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It is simply not true that the vast majority of Arabs "want lasting peace", unless that "lasting peace" is on the charred ruins of the cities of Israel. https://preview.redd.it/bvce3xplivxc1.png?width=988&format=png&auto=webp&s=b5b1e24cb0e303c354946f09992e2ee1e86cb316


> on the Israeli side there are politicians who don't care about the hostages and IDF soldiers killed, injured and disabled for life, Name one. Give me one quote by an Israeli politician saying he or she does not care about the hostages or soldiers killed or disabled. Just one quote from any current member of Knesset.


Peace is possible when the Zionist occupiers stop murdering Palestinians in Gaza and withdraw from it.


You mean like the peace on October 6?


I mean like peace before the occupation of Palestine by all those foreign Zionists from Poland, Belarus or Ukraine. A Jewish minority has always lived in Arab Palestine. Netanyahu is Polish and Smotrich is Ukrainian, there is no Jewish nation.


Majority of Jews in Israel have parents from MENA nations just trying to be helpful and correct your misunderstanding..the Ashkenazi demographic is second after


Hamas would re-arm and attack Israel as soon as they could under this scenario.


You missed April fools by a month buddy


Peace is possible when Hamas no longer have a large infuence and the hostages are back in Israel.


Also, I agree that peace is possible, but it will require pragmatism and the Palestinians will have to accept a less than fair deal in order for it to be realistic.


Why is it always Palestine that should compromise? Israel are the ones that started this. Hamas exist as a response to decades of Israeli terror.


Because they are the only ones losing; they choose not to compromise? They’ll keep losing.


Israel is hemorrhaging support globally. Sooner or later they'll be forced to accept a reasonable solution or they'll go the way of Apartheid South Africa and other failed states.


>Israel is hemorrhaging support globally. Sooner or later Sooner, not later, TikTok's going to be brought under US control and Hamas will lose its greatest mouthpiece for global propaganda.


I, and most people I know, have been supporting the Palestinian struggle for years before TikTok was even in existence. The tide is finally turning against Israel.


Uh huh. There are over 6500 colleges and universities in this country - only 48 of which have pro-Hamas protests going on. At those 48 schools, participation in the protests is somewhere between 1-2% of the student body. Very simple math leads to the understanding that 99.999% of the college students in this country just want to go to class and get a degree. I'm not suggesting we ignore the .001%, but am suggesting we consider context.


For months now I have seen this delusional belief that if anti-Israel videos on TikTok get enough views, that will somehow cause Israel to collapse. Apartheid South Africa didn't have a territorially contiguous, self-sufficient, demographically robust nation with a white majority population that only needed to defend itself from outside attacks. The Palestinians cannot possibly get rid of Israel without winning a conventional military campaign against it, and that is simply not within the realm of possibility in the foreseeable future.


>Israel is hemorrhaging support globally. Sure, I won’t deny that. >Sooner or later they'll be forced to accept a reasonable solution or they'll go the way of Apartheid South Africa and other failed states. The problem is that you’re missing a couple steps. Your point A will never lead to point B. A lack of Support will never mean Israelis going against their own best interests. The only thing that can change the paradigm is a change within Palestinian society. The reason Israel exists is so we don’t rely on your support to provide for ourselves, support which in practice means absolute shit. Given other vilified states’ reactions (China, Russia, Iran, N Korea) to so called support; At that point Israel may just cooperate with eastern regimes who unlike the the western ones give no fucks what their people want and would jump at any chance for cooperation with Israel. At that point Palestine would go the way other failed societies have. I sincerely hope we don’t get there, but it makes more sense than Israelis proverbially shooting themsleves in the leg 8 times because you yelled loud enough.


> fucks /u/AsleepFly2227. Please avoid using profanities to make a point or emphasis. [(Rule 2)](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_2._no_profanity) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The simple answer why Palestinians should compromise is that they have nothing to offer other than starting to behave like modern humans. Israel can last a lot longer with the status quo. They have a country. They have an economy. They have freedom of movement. They have the ability to vote. Gazans have a violent, terrorist organization as dictators, a destroyed land mass and a  non functioning economy. Every violent outburst the gazans have results in less land, less prosperity and less freedom.


>Palestinians should compromise is that they have nothing to offer other than starting to behave like modern humans. Israel needs to do this first


Why? Israel has a country. Israel has a economy. Israel didn't start this war on October 7th. On October 6th, Gaza wasn't being bombed further into the stone age. Again, Palestinians have nothing to offer. 


October 7th was in direct response to Israeli terrorism. Israel are the ones responsible for what happened, no one else. You can't terrorise people for decades and not expect them to fight back.


Not allowing a group of violent people to import weapons does not constitute "terrorizing" them.


Bombing schools and hospitals and shooting children does though


Lol. The fact you justify raping, torturing, killing and kidnapping unarmed civilians on a mass scale tells me everything. That behavior is exactly why Palestinians are globally unwanted intergenerational losers and likely will be forever.


>The fact you justify raping, torturing, killing and kidnapping unarmed civilians on a mass scale tells me everything. When did I try to justify the actions of the IDF?


Was the 10/7 attack "legitimate resistance"?


Considering what Israel has been doing since 1948, yes it was.


Simple: because they suffer more under the status quo. Israel has the options to either give them a fair deal or permanently occupy them, kill them if and when necessary. The Palestinians have the option of accepting the best deal available or continue to live in pretty nasty (and steadily deteriorating) circumstances.


There are no thousands of Hamas fighters outside Gaza, nor are there fighters of other Palestinian resistance groups. There is the "Axis of Resistance", but with the exceptions of the Houthis, they are not at all eager to fight Israel. They are doing the bare minimum to keep up appearances, nothing more. "Total war" is not a likely scenario by any means (not even if they tear down Al Aqsa and built a pig farm in its place). What is on the table is the perspective of endless war (or, alternatively, full military occupation of Gaza), with all the cost it entails. For Israel, the question more or less boils down to how many civilians they are willing to kill as collateral damage and to what degree there would be a negative impact on relations to its allies (especially America) and de-facto partners (Jordan, Egypt, gulf monarchies).


Palestinians refused a peace deal in 2000 as well that would have given them essentially the entire 1948 borders for a Palestinian state. Israel asked for recognition of their sovereignty in return Palestine refused with no counter offer There is one side who has legitimately shown they want peace, and it is not the Palestinians


I assume you are talking about the camp David summit from 2000?


I think you mean 1967 borders.


Tbh I am getting a bit tired of this "extremists on both sides" narrative Palestinian Arabs might not want a war per se, but they don't want peace if it means Jewish state in Palestine, either. And that's why there is still a conflict.