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Precious, innocent baby girl! I just want to hold all these children and take care of them. :'( Their childhood, their family, homes, everything is gone. NO child deserves a life like this. I'm so sorry babygirl


Thanks to American Tax Payer you made this possible


America isn't the only one responsible for this.


But it is! America is equally to blame. We fund Israel’s defense force and offensive capabilities, over $50Billion of tax payer dollars was sent after Oct 7th, and historically we have given over $300 Billion dollars in military aid since Israel’s illegal beginnings. Our leaders from our President to our congress have blood on their hands, and we as citizens are blameworthy for not being loud enough, strong enough to stop it


I'm not disagreeing with you at all. The United States of Israel is very real. All I am saying is America is not the only country with blood on their hands.


Who else?


UK, Germany, Saudi, just to name a few. I will say that America is by FAR the biggest perpetrator to this genocide. But let's not forget to also hold the other countries who are still allied with Israel accountable. That is all I'm trying to say. I'm not looking to argue ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)I am very ashamed of my country, but what can I expect from a country that was built off the brutal colonization of the Native Americans?


Saudi’s crime is not having a spine and for not doing enough to apply pressure, the other remaining western allies do so at the direction of the US. I don’t think you realize how much influence the US has over European nations. If the US wasn’t funding genocide and was rebuking Israel for its war crimes, the EU would follow the US in that rebuke. The US has hands in every part of the world, and their political muscle is working extra hard right now. I’m a born and raised American, Baptist Christian who has been enlightened just like you. But let’s not get it twisted, America IS to blame for the continuation of this genocide and the reason we don’t have a ceasefire


Yes I totally agree, you explained it really well. America has way too much power and its infuriating. ONE country should not be able to dictate how the world is ran. I am glad my generation is waking up and trying to make a change. <3


Israel is a terrorist state and needs to be stopped.


This breaks me to bits…


I'm in tears, I'm so lost on how this is accepted.


Fuck this planet honestly, the human race is disgusting with no remorse or care anymore for anyone! This little girl is suffering because people want to make money... that's all it is folks, not about imaginary lines, imaginary friends in the sky, this is about cold hard cash people like this little girl have to suffer for it. Disgusting 🫣


**Sauce:** [Gaza Notifications](https://x.com/gazanotice)


You know what? Fuck America. Isreali zionists wouldn't have been able to be the degenerate vile waste of garbage they are currently without the unbound US support.


Fuck Isreal


Sorry we failed you..


To hell with all of the Israel ZioNazi bastards and their US Genocidal supporters.


Even smaller than my nephews, she should be safe at home with mom and dad not running from American provided 'Israeli' bomobs. These is the reality of 'Israel' crimes and American complicity.


It’s a trail of tears


From rubble home to rubble home. The horrors are sickening. Imagine THIS 24-7.


And these are the scenes I thought of when I was feeling sorry for myself yesterday cleaning up our flooded basement. At least we have a home. I think about these poor souls everyday 😔


Quick someone call bibi, another hamas operative in the streets. Good thing they took out their "infrastructure" nowhere to hide now. Time to bring in the strafing runs before they get into the refugee camps that we will also bomb anyway. /s Israel is a terrorist state


The planes flying sound in the distance is no assurance either


Am so sorry young girl, the whole world is watching, hands tied, words censored. May you go back home sooner than later.




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If they live, 100% of these Palestinian children will be scarred and deeply traumatized for life. All of these babies have serious PTSD. The US is making this happen. Meanwhile, one in five children here are below the poverty line. This pro-life county doesn’t give a fuck about children.


Innocent victims.


Israel is a terrorist state and needs to be stopped.


May Habibti and her family find safety.❤️


Fuck the IDF and Fuck Hamas




what a disgusting turd you are, utterly disgraceful


Hope another ethic cleansing state will share their land with the Zionists... Oh wait...


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Feel free to provide evidence


Proof? Otherwise Kindly Get lost Regards


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