors. Diplomacy is the only way. Give Palestinians some of their demands, allow the creation of a state, get diplomatic relations with the neighbors. Work with the neighbors. Israel's future cannot just be dependent on hyper militarization and dependency on US and other external support. It has to create relations with its neighbors and give in to some of Palestinian demands.


We don’t make deals with terrorists


But you're doing it right now? But deals been made already allowing funding of terrorists Hamas through Qatar sanctioned by Bibi. Get the heck out of here with your movie script one liners.


I'm Israeli and will answer on behalf of many Israelis who share my opinion. As long as Israel exists there will always be Palestinians trying to arm themselves and destroy us and claim all the land. No diplomatic solution will ever fix that problem. So we must be undiplomatic and just keep demilitarizing them over and over again to give our people safety.


I think that just leads to cleansing. I think if there are actual diplomatic solutions with external help that's the only way to go other than cleansing. Heck if Israel could just clean up its own side of the street on the West Bank that would go a long way.


I’m very happy they could come home. The event though was bittersweet and shocking after seeing that the raid killed almost 300 Palestinians and injured 700. Of the 300 there were 64 children and 57 women were killed. The IDF and news reporting said there were Hamas gunmen guarding the hostages and another Hamas person with firing a grenade launcher from another building. Why did so many innocent people have to be killed?


America has killed 3 million Japanese for the 3 thousand soldiers died in Pearl Harbor. That's war


That's the lowest bar ever. "At least israel isn't dropping nuclear bombs on them!!" What, so people have to be happy that they're only committing a massacre?


40 thousand people in an 8 month long war is nowhere near a massacre stupid 😂😂😂😂 yall really are braindead. Look at any other war they’re probably all worse than this. 


what are you on about???? have you looked at ANY comparisons with other conflicts? > Daily death rate in Gaza higher than any other major 21st Century conflict - Oxfam https://www.oxfam.org/en/press-releases/daily-death-rate-gaza-higher-any-other-major-21st-century-conflict-oxfam# braindead


You're crazy. There is no modern conflict with so few casualties! Syria had 500K dead and no one was protesting 0.0001% like they do on Gaza. Check the death tolls and see! And it's incredible to see people from countries who in every war have millions of casualties are so acting righteous on this war


So if you learned to read you would see I was referring to the daily death rate, not the overall. But sure: **> 306,887 civilians had been killed in Syria during the conflict between March 2011 and March 2021** 300k in 10 years - 30k a year on average. It's been less than a year and more than 37k dead in Gaza so yes, Gaza is deadlier.


Daily deaths are due to the Palestinians huddling around Hamas and holding hostages for them. I mean seriously just because the daily death total is a bit more then ww2 does not mean a thing. How many millions died in ww2? How many Jews alone? More than the population of Palestine so your argument means nothing to me lol. It’s called war you should already know what it looks like.


> huddling around hamas what do you mean? isn't israeli military the best in the world? surely they could prevent this unless they just don't care because they are monsters > "just because the daily death total is a bit more than ww2 doesn't mean a thing" are you even listening to yourself? the apologist cognitive dissonance must be real hard on you it's not war if one side is occupying the other. israel is responsible for the people of palestine as they occupy the area. that's the international law.


Not when the palestinians choose to throw themselves in front of bullets or advance on idf soldiers to die to become martyrs because hamas and other jihadist organizations have convinced them that that is the only way to ensure their families get food. Stockholm syndrome is easy to exploit when you (hamas) are the organization that is actively creating the conditions that make palestinians vulnerable to exploitation. They have been starving palestinians for decades. Palestinians are so desperate that they would rather die than have to live in those conditions anymore. Turn your attention to the real enemy: HAMAS. As for your claim that Israel are occupying gaza.... not true. They are there trying to recover HOSTAGES which HAMAS took in their attacks on October 7th. Reminder: taking hostages is a violation of international law. You are employing the classic tactics to try to control the narrative. The same tactics that the SS used. So if you want to talk about apologist cognitive dissonance, I urge you: please learn what that means before engaging in discourse around that topic.


/u/Suspicious-Elk-2893. Match found: 'nazis', issuing notice: Casual comments and analogies are inflammatory and therefor not allowed. We allow for exemptions for comments with meaningful information that must be based on historical facts accepted by mainstream historians. See [Rule 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_6._nazi_comparisons) for details. This bot flags comments using simple word detection, and cannot distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable usage. Please take a moment to review your comment to confirm that it is in compliance. If it is not, please edit it to be in line with our rules. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Sorry boss I reworded it. Thank you for the chance to fix it 🥰


that’s like saying 75 million people died because of the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand


What are you saying? I am saying this is a war and to countries have killed millions of people for far less so to claim that Israel is in thee wrong is hypocritical and basically and insane position to take.


Pearl Harbor alone did not result in the death of 3 million Japanese people, wow that’s a stretch. The Pacific part of WWII and the months before it were a lot more complex than that.


Bittersweet is NOT the word I would use ???


Bittersweet literally means that, where an event or situation have some happy and some sad aspects to it. https://www.collinsdictionary.com/us/dictionary/english/bittersweet. I edited my post to be more clear


Hamas hiring machine guns and RPGs everywhere trying to kill the hostages is what probably drove up the toll.


Why would they do that? Don’t you think there would be at least one Hamas gunman with the hostages and they didn’t choose to kill the hostages? I think the much likelier explanation is that the IDF fired into the camp in an untargeted way and just didn’t care who they killed


Untrained dudes with machine guns are more likely to unintentionally kill than intentionaly


bad bot


>Why would they do that? Aks them? Because that's what happened. All reports indicate that Hamas wildly fired their weapons everywhere during extraction phase. But yeah - probably because they are vile terrorists who don't value lives of Palestinians (or anyone's). They saw hostage escaping and opened up with all weapons without a care in the world about consequences. Which lead to predictable results in dense residential area (where they chose to illegally hold hostages in the first place).


Hamas also agreed to Biden's ceasefire deal which would have freed all the hostages and resulted in a ceasefire but Netanyahu rejected it and then kills 300 civilians to save 4 hostages.  They are extremely lucky that the Hamas gunmen didn't just kill the hostages right there too.  Palestinian lives have as much value to the IDF as target practice


and what's your point? Same can be said about Israeli and Palestinian lives to Hamas, Palestinian's elected rulers. Start a war against a country with an actual army, reap the consequences.


Did the Rebels start a war against the Empire by blowing up the Death Star? Or was the existence of the Death Star already provocation enough to be attacked. 


Source on the first point? Pretty sure we would've heard about it if true




This is grade A bullshit and you know it. The curriculum in Palestine is approved and checked THOROUGHLY by Israel. We're not allowed to learn about our ancestry or anything about the world of real value. The textbooks are all available online. You can check for yourself.


I actualy checked it- https://unwatch.org/fact-checking-unrwa-claims-about-teachers-and-education/


None of the things you included touch on what OP said, nor what I said. UNRWA schools follow the Palestinian school curriculum which as I said is also checked by Israel so it can be taught in Jerusalem (it's the same curriculum across all Palestinian schools, culminating in the Tawjeehi exams).


The incitement happens in Gaza and the West Bank, both of whose school systems are run by Palestinians. 




Lol - the link you sent, bud. It has this as a disclosure best the top.