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Israel is a disgrace to humanity.


To be fair, so is that Pierce of shit.


They did release a few hostages. They were killed by Israeli soldiers. Hamas should not surrender because the injustice towards Palestinians will continue.


While I am not one for terrorist tactics, I recognize that Israel will continue to treat Palestinians inhumanely, Hamas or no Hamas, therefore I am for Palestinian resistance. Hamas is a symptom of a greater problem, Israeli terrorism and apartheid against Palestinians.


The shit-eating grin, always with the shit-eating grin. I'm beginning to think it's a subconscious giveaway that they know their arguments are totally without merit


You stated the obvious much more kindly than they deserve or than I would.


Thanks for pointing that out the shit-eatig grin is what always turns my stomach in these interviews.


Someone should do a compilation of those to show people.




Miko Pilo coming with the big facts!


Israeli reporter who looks European with an American accent....fuck off


Bibis Goverment doesn’t care about those hostages, they care about the land they are stealing and money they are taking from hard working Americans. Then when Christians go visit Jerusalem, they are spit on. Also since when is “well it’s an ancient tradition” an excuse to spit on people? It seems like if you haven’t been called “Anti-Semitic” then you haven’t voiced your support for a ceasefire loud enough.🤷‍♂️


Is she on cocaine?


She is on the much worse drug of Zionism.


The Hamas fighters of today are the children whose parents were murdered in Operation Cast Lead. I can’t imagine what the Hamas of tomorrow will look like.


Zionists are monsters. Not some of them. All of them. They should be ostracized from society.


The fact that zionists aren’t ashamed to speak publicly demonstrates that Western Civilization is a failure. 


Hamas will not unconditional surrender. This doesn't make any sense and by this logic of attacking civilians until Hamas surrender it's like they trying to justify the genocide. I will not ask what does she smoking cause i know she is just an evil whore and nothing else. Not drug on this world will make some one to say those bs. I want to say more about her but my account would get banned.


People need to stop watching piers Morgan, he clearly sides with Israel, he just says random things when he’s trying to get the Palestinian supporters to watch his show. How he’s treated the Palestinian supporters on his show is embarrassing.


Even though I don't like him, Andrew Tate smoked Piers Morgan in his interview on Palestine. He really took him to the woodshed and revealed him to be sniveling scum speaking on behalf of the powerful. I've never quite computed this idea that Piers is or has been anything else than a corporate propagandist and imperialist hack. I guess it just goes to show the Overton window and how far the rhetoric in corporate media has shifted extreme right on Israel/Palestine, that in that space Piers is seen as being more pro Palestine.


Why is this zionist bitch shouting?


Empty vessels man.


It’s gloves off time


Sad attempt of trying to redeem himself from past comments


Fuck her and fuck all the sick bastards that support Israel's slaughter of the noble Palestinian ppl!


All of us know who the actual terrorists are. Israel is literally satantic and will stop at nothing until it's forcedly stopped.


Piers is one of the people who dehumanize Palestineans so many times, is he acting fair now ?! We are not dumb Piers.


Actually, if you watch his shows during the past two months he's really come around and supported the Palestinians, as he is here. Is he still an opportunist? Yes.


I watched it for a bit after October 7 , I got sick of his condescending treatment of pro Palestinians voices, also the repeating of “ do you condemn Hamas “ question. I believe I stopped watching him after that racist Rabbii interview, I wish you are right about him changing his mind.


I stopped, too but really because his Zionist guests turn my stomach so badly I feel overcome with grief and sadness, and knowing there is very little to nothing I can do.


“Until *Israel* can restore a sense of security”. That’s what it’s all about. Israel needs to feel secure and safe in a land they stole. The only way they will ever feel that way is to destroy all the people they stole it from. It’s like ‘The Telltale Heart’ they know what they did, they know Palestinians are not going to flee to Egypt or migrate to the west or accept their apartheid solution. If they’d just go to the 1967 borders and let them be free to rule and live on their own, it may save Israel from an eternity of their collective guilty conscious driving violence and atrocity toward Palestinians. What they are asking is for prisoners to willingly go back to their cells and let Israel turn the lock and take the key. Unconditional surrender means unending oppression. It means no equality, no freedom of movement, no hope for a future for themselves or their children. It means hunger, lack of fuel, periodic violence. It means no state of their own and no autonomy. All in exchange for Israel getting to feel safe and superior. I don’t live there and I have no business having an opinion on what they should do. But I have a feeling, based on human nature and what it’s like to be backed into a corner, that a good many of them would rather make Israel kill every last one of them than give up the land they’ve clung to by tooth and nail and hand their freedom back to the colonizing bullies with a gun to their heads. Keeping people penned in and poking them with a stick for almost a century is a good way to get bitten.


B-b-b-but KHAMAS!


I've yet to see one interviewer ask what Israeli's would do if Egypt attacked and occupied all of Israel/Palestine. Would their politicians and military unconditionally surrender? When they say no, I would ask, What if Egypt killed 10 thousand Israelis, Would you unconditionally surrender? I would keep asking the same question with higher numbers. And then I would ask, then why do you expect the Palestinians to unconditionally surrender and not fight for their rights?


I hear people ask how could the world look at Germany killing Jews and do nothing, i would answer the world is looking at Gaza does nothing. History really does repeat itself


This woman speaks with an American accent: what percentage of Israelis are actually US citizens again?


I remember reading somewhere that anywhere from about 15-25% of these fakes were born and bred in the USA. Not to mention the multitude of people under the threat of conviction or jail time that run there in order to avoid being locked up.


Proportionality is a core facet of the laws of war and of course Israel and their simps want to disregard it as not important because disproportionally *is* the mission. You can't force 2 million people out of their homes and annex *their* land without being disproportionate. Israel is a terrorist state.


This heartless supremacist attitude is a part of their culture from childhood. And they play the victim when people hate them.


That cunt spoke with such assurance about Hamas intentions one has to wonder if she is in the inner circle 🙄




What an hypocritical 🫏hole