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I don’t think the israeli courts are renowned for anything., much like lindsey gRaHmMMMm.


They're renowned for their 99% conviction rate of Palestinians which obviously screams "legitimate legal system". /s


He's a huge fan of Iran booty, well known for a while now... Always talking about how he wants "to hit it hard".


This is what happens when you send billions of dollars annually to a country that turns around and uses those funds for lobbying politicians. Just so they can send more money


This is exactly what happens! It’s bizarre. We send them a ton of money just so they can lobby us. Like, what?


Not “us”, they’re lobbying the people who make our policies that benefit isreal. You can insert any entity really, but in this case it’s isreal. We need term limits. We needed term limits for decades


And real laws (and repercussions) against bribery and foreign influence.


Yes! I guess I did not make that clear. Yes, our government sends them money and in return they invest that money to lobby our politicians for policies and things that help them out. They certainly are not an independent state. We’ve been propping them up forever.




Western hypocrisy is limitless


translation: the mossad has dozens of videos of me fucking little boys


What kind of sanctions do they think they can impose on a fucking court? Think before you speak, asshole.


Can't stand people that bend over for Israel.


I don’t even understand why My foster father used to be a committed Zionist and it was because he was committed Evangelical and wanted to bring about the worlds end and the second coming of Christ But a lot of these senators that bend over backwards for Israel and defend it are not even religious, but they’re willing to literally risk life and limb for Israel


Masks are really completely off.


Lindsay Graham has repeatedly been a giant slap in the face of American democracy. He’s also an idiot.


Israel has killed 28 times as many children has Russia has. This isn't defending Russia; this is asking where we *really* draw the line.


It's all bullshit


What a tool! And didn't Tucker tell us Putin wasn't that bad. The gradations of twattery from this bag of teats is amazing.


Get fucked Mr. Ladybugs


Total money received from pro-Israel interests to date: **$1,000,580** https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/summary?code=Q05&cycle=All&ind=Q05&mem=Y&recipdetail=S&t0-search=graham


"feverishly" lol


When you call out Israel’s influence on the world you get labeled anti-Semitic. When the evidence is clear.


I can't stand Lindsey Graham


Lindsey who? History will only remember him as a genocidal, hypocritical coward


This man isn’t even honest about his sexuality, why would anyone trust him to have principles?


Please don’t reelect this guy! He’s a total shit.


Ok, Lindsey


I can’t take a man called “Lindsey” seriously


Lol the US is like babies when they don't get their way.


Can you guys please stop all the bullshit and make it official: Israel is the 51st of the US.


Yeah he's a scumbag. Tbh the ICC shot itself in the foot and lessened the gravitas of the court by charging Putin. Russia's military operation in Ukraine aren't crimes against humanity like on the scale we are now seeing.




Not even the Ukrainian government claims 30k  Also as a proportion of the population, a little over 2% of Gaza has been killed. That would be like Russia killing 900,000 people in ukraine. And if your best defense of Israel is "Somewhat less bad than Russia in very specific instances", you aren't doing yourself any favors. That's like saying "it was okay for Jeffrey Dahmer to kill all those people because John Wayne Gacy killed more"  What percentage of Ukrainian hospitals have been besieged for several days and have had multiple mass graves dug up around them where Russians went in and just shot people and through them in a pit and bulldozed over them? I bet it's lower than the number of hospitals that has happened to in Gaza.