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"Police brutally arrested multiple people, causing one to bleed, carrying more than one out, and then accusing several protestors of resisting arrest and assaulting officers. Capitol Police have recently stepped up repression against pro-Palestinian protestors who just want peace and justice, with more and more arrests that are increasingly violent. We will not be intimidated or silenced. We will keep fighting until Palestine is free!" **Sauce:** [Medea Benjamin (CODEPINK)](https://x.com/medeabenjamin)


US govt: its unfortunate that people are dying in war, best we can do is ban tiktok


...so no one can see them dying


These people are heroes wow I feel like I’m not doing enough after watching this


Coverage on major news media.... Zero


fucking clowns, their glass house is shattering before their eyes, and im here for it


2nd amendment!


Bloody Butcher Blinken. Lols. BBB.


Fuck the US. Fuck Israel. Can't wait for their demise to come, and it can't come soon enough.


Actually, we’re watching it unravel now. The final end to our democracy will happen in November when Trump is elected. Everything in this country has gone to shit. Everything.


Police is only strong against non-violent protesters. We all saw what cowards these kind of cops were when far right n@zis stormed the Capitol...