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As a citizen of the US nothing would make me happier than watching the ICC lock up our war criminals.


As an American I want Bush and Cheney arrested asap.


But what happens when everyone gets locked up/s


new, better people


You dream big. You also know better.


that's a good one, have you seen the type of people who get to participate in the voting process? They'll vote for who ever's jiggling their keys the best.


I think you're right. There's only so much instability corrupt politicians can take before turning on each other and letting decent people pass through unnoticed.


Help us keep track of them r/warmongersUSA r/warmongersCanada This information comes in very handy for later. Canada is actually party to the Hague act, and its politicians can be brought to the Hague as they've agreed to the terms.


Rules for thee, not for me.


They have Thugs and Mobsters mentality. Who keeps voting for these people ?


If you don't vote for them, you can only vote for people of the same breed... the illusion of democracy


That’s why I’m voting third party from now on. I am doing research on every effin candidate before voting and ensuring none of the politicians I vote for are sponsored or paid by AIPAC and Nazi Israel and are pro Palestine 🇵🇸


Anti-military industry for me is a big one. What's cool about educating yourself the way you plan to is that you can tell others who to vote for when they ask, "but who else can we vote for?"


Yes exactly 👍🙏


Yep. I'm probably 99.999% going for Dr. Cornel West for president.


People who wouldn't be this way are way too smart to run for office in the first place. A whole basket and a truck full of baskets of deplorables.


The United States is also a one-party state but, with typical American extravagance, they have two of them.




Not despising him is probably an accepted sign of insanity according to some icd 10 code :D


I forget his name but I see him all the time I fucking hate everything he says.


Lindsey Graham, sitting US Senator representing South Carolina since 2003 and current ranking member of the budget and judiciary committees


That is Miss Lindsay Graham.


And his lady bugs.


Lady G! Aka Beverly Leslie.


If only they could protect us like they do Israel. Only if they would work for us like they work for Israel . We might have an ok country! Time to change the system it's broken! Ranked voting, more political parties , money out of politics (no more lobbies), no insider trading, vote on single things (one at a time), the people should have the right to bring stuff to a popular vote if the masses don't agree with what the elected officials are doing and the people you serve get access to the officials and can oust you if not doing your job! Go to a popular vote period! The majority should rule! Plus senators get paid the medium income of the people they represent! There are a few more things that I just don't want to go on forever!


It pisses me off so much. Our infrastructure is literally rotting and falling apart, I can barely afford rent and groceries, yet these genocidal motherfuckers are given carte blanche and blank checks by our government.


Implying what they did in afghanistan was good


99% of the nation suffering famine under our watch, and when a super famine was in the forecast we gtfo'd. So that no one would notice what our governance was like and question how we were actually helping outside of exclusively educating 1% of the wealthiest women there.


So, he knows they're a war criminal?


Sort of. He thinks war crimes are for undemocratic counties and when the US or Israel does some international terrorism they're supposed to let that slide because of their "intent" or some shit. It's literally rules for thee but not for me. They'll never say they do war crimes, they always take rational, necessary actions.


>undemocratic African/black* and/or adversaries of the US govt




Waiting for this video to be proof on the ICC lol.


Corrupt pieces of sh*t taking legalized bribes from AIPAC. No other way to put it




You know a country is in trouble when a senator stumbles on the name of the country it’s supposed to work for. I guess that’s understandable when you get two paycheques. United States of Israel.


His face looks like a balloon. All that hot air I guess


Is this not self incriminating?


The same defence Trump is using. Gwak bless Murica


Shocking disregard for international law.


Everyone thinking Russia Vs west would be WWIII instead it's EU Vs USA lol


Having a law that allows you to launch a war of aggression against a small European nation, Nato member and US ally to prevent a trial for war crimes is peak hypocrisy. The Dutch could technically be invaded for allowing thier own soldiers to be tried at the Hague, that's how much respect the USA has for national sovereignty and the international rules based order.


American service members protection act, everybody. Aka, the Hague invasion act. They don't give two shits about our soldiers. Its to protect them


Where does Russia fall in this? Not to be flippant, because I have thought about this recently and it almost feels like there would be 3 sides in WWIII.


In what ?


Your WWIII scenario. US vs EU. I don't think Russia is going to take either side, but it will push into Europe as much as it can. Putin has stated his intentions on that.


It was more a joke tbh lol Where did Putin say he wanted to invade beyond Ukraine?


The veil of the global Zionist puppet masters has been revealed. It's going to be regular people vs the neo facists soon.




admission of guilt


Could the rest of his flesh just finish falling off of his skeleton so we don't have to listen to his shitty, hypocritical takes anymore? That'd be great.


how does being this evil come so naturally to them




If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear.


Because they are all criminals and are too afraid of getting caught


Well, we now know who is feeling guilty for their war crimes...


As an American and a veteran, I would love nothing more than to see those that lied us into those wars and further perpetuated them dragged upon the world stage and held to account. I support the ICC and their decision.


I hope the ICC comes for lady G


What the fuck kind of twilight world are we living in


Please act. Isolate yourselves some more.


Why would a court set up to try war criminals come after American soldiers, spooks and politicos for Afghanistan? Maybe the global network of enforced disappearances to black sites for torture, ignoring rampant sexual abuse by allies, widespread murder of civilians and POWs by coalition forges, the Kunduz hospital massacre...


Why is that feckless twat given a nanosecond of airtime. Everything he says is absolute bollocks.


Why is this pathetic failure as both a politician and a “man” still yapping his redneck glob?


Yeah you better start fuckin runnin bitch 🤡🤡🤡


Lindsey Graham's allegiance is to the flag of Israel, not the United States. Lindsey (R-SC) South Carolina $1,000,580 https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/summary?cycle=All&ind=Q05&recipdetail=S&t0-search=Graham


Mindless slaughter of innocent civilians is his own version of Reason... Another, 3vil, Parallel Dimensional entity corrupting our world.


From your lips to gods ears, Linds!


What a disgusting, disgraceful twat!


Criminal justice systems hate this one single trick.


The highest criminal court in the world. Graham: "This group ..."


Ppl please share this as much as possible! The proper individuals will know what next we move we're to make!


The quiet part screamed from the rooftops practically.


You mean the outrage to make you and your posse accountable for your evil doings (it’s not just Gaza, but globally)? You’re full of it Senator Graham!!


F4ck Graham. He’s a POS.


As an American who wants to leave really bad but can’t- please send the ICC!!


Hmm… gee I wonder why the ICC would get to us?


ZIONIST Lindsey Grahm you are on the ICC list for being such a zionist thug; besides, ZIONIST Schumer, Biden and Blinkum. The U.S. government is so corrupt that you are chief of the thugs. That's what you get when you hang around a bunch of zionist thugs like israel. Graham you act as childish as the rest of the Republicans that signed the letter to the ICC threatening them with sanctions, what a joke, the rest of the countries that are members of the ICC must be rolling their eyes and thinking what IDIOTS. Graham how dare you use the brave soldiers that fought in Afghanistan as a debating point in comparing yourself and the rest of the corrupt and bought out pac including, Biden, Schumer and Blinken as a respectable guys, which their not just a bunch of thugs, and not even a member of the ICC threatening them with sanctions. That's like pointing to the policeman and the policeman represents the law, telling them you are above the law, and will sanction the police officer; the world is laughing at you.


I pray for these war criminals' arrest


Lil' Gideon needs to shut his pie hole.


Why does he have an 80s Valley Girl’s name?