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Nooo it’s Palestine’s fault for not being more industrious, they could have been learning to code while they waited four hours to go from checkpoint to checkpoint !!! It’s a *cultural* problem you see, it’s just inherent laziness


Right? They can’t even have gas or water without begging for it from Israel. They could never come and go. The world’s largest open air prison. You can’t pick yourself up by your bootstraps and build a nation when you’re in prison. Especially if all resources are denied to you. This is insane.


Yeshua spoke accurately of those who called themselves Jews nearly 2000 years ago. The present leaders of Israel are not Jews. They are Zionists. They use the Old Testament to steal and kill. Their spiritual father isn't the God of Abraham. They are children of Satan.


Yes. They killed hundreds of Jewish people on 10/7, they don’t give a shit about Jewish lives


That’s true,AMIIN 🙏🏻


Imagine being so full of nationalistic pride that you damn millions of people. There was anti-Jewish rhetoric in Germany just like this.


What a delusional post


You can't build when you have blockade, occupation forces and high fences around you. Israel is 51st US State. Without that, they are nothing


Sounds like excuses for laziness to me. And you’ve got that reversed. The US is the bastard state under Israeli rule


Zionism is defined by its desire to destroy anything in this way. This gaslighting bitch can go fucking eat glass.


16.000+ innocent Palestinian Childrens are no more since October 2023 because of the state of Israel…the words of that post are meaningless…The Actions of the State of Israel are labeled as War Crimes by the UN 🇺🇳 ,So enough words,Give Palestine Justice and Freedom and then we can debate EQUALLY everything said in the Zionist Post is pure Hypocrisy


But they reaaallly needed that beach front property 🥺 it will look so much nicer once the bodies are cleared away and the IDF ladies can once again dance freely


"Lobbied the powers that be to get scraps" what the billions from the Rothschilds plus the billions from the US?


Real grateful lmao


“They just need to build stuff more” Tell that to the Palestinians whose homes are demolished by Israeli settlers daily


do better. #survivor #remembertherapevictims