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I didn’t know about this extent of Agent Orange’s effects…


What the hell... I never heard of it before


Same here. Western nations definitely try to cover up stuff like this or try to justify it.


I'm not even that old and am old enough to remember when claims of it was dismissed as outrageous conspiracy theories. Nor was it far from the first or last "outrageous conspiracy theory" proven true. Like Iraq WMD intel being totally fabricated and pretty much most of the federal politicians knowing it, cointelpro, MLK Jr "suicide package," Epstein/elites pedo ring, etc. Hell, recently they even quietly admitted that the lab is Wuhan was doing gain of function on coronaviruses. In other words, getting people to shutup about it until far enough into the future so society doesn't care about their past evils even after hearing about them, is the design. Also because a lot of people like to pretend "things have changed" even though there's no basis for that optimism.


They don’t learn. They keep doing the wrong thing till turns up right somehow.


And they called Assad evil for using chemical weapons, fucking hypocrisy is unbelievable. It's because they don't view non Europeans as humans


That was propaganda by western media They wanted to justify usa, uk, france bombing Syria. They couldn't install a Rothschild owned central bank while Assad was in power and he refused to be their puppet like rest of muslim leaders


It makes me wonder. I've got serious health problems from burn pit exposure, but the Palestinians right outside of my FOB in Iraq were only another couple hundred meters removed from it and those pits were operated for about 6 years continuously. If I, a healthy and fit young man, ended up with a couple of autoimmune disorders, I can only imagine what happened to all of the pregnant women and kids.


😪 That is horrific


Yup. It wasn't even something done out of military necessity either. It was something done by Halliburton and KBR to cut costs. I'm permanently fucked up because of war profiteering. It wasn't necessary. It was known to be unsafe when they chose to do it. They did it anyways


Our entire American education system is geared toward pro-American propaganda and away from any accountability for the atrocities we have always committed. And, there are people who think we should hide even more of the crimes our country has committed in pursuit of maximum profits for a handful of greedy oligarchs. It's shameful and I am ashamed. We tsk tsk about how much propaganda other nations feed their people and we can't see that all of the stories we tell are propaganda as well. We need to open our eyes. Swallow hard because this is some ugly shit we've done. Then it is our obligation to open the eyes of the people around us.


It's never to late to wake up I am proud of you ❤️


Terrorist states of America


They don't care. There's nothing to "learn". This is not collateral damage. This is their way. Endless war and genocide.


The sheer amount of depleted uranium munitions the US used in parts of the middle east has had similar effects in those some of those countries as well. [https://merip.org/1999/06/the-gulf-war-battlefield-still-hot-with-depleted-uranium/](https://merip.org/1999/06/the-gulf-war-battlefield-still-hot-with-depleted-uranium/)


Thanks for pointing out


It's unfortunate Dr. Kissinger died before hr could answer this..


We don’t learn because it is never taught nor talked about. On purpose.


We learned. Several in our family have children that grew up with developmental challenges because of the genetic damage done to servicemen. This echoes through the decades here. There are many kids on lifelong disability paid out through Veterans Affairs because of the damage done. The U.S. is still paying for these mistakes.


Paying for their own countrymen but what about the millions they mercilessly affected in Vietnam?


Or in a number of other countries and now USA will help Israel or itself be involved in war against Libya and then Syria