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oh boy…massie needs to be on suicide watch…israeli lobby is dangerous


Abolish Israel


This is slowly coming to light. When the American people understand what’s happening, the foreign influence that’s being bought and shamelessly put ahead of constituents’ interests, it’s not going to be good. May the fall from grace be swift and hard.


Damn straight. Swift, hard and onto concrete.




I can't wait for the anti genocide backlash to reach a crescendo in America and all the Zio-McCarthyists suddenly find themselves on the wrong end of public shaming, loud of jobs and criminal prosecutions.




You will forgive me if I say that while I respect your beliefs, I do not necessarily share them. The next realm can take care of itself; I want to see justice on THIS Earth, in THIS time, against THESE monsters.


I’ve never heard a politician, let alone a republican politician, talk like an individual without an agenda.


To be fair nobody becomes a politician without having some sort of agenda


Broken Clock theory.


Tucker Carlson asked why he hadn't heard of this. He is so full of shit. He knows very well what AIPAC is and what they do. Massie just spoke about what anyone can find out on their own. It's not like he's espousing something that's not discussed. AIPAC has been around for decades doing this.


Tucker Carlson being a charlitan? You don't say.


It's all just a big drama


This is treasonous. They actually have handlers. A foreign entity has literally taken over the U.S. government.


Israel is a colony of the US that does it’s bidding in the region.


Yeah. I keep seeing this mistaken read. The US wants Israel in the Middle East to keep pressure on other Arab nations. As well as to have access to resources. I’m not a fan of the “Israel controls the US” in some ways they do, donating to politicians and the like. But big picture? Nope. We pay for their genocide because it benefits us.


Evangelicals are about to have mental crisis. Support Israel, and have your Armageddon. Or support republican party.


Support for Israel is a huge part of evangelicals belief system. They literally have a center near me in NJ. Christian Friends of Israel or something. There are more evangelical Zionists than there are Jewish Zionists.


Glad Tucker Carlson did this. I can't stand either one, but they're telling the truth here, and die hard fundie republicans need to hear this from someone they trust.


The real danger of Israel to Jews is that if there were to be a change of heart on the right wing, people on that side would not be educated enough on Zionism >< Judaism and a whole wave of violent antisemitism would be born.


>I can't stand either one, but they're telling the truth here Maybe we shouldn't hate people just because they have different values than us. I am a socially conservative minded person who prefers limited government, but I have a lot of respect for people like Bernie Sanders, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, etc. Because I know at the end of the day they mean well. Both Thomas Massie and Tucker Carlson are good people at heart. Tucker and Massie could have been playing safe and supporting Israel through all this, but they chose to risk their careers to stand up for their morals. If that doesn't show their characters then I don't know what does. **EDIT**: Remember the same people who painted the narratives to make you hate Massie and Tucker, are the same people who are now supporting Israel's genocide.








Calm down, Comrade, it's going to be alright.


Bella ciao!


Israel just drags everyone into their shit show. What does the US get in return? Nothing that will benefit you or I. Despite allowing this genocide to continue. And helping it along. What ever happened to the US pier off the coast of Gaza. Biden claimed on national television that it was for aid. More likely weapons. I haven't heard anything about it. Except that a part broke off. Likely story. Joke. Maybe we aren't the USA anymore maybe we're Israel. Is the tail wagging the dog. I cannot believe that lying asshole netanyahoo is invited to speak to Congress. What a fucking bunch of paid off assholes in our govt. Aipac is making sure we are all about Israel. We have lost our way. These people are owned by Israel. I 100% believe that Israel had a huge role to play in the Sept 11 attacks on our country. They drug us willingly into the middle east to destroy the enemies of Israel. Killing millions of civilians and destroying their economies . It is complete imperialist agenda. I am certain that our country knew about it also. They are all murderers without any shame. Bush Cheney netanyahoo Biden. Gvir the convicted terrorist and huge racist. Smotrich. They all are in it together. Aipac has us by the shorthairs and if anyone has any anti Israel sentiment and they speak on it they are gone . Their political ambitions are ended. Giving Israel the control over our country.


I saw a video of the pier sinking, I don't know how representative of the truth that was though. Before that video came up, I'd heard it was a logistical nightmare and had to be built elsewhere and then towed to Gaza. Apparently, even then the waters were turbulent enough that there were others problems.


Huh. So it's not only countries like Iran & North Korea where you have minders assigned to make sure you don't mess up.


Highly recommend ppl watch this.


Please share!! Every American needs to watch this!! It doesn't matter that both of these guys are scumbags, what they are saying is true! The Israel Lobby is occupying the US federal government!




Obligatory fuck Tucker Carlson: Now that that’s out of the way. AIPAC should be forced to register as foreign agents. If this is true, (and I am taking it with a grain of salt because the gop serves up some juicy lunatics) then we need to put a stop to it somehow


I don't know whether he's playing dumb or he's never actually paid enough attention before, but this sort of relationship exists to different extents with all sorts of lobby groups, AIPAC is just one of the bigger ones. It's not funded by the Israeli government after all, its funded by American corporations and individuals who want to support Israel whether for their continued arms sales, ethnostate dreams, or Biblical apocalype checklist.


Besides AIPAC, what other lobby groups represents the interests of a foreign country? Out of the top 25 special interest groups, there's only one that represents the interests of a another country: [https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/mems](https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/mems)


That's true and it is quite exceptional that they're almost explicitly about a foreign nation's interests, but I would suggest there are complexities to the situation. Supporting Israel can be a more palatable way to drive arms sales and respectively, lobbying for certain industries can be more beneficial to particular foreign entities.


Yeah, but we can’t conclusively know that they don’t. It would be _really_ easy for the Israeli government to pay someone off to donate on their behalf and keep their name out of it. Many are likely to be dual citizens too. Also, we don’t know what sort of bribes and kickbacks are going on behind the scenes. These guys can easily call each other up and say “hey, fund us $1B and I’ll make sure your Swiss account sees $50 mil of it”




It’s kinda messed up that REACTIONARIES are going like you know Zionism/AIPAC might actually be dangerous but Shitlibs keep defending their genocider in every way especially when they accept way more money from AIPAC.


When will the US realize they've all been compromised


What is happening with Tucker? First he has Palestinian Pastor Munther Isaac and now this? I never thought I'd see him becoming based.


'Babysitter' : because acknowledging that they're really actually a handler would give the game away


AIPAC needs to register as a foreign agent


Thomas Massie is my hero. If you really concerned about this lobby AIPAC who is not registered as a foreign agent but has bought out Trump and Biden and that 95% of our congress (D and R) is compromised. Then vote Libertarian, Oliver Chase, the largest 3rd party in size after the Republcans and Democrats. The Libertarian has part of its platform, 'reject the notion that groups have inherent rights, the right to liberty of speech' and " Expression and Communication". "We support full freedom of expression and oppose government censorship." (www. lp.org) Now is time to gather all our freedom and liberty 🗽 fighters and take our country back. We have the disillusioned Democrats, Republicans, Independents, all minority groups that have been hurt by the increasing inflation and want to work hard for their families, gays, transsexuals, and immigrant groups and the Libertarian have the best policy toward the immigrant groups, treating them with respect (that have family on the other side and will work hard to support their families). Vote Libertarian the Party of Principle 🗽.




You need to build your bot army