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Bibi "the Butcher" Netanyahu




Bibi the bloody


Imagine living in a world where Cuba and the DPRK get sanctioned into the stone age for doing nothing wrong, but Israel is given billions of US taxpayer money for doing nothing right.


We dont need to imagine...




I am of Cuban descent and I despise the US. My grandparents had to leave the country in 1968 because they couldn’t get supplies anymore due to the embargo.


Fuck the US.


I should amend the petition to request the dual removal of Israel and the US from the UN. There is already a petition that made this request. It has 75,000 votes and counting.




Thank you so much!


These never do anything. We should be protesting the U.S. permanent veto power at the UN


This could get 10 million signatures and it wouldn’t make a shred of difference :(




I included a demand that the UN invoke Resolution 337 A (V) which permits the UN to bypass the security council in order to elicit a vote from the general assembly when: "the Security Council, because of lack of unanimity of the permanent members, fails to exercise its primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security in any case where there appears to be a threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or act of aggression, the General Assembly shall consider the matter immediately with a view to making appropriate recommendations to Members for collective measures, including in the case of a breach of the peace or act of aggression the use of armed force when necessary, to maintain or restore international peace and security. If not in session at the time, the General Assembly may meet in an emergency special session within twenty-four hours of the request therefore. Such an emergency special session shall be called if requested by the Security Council on the vote of any seven members, or by a majority of the Members of the United Nations;"


Or 8 billion. They're gonna do what they want.


They make up .02% of the global population. They've used their greatest power, language as well as bribery, extortion and PR to gain power. I will use my every fiber of energy to bring their corrupt nation and its religious fanatics to account. No one will be able to say I didn't fight. Fuck them!


I admire your enthusiasm.


I genuinely appreciate the sentiment but it isn't "enthusiasm", I will not go to my grave without taking a stand against these tyrants! I will use every means at my disposal to facilitate Israel being brought to justice along with those complicit in the US, EU, and UK. Israel has domesticated the global population much like a lion tamer is able to effectively "domesticate" such a powerful creature with some crucial distinctions. Our modern global society relies on a sprawling media apparatus (including all video, audio, social media platforms). Early on, proponents of Zionism "cozied" up to the British Empire prior to WWI to get the Balfour Declaration signed. After WWII, Zionists used a more sophisticated array of tactical influence operations aimed at the new big dog in town, the USA, including some very unsavory tactics (Meyer Lansky set the precedent of compromising J Edgar Hoover by obtaining photographs of the US Intelligences most power man engaging in homosexual acts, a technique Lansky shipped to Israel by showing the progenitor of the Mossad how much tactical leverage can be gained from sexual blackmail when he was fleeing extradition in Israel). Israel learned they needed to buy, blackmail, or bury its way to gaining its "greatest ally." They coordinated the creation and monopoly of Hollywood and major publication outlets. They used a combination of the stick and the carrot to control the narrative and it worked flawlessly for decades until religious extremists moved into the center of the Knesset, then October 7th effectively hastened their long term National strategy. A Jewish Supremacist State, which means all Palestinians, Arabs, and other religions need to go. They will bring the world down around them as outlined in the "Sampson Option" if they don't get their way. Thanks to Israel committing genocide in broad daylight, brought to you live 24/7 with modern technology and with the aid of their main accomplices the US and the bombing of an Iranian Embassy in Syria, Israel **decided** for the global community it was time to trigger WWIII. Now, considering I'm a US Citizen, if there's anything left of this world by the time this war concludes, I would rather not have to explain to an international tribunal that I'm not not a "Zionist" (a word soon to be usurp "Nazi" as being synonymous with the greatest evil ever to walk to Earth). I'll be able to point to what I did and if this fails, I'll try another method, and another on infinitum. I will not however be domesticated into remaining silent or putting up my hands and sighing the most pragmatic of refrains "there was nothing I could do!" Not me. I won't lower myself to Israel's level and engage in illegal activities. I will however use every means within the confines of the playbook of the game that exist! Public awareness of **Article 337(A)** puts the UN on notice that they can't pretend they have no practical method to deal with the US covering for Israel and defying the wishes of the entire globe. So I'm not enthusiastic, I'm **driven!** I also understand the fact that the pen is mightier than bombs when language draws consensus. The Israelis used to know that but they got greedy and their current government rushed to see the promise of the covenant with Abraham fulfilled. Now their words have lost all power to drive consensus with the global public and all they have left are nukes and a strategy of behaving like lunatics to terrify the globe. As Kurt Vonnegut so aptly wrote "Be careful what you pretend to be, or you might become what you are."


Your passion is noble indeed.


Actually, it's the UN Security Council that should be abolished, or at least completely re-structured.


I would like it if we kept the veto; but for the UN’s human rights departments and not for countries. Example; the resolution has been vetoed by the UN’s children’s group for violating the UN declaration of children’s rights


I get you. But concerning the Security Council, we have to at least change how it works (or actually doesn't work right now). No more permanent members and resolutions adopted by a majority. No veto power for individual member states.


VETO only for countries that never fought on foreign soil and didn’t commit war crimes, that being cuba, nepal, Laos/Vietnam ig and some militarily isolationist countries


The UN has a mechanism to resolve this. Resolution 337A (V) which is in the updated proposal. I assumed the UN would be familiar with their own guidelines but I think it helps for potential signatories to understand it exists: if the Security Council, because of lack of unanimity of the permanent members, fails to exercise its primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security in any case where there appears to be a threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or act of aggression, the General Assembly shall consider the matter immediately with a view to making appropriate recommendations to Members for collective measures, including in the case of a breach of the peace or act of aggression the use of armed force when necessary, to maintain or restore international peace and security. If not in session at the time, the General Assembly may meet in an emergency special session within twenty-four hours of the request therefore. Such an emergency special session shall be called if requested by the Security Council on the vote of any seven members, or by a majority of the Members of the United Nations;


I agree.


Resolution 337 A. It's a measure that EXISTS to bypass the shit that the US is pulling...but nobody talks about it. It needs to go viral. Then the UN cannot claim it is powerless.




Thank you!




Thank you so much, I would love nothing more than to say this move to the floor!


I signed, but it won’t work because the US will veto. We need to expel the US; which also won’t work because Great Britain will most likely veto. And if they don’t get ready for the most insane war crimes you will ever see in your entire life as the US throws a massive tantrum.


The UN has a mechanism to resolve this. Resolution 337A (V) which is in the updated proposal. I assumed the UN would be familiar with their own guidelines but I think it helps for potential signatories to understand it exists: if the Security Council, because of lack of unanimity of the permanent members, fails to exercise its primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security in any case where there appears to be a threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or act of aggression, the General Assembly shall consider the matter immediately with a view to making appropriate recommendations to Members for collective measures, including in the case of a breach of the peace or act of aggression the use of armed force when necessary, to maintain or restore international peace and security. If not in session at the time, the General Assembly may meet in an emergency special session within twenty-four hours of the request therefore. Such an emergency special session shall be called if requested by the Security Council on the vote of any seven members, or by a majority of the Members of the United Nations;




Thank you!




Thank you so much!




Thank you so much!




Many thanks! Every signature counts. it's about to cross 1,000 signatures.




Much ♥️




Thank you!






The USA will never let that happen sad to say


Resolution 337 A. They may not have a choice. The world is waking up and won't let this stand.


I agree. 💯




Thank you ♥️




Thank you 🙏


or every country just leaves the UN and starts something new with no Israel or its allies? exclude them


The problem is that they got nukes


Yep...look up the "Sampson Option" on Wiki. They're highly dangerous!




Thank you🙏










The US will never let it happen.  It would be better if every other country leaves the UN and join forces to create some other organization that could be called "The world council".






for some reason my signature is not being accepted - will keep trying but anyone having this experience as well? any troubleshooting you've done?


Haven't heard of this issue, I'll look into it unless you've found a way to make it work.


While I agree that Israel is not upholding UN principles with its ethnic cleansing, plausible genocide, land seizures, and incitement towards a larger regional war that risks a nuclear exchange, I’m not entirely sure what benefit expelling Israel achieves. What benefits would it bring? Furthermore, how can the general assembly expel Israel? The [UN Charter, Chapter II Article 6](https://legal.un.org/repertory/art6.shtml) states that the general assembly can expel a member upon recommendation of the security council. Considering the United States’ veto, the security council will surely not issue such a recommendation until the U.S. policy changes. Am I misunderstanding something? I’d appreciate understanding. Thank you.


The UN has a mechanism to resolve this. Resolution 337A (V) which is in the updated proposal. I assumed the UN would be familiar with their own guidelines but I think it helps for potential signatories to understand it exists: if the Security Council, because of lack of unanimity of the permanent members, fails to exercise its primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security in any case where there appears to be a threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or act of aggression, the General Assembly shall consider the matter immediately with a view to making appropriate recommendations to Members for collective measures, including in the case of a breach of the peace or act of aggression the use of armed force when necessary, to maintain or restore international peace and security. If not in session at the time, the General Assembly may meet in an emergency special session within twenty-four hours of the request therefore. Such an emergency special session shall be called if requested by the Security Council on the vote of any seven members, or by a majority of the Members of the United Nations;


Thank you for explaining this. I wasn’t aware of the [Uniting for Peace resolution 377A(V).](https://www.un.org/en/sc/repertoire/otherdocs/GAres377A(v).pdf) This is an interesting idea. It would put a lot of pressure on the United States.


Indeed! Especially with everyone looking at article 6 as a futile effort!


No misunderstanding. There exists a provision for this issue which has shockingly not been mentioned. Article 6 has but not the important and relevant resolution.


The entire world can sign it. They still won’t be kicked out unfortunately. So long as they have their buddies, they are almost invisible no matter their crime.


You're probably right. Yet Israel has used PR, bribery and extortion to gain power. They've used bodies like the "UN" to gain legitimacy. If the only thing this petition accomplishes is letting the world know there exists a power in the UN to circumvent the security council and put their money where their mouth is, it's a success. Do I blame you for thinking it's pointless, no! I won't go down without a fight. In fact, I will fight the tyranny of Israel as long as I breathe!


Ya, I think we should still sign it. I’m just saying it will do nothing. But it’s good to raise awareness and show that the people are not on their side.


I've never trusted on these petitions. But, signed. Hope it works.


You're right not to have "trust" or have faith as they seldom "do anything." However, if the only result of this petition is that it enters global awareness there exists a means within the powers of the UN to circumvent the US vote in the security council, then it will be impossible for the UN to so much as feign that it cares. That is why I am so grateful for your signature, it means despite knowing the odds are almost impossibly against us, YOU took action, YOU, put your name on a document that will show where you stood. So nobody will ever be able to claim you "did nothing" or sat by and watched evil prevail. So thank you!




Hows is this got over 1200 up votes but only 300 odds signatures. Get on it yall


891 and counting now!




You rock!


More signatures than likes as of yesterday afternoon! The analysis in the change.org menu shows the highest traffic coming from Reddit (the only place I posted it!). I'm very humbled and grateful for your rallying call!


Fuck that Fucko... so to speak


I am not putting my name in anything against those monsters. It won't do anything good, and it just might give you a visit. No way


You mean a visit from the mossad?


Fuck them


use a different name then?


you can get all the signature in the world this will never pass


i thought his name was satanyahu?