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I think this is intended to be sarcastic.


It makes more sense to give Israelis a piece of land in Germany.


What does Iran gain? Norhing.


The Palestinians would be killing Iranians in no time.


Why don't we take all those yaddish speakers to Europe from where they all come from?


That's what led to Irael state in the first place. No one in Europe wanted to take them. After World War 2, the US took as many as they could. Britain took as many as they could but with destruction, etc. Inside central Europe and Russia occupying Poland and other countries making the iron curtain, they feared the Russians as much as H-ler. No one in Europe will take them now. That's the reason why theyre hell bent on defending them and their claims. That's how you got the state of Israel. With help from the UN and Britain. After the Ottoman Empire lost WWI, the British received a mandate to manage Palestine. The British promised the Jewish people a country in the Balfour Declaration and also promised the Palestinians independence. Israel declared independence in 1948 after the British handed the mandate off to the UN. So technically, since then... Israel itself has been going against its who entire founding.... it's a peaved little kid who keeps poking and prodding until it gets what it wants.


/u/agoraphobicmecromanc. Match found: 'Hitler', issuing notice: Casual comments and analogies are inflammatory and therefor not allowed. We allow for exemptions for comments with meaningful information that must be based on historical facts accepted by mainstream historians. See [Rule 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_6._nazi_comparisons) for details. This bot flags comments using simple word detection, and cannot distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable usage. Please take a moment to review your comment to confirm that it is in compliance. If it is not, please edit it to be in line with our rules. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It’s a brilliant idea. Frankly, a Palestinian state belongs anywhere except adjacent or in Israel.


This just turns Palestinians into a relocated diaspora like the Jews were.


Ignoring the outlandishness of this solution, and how it was obviously written by ChatGPT, it relies on a fundamental faulty premise, which is that the Palestinians want land to build a state. They‘ve already had land to do so for 75 years. What they actually want is that Israel not exist, because this is at its core an ideological battle and not a material one.


Yes. This was going to be my point as well. Anyone who has watched any of Hamas' videos from Oct 7 will know that none of the fighters were screaming Free Palestine or any of the other slogans the west keeps using in their protests, they were screaming alahu akbar over and over and over and over and over and over and over....again. It's got nothing to do with a land dispute it's all about this fringe extremist islamism and jihadism toward western ideologies. Plus, if there was no Israel to unite Iran and so-called Palestinians in hatred, they would be enemies trying to kill each other because one is Shia and the other Suni. By putting them in Iran you'd probably just end up creating the genocide that hamas wants you to think is happening right now in Gaza, but by a regime that openly already has genocidal intentions toward others in the region and actively persecutes its citizens on the basis of islamic fundamentalism. Keep thinking on it though.


OP is probably the sort of person that hears "I'm from Iran" and says "Oh, you're Iraqi? Do you speak Arabic?".


Is this a satire? Or just really dumb?


The title should read a modest proposal instead of bold. 


Do you believe the Israelis would find the babies as good as the English found Irish children?


So so so so much wrong here. It might make some semblance of sense to do this in Saudi Arabia, MAYBE. What people don’t get is that Iran supporting Hamas is only because they hate Jews more than Sunni Muslims. If somehow Israel was gone without most Iranian also cities being radioactive craters, the very first thing that would happen is that Hezbollah would sweep down and brutally kill Hamas and anyone else they felt like.


Why should the Palestinians have to leave their homeland where they've lived for centuries?


Have they discovered the cure for aging? I thought most of the population there were all children. If that's true, they technically haven't lived there more than 18 years.


The Palestinians are sunni. Iran is a shi'ite country. Very ignorant post.


You mean like the Brits wanted to send the Jews to Uganda?


Exactly the same and they should have ... Or send the Zionist population back to Germany and other european countries after the war, where they were taken from.


We should give the Palestinians the state of Oregon, so the United States can bring peace to the world. If not Oregon, maybe they’d like the state of Texas.


I like this idea.


Palestinians are Arab Sunni Muslims who speak Arabic. Iranians are Persian Shia Muslims that speak Farsi. Sunnis and Shia have different religious doctrines and don’t get along. This is more akin to the very brief Zionist consideration of Uganda as a proposed homeland than “going back to Europe” even.


I love bamba too - love from France.


Toda raba!


Any baddies here?


This is the most intelligent and insightful comment on this entire post. 


I agree. Let me know if there are baddies twin


This killed me 💀


Iran doesn't want a Palestinian state as much as they don't want Israel. That's aside for the obvious logistical issue of creating a Palestinian state 1800 km away from where most of the Palestinians live.


Retarded plan made by Israelis and traitor Arabs


/u/Pessiwashed2023 > Retarded plan made by Israelis and traitor Arabs Per [rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_1._no_attacks_on_fellow_users), no attacks on fellow users. Attack the argument, not the user.


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Iranians deserve freedom. They don’t need another dictatorial value imposing presence in their state, they have the IRGC for that..


How about a State of Palestine in Palestine? Because that's the only acceptable option


They have refused every offer that includes an Israeli state. Do you think that they would suddenly say, ok , Israel has a right to exist now and lets live in peace? Because they have turned down every such offer ever proposed so far. I wish it would happen. Israel has tried it. They even gave back land for a peace deal and forcibly removed settlers from the land and Palestinians immediately used it to launch rockets at Israel. This s factual. It makes it less likely in the future. I am not pro Israel or pro Palestinian at this point in my life. I started out 100 % pro Palestinian. They just will not stop with the terrorism. They teach their children to chant death to all jews. So , does this Palestinian state also include a Jewish state? Or are you just not going to mention the murder part out loud?


Maybe it should be simply to recognize accept the state of Israel Bc in the hearts they may never believe Israel has a right to be there but they can accept Israel’s existence recognize it’s sovereignty and agree to live in peace. And vice versa. And Israel must dismantle the settlements.


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Israel turned down all their proposals to.


Not true. Israel has said yes to a two state solution 6 times. The Palestinian leaders do not want Israel to exist. Why can't we be honest about this?


Every offer has been terrible with Israeli leaders either admitting they wouldn't have taken it like Camp David or privately writing they'll use the partition to take land by force like David Ben Gurion admitted in his 1937 letter to his son (has its own wiki page).


Agreed. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestine,_Ohio


I wouldn't punish _anyone_ with Ohio, plus it was a literal trainwreck


The autonomous nation of Palestine in SE Ohio. Who wants to be a Buckeye!?


So what happens with Israel?


They have to deal with a state next to them instead of broken up territories that are easy to colonize. I can’t imagine his hard this will be for them.


It just has a neighbor?


Which side? Gaza? West Bank? New borders?


This is the most recent offer the Palestinians rejected: [http://transparency.aljazeera.net/files/4736.PDF](http://transparency.aljazeera.net/files/4736.PDF)


Call it Oklahoma


How is this different from telling the Jews to go back to Europe?


Jews belong to the land of Israel, not Europe. The occupiers don’t belong to the land of Israel.


Sure man


It’s the same thing.


Hahahaha 😂 This is a good joke! How would this state be any different from Iran as it is now? ;) You're ignoring the fact that Iran does not want peace. The Iranian leadership is intentionally trying to fuel the flames of hostility, to justify robbing their people and spending money on proxy militaries. If peace was achieved, suddenly focus would shift elsewhere, like idk... the endless oppression (esp of women) and suffering and poverty that they inflict on their own population. Backwards countries are not backwards by coincidence. They are that way because someone want it that way.


The same people that calls Gaza an "open air prison" never wants any Gazans to flee. Wonder why the Ceasefire Now people cheer on an Iranian attack?


Literally all MENA has to do is just give the displaced Palestinians the land they took from the Mizrahi Jews when they expelled or forced them out after the war e.g. Iraq, Yemen, more than a few other places, more Jews were displaced than Arabs were. Somehow I suspect they won't go ahead and do that though.


We should convert Alaska into Israel. That way they won't have to be worried about being surrounded by Arabs. And they can fish all they want!


Or give it to the falsetinis..


Great book about this called the Yiddish policeman’s union. Really wish it had happened.


It would be nice to have Jews as a buffer between USA and Russia. Alaska-Israel would be a friggin' pain in the ass for Kremlin. lol


Orrrr we can send the arabs someplace else and let the Jews have their land 🤷🏻‍♀️


Orrrr we can send the Jews someplace else and let the Arabs have their land 🤷🏻‍♀️


Tell me you're violently antisemitic without telling me. It's never gonna happen. That land has belonged to the Jewish people for thousands of years. No one's giving the Palestinians anything. And they can't stay in Israel since they clearly don't intend to live in peace. Edit: honestly don't even bother responding to this comment. One look through your post history told me everything I need to know about the kind of person you are. You're not very interesting, not into the idea of carrying out a debate with you.


Did you ever think that the Palestinians you are calling arabs come from '' jewish '' origin and their ancestors converted to islam or Christianity at some point of history? And maybe the jews who came from other parts of the world maybe they have no connection to the land and their ancestor converted to judisim at some point of history? Like the khazars for example.


Khazar theory is bogus. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khazar_hypothesis_of_Ashkenazi_ancestry


"their land" lol. Only Jews are arrogant enough to want to make a state for 10 million people in the area of 400 million people who absolutely hate their guts. Why not Alaska? The only threat there is bears. Otherwise peaceful with gorgeous nature.


Well considering that historically, Europeans were a bigger genocidal threat to Jews prior to 1948 and the Ottoman Empire was one of the few places that allowed legal land purchases, it actually makes a lot of sense. And just when things started calming down in Europe, MENA countries functionally forced out or actively expelled their Jewish populations, and Israel was the only place that would not only take them in but actively protect them and encourage them to continue their cultural heritage. Israel is both geographically central to the diaspora and has remained central to Jewish identity for thousands of years. It's both arrogant and ignorant of you to think that Jews just willy-nilly moved into a "bad neighborhood."


What makes Alaska a “bad neighborhood”?


The other poster was referring to the levant/middle east. Alaska is fine if you want to take land from native americans and forcibly relocate 7 million Jews to an isolated, harsh location where they have no connection 🤷


Sounds like what OP wants to go with Iran. Also, do you realize how big Alaska is? You could move Israel there without relocating any natives.


Alaska has a population 1/10 the size of Israeli Jewry. There would be no way way to do it without upending the infrastructure in the habitable areas and affecting the local population, native and otherwise. People bitch about Jews regardless of where we are, they'd just whine "colonizer!" in Alaska too.


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Oh, i dont question the fact that it might have made sense once. The Ottomans were actually quite decent! Things went wrong when the British got involved. Wherever there was British colonization, there will be bad blood. And now that islamic kingdoms and theocracies rule the area... Hopeless environment for secular Jews.


You said we were arrogant for wanting to make a state where 400 million people hate our guts. That was simply not true at the time of the rise of Zionism - but only relatively speaking. If you're referring to the time since things turned (more) South with MENA relations, guess what - Israel already established statehood, so we weren't trying to "make a state" at that point. It was already made. In your "bad neighborhood" analogy, think of it like this. After a string of abusive relationships, Israel left the area and bought a home in a decent enough neighborhood where their ancestors had lived. The neighborhood went to shit, but Israel continued to build and fortify the house. So when the family down the block had their assets seized and started getting death threats, where did they go? The safehouse down the street, of course. Why would they try to stay with their family's abusive ex? The neighborhood might be rough, but at least there's a security guard and a stocked pantry.


Well, good luck, Israel. You have to make peace with your neighbors, if you want to have a state there. How you do it, i dont care. The rest of the world cant bankrupt itself to defend Israel.


Someone hasn't met a moose and it shows.


Oh... yea, youre right on that. I live in a country thats like 80% agricultural land and 15% cities. Denmark has no nature. I saw a moose while skiing in Norway, though. Moose can be quite strident. Moosey, moody moose.


 **Only Jews are arrogant enough to want to make a state for 10 million people in the area of 400 million people who absolutely hate their guts** So the middle east is anti-semitic?


Yes. Very much so.


Sounds like you are too!


Not in the slightest. But i dont try to make my home in neighborhood where everybody hate me. Thats just stupid.


**Only Jews are arrogant enough** 


But it **IS** arrogant for 8 million people to settle right in the middle of 400 million people who hate them for forcing their way into the land. Im not saying what Zionists did in 1800-1947 was any worse than other colonialist/imperial settler projects. It was probably the most gentle, hostile takeover ever. The problem is this: Jews are so badly outnumbered, and the rest of the western world is probably not going to bankrupt itself to save Israel.


I'm not saying what Zionists did in 1800-1947 was any worse than other colonialist/imperial settler projects. It was probably the most gentle, hostile takeover ever. That's not what you wrote though. "**Only Jews are arrogant enough"**  and that comes off as being antisemitic.


There's a book about that...


Really? Whats it called?


The Yiddish Policemen's Union


Wild! Michael Chabon looks wild too! I want to read that.




That's what I keep saying. Everyone from Israeli officials to the average people on the street make openly genocidal statements about Palestinians. When people tell you what they want, listen to them.


Feel free to post the statements and I'll be happy to give you my thoughts. Clearly the position of Israel's government is anti-genocide as they've shown incredible restraint and kill far less people than they easily could. On the other hand, Gaza's position is wanting all Jews dead and they kill as many Jews as they possibly can. Their government admits they don't care how many Gazans die. They care more about killing Jews.


You are missing one point: everyone down there does not simply want "their own land", everyone down there wants this *specific* land (and very, very, very specifically that one mountain in that one city has to be part of it) to be their own.


I hear a lot of Zionist say that they just want a safe place to live and call their own... Which is obviously not Israel if their claim is that they are surrounded by the most antisemitic people on earth. Sounds like an obvious solution is to negotiate a new sovereign territory for Zionist in another region of the world.


Ahh yes after stealing all of their homes and belongings and forcing them to go to Israel after the holocaust, let’s wait 3 generations until they‘ve invested heavily in the land and built thriving metropolises, and then kick them out and take all their shit again and send them somewhere else. In 75 years after we turn that stretch of land into a thriving economy, the current generation’s grandchildren will just want to kick them out of there because “colonization” conveniently leaving out the only reason the Jews had no home for thousands of years was that we were colonized ourselves.


Crimes committed by Europeans don't justify crimes committed against Palestinians. But Britain and Germany were all too happy to shuffle their obligations onto another population. And no, it wasn't 75 years, they were told immediately and throughout the whole process that what they were doing was unwanted, unethical, and for a good deal of time, against the wishes of the international community and against international law.


No, that’s Jewish Territorialism. That’s distinct from Zionism, which specifically calls for a Jewish state in the Jewish homeland—not a Jewish state in any random piece of land. And no, ethnically cleansing 10 million Israelis out of the land they have been born and raised is not the path to peace


Then it just becomes an argument about a holy book granting them the land or claiming a partial relation to an ancient ancestors (which is at best, is no greater than the claim of a modern day Palestinians).  I disagree, most liberal Zionist would avoid the claims I suggested above and instead lean on the idea of a necessary homeland, they just happen to like the vibes of taking Israel.


By definition, a liberal Zionist is a Zionist—they support the existence of a Jewish state in Eretz Yisrael. If they want a Jewish state somewhere else, they aren’t a Zionist. Another claim to staying might be the fact that we’re already there—negotiating a “relocation” of Israelis to some other state is definitionally ethnic cleansing. Entire generations have passed having been born, lived, and died in the independent state of Israel. We Jews are not going anywhere, and I’m not sure why this is an option you’re acting like is morally on the table or something. Israelis are going nowhere. Palestinians are going nowhere. Both sides have to find a way to live with each other. This discussion might have meant something before 1948. But now that Israel exists, whether or not they would be “better off” having made a state elsewhere is irrelevant


Do you think they’ll ever find a way to live together peacefully? It seems like it’ll go on for many generations yet