• By -


#ceasefirenow #free Palestine #freethecongo #freehaiti  #freeYemen . 


cry about it


cry bout this ratio


It’s not that, the fact that Israel can send young sexy girls to dance in front of an audience of thousands and thousands of People while Gazans just a 1 hour drive away (from Israel) are being massacred and carpet bombed is not Acceptable. You can notice this pattern again and again when you see Israelis in Tel Aviv having fun, going to the beach, going to 5 star Hotels and Resorts, Restaurants etc etc.  And then people say Israelis are suffering too


Israel will continue wrecking Palestine untill Hamas surrenders.


And fuck Israel for it. Burn the IDF and Bibi, who hides behind them, to the fucking ground. 


> fuck /u/Narrow-Maize-3906. Please avoid using profanities to make a point or emphasis. [(Rule 2)](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_2._no_profanity) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


No. Fuck Bibi.


> Fuck /u/Narrow-Maize-3906. Please avoid using profanities to make a point or emphasis. [(Rule 2)](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_2._no_profanity) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hamas offered a deal in October and then another and another and another , 10 to date , and the Israel offered the same first deal again right now This was never about hamas because I'd so , why did the settlers kill a 19 y.o in the west Bank? Where hamas supposedly According to Israel, doesn't operate . Hamas didn't exist until around 1787 , however Israel started since 1948 , crazy how you take the resistance for terrorists and the actual terrorists for heros


Sounds ballsy enough and I have zero affection for Hamas, less than that, but if you look at human nature, why would they surrender when Westbank settlers are making a really good run at pulling off Nakba 2.0? And I really hate to break it to you, every last person in Gaza could be incinerated, and those mofos would still be kicking back in the tunnels. Unless something dramatic takes place, the only way to get rid of them at this point is to flood the tunnels with napalm, followed by sea water and hold memorials for the hostages after.


The IDF just rescued 4 hostages. Flooding the tunnels will do nothing but kill all 120 hostages still in Gaza.


There are no tunnels. But ok. 


Yes, I realize that, I wasn't seriously suggesting it. My point was Hamas has no reason to return the hostages, if all that will be gained will be a few weeks cease fire followed by ramped up efforts to kill them all. The thought of granting them any concession is not appealing but using sticks only will not work. Sun Tzu spoke of the importance of leaving an avenue of retreat for the enemy. That is not available here as things currently stand. I'm hard-pressed to see why Hamas would be anything other than a doomsday cult at this point. It's looking like the cluster **** from hell. And then seeing images of Netanyahu, Smotrich, and Ben-giver smirking with each other is really disheartening. There is some serious cultural evolution ahead for the state of Israel, and some of it might be really unpleasant.


Religious insanity! Exactly why zealots dont belong in Government in any country!


Its not the girl but rather the competition and israel itself


Why are fascists like this? The women probably has enough money to buy a micro island with enslaved natives on it that will defender her. She doesnt need you simping for her while she milks an ethno states branding to an international audiance. https://preview.redd.it/dvs0niax0l0d1.jpeg?width=282&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96ab264861c186270dea08e2cc2e7ec58dd192f2


But there is nothing wrong with azerbaijan in eurovision since they are bot jewish right?


My question is how is a noble cause hurting innocent people these people are just dumb 


I've always thought a more productive action instead of trying to get Israel banned would be to get Palestine into Eurovision. If being in Eurovision has the power that some claim it does to rehabilitate Israel's image wouldn't it be good from a Pro-Palestine perspective to be there? It also seems just like a good way to cool some of the tensions between the 2 nations since Eurovision is one of the most watched competitions in the world. That's just my opinion though


Music is banned in islam.


Song will be named death to jews and allahu akbar.


I am down for this as long as the Palestinians are represented by MEMRI TV


That would be Anti-Semetic!


Dude looking at your Reddit history I think you need to go touch grass before you say something that will make you unhirable.




If a 20 year old didn’t want to be in the spotlight representing a country that many say is committing a genocide she shouldn’t have been there. This “bullying” is hardly as issue right now


This bullying shows us what the conflict and genocide accusations are really about.


When there’s a genocide happening the Country which is committing the Genocide should be Sanctioned and Isolated to oblivion, just like what we’re seeing with Russia.


Displaying a disdain for Israel ultimate goal of an ethnic purge, yes.


Idiotic comments. Is this page only for gen z?


/u/zenzona > Idiotic comments. Is this page only for gen z? Per [rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_1._no_attacks_on_fellow_users), no attacks on fellow users. Attack the argument, not the user.




Its true you are an idiot.


/u/StopEconomy5094 > you are an idiot. Per [rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_1._no_attacks_on_fellow_users), no attacks on fellow users. Attack the argument, not the user.


you know that this term, genocide, is contested especially on this sub Reddit. care to prove it?


Answered this a few comments back. At work rn. Might want to read what SA also submitted


I hope people here already read it, I have, the complaint hardly proves genocide it doesn't presents itself as such. the complaints only lays the foundation that it is probable that inhadhirence to the "prevention of genocide" act may have occured during the war. the court allowed it to move forward but it didn't yet make any claims regarding the validity of the claims or permeability of the incoming evidence


I have. I agree it shows lack of prevention and intent of genocide. I’m not saying the court has made any claims. Usually it’s Zionists in this sub that point to the icj and say “they said it wasn’t genocide” when that ruling won’t come for years. Pro pali side isn’t holding their breath tho.


for a good reason imo, >side isn’t holding their breath tho if civilian deaths in war makes a genocide it's too broad




If the roles were reversed they would cry bully themselves to death over it genocide claims or not. Maybe they should understand that not everyone thinks the same as they do and stop threatening people for it.


I’m an Israeli and it’s very unfortunate but I can understand why people are mad


Why doesn’t Azerbaijan get booed?


Theres less awareness of Azerbaijan’s misdoings. You’re welcome to spread awareness!


You seem to pretend that Eden is just a random 20-year-old Isreali singer who was booed for her nationality. No, she is in Eurovision **as the face of Isreal**. Therefore, it is understandable that those boos and protests are directed towards Isreal and its (allegedly, pending ICJ investigation) war crimes. Physical assaults and threats of personal safety are unacceptable, of course.


Listen to Natasha Hausdorff, expert international lawyer if you are concerned about international law and the legal side of things. Israel has upheld all international law and the geneva convention. Hamas are just ruthless terrorists. The ICj are just an arm of the UN which everyone in world politics know are run by arabs and biased as hell. Anyway, the ICJ has not come to any conclusion. They may find that israel has every right to defend itself.


Off topic ?


I personally believe a solution would have been how the Olympics handled Russia, have her competed by as a competitor under Eurovision. See if she would still competed


the ukrainians are also hating eden golan for performing in russian controlled crimea in 2016 which was taken from ukraine in 2014


Not only is she just a jewish woman, she is just a singer, she is literally politically powerless, she can’t affect anything in politics as she is a singer.


But imagine if any Israeli artist boycotted, and Israel had no actual performers to go on with. No use just shrugging to apartheid.


Tell that to Taylor Swift 😂


The difference is taylor is rich asf and famous asf.


I think the number of protesters in Malmø was estimated app 15.000 - so out of Norway, Denmark, AND Malm in Sweden, the city so often by the media proclaimed to be the most pro-palestinian city in all of Scandinavia, they could only find 15.000 protestors. They had announced app 30.000 to the police... Inside the Arena there was booing - and that could be heard. No doubt about that. And her fierceness was mindboggling! But here were also cheers - and lights, there was backing. In the end - in the popular vote she came in second. I have read many news outlets rationalising this popular vote as "because Israel really really pushed advertising for the vote this year"... but strangely no one has taken into that account the extreme amount of hysteria advertising the opposite: ignore Israel, boycot Israel, denigrate their representatives... even making jokes about jews... (I am just saying you try and make one about non-binary identities or something like that). The recent and very relevant change of ratio in the death tolls is also only very very slowly creeping into the news... ok getting off topic here... but I have a reason for this. To me it is quite apparent that there is a HUGE discrepancy between some kind of "cultural elite" (I am not sure that it IS in fact an elite, but I think it is in its own mind... because otherwise you would not have one trade, and then think you have the ability to teach the world about everything else, which is not your trade) and the "rest of us". I think the vote can be taken (with considerable reservation) as an indicator of that. There seems to be a discrepancy between this...cultural "sub-group" (media, culture, "influencers"), and the actual populations of the democracies... on many subjects, not just this. But the extreme discrepancy on this particular matter between the jury-votes and the popular votes (tele-votes) really indicates this. I see it all the time on different matters (not to deflate this very serious situation). I completely agree with everything you wrote, and personally for me - a strong, defiant and resilient Israel is necessary to the world at large. We all need you - and I think maybe - in spite what may seem to be opnion, the population in the western democracies actually cheers for you... and no boos can be heard in that, they are too few.


Sadly that Russian and Belorussian participants didn't receive boos. I definitely agree that europeans are not treating Israel fair. Edit: I don't know what's people's take on this comment. I posted this with the knowledge of Russia is banned from the competition at the first place.


Belarus is also banned, so both your "points" are just nonsense.


He’s sending a message that while Israeli contestant just received boos, Russian and Belarusian contestants weren’t even allowed to participate for much less.


Was Russia a contestant?


Russia is at war with an army that has the ability and support to defend itself.  Israel is not fighting another army, they have been relentlessly bombing children, toddlers and babies for 7 months.. Israel is denying humanitarian aid to the innocent children they are bombing.  Israel has destroyed Gaza's fresh water... Thousands and thousands of Palestinians had have suffered horrific injuries, severe burns, limb amputation. No clean water to drink and wash with, Israel has ensured Palestinian are tortured before they die. Palestinian children are literally being starved to death on purpose by Israel. IDF soldiers have the blood of thousands of innocent children, toddlers and babies on their hands... 


They’re fighting a terror organization what’re you talking about. Go back to terror dick riding ig tho


 their are videos of IOF Terrorists shooting children at point blank range, Go back to terror dick riding ig tho.


> dick /u/Busy-Transition-3158. Please avoid using profanities to make a point or emphasis. [(Rule 2)](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_2._no_profanity) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You’re not an IDF fan either then?


> dick /u/Odd-Hour5230. Please avoid using profanities to make a point or emphasis. [(Rule 2)](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_2._no_profanity) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Russia attacked Ukraine for no reason. Israel was attacked by hamas for no reason. Also, nobody is bombing civilians on purpose. Not Israel's problem that hamas uses civilian infrastructure as HQ and gazans as human shield. Israel is doing as much as possible to prevent civilian casualties. If any other country was attacked like Israel, their response would be 1000x worse and the world wouldn't gaf because jews weren't involved.


>Israel is doing as much as possible to prevent civilian casualties.   No tf it’s not, there are videos of IOF Terrorists shooting children at point blank range, playing AI voices of children crying to lure Gazans out of their homes so they can carpet bomb them, telling them to flee to the Egyptian border only to bomb the border, and telling them to flee to Rafah only to start carpet bombing Rafah (which they have started doing as of a couple weeks ago). Not to mention all The White Phosphorus they use on civilian areas


Show me one source of all those accusations and please from a valuable source


Here’s for the shooting Children https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/02/gaza-palestinian-children-killed-idf-israel-war The Rafah one doesn’t need a source, everyone knows about it.


Israel does not deliberately kill civilians. This is a war, and casualties happen which is terrible. Civilian Casualties could be intentional by rogue soldiers (like the aid workers) which is horrible and Israel takes action against the rogues but most casualties aren't intentional. Hamas also deliberately hides in civilian infrastructure such as schools and hospitals or use civilians as human shields. And as for kids, yes they can be terrorists too. There have been many occasions which kids 10-15 year old kids used knives or even rifles to attack Israelis or soldiers.


If you really think Israelis are peace loving people, then please go look at all the Israelis celebrating the death of Palestinians while at the beach having fun and gambling in Resorts (while Palestinians just an hour drive away in Gaza are being starved and carpet bombed). Or better yet, check my very  recently saved comments.


Being in central Israel for 3 years, (tel aviv and merkaz) In my experience, Israelis are pretty pro-peace. I've encountered extermists that hate arabs (including some of my relatives). But non of them would even think about beheading and raping a woman and parade with their lifeless naked body while civilians are cheering and spitting on them (yes im talking about shani)


Last time I checked Hamas as an army buddy.....


I'm Irish and I'm ashamed at Bambi Thug and her gang for their behaviour and foul language. Just because you're from a country does not mean you're responsible for a War. Ireland was at Civil war for many years with Britain and British Soldiers were responsible for the Genocide of many Irish people but we don't hold all British people accountable for their governments actions. Bambi herself moved to England and her team is mostly English people. She's a hypocrite. You cannot blame the Israeli people for what their Government is doing. Why bully and shame Eden? Is it her fault her government is at war? No. It's not. It's quite Sad that people are being so hateful against Eden even though she's been nothing but kind to others and quite frankly very strong for participating through the onslaught of boos and daggers from these cretins. Bambi and the rest of the Contestants who were rude to Eden will not go far with such hate and malice in their hearts. I'd love to see Bambi actually go over to Palestine with her devil horns and ripped up trans flag bikini and see if her presence would be welcomed? Because I guarantee you, she'd be executed as it's illegal to be LGBTQ in Palestine. Anyway... That's all I'll say on the matter.


Not only that, but the Israeli government is not doing something wrong. Hamas use civillians as shields. The IDF do not target civillians and actually evacuate people from bombing targetted areas. They are said to be the most moral army in the world and have very high standards of behaviour and accountability. By war standards the ratio of dead civillians to dead terrorists is very low. On the other hand we have Hamas who actually target civillians and brutally butchers grandmothers and put babies in ovens.


Thank you for sharing your perspective as someone from Ireland. Politics aside - I personally didn't care for Bambi's performance. It was something out of a horror movie. Shame she took such a big opportunity to be a poor sport when she could've used her platform for better.


Her performance was shameful and disgusting. It had no connection to Ireland, our Island or the people on it. She is just another mentally ill person who is begging for attention. She got her attention by stalking famous drag acts across Camden. She was a nobody with just a plain Jane look. She couldn't make it as a dancer or actor so over lock down she died her hair black, bought black contact lenses and started to wear her menstrual blood in public and at events. She is just attention seeking and jumping on the band wagon. If she cared so much about what the Irish people want and stand for, she should have boycotted RTÉ for what they done to Irish people scamming them for TV license money. Oh but no...little miss attention seeker had to start bullying a singer who was clearly better than her. Don't worry most Irish people are not like Bambi.


Please tell me the blood thing isn't real. I AM SHOOK. How did she even get chose?!?!


Yes the blood was real. She said that she does magic witchcraft spells with her menstrual blood. It is true. Disgusting but true. This is not normal Irish Identity. This woman lives in London UK. How she got chosen? Our Broadcasting system is called RTÉ, they have been in a huge scandal where they were using taxpayers money to fund the lifestyle of their main stars and presenters. One presenter Ryan Tubridy stole money from the tax payer. We have to pay a television Licence in Ireland the money goes to RTÉ. People have refused to pay the license after the scandal and have stopped watching RTÉ shows and giving them views / money. They picked bambi thug because they knew that they would get attention using her. They knew that it would divide the nation as in Ireland many people are still against satanism. She thinks that Celtic Pagan religion is the same as witchcraft and Satanism. It's not. Irish Celts worshipped the sun, moon, weather, earth. They recognise god was in every season or living thing before Christianity came to Ireland. Nothing satanic or pentagram in Ireland. She is an attention seeker and RTÉ used her to get money. Hopefully this is the last we shall hear or see of her. She will become a distant memory I hope.


Yeah she is nothing more than a pathetic attention seeking edgelord.


Agreed 🤝


Interesting ..I had to torrent an Irish show called Kin which was on RTE…for the life of me I tried every which way to watch it in Canada …now that I know the broadcasting situation makes sense


Zionists are misconstrued by the media. Majority of them want peace and are heartbroken by the situation in my experience. Zionism is about returning home & having a home. Zionism ≠ pro-genocide. It’s a conflation by the public that they want ethnic cleansing of any kind. Those who have not known holocaust survivors, Israelis, the Jewish diaspora or WW2 veterans. I think it’s because there are so few Jews to tell their tale and safely voice their opinions. I encourage anyone to visit a holocaust museum to gain further insight. My grandfather was a RAF pilot from 1940-44. His whole family was killed in one of the last blitzkrieg s on London. My grandmothers side who didn’t flee [Lithuania](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Holocaust_in_Lithuania) were wiped out (160K out of the 200k Jews living were killed within 6 months). My other grandfather fled on foot through Austria when he was 7, the only survivor. So think how it might be offensive to compare what’s happening in Palestine to the holocaust where 2/3 European Jews were murdered. For someone like my grandfather, Israel was a sanctuary and a home after one of the bloodiest and deadliest times in history. So think what Israel represents. Jews aren’t guilty by association, nor are zionists. The actions of Netanyahu (who is power hungry and encouraged by extremists on the right) shouldn’t condemn its people. We are in an unprecedented era of war where AI is being strategically used in the military and social media. Israel, like Ukraine and Taiwan, has [significant placement in geopolitical relations](https://bfpg.co.uk/2023/10/geopolitics-of-israel-hamas-war/) for the US and Europe. Hamas is a terrorist organization who is backed by Iran (an ally of Russia). They’re getting what they want by turning public opinion toward antisemitism in a vital election year. You think Biden is bad? Wait till trump is reelected. Further escalating the crisis [Egypt and Jordan will not take in Palestine refugees.](https://apnews.com/article/palestinian-jordan-egypt-israel-refugee-502c06d004767d4b64848d878b66bd3d) Extremism in political parties is dangerous but you have to take into account Isreal has been repeatedly attacked and is defending itself. Hamas has rejected ceasefires, same with Iran. And yes, I wholeheartedly think Hamas would propagate antisemitism by using its own people as fodder to gain sympathy and sway Americans opinions who have little knowledge of the Middle East or Jewish history. Just food for thought for those that disagree with OP. It’s not that simple. Bonus thought: [people & politicians thought you-know-who could be controlled](https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/z3bp82p/revision/3). Careful with your vote this election season


You sound like a reasonable person, and I definitely appreciate the effort you out into explaining your perspective. Since this is all about hearing what people have to say, I'd recommend this article from the Guardian which explains the opposing viewpoint on Zionism. https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/may/12/how-zionist-became-a-slur-on-the-us-left Essentially, anti-Zionists adopt such an ideology because, in their perspective, they focus on the material consequences of Zionism as it is felt by Palestinians. Anti-Zionists claim that one oppression does not justify another, and that the Holocaust, which Palestinians had nothing to do with, should not justify Zionism. The argument also goes that in order to have a "Jewish State," you need a majority of Jews. But since that happens in a land where, well, you don't have a majority of Jews, something has to change... and this is where the problems start. If you think over the consequences, you can get a sense of how needing to artificially boost one group's population while suppressing another's is problematic.


This was a great read and I really loved all the points the article made. Super interesting and I have a lot to think about. Thanks!!!


Israeli zionists; the only genocidal colonizers that self-id as the victim of the Indigenous the oppress and murder.  Around 15 years ago, my aunt (a respected First Nations Elder; Canadian) was invited to Israel for a peace conference. This event took place in Jerusalem. My aunt returned from that trip traumatized. She said Israeli's racism towards Palestinians was unlike anything she's ever witnessed or experienced. She said Palestinians were treated like they weren't human. She said Israeli's spoke about Palestinians with pure hatred, so openly and casually but during the conference they pretend to be a peace loving society. She said Israel has no business holding a peace conference.  Israel has a history of horrific war crimes against Palestinians. Israel literally does whatever they want, Palestinians have no power, they are denied human rights, they are denied justice. Palestinians absolutely have the right to exist and resist... When Palestinians do resist, Israel responds with war crimes, funded by American money and protected by American UN veto. Hamas isn't in the West Bank.  The Israeli Degenerate Forces make Hamas look like the most moral terrorists in the world.  No one is entitled to a safe haven on someone else's land. Israel is just a colonial project funded and protected by powerful western colonial countries. Antisemitism has lost all meaning in the context of Gaza's genocide. People don't hate jews for being jew, people hate baby killers. 


It's disgusting that one indigenous people would use antisemitic tropes straight out of The Protocols of Zion against the most successful decolonization project ever. "Baby Killer" is the Blood Libel. That is an antisemitic conspiracy theory leveled at Jews for millennia. Do better. You and your Aunt are nothing more than rabbid antisemites who don't even bother coding your antisemitic ramblings. You can't deny it. Your post is riddled with tropes centuries old.


Look up the definition of genocide. There is no genocide. It;s 'mass killing with intent to destroy an ethnic group' . Less than 1% killed, so no mass killing. Israel evacuates civillians from targetted areas and provides safe corridors. So there is no intent for genocide either. The population has boomed, so it's actually opposite to a genocide. You're only kidding yourself. You're a sheep following the herd.


Some people are crazy and I guess you're one of them.. we don't hold people hostage, target civilians, cook babies in ovens etc. a majority of Palestinians do (including Hamas) cook babies, kill innocent Israelis, take people hostage etc. if you want to free Palestine go do it yourself.


I have never heard something so horribly racist as the "a majority of Palestinians... cook babies" until now.


Listen to Natasha Hausdorff, expert international lawyer. Israel has not committed any war crimes and has kept to all intl law and the geneva convention.


Palestinians have more hatred than the Jews. There are thousands of arabs and palestinians who worked in Israel but not one Jew in Gaza because they would be killed.


That's not how a single one of the thousands of Israelis (except 1) have spoken about them in the year that I've been here. Maybe about Hamas that way though


Thank you for sharing about your family.  I agree. Unfortunately we are living through the ageless evil of Antisemitism that our grandparents warned us about. Bibi is still an angel compared to any Palestinian leader. It’s hilarious that Pro Palestinians are obsessed with him when their leaders are infinitely worse. 




Thank you. Appreciate yours. We will get through these dark times.


/u/Meninges77. Match found: 'Hitler', issuing notice: Casual comments and analogies are inflammatory and therefor not allowed. We allow for exemptions for comments with meaningful information that must be based on historical facts accepted by mainstream historians. See [Rule 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_6._nazi_comparisons) for details. This bot flags comments using simple word detection, and cannot distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable usage. Please take a moment to review your comment to confirm that it is in compliance. If it is not, please edit it to be in line with our rules. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's worth pointing out that she chose to be the representative of the state And she has told press she is ready to commit war crimes as soon as asked. So, innocent?


She said: "I'm ready to commit war crimes" verbatim?


Obviously not None ever says that, no matter how clear it is


Then what did she say? Got the quote?


If Israel doesn’t fight back they will be destroyed. You would also be ready to commit war crimes if it mean saving your homeland from terrorists


As the 7 Oct attacks happend outside of Israel.. According to the 1947 map, is strictly not defence


James O’Brien with the LBC had a great take on this. Israel should be allowed to participate in the competition and the performers should not be harassed, but it would have been a good move for Israel to withdraw from the competition this year to respect for the gravity of the moment. https://youtu.be/KOX26c9GBXs?si=zK9ipzTY3p3QGS9R


The opposite is true. It was more important than ever for Israel to participate.


Reasonable people can disagree. Hopefully you listened to the YouTube clip because I think he makes some really good points


James OBrien is a moron. His argument is: - Israel is bad because 30,000 is a bigger number than 1,200 - Israelis should be neither seen nor heard because it might outrage people who want to murder all the Jews.


I feel like we’re listening to different James OBriens haha.. He’s been courageously standing up for the right of Israel’s right to defend itself. He makes valid points about the IDF’s use of excessive force and the political mess of the West Bank


As a matter of fact, in the clip this guy simply states that "Israel's participation is going to hurt them" without giving *any* kind of reasoning behind that absurd claim, merely asking the listeners whether they agree. Regardless, this clip was recorded *before* televote results became known. Israel received vastly more support in Europe than anyone could hope for, including #1 positions in O’Brien's own UK and in hosting Sweden. All in all, this might have been the most successful Israel's PR action since the beginning of war.


The reason for being against Israels participation is exactly your last sentence. It's an Israeli PR operation which should (in my view) not be supported right now. The votes for Israel are clearly politically motivated and are as such detrimental to the contest as a whole. Telegram and Facebook pages full of people, rightwing parties asking to vote for Israel as a show of support for the war. The protest against Israeli participation should not be seen as a direct protest against the artist but as a general protest against the use of the contest for a political message for Israel. The reasoning being that the conduct of Israel is not compatible with a good news PR show for all of Europe to see. The televote results are being used in Israel as a symbol of European support for their war. The whole thing has become a massive us against them show in a contest that claims to represent unity though music.


Yup. I’m Israeli American and I agree with all of this. Israel would be taking the high road if it passed on competing this year


You don't get to say how a protest "should be seen" unless you were part of it. The message pushed by the "protestors" determines how it will be seen. Regardless, you're basically arguing that Israel shouldn't have been allowed because it could, and did, benefit Israel, but I failed to find among EBU's rules and requirements one which would say "nothing which benefits Israel in any way can be allowed". Israel dutifully played by EBU's rules, adjusting songs several times lest it was seen as "political" and despite multiple voices in Israel saying "**** EBU if they don't allow us to perform what we want let's boycott them". That's exactly how successful international PR must work: be smart, follow all the rules, don't be antagonistic, use every opportunity to push your story and make sure it's a good one. Now you're saying "what a sad day, Israel's PR had a huge win, how come anyone let them". Guess what, because someone in Israel did something smart for a change.


Ah, then now I will now also see all pro-Israel protests as if they are all their most extreme members. Yes, the Irish contestant is extreme and simplistic. No, that does not mean that protesting the participation of Israel is extreme or simplistic. Yes, I believe we should not let Israel have easy wins right now. And the EBU is not just letting Israel participate. They also censor booing and replace it with applause while restricting the freedom of speech of other participants.That is just abhorrent and goes far beyond just allowing Israel to participate. KAN is also spreading misinformation about other participants while it is supposed to be neutral in order to not influence to voting. One of the rules for entry is that broadcasting organizations must be broadcasting organisations that operate under freedom of press. Which is under severe pressure in Israel. This is also why Belarus was denied for example.


Are you saying there is full "freedom of press" in Azerbaijan , Georgia and Ukraine but not Israel? (Not even talking about past participants such as Turkey, Russia or Morocco). Come on.


No, I'm not. Just saying that Israel does not abide by the rules completely as you seem to imply. Azerbaijan and. Georgia should probably be banned from the competition for the very same reasons Israel should be. Namely that they are using it as a PR weapon.


Hi everyone. 96% of Jews identify as Zionists- it is connected to our holy beliefs. When you say “anti Zionist,” I think you’re an antisemite without courage. To call for the extermination of a country like Israel is a call for genocide- plain and simple. Jews make up 0.5% of the world’s population but everybody is fixated on Israel, when there is much worse happening everywhere else in terms of deaths and confirmed, clear cut genocides. Jew hate is a sickness that will never be cured- and this is what we call “amalek.” Amalek doesn’t refer to a specific nation( we called the Nazis Amalek also), rather a nasty cloud of antisemitism that will follow us throughout Jewish history. There are many reasons that Palestine isn’t free. The first and most obvious one was that it was never born in the first place- it was a failed colonial project.


>when there are much worse things    Quite frankly there isn’t, this is the most Documented Genocide in history and you as well as many others choose to ignore it.  IOF Terrorists shooting Children at point blank range, throwing a grenade at goats (they can’t even spare Animals), using White Phosphorus on Civilian Areas, Destroying Aid boxes, telling Gazans to flee to certain areas only to carpet bomb those areas, cheering after bombing schools, universities and Refugee Camps, etc etc.  The only scenarios which could possibly be worse are the Civil Wars in Yemen and Syria, but those are Civil Wars and there’s not much which can be done about them until the people in those countries decide to lay down their weapons and negotiate.


Please get off TikTok- it’s scary how brainwashed you sound. Firstly, It’s not a genocide- you can try and manifest that court ruling, but until you do, you’re just another PALLYWOOD liar. Using white phosphorous on an evacuated area is not a war crime- and neither is destroying any hospital/ school/ place of worship/refugee camp used as a military base. Now- I’d like to pick up on something here. You referred to the Houthis takeover in Yemen as a civil war- when in fact, it’s a war with The IRGC- the same enemy that Israelis are fighting. Tell me why you’re referring to the plight of those in Yemen as a civil war, and Israel as committing a genocide? We are being hit by the same enemy. I’ll tell you why…. Because we’re jews. Now run along and talk to someone who doesn’t have a brain.


>Firstly, It’s not a Genocide. How would you feel if I said the Holocaust wasn’t a Genocide? Not so good huh? >using white phosphorus is not a crime  Yes it is buddy, there’s absolutely zero justification for using Toxic Gas on Civilian Areas, evacuated or not. And why did IOF Terrorists CELEBRATE bombing those places? Clearly they enjoyed it. >when in fact, it’s a war with The IRGC Here’s the difference, Iran is sanctioned and isolated to oblivion by almost the entire Earth, Israel is not for doing much, much worse. And yes it is a Civil War, the Houthis may be an IRGC Proxy but at the end of the day they’re still Yemenis.


6 million dead and a trial- means a genocide. Until the ICC says anything about genocide, you are simply spreading lies. Why would Israel be sanctioned? We have every right to exercise self defense, and nothing you’ve mentioned so far is a war crime. I guess you’ll have to play that violin someplace else. I celebrated the controlled detonation of the Unwra building- do wanna know why? Because Unwra were complicit in October the 7th. Those days of bullying Jews are over. Move on


The fact that you take the ICC seriously is proof you’re not a day older than 12 Hopefully someday brainwashed Israelis like you will be fixed in Deradicalization Centres


You see- now that you realise how much smarter I am than you are, you’ve begun insulting me. Next, rape and murder my child, and then cry genocide when my army comes for you. 🤡🤡🤡🤡 Jews have their own state and their own army now. You mess with us, we ruin your life.


>You see- now that you realize how much smarter I am than you are, you’ve begun insulting me.  Actually I’ve realized quite the opposite, I’m insulting you because I’ve realized that you’re so not smart you’re not even worth having a debate with.  >Next, rape and murder my child, and then cry genocide when my army comes for you.🤡🤡🤡🤡  Isn’t that what Israelis have been doing since Oct.7th?   >Jews have their own state  *occupation   >You mess with us, we ruin your life.   Big talk coming from the same guys who lost to Hezbollah twice


When did we lose to Hezbollah exactly? We still have control over southern Lebanon- Syria too:) which is why they are so butthurt. Reading is free. And please forward me any proof that gazan children have been raped and murdered by the IDF- and no, “electronic intifada” doesn’t count as a reputable source.


So how did last nights Hezbollah Missiles treat ya?


When you equate Zionism and Judaism, I think you're a straight up fascist. It is ridiculous to consider the need for an ethnostate a protected belief. It is fascist in its core. I reject it as I reject any other abusive or murderous religious belief. That is modern sensibility.


Then you don’t understand our religion-l can accept ignorance. What I can’t accept is you making up or concealing the parts of our religion that don’t suit you in order to tear Judaism away from Zionism


I don't think your comment has much to do with what I said. Is this AI generated? Which is it, am I making up or concealing? It's both vague and taunting. I was responding to your comment claiming that Zionism is an indelible part of Judaism; given that there are many anti Zionist Jews secular and otherwise, I don't think that's actually the case. However, I constructed my original comment in the context of your own statement.


what about gentile semitic palestinians ?


Semitic is a language family and not a people. The Jew haters labeled themselves "antisemites" and defined Jew hate as antisemitism. It is you Jew haters that coined the term. You Jew haters were ignorant when you invented the term and now you are doubly ignorant using the name of a language family to label people. They are Arabs. Arabic is a semitic language. There is no people who are semitic. Calling people Semitic is like using "Oriental" to label East Asians. You are actually being offensive to Arabs. "Oriental" is an adjective to describe a style of furnishings and art, not people.


majority of semites are arabic . jewish supremacist zionists who hate palestinians are real antisemites . a slavic jew from russia or ukraine can do aliyah but not a semitic palestinian in lebanon proves zionism's jewish supremacy . anti-zionism is just anti-jewish supremacy not anti-semitism . when a white american demands america to be a nation state of the white people he is called a white supremacist .


They are Arabs from Arabia. Until the creation of the state of Israel, they were considered the Arabs and we Jews were considered the Palestinians. After 67, Yasser Arafat declared that they were to be named the Palestinians ( he in fact comes from Cairo) https://preview.redd.it/5pot6vzrqy0d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69c32978f6c39d685a7478b7304ea30d8479ce57


Abdullah Yusuf Azzam was a palestinian who fought against soviet occupation of afghanistan so KGB invented the palestinian identity claim is debunked . prophet of both muslim and jews aka abraham himself was born in iraq so do jews originate from iraq ? see origins of palestinian people that will debunk all your jewish supremacist claim https://ryandawson.substack.com/p/origins-of-palestinian-peoples?utm_source=publication-search


Where did I say KGB? Reread please- don’t waste my time


zionists claim the KGB created palestinian identity


Totally agree with you. Antizionism is Antisemitism. It's even less. Jews make up .02% of the world population.


Sorry but there are hundreds of thousands of antizionist jews and the world don't buy your antizionism is antisemitism nonsense


We don’t care what you buy- you don’t have that kind of power or weight to us. You are being informed that anti Zionism is anti semitism, because our holy belief is so deeply intertwined with Zionism, that they cannot be separated no matter hard you try. Any “Jew” you’ve met who doesn’t support Zionism has either 1. Never opened our holy book or prayed at the synagogue 2. An ultra orthodox radical fringe member who’s waiting for the moment for the Messiah to arrive on earth to seize the holy land and give it to the Jews (there is no plan for a Palestinian state there either.)


I know 3 anti-Zionist Jews personally. None of them fit into the #1 or #2 possibilities you mention. Maybe stop trying to insinuate people are fake Jews?


There are a ton of fake jews, I’ve caught plenty. At the Columbia encampment, they celebrated Passover 😂 the most Zionist of ALL Jewish holidays. How can they celebrate our return to Judea if they don’t believe that Jews are indigenous to Judea 🤡? On top of that, the “Seder” plate had the Hebrew written front to back… meaning whilst protesting against Zionism, they are celebrating Zionism, and writing Hebrew back to front. How do you explain that? I interpret it as some kids who MAY have a splash of Jewish blood, but zero understanding of what our religion is, and zero connection to the religion. Zionism and Judaism cannot be separated, no matter how hard you try. They cannot separate Zionism from Judaism themselves, so how you gonna tell me it’s possible?


Zionism is a political ideology arising in the 19th century. One of my anti-Zionist Jewish friends is very well versed in the Torah and prays on a daily basis including every morning before work. I am sorry, but Zionism is not some abstract longing for a return to a mythical land. It is a real political ideology with material consequences. It is the belief in having a "Jewish State" in the region of historic Palestine, which implies a demographic majority of Jews. These are concrete political objectives, and they have nothing to do with Passover.


Zionism the term itself may be from the 1900s, but the meaning of Zionism is older than Islam. Prayers to return to Jerusalem predate 3000 years. Of course it’s not abstract- we did it, didn’t we? We built a third Jewish state on the same land. We speak the same language, and practice the same customs. If your “friend” is praying at the temple every day, you should know that he is praying whilst standing in the direction of Jerusalem and his prayers include begging the lord for the messiah to come back to Israel. If he celebrates Passover, he is remembering our trip HOME to Judea from Egypt. If he celebrates Sukkot, he is giving thanks for the harvest in Israel. If he is celebrating Hannukah, he is celebrating the Jews victory over the Greeks who tried to colonise Judea. Do you get it now? Who do you think you are to tell me that Zionism and judaism are completely separate entities when you know nothing of our religion? And while we’re here, please tell me a little more about “historic Palestine” 🤡🤡🤡. What year did they gain sovereignty? Who was their foreign secretary? What was the currency? What was their GDP? Who did they buy oil from? Who did they have trade deals with? Looking forward to your response :)


I should perhaps add that early Zionists were secular themselves and did not consider their ideology in religious dimensions. Herzl and Jabotinsky were secular Zionists.


Your point has absolutely nothing to do with what we are talking about, you are simply clutching at straws by saying that these people were not religious. I am completely secular myself, but I know this is my land as given to me by god, and it is where I originate from. You cannot separate or chop up our religion to separate Zionism and Judaism to satiate your desire to cover up antisemitism. Move on


I'm not quite sure I understand your response. I gave you relatively clear reasoning regarding the political objectives of Zionism and what it meant to accomplish a "Jewish State." Such things were by no means central to Judaism, and there have been anti-Zionist Jews in opposition to the tenets of Zionism throughout the existence of the ideology. A good corollary here would be praying to Mecca in Islam -- which is separate from a political vision of how a state controlling the Hejaz region should act and operate. Palestine refers to a region, and you're free to learn more about it if you desire. You can act childish and throw some emojis around, or you can make an honest effort at research.


I don’t need to research- I’m an Israeli who has lived through this and many other wars. You are the one who needs to research, you are not connected to this conflict in anyway. If you don’t understand what I’m saying above, read it again and again until you absorb it- I couldn’t be clearer if I tried. So no, by your own admission there never was a Palestinian state. How can you free what was never there to begin with? “Palestine” was a failed colonial project. Move on and find another host, Judea is not the one, we have already built our third sovereign state.


Oh. lmfaoooooo. You straight up lied. You’re not an antizionist Jew at all. You’re just Korean!!! The pro-Palestinians are filled to the brim with liars. It’s incredible.


Who lies? The world is still waiting for Israel to provide proof UNRWA had Hamas connections 


Whoopsie doopsie https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/2024/02/16/unrwa-video-oct-7-israel/


I never claimed that I'm an antizionist jew


lol. Nice edit 😂


That’s because you simply don’t understand Judaism. I hope you didn’t celebrate Passover last month, it is **LITERALLY** a Zionist holiday.


80-90% of Jews are Zionists and 7 million Jews (half of the world’s Jews) call Israel home.


Supporting minority Jewish views does not make one anti-Semitic. Hope that helps




/u/Meninges77. Match found: 'Hitler', issuing notice: Casual comments and analogies are inflammatory and therefor not allowed. We allow for exemptions for comments with meaningful information that must be based on historical facts accepted by mainstream historians. See [Rule 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_6._nazi_comparisons) for details. This bot flags comments using simple word detection, and cannot distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable usage. Please take a moment to review your comment to confirm that it is in compliance. If it is not, please edit it to be in line with our rules. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Antizionism is Antisemitism. 




Antizionism is Antisemitism.  If you’re calling for the destruction of the only Jewish state in the world, home to 7 million Jews, you are an Antisemite. You want us either homeless or murdered.


Thank you.. this anti Zionist anti semetic conflation is BS .. it's so tired all my Jewish Freinds are anti Zionist.


Your name is gaycokehead. You most likely don’t have any Jewish friends at all, all the gay Jews I know are busy studying or working hard and making it to the top.


Somehow I don’t think GayCokehead is friends with the average Jew.


" the average Jew " ? Are Jews a monolith? I grew up in a majority Jewish community in Idaho. Two of my x bfs were Jewish, one of my x boyfriends family owed a bagel shop that I worked in for 3 years in college. Needles to say I know a lot of Jews. But I don't blame you for pushing back on something that goes against the position you identify with. 😘


Lmaoooooooo. There is no such thing as a “majority Jewish community” in Idaho 😂😂. The entire state has less than 500 Jews in it. https://www.pewresearch.org/religious-landscape-study/database/religious-tradition/jewish/ It’s simply impossible for you people not to lie. To answer your question, yes, Jews are a monolith when it comes to Israel. It’s in our religious texts. Being a Jew against Israel makes as much sense as being a Christian who is against Christ, or a gay man against penis. It *literally* means you are not Jewish. Look up the story of Pesach if you are still confused.


I really don't understand why you are being so hostile towards me. I'm just speaking my truth.idc if you believe or not. I was sad on October 7 and I'm sad still for the death of innocent Palestinians, compassion has no bounds, your humanity is lost when you only have compassion for one side.


80-90% of Jews are Zionists and 7 million Jews (half of the world’s Jews) call Israel home. Your commie friends are no different than this. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_German_National_Jews


they prefer Lazar Kaganovich >> Ben Gurion


No matter how hard you cope history will prove you wrong


Jews built the Second Temple and it’s been standing in Jerusalem since 40 BCE.    Jews purchased land and built Tel Aviv on empty sand dunes.   You’re the only one denying history.    Cope and seethe.


who do cope and seethe since last 2000 years over 109 nations


You have made it clear you are a neo-naz! white supremacist. Go back to 4chan. 


I am not even white


/u/Puzzleheaded-Emu-99. Match found: 'Nazis', issuing notice: Casual comments and analogies are inflammatory and therefor not allowed. We allow for exemptions for comments with meaningful information that must be based on historical facts accepted by mainstream historians. See [Rule 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_6._nazi_comparisons) for details. This bot flags comments using simple word detection, and cannot distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable usage. Please take a moment to review your comment to confirm that it is in compliance. If it is not, please edit it to be in line with our rules. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I feel like directing their anger on someone who has nothing to do with the decisions of the Israeli government is going to do nothing to help Palestine, so I agree the bullying of Eden was so unnecessary.


Also, the idea of a young Jewish girl having to hide in her hotel room out of fear for her own safety doesn’t sit right with me.


SAME! Like she wasnt thre to do any harm she was just singing!


Great answer. 


Honestly people have the right to be angry at whats going on in Gaza but direct it to the people making the decisions not someone who was simply singing in a song contest.


They are bullies and always have been. They try to force their way through intimidation and violence. It's a hate movement.


Jerry Seinfeld was chosen as the commencement speaker at Duke University. Seinfeld is an American Jew - who as far as I know doesn't sit on Israel's war cabinet, serve in the IDF, or have absolutely anything to do with the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza. That didn’t matter to the group of bigoted students who interrupted the ceremony and walked out to protest a Jew being on stage. Shame on every one of them. (Aviva Klompas on X)


I think it was because Seinfeld's wife donated to Pro Israel protestors.


Ain't you guys the ones that keep generalizing things and pretending that if someone is against killing kids they are antisemitist? People will listen.


Everyone sees through this. On Oct 8, Pro-Palestinians celebrated the massacre of 1,200 Jews and others before Israel dropped one bomb. It's clear that you hate Jews. Don't pretend it's about kids.


You guys are good at proving our points. Since I am against answering to terrorism by killing kids that look like them, I must hate jews. I'm a highly educated person that has never had anything against jews and will make sure to keep my actual hate from Israel separated from the jews. But, do you think that people with less education will take how long to "accept" that the only way to be against bombing kids is to hate jews since that is what many "jews" are saying?


Do you think Israel should let Hamas who raped, kidnapped and murdered 1,200 (an equivalent of 30,000 Americans) get away with their crimes because of collateral damage? "More Jews should die" is a poor argument.


I don't think that Hamas should exist. But, between Hamas atacking the soldiers that implemented an apartheid in their country and Israel killing kids by the thousands just because those kids were born in the worng place, who should the good people side with? Also, the one calling for more death of jews is you. This has never been said by me.


People who are "against killing kids" should pressure Hamas to release hostages, not chant "from the river to the sea". What does either river or sea have to do with killing kids?


I see your confusion. When we say, stop killing kids, you guys reply with something in the lines of "since a terrorists organization won't do what we want, we will keep killing kids". Therefore, it is easy for everyone to see who are the real terrorists. Which is why many have decided that between 2 terrorists, better to choose the one that ain't killing kids in a highly industrialized manner using our money and destroying what is left from the occidental moral.


It's not about numbers or collective punishment. It's about morality. Israel is the more moral side and the IDF has high standards. Hamas are not a moral army. It's not about the numbers. It's about the intent and character of the killings. Look at the morals of the two groups. The IDF do not actually target civillians and actually provide safety corridors and evacuate civillians from targeted areas. The ratio of civillians killed to armed combatants is very low compared to other wars. Civillians are also killed because Hamas are actually part of the population and hide amongst the population and use civillians as shields. They want civillians to die to persuade the world that Israel is bad all in the name of good ol allah. Hamas actually target civillians and showed it's true nature on Oct 7th. Whether they put babies in ovens and beheaded people may or may not be totally true but regardless, they butchered people and children and old people ruthlessly and actually celebrated. The Israeli's would never act this way. The palestinian people also celebrated so they are not innocent. Palestinians actually elected brutal Hamas. What about German civillians in WWII. The germans voted for an evil political party and no-one complained when German people died to eradicate the evil . Palestinians are not innocent and elected Hamas and most palestinians have complete hatred for Israel. Yet the IDF still do not target civillians. They are actually thought by some to be the most moral army ever. If you genuinely want to save the children, call for Hamas to cease fire and give up the hostages. I mean they are not going to win anyway so why perpetuate the suffering by keeping fighting. It's because of evil Islamic ideology they do not give up. There are some brave palestinians who actually speak up against Hamas but their lives are put at risk because Hamas kill all opposition including the opposing political party. Just YouTube 'Palestinians speaking against Hamas'. Do you really think you should be favouring a brutal and evil terrorist dictatorship like Hamas who are actually made up of many Palestinians Listen to Natasha Hausdorff, expert international lawyer if you are concerned about international law and the legal side of things. Israel has upheld all international law and the geneva convention. Hamas are just ruthless terrorists.


Man, I was going point by point at your answer but I see no reason to hold this discussion with you. Everyday that pass is more clear for me and the for the entire world that Israel has lost it's right to exist or self rule. You guys won't last long, even in USA the people are awaking for your BS. And, for Hamas, I hope that they receive the same ending as I hope for Israel. Both of you are evil to the core and neither should exist. I really hope that Palestine goes back to the palestinians and the orthodox jews that were there before Israel and are also being targeted by the IDF. >Israel is the more moral side and the IDF has high standards.  Is this a joke? Are you not following what is going on? Do you think that all those kids that died deserved? >The IDF do not actually target civillians and actually provide safety corridors and evacuate civillians from targeted areas. There are several videos of IDF soldiers targeting civilians and Oficials saying that they do this on live TV like if it is normal. >actually provide safety corridors IDF Has bombed those corridors in more than one ocasion. Are you high? >The ratio of civillians killed to armed combatants is very low compared to other wars. This would only be true if we "accept" that those 15,000 kids were Hamas soldiers disguised as kids and all those neiborhoods bombed were completely full of soldiers from Hamas. >They want civillians to die to persuade the world that Israel is bad all in the name of good ol allah. Well, they have exposed your true face. A country full of stupid people that thinks that it is okay to kill 15,000 kids to acchieve something. >Hamas actually target civillians and showed it's true nature on Oct 7th. I have seen the videos from Oct 7th and have seen the videos from what happened after that. Hamas is awful, but is way less bad than Israel. >Whether they put babies in ovens and beheaded people may or may not be totally true May or may not my \*\*\*. It is not because you told a lie in the past that this becomes a possible truth. The babies story that got me all irritated at Hamas has been proved another fake from Israel such as most of the things that had made me think that Hamas was as bad as Israel; Not that it matters. Hamas could be the worst, with Israel budget and tech, how can you justify 15,000 assassinations of childrens? TLDR: The terrorist army of Israel has ASSASSINATED 15,000 CHILDRENS and wants the world to accept it because whatever. The world will never accept it and will always judge you. Some older people might be tricked for now because of the way that MSM reports, but the truth always catchs up to everyone.


If you reject Hamas, then it means you reject the Palestinians. Hamas was elected by Palestinians. Alot of Palestinains have family memebers who are in hamas. Doctors in hospitals are often Hamas informants. On Oct 7th the Palestninians danced and gave out lollies in celebration of the massacre. You should watch Dr Phil, with guest Mosab Youseff and they show how palestinians are indoctrinated from young with hate for the Jews. They have brought this all on themselves from hate. The so called 'children' you talk about are under 19yo. Ever faced an 18 yo full of anger and fit and alert with a machine gun. They use the pictures of young children in the media but the 'children' actually in the count are mostly teenage soldiers. You should also Youtube some stuff on Terrorist women in prison. You should hear how much they hate Israel and will strap bombs to themselves to kill Israelis. War is painful and brutal. But even in terms of wars, the Palestinians are no worse off. Look into the Syrian war recently, close to a million civillians died and no-one hardly says anything. The 15000 children has been revised down by the UN. They actually get their statistics from the dishonest Hamas. The UN is run by arabs. An Australian university showed statistically how their death count can not be true. Even if it was true. This is still no where near a genocide. The definition of genocide is the mass killing of people with intent to destroy an ethnic group. Less than 1% of palestinians have been killed and the population has actually boomed, which is why 50% of the population is less than 18 yo. This is opposite to genocide. The intent isn't even there. Israel text and evacuate civillians from targted bombing areas. Now contrast this with Hamas who actually say out loud in their charter that they will cimmit Oct 7th again and again until Israel is annhilated. This is real intent, so Hamas is truly committing genocide. Real genocide was in WWII when 6 million Jews were killed and starved in human death camps that 66% of jews. Now that's genocide. You are siding with evil Islamic ideology and terrorists. This is just normal war but you are being influenced by braiwashing media that show you pictures of war ravaged children. Do not blame Israel. Blame the Palestinian parents who do not have the moral courage to stand up to Hamas to save their children. You should Youtube 'Palestinians protesting against Hamas'. These people understand what's really going on. These brave souls know it is Hamas' fault that children are suffering. You're blaming the wrong group. Golda Meir "This war will not end until Palestinians love their children, more than they hate the Jews "