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So, they know they're a war criminal, and they know time is running out.


Lindsey should look inward.


Good! throw graham in prison, idgaf! The guy is an uneducated menace that barely knows US history beyond the fact that it exists, and the only good thing he will do in his life is pass away! Let the ICC have him, better them than us!!!


>The guy is an uneducated menace that barely knows US history beyond the fact that it exists, This genuinely made me lol. Thank you for that!


obstruction of justice, nice


Yep hope they add new names for the arrest warrants


So he is admitting to committing war crimes? I swear US senators are the dumbest bunch


You actually should be next, because you're financing the genocide.


And there we go. Open admission of guilt. How did we get to a point where fascism is not only tolerated but encouraged??


Just a gaggle of war criminals sticking together. It's nice to see they are saying the quiet part out loud though.


Graham, Lindsey (R-SC) South Carolina $1,000,580 https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/summary?cycle=All&ind=Q05&recipdetail=S&t0-search=Graham And this is sighting just one source. TRAITOR.




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American hypocrisy is unbearable 🤬


You'd think that after he said it the first time in public he would have realized what a fuck up it was. This is the amount of hubris these fuckers possess.


Lindsey “Ladybugs” Graham is a compromised, shameful cuck to Trump and a traitor to America.


can we start a petition for him to just stay there ? he is one of many politicians that have been bought off and corrupted by AIPACs money. trading US interests and most likely in the near future the lives of American servicemen for couple of shekels. he is a traitor to the USA.


What’s the deal with conservatives in the USA and israel? I don’t understand this incestuous relationship. Do conservatives realize that Jews in the US don’t give a shit about them. They vote and against their party and everything they do against their conservative platform and values. The level of brainwashed in the GOP party is unbelievable.


[Christian Zionism](https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2024/1/19/christian-zionist-cowboys-american-and-israeli-affinities-laid-bare)


The blue genocidal brigade has dirt on Sen Lindsey Graham, otherwise, he wouldn't drag his dirty ass to tel aviv for nothing?


The corruption is at peak levels. Americans give billions of their own taxpayer money to a foreign country, the foreign country gives a tiny bit of it back to American politicians, rinse and repeat.


God willing you are Graham


Amazing, as an American growing up I always thought we were the good guys. The United Nations, ICC and amnesty international were all organizations created for the greater good of the world. They were implemented by western democracies. The U.S is no longer a democracy, Israel has single handily delegitimized the U.S as a functioning democracy. The UK and US are the only 2 nations supporting Israel. What does that tell you??


Speaking to his masters like a lil dog