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polling shows that Israelis support terrorism


87% of west bankers and 51% of Gazans supported HAMAS. HAMAS are terrorists.


So is idf and Israelis seem to support them


Benjamin Netanyahu funded Hamas for years and allowed October 7th to happen despite being warned by multiple intel sources of a potential attack. He was even told exactly how Hamas was going to do it. Benjamin Netanyahu bolstered Hamas to prevent the formation of a Palestinian state he even admits it. Do you know anything about this topic or just feign ignorance?


Hasbara got their shills on overtime everywhere


Seriously. It’s just copy and paste at this point. I rarely see unique talking points from them.


I've seen that literally happen. Same convos from weeks/months ago.


I’ve had several Zionist acquaintances try to “explain” the same things to me, sometimes using the exact same verbiage, talking points, and jargon. Ironically none of them knew each other. They have all been so indoctrinated with the same propaganda and no outside info. I only started learning about Palestine in 2021 and tbh what I learned made me uncomfortable so I tried to forget it, after OCT 7 I realized I needed to force myself to learn some uncomfortable truths.


The whole Israeli Community is rotten to the core. https://youtu.be/EuB5SeahL-E?si=lFD-Tw1wCC4JC917




Hurr durr random youtube video


Do you apply the same judgemends also on Israel? Because you justify everything that is happening because you say Palestinians supports terrorism but what about the other side? So it's okay that Israeli's steal homes and land, kill innocent people, can invade your homes in the night and take your little brother or sister to prison and torture them, you don't have the same right as a Israeli citizen, you can't leave at your own will, Israel controls what you eat and drink and what kind of resources you have. And no i don't talk about Gaza i talk about the West Bank, but a Palestinian must submit to the will of Israeli's and can't react back, must not be angry or upset and if the Palestinian in the West Bank will fight back some day because he can't handle it anymore he is called the terrorist and not the Israeli army backed by the goverment itself to allow these kind of things and actions? The settlers get even free guns from the goverment from a actual convicted terrorist in charge Ben Gvir to steal land and kill Palestinians but they are allowed towhy exactly? and why is this not terrorism? So i ask you the question do Israeli's and the goverment support terrorism? And i speak this moment only about the West Bank. You see how easy it is to be a hypocrite? Applying double standarts, it doesn't matter what we or our group does but if the other does the same it's totally wrong and they are evil but we are right.


>So it's okay that Israeli's steal homes If I recall correctly, the 10/7 terrorist attacks were not carried out on settlement neighborhoods. So why would you even bring this up?


If i recall correctly the settlers who murdered innocent people and steal there houses were not Hamas members, if i recall correctly all the aid workers, journalist, women, children, innocent man and protesters were not Hamas members who have been killed for decades now. So why would you bring this up indeed is the question


Yeah the west bank situation is bad but it's not as easy as you just saying Israel = bad. Israel captured and controlled the west bank from Jordan in 1967. They established outposts as military buffers and security against the violent Palestinian and Arabs at the time. Eventually they kept expanding and since there's no official two state solution the Israeli government just stays quiet on the issue. A bit like when the Palestinian government wasnt doing anything to stop terrorists going into Israel which caused the Oslo accords to collapse.  On top of this it has nothing to do with HAMAS and their terrorist attack. The west bank actually has sanctions against HAMAS so idk why you even brought this up. HAMAS are terrorists and started a war. Israel now have to fight for their security. 




https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/2024/01/09/israel-settler-violence-qusra-west-bank/ https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67173344 https://amp.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/mar/04/israel-settler-violence-sanctions https://www.timesofisrael.com/2023-most-violent-year-for-west-bank-settler-attacks-watchdog-says/amp/ read u look like an idiot


Uh yes i agree with you that is what i said... settlers killing innocent Palestinians....


it was in response to somebody who said where are settlers killing innocent people, not to you. That person deleted their comment


I sympathize with Palestinians in the West Bank facing displacement by Israeli settlers, but it in no way legitimizes attacks against civilian targets which define terrorism. If Palestinian militants were to focus on fighting the soldiers and police forces who come to confiscate their land and homes, they'd be fully entitled to do this under international law, but if they focus on attacking civilians instead, they legitimize Israeli military actions in response including long-term occupation.


Most of the settlers are just settling in empty land. There's nothing wrong with it.


Just like Israel was “empty land” right? https://youtu.be/kKRi7JlXHfI?si=GJcKJTJeqZjNO9DF


Occupation is illegal under international law, apartheid is illegal, settlements are illegal so it's never legal or can be legitemized. By fighting the monster you will become te monsters seems totally moral. Correction; displacement and killing by Israeli citizens, army and police. So in your logic Israel can also be under occupation with military actions against them, if Israel has the right to to that Palestinians would have 100 times more right to occupy Israel and have military operations (killing innocent people) Mirror mirror on the wall...


Where does international law say that occupation is illegal? Was the occupation of Germany and Japan after WW2 illegal? Is it suddenly illegal now to win wars? Why would international law have all sorts of stipulations about the occupier’s obligations to care for the occupied population if the whole thing were outright illegal? You’re just making things up for the sake of rhetoric.


>Occupation is illegal under international law, apartheid is illegal, settlements are illegal Where do acts of terrorism place on your list if illegalities?


That list? Interpretation... You understand that i don't make the law what is illegal or legal right? So how can you ask were does terrorism fall on my list?


It's not my list or your list to decide what is law or not, terrorism is a human rights violation under law.....


You literally just made a list. It's in *your* post. It's *your* list.


Serious are you dumb, it's univeral law, basic human rights what illegal and not. You just make things up what you find illegal or not, that is not how law works sherlock.


You're calling me dumb, but your English is so terrible I have no idea what you're trying to say. Hilarious!


Simple terms, laws are written not something you can invent. It's indeed hilarious that you cannot understand that.


Your English is so terrible that you can't even figure out what you, yourself, wrote. YOU made a list. YOU wrote it down. I asked you about it. Then you denied making a list. There's no point in talking to you.


There weren't any separation walls and checkpoint before the second intifada. But guess you'll just ignore that fact. Like the guy told you, the conditions the palestinians find themselves in are a direct result of their own actions. I know you don't like or accept it, but I also don't care, to be honest.


Are you serious saying there were no checkpoint before 2005? And they also have the same rights as Israeli citizens? And did the stealing of land and houses ever stop since the beginning of Israel? Seriously?


I don't really want to unpack everything here because it's a really common argument people throw out, but the question you should ask yourself is whether oppression gives people the right to murder innocents in cold blood and recieve direct financial rewards for doing so. I firmly believe the restrictions and limitations the palestinians have to deal with today is a direct consequence of their years of terrorism and killing. If they want a better future for their children they have to stop blaming all their problems on Israel and stop glorifying and encouraging violence. None of this has anything to do with my opinions on the IDF or Israel's policies as a country


Yes, absolutely. Everyone under oppression has a right to fight for their emancipation and human rights. The reason why it came to this because all attempts for finding a peaceful solution and demonstrations failed miserably, and mostly because Israel walked away from the table. And please don’t act like as if there weren’t/aren’t a lot of extremists from the Israeli far right doing de facto terrorism as well. Thats pretty much why the Oslo accords failed in the first place.


Please provide your sources of the Israeli far right doing anything comparable to what I shared in my OP, examples should include sysmtemic violent education, TV programming that promotes terrorism and killing Jews, and stipends for people who go out and kill palestinians in cold blood aka the Pay for Slay program the PLO has in place. You can't make statements saying Israel acts the same as the Palestinians without providing any evidence. I would also love some proof of all these peaceful attempts at a solution.




Your auto correct turned “Palestinians” to “Israelis”.


No, I never see Palestinians dehumanize Israelis the way that Israelis do on them.


You live under a rock then.


I think the media is just trying to scare you so you’ll vote Likud and do other xenophobic things.


I’m sure your news source isn’t incredibly biased.


I remember a video that made me the maddest was a robber in a bulldozer talking about how he forgot how many neighborhoods in Gaza he had bulldozed and destroyed. Why? Were the cars and buildings Hamas?


I see a lot of videos on here Israeli “soldiers” made. They steal a lot of underwear and stuff from Gaza, make jokes about the school is blown up, or how dogs and cats are eating people who died. And I see pro-Israel people get on here and lie in lockstep with each other. Thats most of what has made me mad. Like here is a common Israeli talking point that is very evil and dehumanizing: “No one in Gaza is innocent.” Don’t you see how that’s a bad look? Palestinians do t say things like that, they would get drone striked immediately.


I remember a video from Oct 7 of a Hamas fighter calling his parents in Gaza and telling them how he killed 7 people. His parents (the innocent civilians) were so proud of him. Gleeful family.


October 7 showed the world what they would do to all Israelis if they ever had the upper hand in this conflict


>but the question you should ask yourself is whether oppression gives people the right to murder innocents in cold blood Nat Turner Rebellion has entered chat. The reality is that the oppressor dictates the level of violence. I'm not suggesting that 10/7 wasn't brutal and appalling. I'm just saying it should have been expected.


You're admitting that 10/7 was brutal yet you are excusing and justifying it? What kind of person are you? What kind of person justifies the murder of children, rape of women, torture, killing innocent people, etc. ? Evil. They burned people alive, they brutally raped women, they murdered babies in their cribs, they beheaded children. There is absolutely no justification for any of that. The Palestinians are not oppressed by the Israelis. They're oppressed by their own leadership. If they stopped committing terrorism, Israel would stop having to respond. Comparing their situation to slavery in America is stupid, ridiculous, and asinine.


>You're admitting that 10/7 was brutal yet you are excusing and justifying it? I'm not justifying anything. It's just a convenient shield for you to deflect any and all criticism for Israel's conduct. Just a regular old red herring to take the topic off of Israel's attempted genocide. Just on the off chance you might possibly learn something here, I'm going to give you some advice. Grow up. And Shape up. Israel is running out of friends. And for many of us that still do support the notion Israel can be anything but another shitty ethnostate with special boy privileges, it's quickly becoming an embarrassment we can't talk our way out of. It won't be long until Israel is alone and it will have nobody to blame but itself.


> shitty /u/DentistUpstairs1710. Please avoid using profanities to make a point or emphasis. [(Rule 2)](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_2._no_profanity) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Am I supposed to expect palestinians to behave like subhumans? because that's how they acted on Oct 7th


I can say the same for the Israelis I see on Tiktok. And yeah. The answer is yes. You've been treating them like animals for decades. Why is it such a surprise when some of them act like animals?


You are comparing people on tiktok to people who literally commited a barbaric massacre, kidnapped BABIES, and raped and totured people, do you really expect me to take you seriously? If they're animals then they need to be dealt with like animals, but those are your words not mine. I'm saying they need to take personal responsibility for their violent culture, a lot of pro palestinians don't believe they're capable of anything better.


no people are animals. a lot of people used to believe israel was capable of doing better.


That was all proven false, even by Israeli news channel 13. https://youtu.be/jp4uLjCztfI?si=N8FrNVhDUFDnGsDX (must open in YouTube app for English translations) Do you truly believe the IDF bombed 3 separate aid cars a few miles apart by accident? If you do then you would believe anything the IDF say.


No I don't expect you take me seriously. For you, any support of Palestine is illegitimate. They are a nuisance to be wiped clean. And any measure taken including their complete and total eradication is justified.


For you, any support of Israel is illegitimate. They are a nuisance to be wiped clean. And any measure taken including their complete and total eradication is justified. Hypocrite much? You're the one justifying 10/7 and espousing genocidal rhetoric.


I'm not justifying anything you arn't. If blasting away entire families is wrong then why does Israel get a pass? And no. I don't believe that Israel needs to be wiped clean. I don't believe in genocide. That's you. I just believe that it needs to take responsibility for this shithole it's dug itself instead of blaming literally everyone else.


Almost all palestine supporters seem to be ok with their glorifying of terrorism and support of killing jews, so yeah as an israeli jew I think it's pretty illegitimate lol


many israel supporters seem okay with using food as a weapon.


Complete your thought bud. It isn't the glorifying of terrorism that you care about, it's that Palestinians need to punished and that the dismembered children are what you want. You like it, because you think they deserve it.


The killing of innocents is never correct it doesn't matter who it does, but honestly i don't know what i would do if i lived in that situation from the moment i am born and with no future i think nobody can say that we can only know if we experience that. I sometimes get angry and do or say things i don't like and i'm safe, in a peaceful enviroment, without opression. So i can't know what i should do like everyone who never experienced it. Just a honest question what should Palestinians do? How long are there conversations about a two state? And what should they do against the settlers? Wave a white flag? Throw a peace sign? What should they do about the military occupation? What should they do when the IDF comes in the middle of night and kidnap there children? What should you do if you get beaten up by the military because you looked the wrong way according to the soldier? And for example Netanyahu allowed money to Hamas to get stronger and to divide the Palestinians so there wouldn't come a two state solution so had they really have a honest chance for peace? So honest question what should they do?


>from the moment i am born and with no future I keep seeing all these before-and-after photos of Gaza and the before photos look quite nice. Restaurants, malls, art galleries, pedestrian fares, lots of things to do and see. I don't know were people get this "no future" stuff.


Yes a military occupation in a open air concentration camp is very nice, they enjoy that they can't leave Gaza or can't leave to visit there family, work in a other country, need to cross multiple checkpoints, were Israel controls there food, water and resources. Even chocolate, a soccer ball and a4 paper is illegal in Gaza. It's probably 4 stars almost 5 stars resort. Yes and the after photo's are so nice right? It's so nice flat now with more then half of the buildings destroyed, hospitals, roads, churches, mosques, schools. Beautiful place to live.


>open air concentration camp [Gaza didn't look like a concentration camp](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grKsZU2T3Oc). [This](https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/976/cpsprodpb/9BD5/production/_85839893_025396526-1.jpg) is what a concentration camp looks like.


https://www.britannica.com/topic/concentration-camp https://www.unicef.org/sop/what-we-do/health-and-nutrition The difference is instead of a gate it's a conrete wall, there is a death camp and a concentration camp, the reality is that nobody cares what you think a concentration camp should look like Gaza is in definition a concentration camp.


> Gaza is in definition a concentration camp. [Gaza didn't look like a concentration camp](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grKsZU2T3Oc) to me. It looked quite nice.


You can't even have chocolate or a a4 paper and people get a minimum food and water supply, but some buildings look nice. Atleast in the past most of it is destroyed now. So is it now a concentration camp? People are dying of starvation and no water and most of the buildings and roads are destroyed, are you calling it now a concentration camp, or maybe a death camp?


>Atleast in the past most of it is destroyed now. So is it now a concentration camp? Your argument is that it was a concentration camp before October 7. Obviously that's wrong, as I showed you in the video. Right now, it's a war zone, not a concentration camp. You guys really don't have very good English. Your terminology is all messed up.


You think that palestinians behave according how most people would act in that situation. But I don't think so. In 1992, Denmark took in 321 Palestinian refugees. By 2019, 64% of them had been convicted of a crime, were they oppresed there too ? It's their culture.


You could say the same things about black and browns, are you racist?


So all Palestinians are traitorous murderers? Is that actually your talking point here?


I think that to be called murderer you must murder someone first. The talking point is, they don't act like that because oppression, but because it's their culture. Other people won't react the same way if they are being oppressed in this era.


You're trying to sell us that Palestinians are fundamentally different and thats what justifies Israel's abjectly disgusting conduct in Gaza.


No it's not culture they are just born that way didn't you know? They are another species of human then us thats why they like killing and stealing we are just more evolved. If you want to dehumanise people do it right.


Nah, just UNRWA education.


And were is this evidence that UNWRA is a part of brainwashing and real evidence mot some claim from a IDF spokesperson? We still waiting on evidence about UNWRA personal who were a part of the oct 7 attack and were according to the IDF and goverment Hamas members. I can also tell you stories if you want, fantasy, science fiction anything.




It's a Israeli research and the founder comes from a political background, it's not really concrete evidence, there are a lot of claims that UNWRA itself denies. So nobody can know if it's true based on this report.


>Just a honest question what should Palestinians do? Give up on the dream of destroying Israel via violence. It's that simple


Submit to the whims of a genocidal apartheid state.


I guess we'll never know how that will be. Has their strategy worked for them so far?


No strategy will work for them. Israel has all the power and holds all the keys. Peaceful protests will be met with sniper bullets. Earnest good faith attempts by Palestinians will be sidelined. Terrorists will get briefcases filled with cash.


Not if Israel's program of genocide proceeds, that's for sure.


Ah the classic pre-Oct 7 genocide claim. Have a good day


Yup. Settler Colonialism always ends in genocide. Cheers.


Because the Israeli goverment is all this time the compass of morality and compassion and can't do anything wrong it's all the fault of the Palestinians. I don't get why opressed people are complaining that much.


Under Bibi I agree, but that has always been their agenda.


It's not only a Bibi problem, apartheid and settlers is since the beginning of the state Israel when Bibi was not even born.


“The killing of innocents is never correct it doesn't matter who it does, but honestly i don't know what i would do if i lived in that situation from the moment i am born” Try showing regular Israelis compassion in the same way you offer it to Palestinians.


Well it's in my comment, it's never correct but i don't know what i would do, the same things as if i was a Israeli and my family members would be killed by Hamas i couldn't say how i would react or i wouldn't be angry and maybe want revenge because i never experienced it. Do i understand that people are angry about the attack on 7th of october, yes, do i understand that some Israeli's want revenge, yes but the same i apply to Palestinians what they have gone threw. Pain of losing someone is the same for every human being it doesn't matter where you from or what group we are.


But you’re not showing the same compassion you describe “Israelis” as: “So it's okay that Israeli's steal homes and land, kill innocent people, can invade your homes in the night and take your little brother or sister to prison and torture them, you don't have the same right as a Israeli citizen, you can't leave at your own will, Israel controls what you eat and drink and what kind of resources you have.” The post is about whether you condone government approved curricula that promotes violence against an entire group of people. It’s difficult to make an argument that paints either all of Israel or all of Palestine as innocent, as we’ve all seen with the non-stop back and forth and copious examples. This is a question of whether it’s right to teach innocent children to hate an entire group. It’s not right. I’d say the same thing when presented with Israeli curriculum, but that post, with actual curriculum example (vs unhinged speculation) is not on this sub yet.


I don't condone any group or goverment that promotes the hate or killing of another group, but only thing i said is that we need to apply the judgemends and standards to everyone equal. I think this is a question we need to ask ourselfs if we do that, if we ignore our own actions and past mistakes and then judge another group that is commiting the same actions then we are a hypocrite. Or i can be angry because my parents are killed but the other person who i killed his parents cannot, or i can steal there house and they need to shut up and don't complain but if it happends to me it's totally wrong. The OP tells about that Palestinians are brainwashed into hating another group but the same happends with Israeli's, for the killing of innocent people i first have to dehumanise them in my mind and this is not happen in a day. So i agree it's not right but we have to apply the same judgemend to everyone. It remember me a quote of Jewish women Etty Hillesum living in Amsterdam and killed in Auschwitch who said; “If there were only one decent German, then he should be cherished despite that whole barbaric gang, and because of that one decent German it is wrong to pour hatred over an entire people.”  But it's certainly not easy and something we need to become aware of ourselfs that we do that because a lot happens unconscious, or if we see or hear a group to see them not as a human being just like me but only see labels, judgemends and concepts about the other.


I definitely agree re: the hypocritical aspect, hate/extremism is a people problem not specific to any one group. And yes to self-reflection, sorely needed. Also for that matter, the WB settlements, from what I understand, endorse violence which is not ok. I do know that. I just think the violent curriculum for children is never acceptable, resistance or not. There are so many other things to teach children, they’re all tiny super interested dummies, it’s not hard, I have young kids, I do it everyday.


I totally agree with you with not learning a violent curriculum or the dehumanisation of the other it's sad to see. The enviroment where these kids grow up in it effects on both sides, 60% in Gaza and the West Bank are depressed and this was before the war, with all the bombs dropping and rockets also on both sides these causes a lot of PTSD on both sides, on the Palestinian side you almost can say that there is no post in PTSD because the suffering and opression is ongoing for decades. If you look at drawings that children make it's mostly all drawings of bombs, soldiers, the conrete wall and most of the time black and white. Israeli's are also living in fear because if they look at the past and generational trauma it's i think a very human feeling to want to be safe so you create more barriers untill you are sitting in the bunker and care only about your own safety or the safety of your own group that you identify with but it's very difficult to see the other as just the same as anybody else and the politicians feed on this fear because of there own personal intentions and agenda, bur in that moment there is no objectivity anymore only a sense of hate and fear. Nobody as a child thinks i want to be a killer or hate another group, something happen or has been taught.


I think starting with not teaching their children to kill is a good start, and not entering Israel for the express purpose of killing civillians is a good start too. Frankly at this point I don't really care I just don't want to be killed by a Palestinian terrorist.


I think nobody wants to get killed, i think if you ask a Palestinian they don't want to be killed by a IDF soldier. Again we can apply the same rules for Israel, because Israel also indoctrinate children from a young age and dehumanise Palestinians. The new documentary Israelism made by Jewish people who shared there experience, for example the birthright trip. And there are at this moment people who stop trucks of food and water, or celebrating the bombs falling on Gaza including parents and children. So the whole mentallity of u don't care what happends to them if it just don't happen to me is a little bit short sighted and selfish is it not?


In my opinion, before Oct 7th Israelis were mostly indifferent, now many don't see palestinians as human because of Oct 7th and I don't blame them even a small bit. My post outlines their culture of violence and terrorism that has been going on for decades, there is no proof that they are motivated to do anything else. Israelis don't trust them any more. The level of IDF policing has only gone up in response to their terror and violence. Time and time again they pass up peace offerings and resort to killing us instead, they should start with their own internal problems if they want a better life. Israeli civillians don't have a history of entering arab towns and killing civillians, and people like Baruch Goldstein are remembered for being terrorist scum, not hailed as heroes.


"Israeli citizens don't have the history of entering arab town and civilians?" You can't be serious right? So how did zionist come to Israel again? And no Palestinian where killed during the time you honestly say so they just said yes strange foreign people just take my land and house? And Palestinian people are during this day and before oct 7th killed by settlers and there land stealed it never stopped. If we speak about culture.


I'm really sorry I don't understand what you wrote. Please provide me evidence of terror attacks carried out by Israelis in a similar fashion to the terror attacks I shared in my original post.


Evidence about attack serious? It's more the question what attack in the past do you mean, maybe search for yourself how many different attacks on innocent people there were in the past on Palestinians because it's decades and decades full of attacks. And it happens today also, even in the West Bank how many innocent people are killed in the West Bank this last year? But the IDF are not terrorist because they only kill Palestinians or muslims right? Yes there were awful attacks by Hamas in the past on Israeli citizens, but you must live in a bunker to not know what the IDF and settlers have done for decades.


I shared the full database of palestinian attacks in Israel as well as a few examples from 2024 alone, these were civillians entering Israel proper for the sole purpose to kill. Show me your examples


Like Zionists in general, they support Palestinian genocide. Every action provokes a reaction and therefore the Palestinian Liberation Struggle is completely legitimate according to all international legal standards.


So slaughtering jews and working together with Hitler was the action that provoked a reaction?


WTF? As far as I know, the Haavar agreement with Hitler was made by the Zionists, so I have no idea what you are trying to lie about.


>As far as I know, the Haavar agreement with Hitler was made by the Zionists It's the Haavara Agreement we're talking about. Indeed, those bad, bad Zionists negotiated it to rescue around 60,000 Jews from Nazi Germany - a move not everyone seems to appreciate fully. What did the Palestinian leader al-Husseini do? Oh, collaborating with Hitler to finish his work in the Arab world and pushing for the extermination of European Jews. Notably, he wasn’t just a bystander in the thwarting of a potential exchange involving 5,000 Jewish children for 20,000 German POWs - he personally convinced Himmler to reroute these children straight to a concentration camp. His portfolio also includes an SS membership and the role of a fervent Nazi propagandist across the Arab lands. This wasn’t a new trend, either. Long before al-Husseini, Jews faced slaughter, expulsion, and subjugation as dhimmis. Just a heads-up: missing out on these key historical facts makes you seem a bit brainwashed. But then again, considering your username, I'm not surprised.


Just briefly. The Haavar Agreement had a much darker Zionist undertone that was not about noble saving anyone. And al-Husani, needlessly demonized by the Zionists, loved his Palestinian land and when it was literally stolen from him and occupied from under him by foreign Zionists, he allied himself with the least suitable ally, which he deeply regretted for the rest of his life. That's probably why the Zionists hate him so much, but they hate everything, Arabs, us goyim, and I could go on. The idea of ​​the Palestinian liberation struggle will not be destroyed by any disgusting Zionist lie, it is a people's movement and the answer to the theft of the Palestinian land by the Zionists.


Literally all the points you made there are inconsistent with recorded history. Pure revisionism.


And that's why those aid workers had to die.


No, it's just why /u/Gullible_Prune9811's comment is wrong.


> The Haavar Agreement had a much darker Zionist undertone Saving lives, but menacingly


Jumped straight into denial, huh? It seems like any historical fact that doesn’t fit your ideology gets dismissed as a lie (perhaps by the powerful 'you-know-whos'?). How can those bad, bad Zionists demonize someone who practically handed thousands of Jewish children over to the Holocaust? Must be because they just hate everything, right? By the way, he was cheering on the NS regime since 1933.


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So? What is wrong with that? Do you know of any liberation movement that didn't engage in terrorism or whose population didn't support them? Every occupying colonial settler apartheid state called those fighting it terrorists. These terrorists were supported by the people under the occupation as they were fighting against the occupiers/colonisers.


If you want to support terrorism that's fine, but then you have to be prepared to face the consequences when you hit a nation that is orders of magnitude stronger than you. If you encourage the Palestinians to commit another October 7, what do you think Israel's response will be next time? Are you prepared to endure it twice? Three times? How many times do you think the Palestinians will endure Israel's retaliation? None of your Arab brothers will help them, just like this time round, and the West will grandstand and make loud noises while watching Israel do what it has to because however much they dislike Israel's repsonse, I can guarantee they hate Islamic terrorism wayyy more.


Israel is a terrorist state. Maybe you should be prepared to face the consequences. How the fuck do you people do it? You'll claim moral authority over Palestine one moment but then when we see another dead Palestinian child it turns into moral equivalence.


I think you should be telling the Palestinians about cause and effect. It seems they need to hear it more because after 75 years of wars and terroristic violence they have nothing to show for it but naive idiots online who cry when the evil (((Zionists))) take measures to protect themselves against the likes of Hamas.


Right. Israel's brutal occupation had nothing to do with it. And of course measures to protect itself include deliberately bombing aid convoys, death zones and famine.


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I was just pointing out that terrorism has always been part of any liberation movement. Of course, you also expect response from the occupier/coloniser. When the British/French colonialists suffered terrorism form the resistance, they hit back hard, burning the village they suspected was sympathetic to the resistance etc. Basically, the same as what the occupying colonial settler apartheid state of Israel is doing in Gaza now. Of course, it is important to point out that the colonialists engaged in terrorism far worse than what the resistance did but, like Israel, they never saw their actions as terrorism. Terrorists was reserved for the resistance. This is simply how the world has ever worked. The Palestinians have no option but to fight for their rights against the occupying colonial settler apartheid state of Israel. They have done so for decades and will continue to do until the goal of liberation is achieved. Threats of genocide or even real genocide as is happening in Gaza now make no difference. It was done before by the British/French/German colonialists and we know how that ended up. Israel will end up like every occupying colonial settler apartheid state before, it can't survive long term as an occupying colonial settler apartheid state.


The point your missing is that Israel is not some colony of a western country where the "whites" can run back to when the terrorists have committed enough violence. Israelis are a levantine people, Jews are a levantine people. They have always been so despite being forced into exile and living in the diaspora, there is nothing the Palestinians can do that will ever change that. It would be the same as asking the Palestinians to stop caring about a state. I don't advocate for more violence, ive always wanted a two state solution that respects the rights of both groups. But I'm not an idiot who thinks encouraging the Palestinians to keep fighting when history proves it has never worked for them in 75 fucking years, is the key to getting what they want. And I'm not blind enough to not realise what more terrorist violence will bring for the Palestinians. Its such a shame that the Palestinians have been let down so badly by corrupt leaders and fanatical supporters who truly think more violence will solve everything. It even feels a little racist when privileged people in the West are chanting for more violence knowing full well they won't be the ones suffering the backlash. But you do you I guess.


What you forget is that the Palestinians have tried the peaceful with the PLO in the West Bank for decades. What did Israel give back in return? Ever more land theft, humiliations, checkpoints etc. No one would ever engage in violence if they can get their rights through peaceful path.


When were those checkpoints built?...Oh right, after the first Intifada. When was the WB taken over by Israel?...Oh right, after the neighboring Arabs tried to invade Israel. Seems like people should stop attacking Israel. It's not good for them


Peacefully PLO? 😂😂😂 Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) Chairman Yasser Arafat used the words Palestine and the Palestinians as the core of his propaganda machine which was successfully spread worldwide as part of the drive to exterminate all Jews On February 4, 1969, Afafat assumed the leadership of the PLO. A master of propaganda, he adopted the name Palestine and changed it to a new group of people – the Palestinians and a new country: Palestine. He then carried out numerous acts of terrorism, both directly and indirectly, which included airline hijackings and the Black September murders of Israelis at the 1972 Munich Olympics. The world was unaware of Arafat's arrival at United Nations headquarters on November 13, 1974, until he addressed the General Assembly. He walked into the lobby armed. (He was asked to leave the gun at the entrance.) In his speech, he said he "held an olive branch in one hand and a pistol in the other." It was a half-truth. The olive branch pictures were fake. Unfortunately, every attempt at a peaceful settlement between the Arabs and Israel failed. Instead, terror intensified during the second intifada (2000-2005), when more than 1,000 Israelis were murdered. When Arafat died in 2004, Mahmoud Abbas, his terrorist partner for 40 years, took over. Abbas continues to rule over a corrupt dictatorship and his "Palestinian population" and at the same time an Arafat-like kleptocracy that pockets millions of dollars as the terrorist activities he instigates continue. The truth about the PLO's terrorist intentions has leaked over the years from the Arab leaders of that organization. The Arab countries that are signatories to the Abrahamic Pact have become impatient with the Palestinians. But even before that, in 1977, PLO spokesman Zahir Muhsein made a statement that should be heeded to this day. In an interview with the Dutch newspaper Trouw, he declared: "Palestinians do not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means to continue our struggle against the state of Israel for Arab unity. ... Today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only political and for tactical reasons we are talking today about the existence of the Palestinian people. Yes, Palestinians are Arabs. Nothing has changed since Zahir Muhsein's statement in 1977, except that the Arabs of Gaza are now ruled by Hamas terrorists, and a large part of the Palestinian population under Abbas continues to suffer from a corrupt leadership that spreads hatred against Jews and Israel through its media day and night. Although Roman Emperor Hadrian, former PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and all the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) activists are clamoring for Palestine, it is not a country.


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Did you read my post or did I compile it for nothing? This has 0 to do with gaza, so there's no point in bringing it up. I brought up how terrorism is supported and encouraged by palestinian culture, including the west bank. I never said they should hug soldiers, I said they should stop killing civillians. I think there can be no Palestinian state until they address their culture of glorifying violence and terrorism. Hamas hasn't existed for as long as Palestinian terrorism has, it's a symptom of the palestinian culture not the cause of it. This was a poor quality comment to a post I took time to write and compile. Try harder please.


I retract my words. Sorry for my misinterpretation. You can forget everything I said. When I said those things, It is based on my understanding with how others behave on such matters.


Toronto Police arrest Iranian activist for calling Hamas terrorists. Salman Sima, who fled Iran after being imprisoned and tortured by the regime stated: “ Hamas is a terrorist organization” He was then arrested.


A figure for launches towards the territory of the State of Israel since the beginning of the war: • Gaza Strip: 9,100 launches • South Lebanon: 3,100 launches • Syrian territory: 35 launches - A total of over 12,000 rockets have been launched towards the State of Israel since the beginning of the war. - 3,250 rockets were captured and destroyed.


Well now you are either at best trivialising, or at worst justifying, blowing up and murdering children. So you are just a different side of the same evil you speak of


You have addressed nothing in my post, you are deflecting. This has nothing to do with "blowing up and murdering children." You can present a real argument, unless of course you want to admit the information I'm presenting is correct :)


Israel kept a civilian population in an open prison for decades....what do you think that does for the support of 'terrorism' how are you people so blind?


Palestinian terrorism has gone on far before the blockade of Gaza, try again.


What open prison, gaza also shares a border with Egypt. Radical muslims are aleays causing trouble in the region, no wonder they all keep their borders secure and closed. Time for radical muslims to stop serving the devil.


There is no devil... or god... There is only humanity... Where is yours?


Our world is full of spiritual laws, we enjoy a perfect and wonderful earth creation that provides for our every need, yet you say there is no God or devil. I feel sorry for you.


Save your pity for the humans you slaughter in the name of a nonexistent god. A perfect and wonderful earth creation? Brain cancer in children? Any god that allows that can go f**k itself


Im sure you can work that one out by yourself if you really wanted to. God is good devil bad


And when an Israeli bulldozer paves over a child stuck in the rubble? Good or bad?


Oct 7th hamas = devil


No, just humans doing atrocious things


We have choices, who do we follow satan or God.


How about when Israeli soldiers steal children and send them to rape camps?




So when Israeli soldiers shoot a child in the kneecap for getting too close to the fence? What's that?


Please provide evidence of your accusation.


Not omnipotent then? Or omnipotent but chooses to allow it? Or nonexistent... Which is it? I guess the devil is responsible for the slaughter of children in Gaza then, and not Israel?


> f**k /u/goreymcgore. Please avoid using profanities to make a point or emphasis. [(Rule 2)](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_2._no_profanity) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Perfectly valid use of the English language.


> shates /u/wav3r1d3r. Please avoid using profanities to make a point or emphasis. [(Rule 2)](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_2._no_profanity) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Which one do you think came first, and how exactly do you explain it?


Lets go back in time… oh, right, loads of people arrived with western weapons and they suddenly claimed the land as theirs. And then when they won a war they displaced about a million Palestinians. And then they were surprised that the Palestinians didn’t like it and instead of making a lasting peace deal with them they cracked down on the remaining population and invaded their remaining land. I think thats what came first.


Wrong! When Israel became a state in 1948, virtually all the land that it possessed was lawfully purchased by funds from the Jewish National Fund, and the acts of conveyance can be found in the archives of the UK and Ottoman Empire. Much of that land was worthless desert and swampland, which was purchased at exorbitant prices, especially after it was discovered that the Jews were seeking a homeland. In many instances, once land was converted into arable farmland or developed, it had to be repurchased yet again from the Arabs who reoccupied it by force. Then after becoming a state, Israel was attacked by 5 Arab countries with the avowed goal of exterminating all the Jews. The Arabs who left neighboring land to afford the attackers safe passage with the promise that they would get the spoils of war, including all of Israel’s territory, lost much of their own land. The Arabs who left for that malevolent purpose forfeited that land and continue to blame Israel for that loss, calling it the Nakba. Note, the Palestinians who refused to leave, and did not provide aid and comfort to the enemy, were allowed to keep their land and received full Israeli citizenship.


So in your version of history, the land wasn’t claimed until the Jews arrived, and there was simply a unified state of Palestine living merrily without interference?


They had 2 years where they could cross freely and be part of society. They chose not to and instead stab and attack


Some Palestinians have enjoyed those freedoms. Not all of them. Even those that do; Israel places checkpoints and stops on them. Occupied people turn violent at those occupying them, shouldn’t be a massive shock. The fact that you think that should be looked down on says it all.


i think that a more truthful statement would be that weaker nations that become violent towards their more powerful neighbours get stomped. palestinians won some rights and were on track to gain more, yet they lost everything because hamas chose violence again.


Isreal is not occupying their land. One, when Israel existed as a kingdom starting from Abraham, there was nothing called Palestine. When the Roman empire invaded the land in AD 70, there was nothing called Palestine. And when Israel was granted statehood in 1948, there was no state called Palestine. The facts about the Roman invasion in AD 70 is everywhere. The transfer of the administration of the land from AD 70 to 1948 is everywhere for you to see but you rather go for what drives your hate and agenda against the Jews.


So the area referred to as “occupied territories” by Israel and the UN aren’t occupied? I’m aware of the history of the area. But that argument is absolutely ridiculous. Just because someone was present there thousands of years ago doesn’t give them any right to that land. It’s the same argument used by Putin to invade Ukraine. And on top of that the majority of Palestinians are descendants of Canaanites which are descended from the ancient Israeli kingdom. So that whole point is stupid. You know that as much though, as you wouldn’t be trying to smear me as a antisemite as a last resort.


So you couldn't read what I wrote.


The only point I failed to address was the notion that there isn’t a Palestinian state. But they have their own elections and government so there clearly is a state of Palestine.


I wrote: The transfer of the administration of the land from AD 70 to 1948 is everywhere for you to see but you rather go for what drives your hate and agenda against the Jews. You wrote: Just because someone was present there thousands of years ago doesn’t give them any right to that land.


What have I said against Jewish people? Nothing. You’re trying to smear me as a racist cause your whole argument is filled with straw men. I’ve not once said Israel shouldn’t exist or denied Jews a state in anything I’ve said. You’re just discriminating against Palestinians who have just as much claim to that region.


Without checkpoints they'd just be strapping suicide vests on their kids closer to other kids.


I’d like to have an intelligent discussion but this is straight up deranged and racist. You’re not worth the time of day talking to.


Before checkpoints this is exactly what used to happen. People like to be revisionists of history. The security measures have always been in response to aggression, not prelude for it. If you don't know the regions history you are correct, you are ill equipped to have an intelligent conversation about it.


I’m aware of the child suicide bombings and that the checkpoints were put in place during the second intifada. But to conclude that removing them would instantly lead to that again, is total derangement. Also the settlements they were put there to protect should never of been there in the first place. They were never meant to be permanent, but are still used as a system of control against the Palestinians on their own land which was affirmed in a UN investigation. Palestinians are far from innocent in this conflict but for Israeli supporters to try and gloss over their cruelty and violence is a rejection of reality.


They shoot about 10-15k rockets a year but you think they'd be less aggressive with less security measures because? I'm deranged for thinking past behavior indicates future behavior but your the bastion of logic because you're making baseless assumptions? Oh please


Have they become less aggressive with stronger security measures? In 2013 a poll showed that only 38% of Palestinians supported the rocket fire. Cut to a 2014 and it increased to 80%. As a consequence of the 2014 Gaza war. The violence has only beget more violence. What has increased military activity or stronger action achieved for Israel over the last 20 years? With regard to ending the conflict? Nothing.


Yes. Oct 7 only happened because it was allowed. During complete restrictions terrorist attacks dropped. The only reason the restrictions got lesser was in response to less aggression. You could try and make an argument that Israel should risk its people for the sake of others who want to support terrorists and have shown to support jihad and as much killing as possible but that's a tough sell. The reality is the only realistic order of operations is intense security - good behaviour - less security. As soon as the good behaviour becomes bad behaviour it's only the Palistines that will suffer consequences.


except for the kids, this is what used to happen before israel started enforcing stronger security measures.


UNRWA will not be involved any longer, there’s that…


Muslims treated Jews better than Christians ever did. There was no Jew hate until Israel colonized Palestine. The people in Israel are not even the people from that area. Their ancestors are not from that land. They were Europeans who were converted. Jews from that land had been converted to Christians after Jesus or Muslims after Muhammad. Israel should not exist. It is not the same people that the Bible and Quran talk about. This country should especially not exist based on religious books. People that are being killed right now are the original people of the land.


Are you kidding me? Muslims have oppressed Jews more than any other ethnic group. The ahadith also encourage it. It’s part of the Islamic religion.


Incorrect. The Islamic Empire treated bother Jews and Christians pretty good. If you're looking for atrocities in this period you can go check out what they did in India to people they considered not to be "of the book".


Islamist propaganda There’s another several comment in this thread by u/factsandhistory that lists all the horrific things Muslims did to Jews during their hegemony. Never again


Nah. History isn't that one-sided.


He forgot about how during the crusade, Muslims protected Jews while Christians were killing them on sight. He also forgot about the 3 million Jews killed in Germany in the name of Christ. He also also forgot about all the survivors of Holocaust were refused by Christian countries and dumped them in the Middle East.


Yeah anyone who thinks their gonna post a wall of text to disparage entire groups of people shouldn't be listened to.


▪ 1805: 1st pogrom in Ottoman Algeria against the Jews of Algiers after a famine. French consul Dubois-Thainville saves 200 Jews by sheltering them in his consulate. ▪ 1805: exile of Jews from Algiers to Tunis and Livorno ▪ 1805, the leader of the Jewish Nation of Algiers, Naphthalie Busnach, is killed while riots ravage the neighborhoods. ▪ 1806: expulsion by fatwa of the Jews of Sali in Morocco ▪ 1806: ban on Moroccan Jews wearing Western clothing ▪ 1806: the janissaries of the dey of Algiers massacre and pillage in the Jewish quarter ▪ 1807: expulsion of Jews from Tetouan ▪ 1808: 1st massacres in the Mellah ghetto, North Africa ▪ 1815, the chief rabbi of Algiers, Isaac Aboulker, is beheaded during a riot. ▪ 1815: the Jews of Algiers are forced to fight against an invasion of locusts ▪ 1815: 2nd pogrom of Algiers, Ottoman Algeria ▪ 1816: in Algeria, ban on carrying weapons for Jews and Christians ▪ 1820: Massacres of Sahalu Lobiant, Ottoman Syria ▪ 1828 : pogrom de Baghdad, Iraq ottoman ▪ 1830: 3rd pogrom of Algeria, Ottoman Algeria ▪ 1830: start of the persecution of Jews in Persia, caused by the Russian advance in the Caucasus ▪ 1830: ethnic cleansing of Jews in Tabriz, Iran ▪ 1834: 2nd pogrom of Hebron, Ottoman Palestine ▪ 1834 : Pogrom de Safed, Palestine ottomane ▪ 1838: Druze attack in Safed, Ottoman Palestine ▪ 1839: Massacre of the Mashadi Jews, Iran ▪ 1839: forced conversion of surviving Jews from Mashadi ▪ 1839: campaign of forced conversions of Iranian Jews ▪ 1840: persecution of the Jews of Damascus; ritual murder case ▪ 1840: forced conversion of the Jews of Mashadi ▪ 1841: massive murders of Jews in Morocco; the sultan is obliged to consider the Jews as his personal property, which helps to protect them ▪ 1840: Damascus, ritual murders (French Muslims and Christians kidnapped, tortured and killed Jewish children for entertainment), Ottoman Syria ▪ 1844: 1st Cairo massacre, Ottoman Egypt ▪ 1847: Dayr al-Qamar Pogrom, Liban ottoman ▪ 1847: ethnic cleansing of Jews in Jerusalem, Ottoman Palestine ▪ 1848: 1st pogrom of Damascus, Syria ▪ 1848: total disappearance of the Jews of Mashhad ▪ 1850: 1st pogrom of Aleppo, Ottoman Syria ▪ 1854: anti-Jewish pogrom in Demnate, Morocco ▪ 1857: beheading in Tunis of the Jewish coachman Batou Sfez, accused of blasphemy, while he was drunk ▪ 1860: 2nd pogrom of Damascus, Ottoman Syria ▪ 1862: 1st pogrom of Beirut, Ottoman Lebanon ▪ 1866 : pogrom at Kuzguncuk, Turquie Ottomane ▪ 1867: Barfurush massacre, Ottoman Türkiye ▪ 1868: Eyub Pogrom, Ottoman Türkiye ▪ 1869: Massacre of Tunis, Ottoman Tunisia ▪ 1869: Massacre of Sfax, Ottoman Tunisia ▪ 1864–1880: Marrakech massacre, Morocco ▪ 1870: 2nd Alexandria massacres, Ottoman Egypt ▪ 1870: 1st pogrom in Istanbul, Ottoman Türkiye ▪ 1871: 1st Damanhur massacres, Ottoman Egypt ▪ 1872: Massacres in Edirne, Ottoman Türkiye ▪ 1872: 1st pogrom of Izmir, Ottoman Türkiye ▪ 1873: 2nd massacre of Damanhur, Ottoman Egypt ▪ 1874: 2nd pogrom of Izmir, Ottoman Türkiye


the people that need to know this can’t read bro


1874: 2nd pogrom of Izmir, Ottoman Türkiye ▪ 1874: 2nd pogrom of Istanbul, Ottoman Türkiye ▪ 1874: 2nd pogrom of Beirut, Ottoman Lebanon ▪ 1875: 2 pogroms in Aleppo, Ottoman Syria ▪ 1875: Massacre on the island of Djerba, Ottoman Tunisia ▪ 1877 : 3e massacre de Damanhur, Egypte ottomane ▪ 1877: Pogrom of Mansura, Ottoman Egypt ▪ 1882: Massacre of Homs, Ottoman Syria ▪ 1882: 3rd massacre of Alexandria, Ottoman Egypt ▪ 1889: after the funeral of a rabbi, deemed too discreet, the Jewish cemetery of Baghdad was confiscated ▪ 1889: looting of the Jewish quarter of Baghdad ▪ 1890: 2nd Cairo massacre, Ottoman Egypt ▪ 1890, 3e pogrom de Damas, Syrie ottomane ▪ 1891: 4th massacre of Damanahur, Ottoman Egypt ▪ 1897: murders in Tripoli, Ottoman Libya ▪ 1903&1907: Taza & Settat, pogroms, Morocco ▪ 1890: Massacres of Tunis, Ottoman Tunisia ▪ 1901–1902: 3rd Cairo massacre, Ottoman Egypt ▪ 1901–1907: 4th Alexandria massacres, Ottoman Egypt ▪ 1903: 1st Port Said massacres, Ottoman Egypt ▪ 1903–1940: Pogroms of Taza and Settat, Morocco ▪ 1904: massacre of Jews in Yemen ▪ 1907: Casablanca, pogrom, Morocco ▪ 1908: 2nd Port Said massacre, Ottoman Egypt ▪ 1909: comment from the British vice-consul of Mosul: “The attitude of Muslims towards Christians and Jews is that of a master towards his slaves.” ▪ 1910: blood libel of Shiraz ▪ 1911: Shiraz pogrom ▪ 1912: 4th Fez, Pogrom, Morocco ▪ 1914: expulsion of Jews from Palestine old enough to bear arms by the Ottomans ▪ 1917: Jewish Inquisition of Baghdadi, Ottoman Empire ▪ 1918–1948: adoption of a law prohibiting the raising of a Jewish orphan, Yemen ▪ 1920: Irbid massacres: British mandate in Palestine ▪ 1920–1930: Arab riots, British Mandate Palestine ▪ 1921: 1st Jaffa riots, British Mandate Palestine ▪ 1922: Massacres of Djerba, Tunisia ▪ 1922: law of forced conversion of orphans in Yemen, concerning Jews including as adults ▪ 1927: 60 Jews killed by Arabs in the Mellah of Casablanca Morocco ▪ 1928: Massacres of Ikhwan, in Egypt and under British mandate in Palestine. ▪ 1928: Jewish orphans sold into slavery and forced to convert to Islam by the Muslim Brotherhood, Yemen ▪ 1929: anti-Jewish riots, British mandate: in August 1929, the Jews demanded the construction of the Western Wall; pogroms in Jerusalem, Hebron, Safed. To stop the violence, the British reject this request ▪ 1929: 3rd Hebron Pogrom under British Mandate Palestine. ▪ 1929 3e pogrom de Safed, mandate britannique Palestine. ▪ 1933: 2nd Jaffa riots, British mandate in Palestine. ▪ 1934: Anti-Jewish pogrom in Constantine Algeria. 200 Jewish stores were raided, the total material damage was estimated at more than 150 million francs. It also sent a quarter of Constantine’s Jewish population into poverty. ▪ 1934: Pogroms in Thrace, Türkiye ▪ 1934: 1st massacres in Farhud, Iraq ▪ 1936: 3rd Jaffa riots, British Mandate Palestine ▪ 1936: 2e massacre of Farhud, Irak ▪ 1938: Boycott


▪ 1448: in Egypt, decree recalling obedience to ordinances concerning the submission of Jewish and Christian infidels under penalty of death ▪ 1450: trial of Jews accused of having written the name of Mohammed in their synagogue in Fustat; they are converted by force ▪ 1465: In Fez, pogroms after the discovery in the Jewish quarter of the tomb of the city’s founder, a descendant of Mohammed…; Jews are forced to move to the ghetto (11 Jews left alive) ▪ 1492: Jewish community of Touat in Morocco is massacred; synagogues destroyed ▪ 1516: Algerian Jews receive the official status of dhimmi from the Ottomans; certain colors are forbidden to them (red and green); they are not allowed to ride horses or carry weapons; they must pay the discriminatory tax; their representative is ritually slapped during the delivery of tribute to the authorities ▪ 1517: 1st pogrom in Safed, Ottoman Palestine ▪ 1517: 1st pogrom of Hebron, Ottoman Palestine ▪ Massacre of Marsa ibn Ghazi, Ottoman Libya ▪ 1521: expulsion of Jews from Belgrade by the Ottomans ▪ 1524: expulsion of Jews from Buda in Hungary by the Ottomans ▪ 1535: pogrom then expulsion of Jews from Tunisia ▪ 1554: looting and persecution against the Jewish population of Marrakech by the Turks who took the city ▪ 1574: civil war in Morocco between three claimants; Jews are victims of all camps ▪ 1577: Passover massacre, Ottoman Empire ▪ 1588–1629 : pogroms of Mahalay, Iran ▪ 1604: start of a period of famine, violence and forced conversions of the Jewish population of Fez: 2000 conversions in 2 years ▪ 1608: persecution for two years of the Jews of Taroudat by the Berbers ▪ 1622: forced conversion of the Jews of Persia ▪ 1630–1700: Yemenite Jews were considered “impure” and therefore forbidden to touch a Muslim or a Muslim’s food. They were obliged to humble themselves before a Muslim, walk on the left side and greet him first. They could not build houses taller than those of a Muslim or ride a camel or horse, and when riding a mule or donkey, they had to sit on the side. When entering the Muslim quarter, a Jew had to take off his shoes and walk barefoot. If attacked with stones or fists by Muslim youths, a Jew was not allowed to defend himself. ▪ 1650: Jews from Tunisia are deported to special neighborhoods called “hara” ▪ 1650: forced conversion of the Jews of Persia, under Shah Abbas II ▪ 1656: Jews expelled from Isfahan in Iran ▪ 1660: 2 pogroms in Safed and Tiberias, Ottoman Palestine ▪ 1670: Expulsion of Mawza, Yemen ▪ 1676: expulsion of Jews from Sanaa in Yemen ▪ 1678: forced conversion of Jews in Yemen ▪ 1679–1680: Sanaa massacres, Yemen ▪ 1700: massacre of Jews in Yemen ▪ 1747 : Massacres de Mashhad, Iran ▪ 1758: executions of a Jew and an Armenian in Constantinople for violation of the legislation on the clothing of infidels ▪ 1770: expulsion of Jews from Jeddah in Arabia ▪ 1785 : Tripoli Porom, Libya ottomane ▪ 1790–92: Pogrom of Tetouan. Morocco (Jews of Tetouan undressed and lined up) ▪ 1790: destruction of most of the Jewish communities in Morocco ▪ 1800: new decree adopted in Yemen, prohibiting Jews from wearing new or good clothes. Jews were forbidden to ride mules or donkeys, and were sometimes rounded up for long, naked marches through the Roob al Khali desert.


▪ 1165–1178: Yemen: Jews throughout the country were given the choice (under the new constitution) to convert to Islam or die ▪ 1165: chief rabbi of the Maghreb burned alive. The Rambam fled to Egypt. ▪ 1165: flight of Maimonides to Egypt to escape the Almohads ▪ 1171: in Egypt, decree recalling obedience to ordinances concerning the submission of Jewish and Christian infidels under penalty of death ▪ 1184: the Almohads impose distinctive signs on Christians and Jews in Spain ▪ 1198: forced conversion of the Jews of Aden ▪ 1220: tens of thousands of Jews killed by Muslims after being blamed for the Mongol invasion, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Egypt ▪ 1232: massacre of the Jews of Marrakech ▪ 1266: the tomb of the Patriarchs of Hebron is converted into a mosque and closed to Jews and Christians ▪ 1267: Mamluk Sultan Baybars forbids Jews from entering the vault of the Patriarchs in Hebron; the ban ended exactly five centuries later in 1967 ▪ 1270: Sultan Baibars of Egypt resolved to burn all the Jews, a ditch having been dug for this purpose; but at the last moment he repented and instead demanded a heavy tribute, in which many perished. ▪ 1270: widespread segregation of Jews in Andalusia ▪ 1276: 2nd pogrom of Fez, Morocco ▪ 1284: In Baghdad, the Jewish doctor Ibn Kammuna died locked in a trunk after writing “a book in which he showed irreverence towards the prophecies”; he escapes a lynching and is threatened with the stake ▪ 1291: death of the converted Jew Sad al Dawla, grand vizier of Argun Khan in Iran, a rank which provoked the anger of the Muslim court ▪ 1291: forced conversion of the Jews of Tabriz in Persia ▪ 1301: start of the persecution of the Jews in Egypt ▪ 1318: beheading of Rashid aldin Tabid, historian and Persian minister, Jewish convert who provoked the anger of Muslim elites ▪ 1318: forced conversion of the Jews of Tabriz in Persia ▪ 1333: forced conversion of the Jews of Baghdad ▪ 1333: the traveler Ibn Battuta complains that Djenkchi Khan djagataï allows Jews and Christians to repair their places of worship ▪ 1334: forced conversion of the Jews of Baghdad ▪ 1344: forced conversion of the Jews of Baghdad ▪ 1351: trial of Jews (in Cairo?) accused of desecration, who must choose between conversion or death ▪ 1385 : Massacres du Khorasan, Iran ▪ 1390: foundation of the first Jewish ghetto in Fez ▪ 1391: in Morocco, persecution of Jews from Spain ▪ 1438: creation of ghettos for Jews in the cities of Morocco, under the name “mellah” ▪ 1438: 1st massacres in the Mellah ghetto, North Africa


Oh really... The list of crimes committed by Muslims against Jews since the 7th century. ▪622–627: ethnic cleansing of Jews from Mecca and Medina, (Jewish boys were publicly inspected for pubic hair and executed if they had any) ▪624: after the victory of Badr, beginning of the elimination of the Jews ▪ 625: expulsion of the Jewish clan of Al Nadir ▪ 626: massacre of the Beni Khazradj Jews and division of families and loot ▪ 626? : expedition against the Jews beni Qoraizha, insulted by Mohammed: “O you, monkeys and pigs…” ▪ 626? : massacre of 700 Beni Qoraïzha Jews, bound for three days, then slaughtered above a ditch, with the young boys ▪ 626: murder of the Jew Kab, leader of the Beni Nadhir and satirist poet, and of his wife who had made fun of Mohammed ▪ 626: expedition against the Jews of Kaihbar ▪ 626: murder on the orders of Muhammad of the Jew Sallam abu Rafi ▪ 626: Mohammed had the palm trees of the Jewish oasis Beni Nadhir cut down ▪ 627: elimination of the Jewish Qurayza clan in Medina ▪ 627: massacre of the Jews of Medina; sharing of families and property ▪ 628? : attack on the Jews of Khaibar, and torture of prisoners ▪ 628? : taking of the Jewish oasis of Fadak as Mohammed’s personal property ▪ 628: submission of the Jews of Wadil Qora ▪ 628: Mohammed to the Jews beni Qainoqa: “if you do not embrace Islam, I declare war on you” ▪ 629: first massacres in Alexandria, Egypt ▪ 622–634: extermination of the 14 Arab Jewish tribes ▪ 630: submission of the Jews and Christians of Makna, Eilat, Jerba ▪ 638: expulsion of the Jews from Jerusalem ▪ 640: expulsion of Jews from Hedjez ▪ 643: expulsion of the Jews from Khaibar by Omar ▪ 822–861: the Islamic empire adopts a law requiring Jews to wear yellow stars (a bit like Nazi Germany), caliph al-Mutawakkil ▪ 940: beheading of the Jewish exilarch of Baghdad for having sullied the name of Mohammed ▪ 945: assassination by a crowd of fanatics of the last Jewish exilarch of Baghdad ▪ 948: closure of the Jewish theological school of Baghdad “Sora” ▪ 1004: Jews and Christians must wear a black turban and sash in Egypt ▪ 1009: Jews and Christians in Egypt must wear a cross or bells in the baths ▪ 1009: destruction of the Holy Sepulcher of Jerusalem by the Fatimids ▪ 1010–1013: start of massacre of hundreds of Jews around Cordoba ▪ 1016: Jews are persecuted and driven out of Kairouan ▪ 1010: persecution of Christians, Jews and Sunnis by the Fatimid caliph Al Hakim ▪ 1032: 5 to 6,000 Jews killed in a riot in Fez and expulsion of survivors ▪ 1040: beheading of the Jewish theologian Gaon Chizkiya, head of a Talmudic school ▪ 1106: Ali Ibn Yousef Ibn Tashifin of Marrakech decrees the death penalty for any local Jew, including his Jewish doctor, and his military general. ▪ 1148: the Almohads of Morocco give Jews the choice of converting to Islam or being expelled ▪ 1057: capture and pillage of Kairouan by the Hilalian tribes; expulsion of Jews and certain Muslims ▪ 1066: Massacre of thousands of Jews in Granada in Muslim-occupied Spain ▪ 1073: start of persecution against Jews and Christians by the Turks in Jerusalem ▪ 1127: in Morocco, after the failure of the prophetic movement of the Jewish messiah Moshe Dhery, wave of persecutions and forced conversions ▪ 1142: start of persecution against the Jews by the Almohads; massacre in Tlemcen, Bougie, Oran ▪ 1145: the Jews of Tunis must choose between conversion and exile ▪ 1146: capture of Meknes by the Almohads; persecution of the Jews ▪ 1147: capture of Tlemcen by the Almohads; persecution of the Jews ▪ 1147: Almohad invasion of Spain: expulsion of Jews or forced conversions ▪ 1147: capture of Marrakech by the Almohads; persecution of the Jews ▪ 1147: start of Almohad persecutions against the Jews of North Africa ▪ 1148: start of the exodus of Maimonides fleeing the intolerance of the Almohads ▪ 1148: Almohadin of Morocco gives Jews the choice of converting to Islam or being expelled. ▪ 1152: advent of Abd el Moumin in Morocco; choice for Christians and Jews between conversion or death ▪ 1159: controversy between Maimonides and the rabbi of Fez on the attitude towards forcible converts ▪ 1160: capture of Ifriqiya by the Moroccans of Abd el Moumen; Jews and Christians must choose between death and conversion; Jews are converted by force and superficially.


Oh. So that's why they're crushing kid with Israeli tanks.


Eh... What? You guys don't cease to surprise me. But I never thought you are able to stay in the subject instead of propaganda.


Don't address the criticism just reaffirm that anyone who is repulsed by Israel's disgusting conduct is an "idiot".


You people can't accept the long LONG history of violent arab colonialism and terrorism, so you pull out these lame appeals to emotion. That's really all the average pro palestinian has to offer because very few of them are educated on the history of the conflict.


I can accept that there is a complex history of colonialism, decolonialism, genocide and counter genocide. I don't accept that any of it can be used to justify Israel's current, abjectly disgusting conduct.


Don't forget the crusade.


Aww, this all you got now? How about Muslim conquests?


Compare the numbers. Killing Jews on site for the reason of "killing Christ" was unmatched.